# # Index of all Internet-Drafts # generated: 2023-09-24 01:07:41 PDT # # Description of fields: # 0 Internet-Draft name and latest revision # 1 always -1 (was internal numeric database id in earlier schema) # 2 one of "Active", "Expired", "RFC", "Withdrawn by Submitter", # "Replaced", or "Withdrawn by IETF" # 3 if #2 is "Active", the IESG state for the document (such as # "In Last Call", "AD Evaluation::Revised I-D Needed", or "I-D Exists"); # otherwise empty # 4 if #2 is "RFC", the RFC number (otherwise empty) # 5 if #2 is "Replaced", the replacing Internet-Draft name (otherwise empty) # 6 revision date (YYYY-MM-DD) # 7 group acronym (or empty if no group/not known) # 8 area acronym (or empty if not known; not necessarily accurate # for older Internet-Drafts) # 9 responsible AD name (or empty if not known) # 10 intended maturity level (or empty if not known) # 11 if #3 is "In Last Call" (with any substate), the last call # end date (YYYY-MM-DD); otherwise empty # 12 if #2 is "Active", list of file types; otherwise empty # 13 Internet-Draft title # 14 Internet-Draft authors (often quite inaccurate, especially the email # addresses...) # 15 Internet-Draft shepherd (Shep Erd ) # 16 Internet-Draft areadirector (Aread Irector ) # # new fields can be added to the end in the future, so remember to # ignore those in your code # draft-3gpp-collaboration-01 -1 RFC 3113 2001-04-12 Informational 3GPP-IETF Standardization Collaboration Raj Sanmugam , Scott Bradner , Karl Rosenbrock , John Klensin draft-3k1n-6tisch-alice0-01 -1 Expired 2016-12-16 Autonomous Link-based TSCH Cell Scheduling Seohyang Kim , Na Kim , Nguyen Lam , Seoul University draft-451-imp-report-00 -1 Expired 2017-07-17 Implementation Report for HTTP Status Code 451 (RFC 7725) Sunil Abraham , Maria Canales , Joseph Hall , Olga Khrustaleva , Niels ten Oever , Christine Runnegar , Shivan Sahib draft-451-new-protocol-elements-01 -1 Replaced draft-sahib-451-new-protocol-elements 2017-10-27 New protocol elements for HTTP Status Code 451 Shivan Sahib draft-6man-pmip6-ind-00 -1 Replaced draft-damic-6man-pmip6-ind 2009-03-03 Proxy Mobile IPv6 indication and discovery Damjan Damic draft-6man-udpzero-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-udpzero 2010-05-08 IPv6 UDP Checksum Considerations Gorry Fairhurst , Magnus Westerlund draft-6tisch-enrollment-enhanced-beacon-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-17 IEEE802.15.4 Informational Element encapsulation of 6tisch Join and Enrollment Information Diego Dujovne , Michael Richardson draft-7996-bis-00 -1 Expired 2017-12-13 SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC Nevil Brownlee draft-aa-ldp-link-shut-01 -1 Expired 2019-08-22 LDP behaviour on link-shut scenarios Anush Mohan , Anup T draft-aa-mpls-ldp-link-shut-00 -1 Expired 2019-09-05 LDP behaviour on link-shut scenarios Anush Mohan , Anup T draft-aanchal4-ntp-mac-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ntp-mac 2016-10-26 ntp int Message Authentication Codes for the Network Time Protocol Aanchal Malhotra , Sharon Goldberg draft-aanchal-time-implementation-guidance-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ntp-implementation-guidance 2019-07-08 ntp int On Implementing Time Aanchal Malhotra , Kristof Teichel , Martin Hoffmann , Willem Toorop draft-aaron-acme-ari-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-acme-ari 2022-07-26 Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Renewal Information (ARI) Extension Aaron Gable draft-aartsetuijn-nipst-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-28 A method for network initiated partial session transfers Aartse Tuijn , Dennis Bijwaard draft-aayadi-6lowpan-tcphc-01 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 TCP header compression for 6LoWPAN Ahmed Ayadi , David Ros , Laurent Toutain draft-aazam-cdni-inter-cloud-architecture-03 -1 Expired 2015-11-13 Inter-Cloud Computing Architecture Mohammad Aazam draft-abade-xcast20-routing-engine-spec-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-18 Design and Implementation of an XCAST6 Routing Engine Elisha Abade , Nobuo Kawaguchi draft-abad-i2nsf-sdn-ipsec-flow-protection-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-i2nsf-sdn-ipsec-flow-protection 2017-05-04 i2nsf sec Software-Defined Networking (SDN)-based IPsec Flow Protection Rafael Marin-Lopez , Gabriel Lopez-Millan draft-abad-sdnrg-sdn-ipsec-flow-protection-01 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Software-Defined Networking (SDN)-based IPsec Flow Protection Alejandro Abad-Carrascosa , Rafael Marin-Lopez , Gabriel Lopez-Millan draft-abarbanel-idr-bgp4-te-01 -1 Expired 2000-06-28 BGP-4 support for Traffic Engineering Ben Abarbanel , Senthil Venkatachalam draft-abarth-cake-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-05 Origin Cookies Adam Barth draft-abarth-cookie-07 -1 Expired 2009-12-30 HTTP State Management Mechanism Adam Barth draft-abarth-mime-sniff-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-websec-mime-sniff 2011-01-24 Media Type Sniffing Adam Barth , Ian Hickson draft-abarth-origin-09 -1 Expired 2010-11-26 The Web Origin Concept Adam Barth draft-abarth-principles-of-origin-00 -1 Expired 2011-02-21 Principles of the Same-Origin Policy Adam Barth draft-abarth-thewebsocketprotocol-01 -1 Expired 2011-01-09 The WebSocket protocol Ian Fette , Adam Barth draft-abarth-url-01 -1 Expired 2011-04-23 Parsing URLs for Fun and Profit Adam Barth draft-abarth-websocket-handshake-01 -1 Expired 2010-11-09 The WebSocket protocol Adam Barth draft-abd-mpls-ldp-identifier-name-00 -1 Expired 2018-09-21 MPLS LDP Identifier Name N Anil , Deepak Gowda , sajibasilgmail.com draft-abdo-hostid-tcpopt-implementation-03 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 HOST_ID TCP Options: Implementation & Preliminary Test Results Elie Abdo , Mohamed Boucadair , Jaqueline Queiroz draft-abeille-netlmm-proxymip6ro-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-13 Route Optimization for Proxy Mobile IPv6 Marco Liebsch , Long Le , Julien Abeille draft-abela-ulm-05 -1 Expired 1999-06-01 Universal Format for Logger Messages Jerome Abela draft-abela-utf9-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-24 UTF-9, a transformation format of UCS Jerome Abela draft-abel-nfc-urn-00 -1 RFC 4729 2006-06-01 app Ted Hardie Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum Miller Abel Ted Hardie draft-abel-vbas-01 -1 Expired 2004-04-15 Virtual Broadband Access Server Protocol for communicating between BAS and IP-DSLAM Abel Wang , Wenxiu Xu , Yanqing Lu , Lei Cao , Rong Zhang , Tao Zhang draft-abfb-mpls-tp-control-plane-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-tp-cp-framework 2010-02-22 MPLS-TP Control Plane Framework Loa Andersson , Lou Berger , Luyuan Fang , Nabil Bitar , Attila Takacs , Martin Vigoureux , Elisa Bellagamba draft-abhattacharya-bess-l2vpn-ipv6-remotepe-03 -1 Expired 2015-02-19 Provisioning, Auto-Discovery, and Signaling in L2VPNs for IPv6 Remote PE Avik Bhattacharya , Apratim Mukherjee draft-abhattacharya-l2vpn-signaling-ipv6-remotepe-00 -1 Replaced draft-abhattacharya-bess-l2vpn-ipv6-remotepe 2015-01-14 Provisioning, Auto-Discovery, and Signaling in L2VPNs for IPv6 Remote PE Avik Bhattacharya , Apratim Mukherjee draft-abhi-covert-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-16 Normalization in the unused header fields of TCP/IP Abhishek Singh draft-abhi-eap-radius-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-13 Secure Communication of EAP - Radius messages Abhishek Singh draft-abhishek-coin-xr-edge-cloud-00 -1 Expired 2021-04-27 A collaborative Edge-Cloud framework for XR applications Rohit Abhishek draft-abhishek-mmusic-overlay-grouping-00 -1 Replaced draft-abhishek-mmusic-superimposition-grouping 2020-10-27 SDP Overlay Grouping framework for immersive telepresence media streams Rohit Abhishek draft-abhishek-mmusic-superimposition-grouping-02 -1 Expired 2021-06-01 SDP Superimposition Grouping framework Rohit Abhishek , Stephan Wenger draft-abhishek-refer-to-event-parameter-01 -1 Expired 2015-06-22 Conveying Event Tag with the Session Initiation Protocol REFER Method Abhishek Gupta draft-abid-eap-osfr-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-13 OSFR (Optimized network Selection for Fast Roaming) Mohamed Abid draft-abiggs-saag-key-management-service-03 -1 Expired 2015-11-03 Key Management Service Architecture Andrew Biggs , Shaun Cooley draft-abiggs-saag-primitives-for-conf-group-comms-01 -1 Expired 2015-11-03 Primitives for Confidential Group Communications Andrew Biggs , Shaun Cooley draft-abilash-quic-network-00 -1 Expired 2017-01-05 Network Enhancements for QUIC Abilash Menon , Ritesh Mukherjee draft-abiri-cpfp-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-30 Certified Pan Formation Protocol Aroua Biri draft-aboba-802-context-02 -1 Expired 2002-04-08 A Model for Context Transfer in IEEE 802 Bernard Aboba , Tim Moore draft-aboba-acct-02 -1 Expired 1999-10-04 aaa ops Introduction to Accounting Management Bernard Aboba , Jari Arkko draft-aboba-avtcore-hevc-webrtc-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-24 avtcore art .txt H.265 Profile for WebRTC Bernard Aboba , Philipp Hancke draft-aboba-avtcore-quic-multiplexing-04 -1 Expired 2020-01-29 QUIC Multiplexing Bernard Aboba , Peter Thatcher , Colin Perkins draft-aboba-avtcore-rfc7983bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avtcore-rfc7983bis 2020-11-20 avtcore art Multiplexing Scheme Updates for QUIC Bernard Aboba , Gonzalo Salgueiro , Colin Perkins draft-aboba-avtcore-sfu-rtp-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Codec-Independent Selective Forwarding Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-context-802-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-15 A Model for Context Transfer in IEEE 802 Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-dhc-domsearch-09 -1 RFC 3397 2002-01-15 Proposed Standard Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Domain Search Option Stuart Cheshire , Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-dhc-mdns-conf-01 -1 Expired 2000-03-15 Multicast DNS Configuration Option Bernard Aboba , Dave Thaler , Levon Esibov draft-aboba-dhc-mini-04 -1 Expired 2001-10-01 The Mini-DHCP Server Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-dhc-nad-ipv4-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-18 IPv4 Network Attachment Detection Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-dnsext-mdns-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsext-mdns 2000-07-21 Multicast DNS Levon Esibov , Bernard Aboba , Dave Thaler draft-aboba-dynradius-01 -1 Expired 1997-11-21 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Dynamic Attributes for the Remote Access Dialin User Service (RADIUS) Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-ieee802-rel-04 -1 Expired 2005-04-05 History of the IEEE 802/IETF Relationship Les Bell , Dan Romascanu , Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-ip-config-05 -1 Expired 2007-10-11 Principles of Internet Host Configuration Bernard Aboba , Dave Thaler , Loa Andersson draft-aboba-ips-iscsi-security-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-20 Securing iSCSI using IPsec Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-ipsra-req-02 -1 Expired 2000-11-21 IPSEC Remote Access Protocol Evaluation Criteria Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-nat-ipsec-04 -1 Expired 2001-05-30 IPSEC-NAT Compatibility Requirements Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-ppp-01 -1 Expired 1997-11-21 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for PPP Authentication Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-pppext-eapgss-12 -1 Expired 2002-04-08 EAP GSS Authentication Protocol Bernard Aboba , Daniel Simon draft-aboba-pppext-eap-iana-02 -1 Expired 2002-10-14 EAP IANA Considerations Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-pppext-eap-vendor-01 -1 Expired 2002-02-28 The Vendor-Specific EAP Method Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-pppext-key-problem-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-eap-keying 2003-08-11 EAP Key Management Framework Bernard Aboba , Daniel Simon draft-aboba-radext-fixes-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-radext-fixes 2006-06-08 Common RADIUS Implementation Issues and Suggested Fixes David Nelson draft-aboba-radext-wlan-15 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-radext-ieee802ext 2011-10-22 RADIUS Attributes for IEEE 802 Networks Bernard Aboba , Jouni Malinen , Paul Congdon , Joseph Salowey draft-aboba-radius-05 -1 Expired 1999-08-26 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Schema for the Remote Access Dialin User Service (RADIUS) Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-radius-iana-07 -1 RFC 3575 2003-04-24 ops Randy Bush Proposed Standard IANA Considerations for RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) Bernard Aboba Randy Bush draft-aboba-radius-ipv6-10 -1 RFC 3162 2001-06-25 Proposed Standard RADIUS and IPv6 Glen Zorn , David Mitton , Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-radius-rfc2869bis-22 -1 RFC 3579 2003-05-16 ops Randy Bush Informational RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) Support For Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Pat Calhoun , Bernard Aboba Randy Bush draft-aboba-roamops-adif-00 -1 Expired 2001-01-22 The Accounting Data Interchange Format (ADIF) Bernard Aboba , Dave Lidyard draft-aboba-rpsl-00 -1 Expired 1997-11-26 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Schema for the Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-rtcweb-ecrit-01 -1 Expired 2013-06-14 Emergency Services Support in WebRTC Bernard Aboba , Martin Thomson draft-aboba-rtp-http-02 -1 Expired 1998-03-28 Payload Format for HTTP Encoding in RTP Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-rtpscale-02 -1 Expired 1997-01-29 avt rai Alternatives for Enhancing RTCP Scalability Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-sg-experiment-04 -1 RFC 5111 2007-10-24 gen Jari Arkko Experimental Experiment in Exploratory Group Formation within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Lakshminath Dondeti , Bernard Aboba Jari Arkko draft-aboba-unweb-00 -1 Expired 1997-03-26 Requirements for Unreliable Multicasting of Web Resources Bernard Aboba draft-aboba-zeroconf-multi-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-07 Auto-Addressing in Multi-segment Networks Bernard Aboba draft-abondo-hmprsvp-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-18 Hierarchical Proxy Mobile Ressource Reservation Protocol Charles Abondo , Samuel Pierre draft-abouabdalla-multisip-00 -1 Expired 2006-08-03 Multipoint Session Initiation Protocol (MSIP) Omar Abouabdalla draft-aboulmagd-ccamp-crldp-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 Supporting Call and Connection Control Separation using CR-LDP Osama Aboul-Magd draft-aboulmagd-ccamp-crldp-ason-ext-02 -1 RFC 3475 2002-12-06 gen Scott Bradner Informational Documentation of IANA assignments for Constraint-Based LSP setup using LDP (CR-LDP) Extensions for Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON) Osama Aboul-Magd Scott Bradner draft-aboulmagd-ccamp-transport-lmp-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-transport-lmp 2004-07-20 A Transport Network View to LMP Osama Aboul-Magd draft-aboulmagd-ipo-ason-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-26 Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON) Architecture and Its Related Protocols Osama Aboul-Magd draft-aboulmagd-mpls-ldp-optical-uni-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-20 LDP Extensions for Optical User Network Interface (O-UNI) Signaling Osama Aboul-Magd , Raj Jain , Bala Rajagopalan , Robert Rennison draft-aboulmagd-srvc-def-crldp-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-26 A Framework for Service Definition and Interworking Using CR-LDP Osama Aboul-Magd , Bilel Jamoussi draft-aboulmagd-trtcm-inprofile-02 -1 RFC 4115 2004-11-30 tsv Jon Peterson Informational A Differentiated Service Two-Rate, Three-Color Marker with Efficient Handling of in-Profile Traffic Sameh Rabie , Osama Aboul-Magd Jon Peterson draft-abraitis-bgp-version-capability-13 -1 Expired 2023-02-01 Informational Software Version Capability for BGP Donatas Abraitis Eliot Lear draft-abraitis-extcommunity-paths-00 -1 Expired 2023-01-10 BGP Available Paths Count Extended Community Russ White , Donatas Abraitis draft-abr-twitter-reply-00 -1 Expired 2018-09-07 A reply to a specific tweet Adam Roach draft-absw-mpls-lsp-ping-mpls-tp-oam-conf-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-mpls-tp-oam-conf 2010-07-02 Configuration of pro-active MPLS-TP Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Functions Using LSP Ping Elisa Bellagamba , Loa Andersson , Pontus Skoldstrom , David Ward draft-accilent-at-sign-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2010-07-30 .txt,.xml Clarification of Proper Use of "@" (at sign) in URI-style Components Robert Simpson draft-acee-idr-lldp-peer-discovery-16 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-05 idr rtg .html,.txt,.xml BGP Logical Link Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Peer Discovery Acee Lindem , Keyur Patel , Shawn Zandi , Jeffrey Haas , Xiaohu Xu <13910161692@qq.com> Jie Dong draft-acee-lsr-isis-yang-augmentation-v1-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-isis-yang-augmentation-v1 2021-01-06 lsr rtg Proposed Standard IS-IS YANG Model Augmentations for Additional Features - Version 1 Acee Lindem , Stephane Litkowski , Yingzhen Qu Christian Hopps draft-acee-lsr-ospf-admin-tags-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-admin-tags 2020-09-23 lsr rtg Proposed Standard Extensions to OSPF for Advertising Prefix Administrative Tags Acee Lindem , Peter Psenak Christian Hopps draft-acee-lsr-ospf-transport-instance-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-transport-instance 2021-02-21 lsr rtg OSPF Transport Instance Extensions Acee Lindem , Yingzhen Qu , Abhay Roy , Sina Mirtorabi Les Ginsberg draft-acee-lsr-ospfv3-extended-lsa-yang-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-ospfv3-extended-lsa-yang 2019-08-13 lsr rtg YANG Model for OSPFv3 Extended LSAs Acee Lindem , Sharmila Palani , Yingzhen Qu draft-acee-lsr-ospfv3-sr-yang-08 -1 Expired 2022-10-21 YANG Data Model for OSPFv3 Segment Routing Acee Lindem , Yingzhen Qu draft-acee-lsr-ospf-yang-augmentation-v1-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-yang-augmentation-v1 2019-08-13 lsr rtg OSPF YANG Model Augmentations for Additional Features - Version 1 Acee Lindem , Yingzhen Qu draft-acee-mip4-bulk-revocation-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-12 Bulk Registration Revocation in Mobile IPv4 Acee Lindem , Anand Oswal draft-acee-netmod-rfc8022bis-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-rfc8022bis 2017-10-30 A YANG Data Model for Routing Management (NDMA Version) Ladislav Lhotka , Acee Lindem , Yingzhen Qu draft-acee-ospf-admin-tags-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-admin-tags 2020-09-23 Extensions to OSPF for Advertising Prefix/Link Administrative Tags Acee Lindem , Peter Psenak draft-acee-ospf-bgp-rr-01 -1 Expired 2017-09-07 OSPF Extensions for Advertising/Signaling BGP Route Reflector Information Acee Lindem , Keyur Patel , Shawn Zandi , Robert Raszuk draft-acee-ospf-geo-location-05 -1 Expired 2017-10-18 OSPF Extensions for Advertising/Signaling Geo Location Information Acee Lindem , Naiming Shen , Enke Chen draft-acee-ospf-multi-instance-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-multi-instance 2008-09-21 OSPF Multi-Instance Extensions Acee Lindem , Abhay Roy , Sina Mirtorabi draft-acee-ospf-ospfv3-autoconfig-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-autoconfig 2012-07-11 OSPFv3 Auto-Configuration Acee Lindem , Jari Arkko draft-acee-ospf-prefix-link-attr-impl-03 -1 Expired 2015-05-08 OSPF Prefix/Link Attributes Extension Implementation Report Acee Lindem draft-acee-ospf-rfc4970bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-rfc4970bis 2014-07-31 Extensions to OSPF for Advertising Optional Router Capabilities Acee Lindem , Naiming Shen , Vasseur Jp , Rahul Aggarwal , Scott Shaffer draft-acee-ospf-rfc6506bis-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-rfc6506bis 2013-06-23 Supporting Authentication Trailer for OSPFv3 Manav Bhatia , Vishwas Manral , Acee Lindem draft-acee-ospf-transport-instance-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-transport-instance 2009-02-26 OSPF Transport Instance Extensions Acee Lindem , Abhay Roy , Sina Mirtorabi draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend 2013-09-10 OSPFv3 LSA Extendibility Acee Lindem , Sina Mirtorabi , Abhay Roy , Fred Baker draft-acee-rtgwg-vrrp-rfc8347bis-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-05 .html,.txt,.xml A YANG Data Model for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Acee Lindem , Xufeng Liu , Athanasios Kyparlis , Ravi Parikh , Mingui Zhang draft-acee-rtgwg-yang-rib-extend-10 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-yang-rib-extend 2019-03-04 rtgwg rtg RIB YANG Data Model Acee Lindem , Yingzhen Qu draft-acee-rtg-yang-key-chain-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-yang-key-chain 2015-10-15 Key Chain YANG Data Model Acee Lindem , Yingzhen Qu , Derek Yeung , Ing-Wher Chen , Zhaohui Zhang , Yi Yang draft-acg-mboned-deprecate-interdomain-asm-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mboned-deprecate-interdomain-asm 2018-07-02 Deprecating ASM for Interdomain Multicast Mikael Abrahamsson , Tim Chown , Lenny Giuliano , Toerless Eckert draft-acg-mboned-multicast-models-02 -1 Replaced draft-acg-mboned-deprecate-interdomain-asm 2017-10-30 Deprecating ASM for Interdomain Multicast Mikael Abrahamsson , Tim Chown , Lenny Giuliano draft-achanta-dhc-ap-options-00 -1 Expired 2005-06-02 DHCP Option for Radio Configuration Parameters to Mobile Access Points Murali Achanta draft-acharya-ipsecme-esp-ecmp-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-21 .html,.txt,.xml UDP encapsulated ESP for ECMP Dipankar Acharya , Hugh Holbrook draft-acharya-ipsofacto-mpls-mcast-00 -1 Expired 1999-02-25 IP Multicast Support in MPLS Networks Arup Acharya , Frederic Griffoul , Furquan Ansari draft-acharya-ipsw-fast-cell-00 -1 Expired 1997-07-11 IPSOFACTO: IP Switching Over Fast ATM Cell Transport Arup Acharya draft-achi-rpki-signed-object-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sidr-signed-object 2010-08-20 Signed Object Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure Matt Lepinski , Andrew Chi , Stephen Kent draft-ackermann-ntp-pdm-ntp-usage-00 -1 Expired 2014-01-24 Usage of NTP for the PDM DOH IPv6 Extension Header Michael Ackermann , Nalini Elkins , William Jouris , Keven Haining draft-ackermann-tictoc-pdm-ntp-usage-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-04 Usage of NTP for the PDM DOH IPv6 Extension Header Michael Ackermann , Nalini Elkins , William Jouris draft-acme-ari-00 -1 Expired 2022-08-17 Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Renewal Information (ARI) Extension Aaron Gable draft-acme-device-attest-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-24 acme sec .html,.txt,.xml Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Device Attestation Extension Brandon Weeks draft-activity-identifiers-01 -1 Expired 2019-05-23 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Activity Identifiers Scott Perham draft-actn-requirement-02 -1 Expired 2015-04-06 Requirements for Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks Young Lee , Sergio Belotti , Khuzema Pithewan , Daniele Ceccarelli draft-adam-gsmp-min-resource-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-27 A Minimal ATM Switch Resource Model for GSMP Constantin Adam , Aurel Lazar , Mahesan Nandikesan draft-adam-gsmp-qgsmp-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-24 The qGSMP Protocol Carlisle Adams , Aurel Lazar draft-adam-gsmp-service-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-27 An ATM Switch Service Model for GSMP Constantin Adam , Aurel Lazar , Mahesan Nandikesan draft-adam-gsmp-sr-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-27 A Quality of Service Extension to the Minimal Resource Set Constantin Adam , Aurel Lazar , Mahesan Nandikesan draft-adams-bimi-reporting-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-03 .html,.txt,.xml BIMI Reporting Trent Adams , Alex Brotman draft-adams-cast-256-00 -1 RFC 2612 1999-02-26 Informational The CAST-256 Encryption Algorithm Carlisle Adams , Jeff Gilchrist draft-adams-cmpaltcert-06 -1 RFC 4212 2005-04-20 sec Russ Housley Informational Alternative Certificate Formats for the Public-Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX) Certificate Management Protocols Mikhail Blinov , Carlisle Adams Russ Housley draft-adams-dcs-00 -1 Expired 1998-06-05 Data Certification Server Protocols Carlisle Adams , Robert Zuccherato draft-adams-notary-01 -1 Expired 1998-02-27 Notary Protocols Carlisle Adams , Robert Zuccherato draft-adamson-elasticmcast-00 -1 Expired 2013-11-05 Elastic Multicast Routing Protocol Brian Adamson , Claudiu Danilov , Joseph Macker draft-adamson-ipng-radio-req-00 -1 RFC 1677 1994-04-08 Tactical Radio Frequency Communication Requirements for IPng Brian Adamson draft-adamson-nfsv4-multi-domain-access-04 -1 Expired 2011-03-13 NFSv4 Multi-Domain Access Andy Adamson , Kevin Coffman , Nicolás Williams draft-adamson-nfsv4-multi-domain-federated-fs-reqs-05 -1 Expired 2014-09-22 NFSv4 Multi-Domain FedFS Requirements Andy Adamson , Nicolás Williams draft-adamson-nfsv4-spkm3-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-17 Low Infrastructure Mutual Authentication Using SPKM-3 William Adamson , Olga Kornievskaia draft-adamson-rfc2847-bis-01 -1 Expired 2006-08-21 gen Sam Hartman Proposed Standard Low Infrastructure Public Key Mechanisms: SPKM-3 and LIPKEY William Adamson Sam Hartman draft-adamson-roca-rmtsec-issues-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-18 Security and Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols: Discussions and Guidelines Brian Adamson , Vincent Roca draft-adams-qos-broadband-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-20 A New QoS Mechanism for Mass-Market Broadband John Adams , Adam Smith draft-adams-time-stamp-02 -1 Expired 1998-06-05 Time Stamp Protocols Carlisle Adams , Denis Pinkas , Patrick Cain , Robert Zuccherato draft-adams-tsvwg-flow-signaling-identification-00 -1 Expired 2009-09-15 Flow State Aware signalling standardisation, and a proposal for alerting nodes or end-systems on data related to a flow John Adams draft-adams-tsvwg-flow-signalling-codepoint-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-24 Progress and future development of Flow State Aware standards, and a proposal for alerting nodes or end-systems on data related to a flow John Adams , Jinoo Joung draft-adan-idr-tidr-01 -1 Expired 2006-12-11 Tunneled Inter-domain Routing (TIDR) Juan Adan draft-add-ackfreq-to-tcp-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-26 Custom TCP Ack. Frequency Marc Larue draft-add-location-to-ipv6-header-01 -1 Expired 2013-05-17 Enhancing Location Based IP Services Ammar Salih draft-addogra-rtgwg-vrrp-rfc5798bis-12 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-vrrp-rfc5798bis 2022-07-09 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4 and IPv6 Acee Lindem , Aditya Dogra draft-adell-client-roaming-00 -1 Expired 2022-06-15 Client Roaming Control Eugene Adell draft-adel-vpn-service-management-model-00 -1 Replaced draft-zaalouk-supa-vpn-service-management-model 2015-01-30 VPN Service Management YANG Data Model Dacheng Zhang , Adel Zaalouk , Kostas Pentikousis draft-adid-urn-03 -1 RFC 8107 2017-01-17 art Alexey Melnikov Informational Advertising Digital Identifier (Ad-ID) URN Namespace Definition jwoldad-id.org Alexey Melnikov draft-adie-shave-00 -1 Expired 1993-10-12 SGML-based Hierarchical Attribute/Value Encoding (SHAVE) Chris Adie draft-adie-spci-00 -1 Expired 1993-10-12 SGML-based Personal Contact Information (SPCI) Chris Adie draft-adjih-dragoncast-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Broadcast With Network Coding: DRAGONCAST Cédric Adjih , Songyean Cho , Emmanuel Baccelli draft-adjih-manet-autoconf-detect-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-20 Conflict Detection in MANET Autoconf Cédric Adjih , Kenichi Mase draft-adkp-grow-ixpcommunities-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 BGP Large Communities applications for IXP Route Servers Melchior Aelmans , Stavros Konstantaras , Stefan Plug , Christoph Dietzel draft-adligo-hybi-asbp-02 -1 Expired 2016-10-07 Asynchronous Services Bus Protocol Scott Morgan , Adligo Inc draft-adolf-dvb-urn-05 -1 RFC 5328 2008-06-24 app Lisa Dusseault Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) Peter MacAvock , Alexander Adolf Lisa Dusseault draft-adolf-dvb-urn-upd-01 -1 RFC 7354 2014-06-30 app Barry Leiba Informational Update to the Registrant Information for the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace Alexander Adolf , Peter Siebert Barry Leiba Barry Leiba draft-adpkja-dnsop-special-names-problem-06 -1 Expired 2016-09-10 Problem Statement for the Reservation of Special-Use Domain Names using RFC6761 Geoff Huston , Peter Koch , Alain Durand , Warren Kumari draft-adrangi-eap-network-discovery-14 -1 RFC 4284 2005-08-15 int Margaret Cullen Informational Identity Selection Hints for the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Farid Adrangi , Farooq Bari , Pasi Eronen , Victor Lortz Margaret Cullen draft-adrangi-eap-network-discovery-and-selection-01 -1 Expired 2004-03-12 Network Discovery and Selection within the EAP Framework Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-mipv4-midbox-traversal-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-16 Mobile IPv4 Traversal Across NAT and VPN Gateways Farid Adrangi , Prakash Iyer draft-adrangi-mobileip-nat-vpn-problem-stat-req-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-22 Problem Statement and Requirements for Mobile IPv4 Traversal Across VPN or 'NAT and VPN' Gateways Farid Adrangi , Prakash Iyer draft-adrangi-mobileip-vpn-traversal-02 -1 Expired 2002-06-13 Mobile IPv4 Traversal Across IPsec-based VPN Gateways Farid Adrangi , Prakash Iyer , Sami Vaarala draft-adrangi-radius-attributes-extension-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-21 RADIUS Attributes Extension Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-radius-bandwidth-capability-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-21 Access Network Bandwidth Capability Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-radius-chargeable-user-identity-02 -1 Expired 2004-10-26 Chargeable User Identity Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-radius-extension-for-pwlan-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-22 RADIUS Extension for Public Wireless LAN Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-radiusext-location-information-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 Attributes for Access Network Location and Ownership Information Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-radius-issues-in-pwlan-roaming-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-25 RADIUS Issues in Public Wireless LAN Roaming Scenarios Farid Adrangi draft-adrangi-radius-location-information-attribut-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 Attributes for Access Network Location and Ownership Information Farid Adrangi draft-adubey-bfd-service-redundancy-03 -1 Expired 2020-01-24 Service Redundancy using BFD Sami Boutros , Ankur Dubey , Reshad Rahman draft-adwankar-netconf-datamodel-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-21 NetConf Data Model Sandeep Adwankar draft-adwankar-netconf-reporting-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-21 Reporting Schema for NetConf Protocol Sandeep Adwankar , Sharon Chisholm draft-adwankar-netconf-symple-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-22 SYMPLE Scripting Protocol and architecture for seamless management of XML based mobile devices and SNMP based devices Sandeep Adwankar draft-aeble-ooo-replies-00 -1 Expired 2003-09-29 Security Best Practices: Out-of-Office Replies Axel Eble draft-afifi-igprs-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-17 Internet General Packet Radio Service (IGPRS); Service description Charles Perkins , Hossam AFIFI draft-afifi-sixtel-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-24 Support of IPv6 over Cellular Communications Systems (6Tel) Jim Bound , Laurent Toutain , Hossam AFIFI draft-afrvrd-dnsop-stateful-hbs-for-dnssec-00 -1 Expired 2022-03-02 Stateful Hash-based Signatures For DNSSEC Andrew Fregly , Roland van Rijswijk-Deij draft-aft-detnet-bound-delay-queue-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-09 .txt Enforcing end-to-end delay bounds via queue resizing Antoine Fressancourt draft-agache-tcpm-sndbufadv-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-20 TCP Sendbuffer Advertising Alexandru Agache , Costin Raiciu draft-agapi-ini-gwloc-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-19 Internet Telephony Gateway Location Service Protocol Ciprian Agapi , Chien-Hsiu Chiu , Thoong-Shin Chong , Harold Phillips , Brian Willingham draft-agarwal-bgp-proxy-community-00 -1 Expired 2004-01-21 BGP Proxy Community Community Sharad Agarwal draft-agarwal-intarea-mams-protocol-json-00 -1 Replaced draft-kanugovi-intarea-mams-framework 2017-07-03 Control Plane Message Definitions for Multiple Access Management Services in JSON Salil Agarwal , Satish Kanugovi , Shuping Peng , Julius Mueller draft-agarwal-mpls-ttl-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ttl 2001-10-09 TTL Processing in MPLS Networks Puneet Agarwal , Bora Akyol draft-age-masque-connect-ip-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-masque-connect-ip 2021-10-25 masque tsv IP Proxying Support for HTTP Tommy Pauly , David Schinazi , Alex Chernyakhovsky , Mirja Kühlewind , Magnus Westerlund draft-aggarwal-dnssd-optimize-query-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Optimizing DNS-SD query using TXT records Ashutosh Aggarwal draft-aggarwal-nfsv4-cksum-01 -1 Expired 2006-05-12 gen Lars Eggert Extensions to NFSv4 for Checksums Alok Aggarwal Lars Eggert draft-aggarwal-pip-reqts-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-11 Presence Information Protocol Requirements Gordon Mohr , Mark Day draft-aggarwal-services-03 -1 RFC 1291 1991-10-25 Mid-Level Networks Potential Technical Services draft-aghule-intarea-oam-01 -1 Expired 2019-08-08 Use of The IPv4 Reserved-flag for OAM Ashish Ghule , Ron Bonica draft-agl-cfrgcurve-00 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-curves 2015-01-06 cfrg Elliptic Curves for Security Adam Langley draft-agl-ckdf-01 -1 Expired 2015-08-24 CMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (CKDF) Adam Langley draft-agl-dane-serializechain-01 -1 Expired 2011-07-01 Serializing DNS Records with DNSSEC Authentication Adam Langley draft-agl-tcpm-sadata-01 -1 Expired 2008-08-05 Faster application handshakes with SYN/ACK payloads Adam Langley draft-agl-tls-chacha20poly1305-04 -1 Expired 2013-11-22 ChaCha20 and Poly1305 based Cipher Suites for TLS Adam Langley , Wan-Teh Chang draft-agl-tls-encryptedclientcerts-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-24 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encrypted Client Certificates Adam Langley draft-agl-tls-nextproto-00 -1 Expired 2011-05-14 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Next Protocol Extension Paul Hoffman , Adam Langley draft-agl-tls-nextprotoneg-04 -1 Expired 2012-05-21 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Next Protocol Negotiation Extension Adam Langley draft-agl-tls-padding-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-padding 2014-01-08 sec Sean Turner Proposed Standard A TLS padding extension Adam Langley Sean Turner draft-agl-tls-snapstart-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-18 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Snap Start Adam Langley draft-ago-spirits-icw-00 -1 Expired 2000-02-15 NEC contribution on pre-Spirits ICW implementations Shinji Ago , S Moeenuddin , S Hadvani draft-agrawal-bess-bgp-srv6-mpls-interworking-00 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 BGP extensions for SRv6 and MPLS interworking Swadesh Agrawal , Dhananjaya Rao , Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Dan Voyer , Zhenbin Li draft-agrawal-roy-palawat-sip-h323-interworking-01 -1 Expired 2000-04-11 SIP-H.323 Interworking Requirements Hemant Agrawal , Vipin Palawat , Radhika Roy draft-agrawal-sip-h323-interworking-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-13 SIP-H.323 Interworking Hemant Agrawal draft-agrawal-sip-h323-interworking-reqs-07 -1 RFC 4123 2004-10-20 tsv Jon Peterson Informational Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-H.323 Interworking Requirements Charles Agboh , Henning Schulzrinne Jon Peterson draft-agrawal-spring-srv6-mpls-interworking-12 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml SRv6 and MPLS interworking Swadesh Agrawal , Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Dan Voyer , Gaurav Dawra , Zhenbin Li , Shraddha Hegde , Srihari Sangli draft-agraz-ccamp-wson-impairment-ospf-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 OSPF Extensions in Support of Impairment Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs) Fernando Agraz , Yabin Ye , Chava Saradhi , Antonio Francescon draft-agraz-ccamp-wson-impairment-rsvp-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-16 RSVP-TE Extensions in Support of Impairment Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs) Fernando Agraz , Yabin Ye , Jianrui Han , Chava Saradhi , Antonio Francescon draft-agrewal-idr-accept-own-nexthop-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-19 BGP accept-own-nexthop community attribute Ashutosh Grewal , Nischal Sheth , Kaliraj Vairavakkalai draft-agt-rtgwg-dragonfly-routing-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Routing in Dragonfly+ Topologies Dmitry Afanasiev , Roman , Jeff Tantsura draft-aguado-opsawg-l3sm-l3nm-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-l3sm-l3nm 2019-09-24 opsawg ops Layer 3 VPN Network Model Alejandro Aguado , Oscar de Dios , Victor Lopez , Dan Voyer , Luis Munoz draft-aguilar-lpwan-schc-convergence-00 -1 Replaced draft-aguilar-schc-convergence 2022-10-24 SCHC Convergence Profile Sergio Aguilar , Carles Gomez , Rafael Vidal draft-aguilar-lpwan-schc-streaming-00 -1 Replaced draft-aguilar-schc-streaming 2023-03-08 SCHC Streaming Mode Sergio Aguilar , Carles Gomez draft-aguilar-schc-convergence-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-12 .html,.txt,.xml SCHC Convergence Profile Sergio Aguilar , Carles Gomez , Rafael Vidal draft-aguilar-schc-streaming-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-12 .html,.txt,.xml SCHC Streaming Mode Sergio Aguilar , Carles Gomez draft-agupta-payload-rtp-evrc-nw2k-00 -1 Expired 2013-05-02 RTP payload format for Enhanced Variable Rate Narrowband-Wideband plus 2kbps Codec (EVRC-NW2K) Alok Gupta draft-agurmukhani-test-spec-sua-00 -1 Expired 2003-08-29 SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer (SUA) Conformance Test plan Anjali Gurmukhani , Dipak Aggarwal draft-agv-netmod-yang-annotation-ds-and-derived-00 -1 Replaced draft-chen-ds-description 2016-06-30 YANG compiler annotation for data structure and inheritance Gaurav Agrawal draft-agv-netmod-yang-compiler-metadata-01 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Defining and Using Metadata for YANG compilers Gaurav Agrawal draft-agv-rtgwg-mrt-oam-requirements-and-usecases-00 -1 Expired 2015-09-16 MRT OAM Requirements and Use cases Gaurav Agrawal , N Anil , Vinod KumarS draft-agv-rtgwg-spring-segment-routing-mrt-03 -1 Expired 2016-08-29 Maximally Redundant Trees in Segment Routing N Anil , Gaurav Agrawal , Vinod KumarS , Chris Bowers draft-agv-sfc-packet-delay-measurement-01 -1 Expired 2016-06-28 Packet Delay Measurement for SFC Gaurav Agrawal draft-agv-sfc-packet-loss-measurement-01 -1 Expired 2016-06-28 Packet Loss Measurement for SFC Gaurav Agrawal draft-agv-sfc-performance-measurement-architecture-02 -1 Expired 2016-06-28 Performance Measurement Architecture for SFC Gaurav Agrawal , Christian Jacquenet , N Anil , Vinod KumarS draft-ah-dnsext-rfc1995bis-ixfr-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc1995bis-ixfr 2012-03-09 DNS Incremental Zone Transfer Protocol (IXFR) Alfred Hoenes , Ondřej Surý draft-ahlard-boomerang-framework-00 -1 Expired 1999-03-02 Boomerang - A Simple Resource Reservation Framework for IP David Ahlard , Joakim Bergkvist , Istvan Cselenyi , Tomas Engborg draft-ahlberg-ccamp-microwave-radio-link-01 -1 Expired 2016-05-10 Microwave Radio Link YANG Data Models Jonas Ahlberg , Jan-Olof Carlson , Hans-Ake Lund , Thomas Olausson , Min Ye , Marko Vaupotic draft-ahlgren-icnrg-netinf-cache-control-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 NetInf Protocol Extensions for Cache Control Bengt Ahlgren , Börje Ohlman draft-ahlgren-icnrg-netinf-live-video-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-30 NetInf Live Video Specification Bengt Ahlgren , Börje Ohlman , Adeel Malik draft-ahl-ipv6-nbma-00 -1 Expired 1996-02-19 IPv6 over NBMA Networks Dimitry Haskin , Randall Atkinson , James Luciani draft-ahmadi-avt-rtp-vmr-wb-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtp-vmr-wb 2004-06-24 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Payload and File Storage Formats for the Variable-Rate Multimode Wideband (VMR-WB) Audio Codec Sassan Ahmadi draft-ahmadi-avt-rtp-vmr-wb-extension-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtp-vmr-wb-extension 2005-05-26 gen Allison Mankin Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Payload Format for the Variable-Rate Multimode Wideband (VMR-WB) Extension Audio Codec Sassan Ahmadi Allison Mankin draft-ahmad-mter-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-28 Multi-TEchnology Recovery (MTER) Problem Statement Zubair Ahmad draft-ahmed-csmimib-mib-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-13 Definitions of Managed Objects for HFC RF Spectrum Management Mario Vecchi , Masuma Ahmed draft-ahmed-dmif-sip-00 -1 Expired 2001-09-13 Interworking Between SIP and MPEG-4 DMIF Toufic Ahmed , Ahmed Mehaoua , Raouf Boutaba draft-ahmed-lssctp-01 -1 Expired 2005-05-19 Load Sharing in Stream Control Transmission Protocol Ahmed El Al draft-ahmed-tsvwg-sctpdsum-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-24 SCTP Dynamic Checksum selection Haseeb Ahmed draft-ahn-autoconf-addresspool-01 -1 Expired 2010-07-08 MANET Address Configuration using Address Pool Sanghyun Ahn , Yujin Lim draft-ahn-i2nsf-communications-security-use-case-01 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 Use Cases for the Communications Security using Interface to Network Security Functions Tae-Jin Ahn , sehuileekt.com , Kyoungyoul Kim , Utae Kim draft-ahn-its-geo-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-20 Architectural Framework of IPv6-based Geographical Forwarding for ITS Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-its-geocast-hbh-option-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-19 The IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option for Geocast Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-its-geo-problem-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-19 Problem Statements of IPv6-based Geographical Forwarding for ITS Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-its-geounicast-hbh-option-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-19 The IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option for Geographical Unicast Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-aodv-stableroute-00 -1 Expired 2011-12-18 An AODV Extension for Stable Route Selection Sanghyun Ahn , Hyun Yu draft-ahn-manet-centralized-dns-00 -1 Expired 2011-12-18 A Centralized MANET DNS Mechanism Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-clustering-aodv-01 -1 Expired 2013-05-13 AODV Extensions for MANET Clustering Sanghyun Ahn , Seoul University draft-ahn-manet-clustering-architecture-01 -1 Expired 2013-05-13 Architecture for MANET Clustering Sanghyun Ahn , Hyogon Kim draft-ahn-manet-dsr-crri-02 -1 Expired 2017-11-30 DSR Extensions for the Resolution of Cached Route Reply Implosion Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-dsr-vanet-01 -1 Expired 2017-11-30 DSR Usage for the VANET Routing Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-multigateway-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-20 Load Balancing in MANET with Multiple Internet Gateways Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-multipath-aodv-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-30 AODV Extensions for Multipath Routing Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-multipath-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-22 Architecture of Multipath Routing Protocols for MANET Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-multipath-dsr-01 -1 Expired 2017-11-30 DSR Extensions for Multipath Routing Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-multipath-requirement-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-22 Requirements on Multipath Routing Protocols for MANET Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-networkcoding-dsr-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-22 DSR Extensions for Network Coding Capability Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-networkcoding-requirement-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-22 Requirements on Network Coding Support in MANET Sanghyun Ahn draft-ahn-manet-reliablerouting-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 A Reliable MANET Routing Mechanism based on the Node Mobility Detection Sanghyun Ahn , Hyun Yu draft-ahn-swan-manet-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-14 SWAN G Ahn draft-ahrenholz-hiprg-dht-06 -1 Expired 2009-11-09 HIP DHT Interface Jeff Ahrenholz draft-ahrens-httpbis-digest-auth-update-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-30 HTTP Digest Access Authentication Algorithm Update David Ahrens , Rifaat Shekh-Yusef draft-ah-rfc2141bis-urn-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc2141bis-urn 2010-05-31 Uniform Resource Name (URN) Syntax Alfred Hoenes draft-ahuang-ioam-on-path-delay-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-03 On-Path delay Data Field for In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) Alex Huang Feng , Pierre Francois , Benoît Claise , Thomas Graf draft-ahuang-ippm-dex-timestamp-ext-00 -1 Expired 2023-02-15 Timestamp extension for In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) Direct Export Alex Huang Feng , Pierre Francois , Benoît Claise , Thomas Graf draft-ahuang-netconf-notif-yang-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-23 .html,.txt,.xml YANG model for NETCONF Event Notifications Alex Huang Feng , Pierre Francois , Thomas Graf , Benoît Claise draft-aiello-dhc-appliance-class-01 -1 Expired 2001-03-01 Appliance Class Identifier Option for DHCP Joe Aiello draft-aiken-middleware-reqndef-02 -1 RFC 2768 1999-11-17 Network Policy and Services: A Report of a Workshop on Middleware John Strassner , Ian Foster , Reagan Moore , Benjamin Teitelbaum , Clifford Lynch , Brian Carpenter , Joe Mambretti , Robert Aiken draft-aissaoui-extended-pid-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-27 Extended MPLS/PW PID Mustapha Aissaoui draft-aissaoui-l2vpn-vpws-iw-oam-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpws-iw-oam 2005-09-12 OAM Procedures for VPWS Interworking Mustapha Aissaoui draft-aitken-ipfix-equivalent-ies-02 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Reporting Equivalent IPFIX Information Elements Paul Aitken draft-aitken-ipfix-new-infos-03 -1 Expired 2008-03-17 New Information Elements from the IPFIX Information Model Paul Aitken , Benoît Claise draft-aitken-ipfix-pre-defined-templates-00 -1 Expired 2017-03-01 Utilizing Pre-defined Templates with IPFIX Paul Aitken draft-aitken-ipfix-unobserved-fields-03 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Reporting Unobserved Fields in IPFIX Paul Aitken draft-ajitomi-cose-cose-key-jwk-hpke-kem-01 -1 Expired 2023-02-04 COSE Key and JSON Web Key Representation for Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) of Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) Ajitomi, Daisuke draft-ajunior-energy-awareness-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-16 Energy-awareness metrics global applicability guidelines Antonio Junior , Rute Sofia draft-ajunior-roll-energy-awareness-01 -1 Expired 2014-01-10 Energy-awareness metrics global applicability guidelines Antonio Junior , Rute Sofia draft-akagiri-dmarc-virtual-verification-02 -1 Expired 2017-07-27 DMARC verification without record definitions Genki Yasutaka , Takehito Akagiri , Daisuke Kodama , Kouji Okada draft-akagiri-mail-divide-01 -1 Expired 2017-07-27 Mail Divide Framework Takehito Akagiri , Genki Yasutaka , Kouji Okada , Tatsuya Hayashi , Masaki Kase draft-akagiri-op25b-dynamicip-01 -1 Expired 2017-07-27 Outbound Port 25 Blocking for Dynamic IP Addresses Takehito Akagiri , Koji Wakamatsu , Genki Yasutaka , Kouji Okada draft-akers-atwal-btooth-01 -1 Expired 2001-06-07 Transmission of IP Packets over Bluetooth Networks Ronald Akers , Kulwinder Atwal draft-akhtar-sipping-3g-static-dictionary-01 -1 Expired 2006-09-12 3G Wireless Support in the SIP/SDP Static Dictionary for Signaling Compression (SigComp) Haseeb Akhtar draft-akhtar-sipping-header-reduction-01 -1 Expired 2006-09-12 New SIP Headers for Reducing SIP Message Size Haseeb Akhtar draft-akhter-bmwg-mpls-meth-04 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 MPLS Benchmarking Methodology Aamer Akhter , Rajiv Asati draft-akhter-ipfix-perfmon-01 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 Information Elements for Flow Performance Measurement Aamer Akhter draft-akhter-ippm-registry-passive-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-registry-passive 2014-03-03 Passive Performance Metrics Sub-Registry Aamer Akhter , Benoît Claise draft-akhter-lmap-framework-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 A Framework and Inventory for a Large Scale Measurement System Aamer Akhter , Paul Aitken draft-akhter-opsawg-perfmon-ipfix-03 -1 Expired 2012-07-30 IPFIX Information Elements for RTP Flow Performance Measurement Aamer Akhter , Hendrik Scholz draft-akhter-opsawg-perfmon-method-02 -1 Expired 2012-03-27 Methodology for Network Flow Performance Measurement Aamer Akhter draft-akhunger-ad-insert-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2005-09-02 Inserting Advertisements in IP multicast Ajeet Khunger draft-akhunger-tod-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2005-08-18 Day and Time based IP Multicast Ajeet Khunger draft-akimichi-6man-ra-prefixlen-00 -1 Expired 2021-10-05 Host behavior to short prefix length Akimichi Ogawa , Kaname Nishizuka , Yoshifumi Atarashi , Akira Kanai draft-akinlar-zeroconf-minidhcp-option-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-10 Mini-DHCP Election Option for DHCP Sangeeta Mukherjee , Cuneyt Akinlar , David Braun draft-akinlar-zeroconf-multirouter-01 -1 Expired 2000-08-16 Multi-Router Zeroconf Network Requirements Cuneyt Akinlar , David Braun , Sangeeta Mukherjee draft-akinlar-zeroconf-zrip-00 -1 Expired 2000-08-16 ZRIP: Zero-Configuration Routing Information Protocol Cuneyt Akinlar , David Braun , Sangeeta Mukherjee draft-akira-v6ops-mape-experience-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Operational Experience of MAP-E Akira Nakagawa draft-akiya-bfd-intervals-04 -1 Expired 2013-11-13 Standardized interval support in BFD Nobo Akiya , Marc Binderberger draft-akiya-bfd-seamless-alert-discrim-03 -1 Expired 2014-10-21 Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Alert Discriminator Nobo Akiya , Carlos Pignataro , David Ward draft-akiya-bfd-seamless-base-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bfd-seamless-base 2014-04-17 Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Nobo Akiya , Carlos Pignataro , David Ward , Manav Bhatia , Santosh Pallagatti draft-akiya-bfd-seamless-ip-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bfd-seamless-ip 2014-08-23 Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) for IPv4, IPv6 and MPLS Nobo Akiya , Carlos Pignataro , David Ward draft-akiya-bfd-seamless-sr-04 -1 Expired 2015-02-23 Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) for Segment Routing Nobo Akiya , Carlos Pignataro , Nagendra Nainar draft-akiya-mpls-entropy-lsp-ping-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-entropy-lsp-ping 2014-11-22 mpls rtg Label Switched Path (LSP) and Pseudowire (PW) Ping/Trace over MPLS Network using Entropy Labels (EL) Nobo Akiya , George Swallow , Carlos Pignataro , Andy Malis , Sam Aldrin Loa Andersson draft-akiya-mpls-lsp-ping-lag-multipath-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-lag-multipath 2014-12-21 mpls rtg Proposed Standard Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping/Trace Multipath Support for Link Aggregation Group (LAG) Interfaces Nobo Akiya , George Swallow , Stephane Litkowski , Bruno Decraene , John Drake Loa Andersson draft-akiya-mpls-lsp-ping-reply-mode-simple-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-reply-mode-simple 2014-07-27 mpls rtg Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping/Traceroute Reply Mode Simplification Nobo Akiya , George Swallow , Carlos Pignataro , Loa Andersson , Mach Chen Ross Callon draft-akiyoshi-netlmm-protocol-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-21 NETLMM Protocol Ippei Akiyoshi , Marco Liebsch draft-akkiraju-nat-multihoming-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-10 A Multihoming solution using NATs Yakov Rekhter , Praveen Akkiraju draft-akonjang-alto-proxidor-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-02 The PROXIDOR Service Obi Akonjang , Anja Feldmann , Stefano Previdi , Bruce Davie , Damien Saucez draft-aks-crypto-sensors-02 -1 Replaced draft-aks-lwig-crypto-sensors 2012-03-27 Practical Considerations and Implementation Experiences in Securing Smart Object Networks Mohit Sethi , Jari Arkko , Ari Keränen , Heidi-Maria Rissanen draft-aks-lwig-crypto-sensors-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lwig-crypto-sensors 2016-06-30 Practical Considerations and Implementation Experiences in Securing Smart Object Networks Mohit Sethi , Jari Arkko , Ari Keränen , Heidi-Maria Back draft-akyol-mpls-exp-ero-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-23 Expanded Explicit Route Object for RSVP-TE Bora Akyol draft-alaettinoglu-isis-convergence-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-22 Towards Milli-Second IGP Convergence Cengiz Alaettinoglu , Van Jacobson draft-alakuijala-brotli-11 -1 RFC 7932 2016-05-24 art Alexey Melnikov Informational Brotli Compressed Data Format Jyrki Alakuijala , Zoltan Szabadka Nevil Brownlee Alexey Melnikov draft-ala-kurikka-simple-map2pidf-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-06 Mapping non-URIs to contact element in Presence Information Data Format Jussi Ala-Kurikka draft-ala-kurikka-simple-pidfconn-01 -1 Expired 2006-03-09 PIDFConn: Extension to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) for Expressing Connectivity Features Jussi Ala-Kurikka draft-alanqar-ccamp-gmpls-ason-routing-reqts-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ason-routing-reqts 2003-10-22 Requirements for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Routing for Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) Deborah Brungard , Dimitri Papadimitriou draft-alavarez-hamelin-tictoc-sic-08 -1 Expired 2021-11-08 Synchronizing Internet Clock frequency protocol (sic) J Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin , David Samaniego , Alfredo Ortega , Ruediger Geib draft-albanna-iana-ipv4-mcast-guidelines-01 -1 Expired 2001-03-02 IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Allocation Zaid AlBanna draft-albuquerque-bi-dir-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-17 Bi-directional Multicast Protocol Edison Albuquerque draft-alcaide-calabria-idr-bgp-prefix-priority-00 -1 Expired 2011-09-02 BGP prefix priority Juan Alcaide , Fernando Calabria draft-aldri-disman-replication-mib-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-19 A Clustering Architecture for Replicating Managed Objects Aldri Santos , Glenn Keeni draft-aldrin-bfd-seamless-use-case-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bfd-seamless-use-case 2014-03-28 Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Use Case Sam Aldrin , Manav Bhatia , Greg Mirsky , Nagendra Nainar , Satoru Matsushima draft-aldrin-sfc-oam-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sfc-oam-framework 2015-07-23 Service Function Chaining Operation, Administration and Maintenance Framework Sam Aldrin , Ramki Krishnan , Nobo Akiya , Carlos Pignataro , Anoop Ghanwani draft-aldrin-trill-campus-extension-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-09 TRILL Campus Extension Sam Aldrin , Donald Eastlake , Tissa Senevirathne , Ayan Banerjee , Santiago Alvarez , XiaoLan Wan draft-aldrin-trill-data-center-interconnect-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 TRILL Data Center Interconnect Sam Aldrin , Donald Eastlake , Tissa Senevirathne , Ayan Banerjee , Santiago Alvarez draft-aleksandrov-ip-extension-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-11 Internet Protocol (IP) Extension for a Real Time Service Dimitar Aleksandrov draft-aleksandrov-ip-supplement-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-14 Internet Protocol (IP) Supplement for a Real Time Service Dimitar Aleksandrov draft-aleksandrov-radio-and-television-protocol-00 -1 Expired 2003-12-03 Radio and Television Protocol Dimitar Aleksandrov draft-aleksandrov-rttp-prop-01 -1 Expired 2002-01-07 RTTP: Properties of a real-time protocol Dimitar Aleksandrov draft-alexan-datamod-00 -1 Expired 2007-03-28 NE/Facilities/Lines/Protocols/Services Modeling Michael Alexander draft-alexander-bmwg-wlan-switch-meth-01 -1 Expired 2008-01-02 Benchmarking Methodology for Wireless LAN Switching Systems Tarunesh Ahuja , Tom Alexander , Scott Bradner , Sanjay Hooda , Jerry Perser , Muninder Sambi draft-alexander-bmwg-wlan-switch-term-01 -1 Expired 2008-01-02 Benchmarking Terminology for Wireless LAN Switching Systems Tarunesh Ahuja , Tom Alexander , Scott Bradner , Sanjay Hooda , Jerry Perser , Muninder Sambi draft-alexander-congestion-status-preconditions-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-25 A Congestion Status Precondition for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Corey Alexander , John Rutledge draft-alexander-opsawg-ipfix-ipsec-logging-00 -1 Expired 2014-11-19 IPFIX Information Elements for logging IPSec Events thalexancisco.com , Frederic Detienne , Sandeep Rao , Thamilarasu Kandasamy draft-alexander-roll-mikey-lln-key-mgmt-04 -1 Expired 2012-09-13 Adapted Multimedia Internet KEYing (AMIKEY): An extension of Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) Methods for Generic LLN Environments Roger Alexander , Tzeta Tsao draft-alexander-rtecn-admission-control-use-case-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-14 Admission Control Use Case for Real-time ECN Corey Alexander draft-alexander-rtecn-use-cases-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-13 Real-time ECN Use Cases Corey Alexander draft-alexander-rtp-payload-for-ecn-probing-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-25 RTP Payload Format for ECN Probing Corey Alexander , Jozef Babiarz draft-alexander-wlan-meth-01 -1 Expired 2005-05-03 Benchmarking Methodology for Wireless LAN Devices Tom Alexander , Scott Bradner draft-alexeitsev-bliss-alert-info-urns-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 Alert-Info URNs for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Denis Alexeitsev , Laura Liess , Roland Jesske , Martin Huelsemann , Alan Johnston draft-alexiou-sipping-allocate-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-27 The SIP ALLOCATE Method Triantafyllos Alexiou draft-alexrn-nfsv4-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 2009-06-26 NFS operation over IPv4 and IPv6 Alex RN , Bhargo Sunil , Dhawal Bhagwat , Dipankar Roy , Rishikesh Barooah draft-alfano-aaa-qosprot-05 -1 Expired 2005-10-25 Diameter Quality of Service Application Frank Alfano draft-alfano-aaa-qosreq-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-27 Requirements for a QoS AAA Protocol Frank Alfano draft-algermissen-digital-product-life-cycle-model-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-03 Digital Product Life Cycle Model Jan Algermissen draft-algermissen-software-system-life-cycle-model-00 -1 Expired 2019-02-20 Software System Life Cycle Model Jan Algermissen draft-ali-6man-spring-srv6-oam-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-spring-srv6-oam 2019-07-24 6man int Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Segment Routing Networks with IPv6 Data plane (SRv6) Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Satoru Matsushima , Dan Voyer , Mach Chen draft-ali-6man-srv6-oam-01 -1 Replaced draft-ali-spring-srv6-oam 2017-10-30 Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Segment Routing Networks with IPv6 Dataplane (SRv6) Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Nagendra Nainar , Carlos Pignataro , faiqbalcisco.com , John Leddy , Satoru Matsushima , Robert Raszuk , Bart Peirens , Gaurav Naik draft-aliahmad-dmm-anchor-selection-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 Mobility Anchor Selection in DMM: Use-case Scenarios Hassan Ali-Ahmad , Danny Moses , Hassnaa Moustafa , Pierrick Seite , Tiago Condexia draft-ali-arp-over-gmpls-controlled-ethernet-psc-i-06 -1 Expired 2008-02-27 Address Resolution for GMPLS controlled PSC Ethernet Interfaces Zafar Ali , Hassan Sheikh , Tomohiro Otani , Hidetsugu Sugiyama draft-ali-ccamp-additional-signal-type-g709v3-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-additional-signal-type-g709v3 2014-08-29 ccamp rtg Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extension for Additional Signal Types in G.709 OTN Zafar Ali , Antonello Bonfanti , Fatai Zhang draft-ali-ccamp-extended-srlg-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 Extended Encoding Scheme for Shared List Link Group (SRLG) Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Ori Gerstel , Stewart Bryant , Matt Hartley draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-deployment-augmented-model-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-16 GMPLS Deployment in Existing IP/MPLS networks Zafar Ali draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-lsp-ping-traceroute-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-25 Ping and Traceroute with Evidence Collection in Photonic Networks Zafar Ali , University Milan , University Milan , Roberto Cassata , University Milan , University Milan , University Milan draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-uni-error-notification-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-12 Extensions to Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) for Error Notication in Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) User-Network Interface (UNI) Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Matt Hartley , Clarence Filsfils , Kenji Kumaki draft-ali-ccamp-lsp-inquiry-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extension for Label Switched Path (LSP) Inquiry Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Ori Gerstel , Matt Hartley draft-ali-ccamp-mpls-graceful-shutdown-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-graceful-shutdown 2006-06-27 Graceful Shutdown in GMPLS Traffic Engineering Networks Anca Zamfir , Zafar Ali draft-ali-ccamp-oducn-signal-type-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 RSVP-TE Extension for Beyond 100G Signal Types in G.709 Optical Transport Networks (OTNs) Zafar Ali , Manoj Kumar , Antonello Bonfanti , Akshaya Nadahalli , Fatai Zhang draft-ali-ccamp-otn-signal-type-subregistry-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-signal-type-subregistry 2014-08-29 ccamp rtg IANA Allocation Procedures for OTN Signal Type Subregistry to the GMPLS Signaling Parameters Registry Zafar Ali , Antonello Bonfanti , Fatai Zhang draft-ali-ccamp-rc-objective-function-metric-bound-05 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extension for Signaling Objective Function and Metric Bound Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Luyuan Fang , Kenji Kumaki , Ruediger Kunze , Daniele Ceccarelli , Xian Zhang draft-ali-ccamp-rsvp-hello-gr-admin-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 Administrative Control of RSVP Hello and Graceful Restart Procedure Zafar Ali draft-ali-ccamp-rsvp-node-id-based-hello-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-node-id-based-hello 2004-04-16 Node ID based RSVP Hello: A Clarification Statement Reshad Rahman , Danny Prairie , Dimitri Papadimitriou , Zafar Ali draft-ali-ccamp-rsvp-te-based-evidence-collection-01 -1 Expired 2008-11-02 RSVP-TE based impairments collection mechanism Zafar Ali , University Milan , University Milan , Roberto Cassata , University Milan , University Milan , University Milan draft-ali-ccamp-rsvp-te-include-route-06 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Include Routes - Extension to Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Matt Hartley , Ori Gerstel , Kenji Kumaki , Ruediger Kunze draft-ali-ccamp-te-metric-recording-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-te-metric-recording 2012-10-22 Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) extension for recording TE Metric of a Label Switched Path Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Matt Hartley , Kenji Kumaki , Ruediger Kunze draft-ali-ccamp-xro-lsp-subobject-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity 2013-01-24 Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) LSP Route Diversity using Exclude Routes Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Matt Hartley , Ori Gerstel , Gabriele Galimberti , Kenji Kumaki , Ruediger Kunze , Julien Meuric draft-ali-ipv6rtr-reqs-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6rtr-reqs 2017-02-18 Requirements for IPv6 Routers Zaid Kahn , John Brzozowski , Russ White draft-alimi-decade-05 -1 RFC 7069 2013-09-27 Informational DECoupled Application Data Enroute (DECADE) Richard Alimi , Akbar Rahman , Dirk Kutscher , Y. Richard Yang , Haibin Song , Kostas Pentikousis draft-alimi-decade-arch-01 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 DECADE Architecture Richard Alimi , Y. Richard Yang , Akbar Rahman , Dirk Kutscher , Lijiang Chen , Hongqiang Liu draft-alimi-protocol-01 -1 Expired 2013-06-10 DECADE: DECoupled Application Data Enroute Richard Alimi , Akbar Rahman , Dirk Kutscher , Y. Richard Yang , Haibin Song , Kostas Pentikousis draft-ali-mpls-inter-domain-p2mp-rsvp-te-lsp-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-inter-domain-p2mp-rsvp-te-lsp 2012-10-15 Signaling RSVP-TE P2MP LSPs in an Inter-domain Environment Zafar Ali , Rakesh Gandhi , Tarek Saad , Robert Venator , Yuji Kamite draft-ali-mpls-rsvp-te-no-php-oob-mapping-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-te-no-php-oob-mapping 2007-07-12 Non PHP Behavior and out-of-band mapping for RSVP-TE LSPs Zafar Ali draft-ali-mpls-rsvp-te-s2l-name-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 S2L Name Identification for Point-to-Multipoint TE LSPs Zafar Ali , Robert Sawaya draft-ali-mpls-sig-pid-multiplexing-case-04 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 Signaled PID When Multiplexing Multiple PIDs over RSVP-TE LSPs Zafar Ali draft-ali-pce-additional-of-and-metric-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-15 Additional Objective Functions and Metric Types in Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Siva Sivabalan , Stefano Previdi , Kenji Kumaki draft-ali-pce-brpc-p2mp-ext-01 -1 Expired 2009-07-12 BRPC Extensions for Point-to-Multipoint Path Computation Zafar Ali , Tarek Saad , Kenji Kumaki draft-ali-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-lsp-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-lsp 2014-02-14 pce rtg Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for remote-initiated GMPLS LSP Setup Zafar Ali , Siva Sivabalan , Clarence Filsfils , Victor Lopez , Oscar de Dios , Xian Zhang draft-ali-pce-remote-initiated-lsp-usage-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for remote-initiated LSP Usage Zafar Ali , Siva Sivabalan , Clarence Filsfils , Victor Lopez , Oscar de Dios , Xian Zhang draft-ali-spring-bfd-sr-policy-10 -1 Expired 2022-11-17 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Segment Routing Policies for Traffic Engineering Zafar Ali , Ketan Talaulikar , Clarence Filsfils , Nagendra Nainar , Carlos Pignataro draft-ali-spring-ioam-srv6-06 -1 Expired 2022-07-10 Segment Routing Header encapsulation for In-situ OAM Data Zafar Ali , Rakesh Gandhi , Clarence Filsfils , Frank Brockners , Nagendra Nainar , Carlos Pignataro , Cheng Li , Mach Chen , Gaurav Dawra draft-ali-spring-network-slicing-building-blocks-04 -1 Replaced draft-ali-teas-spring-ns-building-blocks 2021-02-22 Building blocks for Slicing in Segment Routing Network Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Pablo Camarillo , Dan Voyer draft-ali-spring-sr-pm-00 -1 Replaced draft-ali-spring-srv6-pm 2017-12-23 Performance Measurement in Segment Routing Networks Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Rakesh Gandhi , Nagendra Nainar , Dirk Steinberg , Stefano Salsano draft-ali-spring-sr-service-programming-oam-05 -1 Expired 2022-11-17 OAM for Service Programming with Segment Routing Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Nagendra Nainar , Carlos Pignataro , Francois Clad , Faisal Iqbal , Xiaohu Xu draft-ali-spring-sr-traffic-accounting-08 -1 Expired 2022-11-17 Traffic Accounting in Segment Routing Networks Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Ketan Talaulikar , Siva Sivabalan , Martin Horneffer , Robert Raszuk , Stephane Litkowski , Dan Voyer , Rick Morton draft-ali-spring-srv6-oam-02 -1 Replaced draft-ali-6man-spring-srv6-oam 2018-10-22 Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Segment Routing Networks with IPv6 Data plane (SRv6) Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Nagendra Nainar , Carlos Pignataro , faiqbalcisco.com , Rakesh Gandhi , John Leddy , Satoru Matsushima , Robert Raszuk , Dan Voyer , Gaurav Dawra , Bart Peirens , Mach Chen , Gaurav Naik draft-ali-spring-srv6-pm-02 -1 Expired 2018-02-27 Performance Measurement in Segment Routing Networks with IPv6 Data Plane (SRv6) Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Rakesh Gandhi , Nagendra Nainar , Dirk Steinberg , Stefano Salsano , Pier Ventre , Gaurav Naik , Dan Voyer , Daniel Bernier draft-ali-teas-rc-objective-function-metric-bound-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extension for Signaling Objective Function and Metric Bound Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Luyuan Fang , Kenji Kumaki , Ruediger Kunze , Daniele Ceccarelli , Xian Zhang draft-ali-teas-rsvp-te-include-route-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Include Routes - Extension to Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Zafar Ali , George Swallow , Clarence Filsfils , Matt Hartley , Ori Gerstel , Kenji Kumaki , Ruediger Kunze draft-ali-teas-spring-ns-building-blocks-03 -1 Expired 2022-09-07 Building blocks for Network Slice Realization in Segment Routing Network Zafar Ali , Clarence Filsfils , Pablo Camarillo , Dan Voyer , Satoru Matsushima , Reza Rokui , Amit Dhamija , Praveen Maheshwari draft-alkemade-xmpp-iq-validation-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-09 Validating Info/Query (IQ) stanzas in the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) Thijs Alkemade draft-allan-5g-fmc-encapsulation-08 -1 RFC 8822 2021-02-09 Erik Kline Informational 5G Wireless Wireline Convergence User Plane Encapsulation (5WE) David Allan , Donald Eastlake , David Woolley Barbara Stark Erik Kline draft-allan-fec-cv-overview-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-23 Overview of the FEC-CV proposed extension to the Y.1711 protocol David Allan draft-allan-ion-mars-proxy-00 -1 Expired 1998-03-13 MARS Proxy David Allan draft-allan-isis-spring-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2016-06-22 IS-IS extensions for Computed Multicast applied to MPLS based Segment Routing David Allan , Uma Chunduri draft-allan-l2vpn-mldp-evpn-03 -1 Expired 2014-07-21 mLDP extensions for integrating EVPN and multicast David Allan , Jeff Tantsura , Sam Aldrin draft-allan-l2vpn-spbm-evpn-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-l2vpn-spbm-evpn 2013-07-15 802.1aq Support over EVPN David Allan , Jeff Tantsura , Don Fedyk , Ali Sajassi draft-allan-lsr-flooding-algorithm-00 -1 Expired 2018-10-18 A Distributed Algorithm for Constrained Flooding of IGP Advertisements David Allan draft-allan-mmrp-for-mac-in-mac-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 Simplified VPLS-PBB interworking via MMRP Nigel Bragg , Dinesh Mohan , David Allan draft-allan-mpls-a-bit-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-23 The Case for the 'A' Bit in the MPLS and IP PID David Allan draft-allan-mpls-loadbal-06 -1 Withdrawn by Submitter 2005-01-18 gen Alex Zinin Informational Guidelines for MPLS Load Balancing David Allan Alex Zinin draft-allan-mpls-oam-frmwk-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-oam-frmwk 2003-10-24 A Framework for MPLS User Plane OAM David Allan draft-allan-mpls-pid-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-03 MPLS and IP PW Payload ID David Allan draft-allan-mpls-spme-smp-fmwk-01 -1 Expired 2012-08-21 A framework for the use of SPMEs for shared mesh protection David Allan , Greg Mirsky draft-allan-mpls-unified-ic-req-frmwk-01 -1 Expired 2012-03-11 Requirements and Framework for Unified MPLS Sub-Network Interconnection David Allan draft-allan-nadeau-mpls-oam-frmwk-00 -1 Expired 2004-09-23 gen Alex Zinin A Framework for MPLS Operations David Allan , Thomas Nadeau Alex Zinin draft-allan-ospf-spring-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2016-06-22 OSPF extensions for Computed Multicast applied to MPLS based Segment Routing David Allan , Uma Chunduri draft-allan-pim-sr-mpls-multicast-framework-00 -1 Expired 2018-06-01 A Framework for Computed Multicast Applied to SR-MPLS David Allan , Jeff Tantsura , Ian Duncan draft-allan-pw-o-pbt-03 -1 Expired 2007-07-10 Carrying PWE3 Pseudo Wires over Provider Backbone Transport David Allan draft-allan-spme-smp-fmwk-00 -1 Expired 2011-11-15 A framework for the use of SPMEs for shared mesh protection David Allan , Greg Mirsky draft-allan-spring-mpls-multicast-framework-03 -1 Expired 2017-04-04 A Framework for Computed Multicast applied to MPLS based Segment Routing David Allan , Jeff Tantsura draft-allan-unified-mpls-ic-req-frmwk-00 -1 Replaced draft-allan-mpls-unified-ic-req-frmwk 2011-10-14 Requirements and Framework for Unified MPLS Sub-Network Interconnection David Allan draft-allan-y1711-and-lsp-ping-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-24 Y.1711 and LSP-PING David Allan draft-allan-y17iw-overview-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-23 An overview of Y.17iw David Allan draft-allbery-afs-srv-records-05 -1 RFC 5864 2010-02-25 app Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard DNS SRV Resource Records for AFS Russ Allbery Alexey Melnikov draft-allbery-usefor-usepro-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-usefor-usepro 2006-12-04 Netnews Architecture and Protocols Russ Allbery , Charles Lindsey draft-allen-dispatch-imei-urn-as-instanceid-13 -1 RFC 7255 2014-02-27 rai Gonzalo Camarillo Informational Using the International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) Uniform Resource Name (URN) as an Instance ID Andrew Allen Mary Barnes Gonzalo Camarillo draft-allen-dispatch-poc-instanceid-usage-02 -1 Expired 2015-02-19 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Instance ID usage by the Open Mobile Alliance Push-to-talk over Cellular Andrew Allen , Alan Soloway draft-allen-dispatch-routing-out-of-dialog-request-01 -1 Expired 2015-02-18 Indicating that out of dialog requests related to an existing dialog must be routed via an intermediary Andrew Allen draft-allen-fitsmime-00 -1 RFC 4047 2004-09-02 app Scott Hollenbeck Informational MIME Sub-type Registrations for Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) Donald Wells , Steven Allen Scott Hollenbeck draft-allen-ipx-media-00 -1 RFC 1362 1992-07-29 Novell IPX over Various WAN Media (IPXWAN) Michael Allen draft-allen-lap-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-11 IPv6 for Large Access Providers Weijing Chen draft-allen-newsml-urn-rfc3085bis-00 -1 Expired 2003-05-21 URN Namespace for NewsML Resources Danny Allen draft-allen-pppsonet-mapping-00 -1 Expired 1997-10-23 PPP Over SONET Mapping Jon Anderson , Al White , Demos Kostas , Brent Allen draft-allen-simple-msg-3gpp-01 -1 Expired 2002-07-01 3GPP work related to SIP based messaging Ashby Allen draft-allen-sipcore-sip-tree-cap-indicators-02 -1 Replaced draft-jesske-sipcore-sip-tree-cap-indicators 2018-01-18 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Registration of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Feature-Capability indicators Andrew Allen , Roland Jesske draft-allen-sipping-poc-p-answer-state-header-05 -1 RFC 4964 2007-03-05 rai Jon Peterson Informational The P-Answer-State Header Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol for the Open Mobile Alliance Push to Talk over Cellular Jan Holm , Andrew Allen , Thomas Hallin Jon Peterson draft-allen-sipping-poc-p-headers-01 -1 Replaced draft-allen-sipping-poc-p-answer-state-header 2005-02-08 Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Push to talk over Cellular (PoC) Andrew Allen draft-allman-dkim-base-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dkim-base 2005-10-26 DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Eric Allman draft-allman-dkim-ssp-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dkim-ssp 2006-08-31 DKIM Sender Signing Practices Eric Allman , Mark Delany draft-allman-icar-wg-revcomm-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-22 Using Working Group Review Committees Mark Allman , James Kempf draft-allman-problem-wg-revcomm-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-20 Using Working Group Review Committees Mark Allman , James Kempf draft-allman-rto-backoff-05 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 Using Spurious Retransmissions to Adapt the Retransmission Timeout Mark Allman draft-allman-tcp-abc-04 -1 RFC 3465 2002-11-04 tsv Allison Mankin Experimental TCP Congestion Control with Appropriate Byte Counting (ABC) Mark Allman Allison Mankin draft-allman-tcp-early-rexmt-07 -1 Expired 2008-06-26 tsv Lars Eggert Early Retransmit for TCP and SCTP Mark Allman Lars Eggert draft-allman-tcp-lossrec-00 -1 Expired 2000-06-05 Enhancing TCP's Loss Recovery Using Early Duplicate Acknowledgment Response Hari Balakrishnan , Sally Floyd , Mark Allman draft-allman-tcpm-bump-initcwnd-00 -1 Expired 2010-11-15 Initial Congestion Window Specification Mark Allman draft-allman-tcpm-no-initwin-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-24 Removing TCP's Initial Congestion Window Mark Allman draft-allman-tcpm-rto-consider-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-rto-consider 2015-11-24 Retransmission Timeout Considerations Mark Allman draft-allman-tcp-sack-13 -1 RFC 3517 2002-10-09 tsvwg tsv Scott Bradner Proposed Standard A Conservative Selective Acknowledgment (SACK)-based Loss Recovery Algorithm for TCP Lili Wang , Mark Allman , Ethan Blanton , Kevin Fall Scott Bradner draft-allman-tcpx2-hack-00 -1 Expired 2006-05-08 tsv Lars Eggert TCPx2: Don't Fence Me In Mark Allman Lars Eggert draft-allocchio-gstn-05 -1 RFC 3601 2003-04-30 app Ted Hardie Proposed Standard Text String Notation for Dial Sequences and Global Switched Telephone Network (GSTN) / E.164 Addresses Claudio Allocchio Ted Hardie draft-allocchio-mail11-00 -1 Expired 1995-06-06 MaXIM-11 - Mapping between X.400 / Internet mail and Mail-11 mail Claudio Allocchio draft-almesberger-srp-00 -1 Expired 1997-11-20 Scalable Resource Reservation for the Internet Domenico Ferrari , Jean-Yves Le Boudec , Werner Almesberger draft-almesberger-wajhak-diffserv-linux-01 -1 Expired 1999-06-29 Differentiated Services on Linux Werner Almesberger , Jamal Hadi Salim , Alexey Kuznetsov draft-almes-ippm-framework-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-framework 1996-07-03 Framework for IP Provider Metrics Guy Almes , Jamshid Mahdavi , Padma Krishnaswamy , Vern Paxson , William Cerveny draft-almprs-sustainability-insights-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-15 .html,.txt,.xml Sustainability Insights Per Andersson , Jan Lindblad , Snezana Mitrovic , Marisol Palmero , Esther Roure , Gonzalo Salgueiro draft-almquist-leak-01 -1 Expired 1991-07-25 rreq rtg Ruminations on Route Leaking Philip Almquist draft-almquist-nexthop-01 -1 Expired 1991-07-25 rreq rtg Ruminations on the Next Hop Philip Almquist draft-almquist-tos-02 -1 RFC 1349 1992-01-16 rreq rtg Historic Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite Philip Almquist draft-alston-idr-crh-bgp-signalling-00 -1 Expired 2019-11-18 BGP Extensions for IPv6 Compressed Routing Header (CRH) Andrew Alston , Daniam Henriques , Ron Bonica draft-alston-spring-crh-bgp-signalling-01 -1 Replaced draft-alston-idr-crh-bgp-signalling 2019-07-24 BGP Extensions for IPv6 Compressed Routing Header (CRH) Andrew Alston , Daniam Henriques , Ron Bonica draft-alten-snmpv2-sec-encap-01 -1 Expired 1995-11-07 Security Encapsulation of SNMP Alex Alten draft-altman-rfc2941bis-02 -1 Expired 2002-04-15 Telnet Authentication Option Theodore Ts'o , Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-rfc2942bis-03 -1 Expired 2002-04-15 Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 5 Theodore Ts'o , Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-rfc2944bis-02 -1 Expired 2002-04-15 Telnet Authentication: SRP Thomas Wu , Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-telnet-enc-cast128-cfb-00 -1 RFC 2950 1999-08-11 Proposed Standard Telnet Encryption: CAST-128 64 bit Cipher Feedback Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-telnet-enc-cast128-ofb-00 -1 RFC 2949 1999-08-11 Proposed Standard Telnet Encryption: CAST-128 64 bit Output Feedback Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-telnet-enc-des3-cfb-01 -1 RFC 2947 1999-08-11 Proposed Standard Telnet Encryption: DES3 64 bit Cipher Feedback Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-telnet-enc-des3-ofb-01 -1 RFC 2948 1999-08-11 Proposed Standard Telnet Encryption: DES3 64 bit Output Feedback Jeffrey Altman draft-altman-telnet-fwdx-03 -1 Expired 2002-04-11 Telnet Forwarding of X Windows Session Data Jeffrey Altman , Peter Runestig draft-altman-telnet-kermit-server-02 -1 RFC 2840 2000-01-27 Informational TELNET KERMIT OPTION Jeffrey Altman , Frank Cruz draft-altman-telnet-rfc2941bis-02 -1 Expired 2006-12-15 sec Tim Polk Proposed Standard Telnet Authentication Option Jeffrey Altman Tim Polk draft-altman-telnet-rfc2942bis-02 -1 Expired 2006-12-15 sec Tim Polk Proposed Standard Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 5 Jeffrey Altman Tim Polk draft-altman-telnet-rfc2944bis-02 -1 Expired 2006-12-18 sec Tim Polk Proposed Standard Telnet Authentication: SRP Jeffrey Altman Tim Polk draft-altman-telnet-starttls-02 -1 Expired 2006-12-15 sec Tim Polk Proposed Standard Telnet START-TLS Option Jeffrey Altman Tim Polk draft-altman-tls-channel-bindings-10 -1 RFC 5929 2010-03-30 sec Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard Channel Bindings for TLS Jeffrey Altman , Larry Zhu , Nicolás Williams Alexey Melnikov draft-alto-caching-subscription-00 -1 Expired 2012-02-21 ALTO Caching and Subscription Nandiraju Ravishankar , Sreekanth Madhavan draft-alto-deployment-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 ALTO Deployment Considerations: Configuration and Monitoring by ISPs Xianghui Sun draft-alto-notification-00 -1 Expired 2010-02-26 Server Notification mechanism for ALTO optimization Xianghui Sun , Kai Li , Kaiyu Zhou draft-alvarez-mpls-ldp-color-lsp-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 Signaling Color Label Switched Paths Using LDP Santiago Alvarez , Syed Raza , Sami Boutros draft-alvarez-pce-path-profiles-04 -1 Expired 2014-11-10 PCE Path Profiles Santiago Alvarez , Siva Sivabalan , Zafar Ali , Luis Tomotaki , Victor Lopez , Rob Shakir , Jeff Tantsura draft-alvestrand-adminrest-motivation-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 IETF Administration Restructuring: Motivation Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-audio-l16-01 -1 RFC 2586 1999-02-05 Informational The Audio/L16 MIME content type Harald Alvestrand , James Salsman draft-alvestrand-charset-policy-01 -1 RFC 2277 1997-09-26 Best Current Practice IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-constraints-resolution-03 -1 Expired 2013-08-26 Resolution Constraints in Web Real Time Communications Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-content-language-03 -1 RFC 3282 2002-02-18 app Patrik Fältström Draft Standard Content Language Headers Harald Alvestrand Patrik Faltstrom draft-alvestrand-directory-defs-03 -1 RFC 3254 2001-09-19 Informational Definitions for talking about directories Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-dispatch-rtcweb-datagram-01 -1 Expired 2011-02-15 A Datagram Transport for the RTC-Web profile Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-dispatch-rtcweb-protocols-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-13 Overview: Real Time Protocols for Brower-based Applications Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-i18mail-scenarios-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-28 Internationalized Email Addresses: Scenarios Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-i18n-howto-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-05 Protocol Redesigner's Handbook - volume i18n Guidelines for internationalization of protocols Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-icar-xarea-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-15 Cross Area Late Review Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-idna-bidi-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idnabis-bidi 2008-02-14 app Chris Newman An updated IDNA criterion for right-to-left scripts Cary Karp , Harald Alvestrand Chris Newman draft-alvestrand-ietf-mission-02 -1 RFC 3935 2004-06-14 gen David Kessens Best Current Practice A Mission Statement for the IETF Harald Alvestrand David Kessens draft-alvestrand-ipod-03 -1 RFC 4693 2006-07-31 gen Russ Housley Best Current Practice IETF Operational Notes Harald Alvestrand Russ Housley draft-alvestrand-lang-tag-v2-04 -1 RFC 3066 2000-09-20 Best Current Practice Tags for the Identification of Languages Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-mmusic-msid-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-msid 2012-12-13 Cross Session Stream Identification in the Session Description Protocol Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-mmusic-simulcast-ssrc-01 -1 Expired 2019-07-06 Using SSRC with WebRTC Simulcast Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-newtrk-cruft-01 -1 Expired 2004-09-13 Getting rid of the cruft: A procedure to deprecate old standards Harald Alvestrand , Eliot Lear draft-alvestrand-newtrk-historical-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-14 Moving documents to Historic: A procedure Harald Alvestrand , Eliot Lear draft-alvestrand-one-rtp-02 -1 Expired 2011-09-28 SDP Grouping for Single RTP Sessions Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rmcat-congestion-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rmcat-gcc 2015-06-29 rmcat tsv A Google Congestion Control Algorithm for Real-Time Communication Stefan Holmer , Henrik Lundin, Gaetano Carlucci , Luna De Cicco , Saverio Mascolo draft-alvestrand-rmcat-remb-03 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 RTCP message for Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrate Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-congestion-03 -1 Replaced draft-alvestrand-rmcat-congestion 2012-10-22 A Google Congestion Control Algorithm for Real-Time Communication on the World Wide Web Stefan Holmer , Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-gateways-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtcweb-gateways 2015-03-09 rtcweb art Proposed Standard WebRTC Gateways Harald Alvestrand , Uwe Rauschenbach draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-msid-02 -1 Replaced draft-alvestrand-mmusic-msid 2012-05-29 Cross Session Stream Identification in the Session Description Protocol Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-overview-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtcweb-overview 2011-06-20 rtcweb art Overview: Real Time Protocols for Brower-based Applications Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-resolution-00 -1 Expired 2012-04-30 RTCWEB Resolution Negotiation Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-stats-registry-00 -1 Expired 2012-09-24 A Registry for WebRTC statistics identifiers Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-vp8-02 -1 Expired 2013-10-06 VP8 as RTCWEB Mandatory to Implement Harald Alvestrand , Adrian Grange draft-alvestrand-rtp-sess-neutral-01 -1 Expired 2012-06-17 Why RTP Sessions Should Be Content Neutral Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-sdp-header-00 -1 Expired 2014-04-01 The SDP RTCP Extension Harald Alvestrand draft-alvestrand-subpoena-01 -1 Expired 2005-09-14 Subpoenas in the IETF: Procedures Harald Alvestrand draft-ama-mpls-fm-rdi-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-25 Reverse Defect Indicator for MPLS FM OAM Ashesh Mishra , Mahesh Jethanandani , Ankur Saxena draft-amante-i2rs-topology-use-cases-01 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Topology API Use Cases Jan Medved , Stefano Previdi , Victor Lopez , Shane Amante draft-amante-irs-topology-use-cases-01 -1 Expired 2013-08-17 Topology API Use Cases Jan Medved , Thomas Nadeau , Shane Amante draft-amante-isis-reverse-metric-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-isis-reverse-metric 2011-03-13 IS-IS Reverse Metric TLV for Network Maintenance Events Naiming Shen , Tony Li , Shane Amante , Mikael Abrahamsson draft-amante-oam-ng-requirements-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-19 Operations and Maintenance Next Generation Requirements Shane Amante , Alia Atlas , Andrew Lange , Danny McPherson draft-am-bfd-performance-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-25 BFD Performance Measurement Ashesh Mishra , Mahesh Jethanandani draft-ambrose-routing-protocol-term-00 -1 Expired 2001-06-15 Terminology for Router Protocol Testing Nick Ambrose , Debra Stopp draft-amdouni-nwcrg-cisew-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Coding Interval-based Sliding Encoding Window Ichrak Amdouni , Cédric Adjih draft-am-dprive-eval-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dprive-eval 2015-10-19 Evaluation of Privacy for DNS Private Exchange Aziz Mohaisen , Allison Mankin draft-amend-iccrg-multipath-reordering-03 -1 Expired 2021-10-25 Multipath sequence maintenance Markus Amend , Dirk Von Hugo draft-amend-mptcp-robe-01 -1 Replaced draft-amend-tcpm-mptcp-robe 2019-11-04 Multipath TCP Extension for Robust Session Establishment Markus Amend , Jiao Kang draft-amend-tcpm-mptcp-robe-02 -1 Expired 2022-03-07 Multipath TCP Extension for Robust Session Establishment Markus Amend , Jiao Kang draft-amend-tsvwg-dccp-udp-header-conversion-01 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 Lossless and overhead free DCCP - UDP header conversion (U-DCCP) Markus Amend , Anna Brunstrom , Andreas Kassler , Veselin Rakocevic draft-amend-tsvwg-multipath-dccp-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-multipath-dccp 2021-07-12 tsvwg tsv DCCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple Addresses Markus Amend , Dirk Von Hugo , Anna Brunstrom , Andreas Kassler , Veselin Rakocevic , Stephen Johnson Gorry Fairhurst draft-amend-tsvwg-multipath-framework-mpdccp-01 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 A multipath framework for UDP traffic over heterogeneous access networks Markus Amend , Eckard Bogenfeld , Anna Brunstrom , Andreas Kassler , Veselin Rakocevic draft-amenyo-consion-sigint-optnet-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-16 ConSION: Control & Signaling Intelligence Overlay Ntworks for Optical Networking John-Thones Amenyo draft-amf-ippm-route-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-route 2017-10-26 Advanced Unidirectional Route Assessment J Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin , Al Morton , Joachim Fabini draft-amini-cdi-distribution-reqs-02 -1 Expired 2001-11-28 Distribution Requirements for Content Internetworking Lisa Amini draft-amit-quick-start-04 -1 Expired 2005-02-22 tsv Allison Mankin Quick-Start for TCP and IP Amit Jain , Sally Floyd Allison Mankin draft-amjad-cfrg-partially-blind-rsa-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-06 .html,.txt,.xml Partially Blind RSA Signatures Ghous Amjad , Scott Hendrickson , Christopher Wood , Kevin Yeo draft-amjads-ipsecme-ikev2-data-channel-01 -1 Expired 2014-03-12 IKEv2 based lightweight secure data communication draft-amjads-ipsecme-ikev2-data-channel-01 (D-IKE) Amjad Inamdar , Rajeshwar Jenwar draft-amringer-jose-chacha-02 -1 Expired 2020-01-10 Chacha derived AEAD algorithms in JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Guillaume Amringer draft-amringer-jose-ecdh-ss-00 -1 Expired 2020-01-12 Use of Static-Static ECDH in JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Guillaume Amringer draft-amsuess-ace-brski-ace-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml Provisioning ACE credentials through BRSKI Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-cbor-packed-by-reference-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Packed CBOR: Table set up by reference Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-accept-any-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-25 Accept-Any option for CoAP Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-cachable-oscore-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Cacheable OSCORE Christian Amsüss , Marco Tiloca draft-amsuess-core-coap-kitchensink-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-21 .html,.txt,.xml Everything over CoAP Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-coap-over-gatt-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml CoAP over GATT (Bluetooth Low Energy Generic Attributes) Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-edhoc-grease-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-03-27 .html,.txt,.xml Applying Generate Random Extensions And Sustain Extensibility (GREASE) to EDHOC Extensibility Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-pd-body-error-position-01 -1 Expired 2023-02-21 Concise Problem Details: Body Error Position Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-rd-replication-02 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Resource Directory Replication Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-repeat-request-tag-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-echo-request-tag 2017-07-01 Repeat And Request-Tag Christian Amsüss , John Preuß Mattsson , Göran Selander draft-amsuess-core-request-tag-00 -1 Replaced draft-amsuess-core-repeat-request-tag 2017-03-27 Request-Tag option Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-resource-directory-extensions-08 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 CoRE Resource Directory Extensions Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-core-transport-indication-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-transport-indication 2022-03-03 core art CoAP Protocol Indication Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-lwig-oscore-00 -1 Expired 2020-04-29 OSCORE Implementation Guidance Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-t2trg-onion-coap-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-04 .html,.txt,.xml Using onion routing with CoAP Christian Amsüss , Marco Tiloca , Rikard Höglund draft-amsuess-t2trg-raytime-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-08 .html,.txt,.xml Raytime: Validating token expiry on an unbounded local time interval Christian Amsüss draft-amsuess-t2trg-rdlink-01 -1 Expired 2019-09-23 rdlink: Robust distributed links to constrained devices Christian Amsüss draft-amundsen-item-and-collection-link-relations-05 -1 RFC 6573 2012-02-05 app Barry Leiba Informational The Item and Collection Link Relations Mike Amundsen Barry Leiba draft-amundsen-richardson-foster-alps-07 -1 Expired 2021-05-19 Application-Level Profile Semantics (ALPS) Mike Amundsen , Leonard Richardson , Mark Foster draft-analysis-challenges-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 Challenges, Opportunities, and Directions for Formal Analysis in the IETF and IRTF Christopher Wood draft-anana-datastore-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-28 The ANANA Datastore Marshall Rose draft-anand-ippm-po-ioam-02 -1 Expired 2019-02-25 Integrated Packet-Optical In-Situ OAM Madhukar Anand , Sanjoy Bardhan , Radha Valiveti , Ramesh Subrahmaniam , Carlos Pignataro , Shwetha Bhandari , Randy Zhang , Rajiv Asati draft-anand-spring-poi-sr-08 -1 Expired 2019-07-29 Packet-Optical Integration in Segment Routing Madhukar Anand , Sanjoy Bardhan , Ramesh Subrahmaniam , Jeff Tantsura , Utpal Mukhopadhyaya , Clarence Filsfils draft-ananthakrishnan-pce-stateful-path-protection-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-stateful-path-protection 2018-02-28 PCEP Extensions for MPSL-TE LSP Path Protection with stateful PCE Hariharan Ananthakrishnan , Siva Sivabalan , Colby Barth , Raveendra Torvi , Ina Minei , Edward Crabbe , Dhruv Dhody draft-ananth-middisc-tcpopt-02 -1 Expired 2013-02-01 tsv Martin Stiemerling Experimental TCP option for transparent Middlebox negotiation Andrew Knutsen , Anantha Ramaiah , Arivu Ramasamy Martin Stiemerling draft-ananth-tcpm-persist-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-persist 2010-01-08 Clarification of sender behaviour in persist condition. Murali Bashyam , Mahesh Jethanandani , Anantha Ramaiah draft-ananth-tcpm-tcpoptext-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-26 TCP option space extension Anantha Ramaiah draft-ananth-tsvwg-timewait-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-06 Effects of port randomization with TCP TIME-WAIT state. Anantha Ramaiah , Patrick Tate draft-anavi-tdmoip-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pwe3-tdmoip 2003-10-28 TDM over IP Jonathan Stein , Yaakov Stein draft-an-cats-usecase-ai-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-11 .html,.txt,.xml Use Case of Computing-Aware AI large model Qing An draft-an-ccwg-hpcc-00 -1 Replaced draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc 2023-06-30 HPCC++: Enhanced High Precision Congestion Control Qing An , Jiaqi Gao , Surendra Anubolu , Rong Pan , Jeongkeun Lee , Barak Gafni , Yuval Shpigelman , Jeff Tantsura , Guy Caspary draft-ancp-mc-extensions-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-03 Multicast Control Extensions for ANCP Philippe Champagne , Wojciech Dec , Sanjay Wadhwa , Stefaan De Cnodder , Roberta Maglione draft-ancp-nas-mib-00 -1 Replaced draft-rohit-ancp-nas-mib 2009-11-25 ANCP MIB module for NAS R Rohit , Aniruddha A , Anirban Karmakar draft-ancp-restart-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 Graceful ANCP restarts on NAS Shridhara Rao , Alexandre Cassen draft-anda-ops-mib-01 -1 Expired 2000-10-11 Definitions of Managed Objects for Open Provisioning Standard (OPS) in the Loop Access Environment Ray Jamp , Yu-Jen Hsiao draft-andersdotter-intarea-update-to-rfc6302-00 -1 Expired 2018-04-22 An update to RFC6302 on Logging Recommendations for Internet-Facing Servers Amelia Andersdotter draft-andersdotter-rrm-for-rrt-in-http3-00 -1 Replaced draft-andersdotter-rrm-for-rtt-in-quic 2019-11-03 Randomized Response Mechanisms in RRT Measurements for HTTP/3 Amelia Andersdotter , Shivan Sahib draft-andersdotter-rrm-for-rtt-in-quic-01 -1 Expired 2020-08-14 An Investigation into Randomized Response Mechanisms in RTT Measurements for QUIC Amelia Andersdotter , Shivan Sahib draft-andersen-arc-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dmarc-arc-protocol 2016-05-24 Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) None , Kurt Andersen , John Rae-Grant , Brandon Long , Trent Adams , Steven Jones draft-andersen-historic-4406-etal-01 -1 Expired 2018-03-24 art Alexey Melnikov Informational Status Change for RFCs 4405, 4406, 4407 to Historic Kurt Andersen Alexey Melnikov draft-andersen-ilbc-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-ilbc-codec 2002-07-05 Internet Low Bit Rate Codec Alan Duric , Steven Andersen draft-andersen-isss-ws-dir-ldifext-00 -1 Expired 1998-06-08 The Extended LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIFext) Technical Specification Erik Andersen draft-anderson-docs-rf-mib-00 -1 Expired 1997-04-14 Data Over Cable Service (DOCS) Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Management Information Base (MIB) Richard Woundy , Wilson Sawyer , Pamela Anderson draft-anderson-forces-arch-01 -1 Expired 2002-05-14 ForCES Architectural Framework Todd Anderson , Lily Yang , Ram Dantu draft-anderson-forces-model-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-forces-model 2001-11-16 ForCES Architectural Framework and FE Functional Model Todd Anderson draft-anderson-forces-req-02 -1 Expired 2001-10-01 Requirements for Separation of IP Control and Forwarding Todd Anderson draft-anderson-gsmp-swpart-mib-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-26 Switch Partitioning MIB Todd Anderson draft-anderson-ibif-mib-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-12 Definitions of Managed Objects Infiniband Interface Type Bill Anderson draft-anderson-mvr-pib-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-24 Multiple Virtual Router Partitioning Policy Information Base Todd Anderson draft-anderson-req-dyn-part-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-28 gsmp sub Requirements for the Dynamic Partitioning of Network Elements Todd Anderson , avri doria draft-anderson-reverse-dns-status-00 -1 Expired 2007-04-24 Reverse DNS Status Report Dean Anderson draft-anderson-siit-dc-00 -1 Replaced draft-anderson-v6ops-siit-dc 2012-11-09 Stateless IP/ICMP Translation in IPv6 Data Centre Environments Tore Anderson draft-anderson-v6ops-siit-dc-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-siit-dc 2014-10-05 v6ops ops SIIT-DC: Stateless IP/ICMP Translation for IPv6 Data Centre Environments Tore Anderson draft-anderson-v6ops-siit-dc-2xlat-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-siit-dc-2xlat 2014-09-15 v6ops ops SIIT-DC: Dual Translation Mode Tore Anderson draft-anderson-v6ops-siit-eam-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-siit-eam 2015-01-08 Explicit Address Mappings for Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Tore Anderson draft-anderson-v6ops-v4v6-xlat-prefix-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-v4v6-xlat-prefix 2016-09-09 Local-use IPv4/IPv6 Translation Prefix Tore Anderson draft-andersson-eap-tls-sasl-00 -1 Expired 2001-06-13 EAP Mechanism using TLS and SASL (Version 1) Hakan Andersson , Simon Josefsson draft-andersson-gels-bof-prep-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-21 Use of the Gnerealized Multi-Protocol Label Switching control plane for point-to-point Ethernet Label Switching Loa Andersson , Dimitri Papadimitriou draft-andersson-gels-exp-rsvp-te-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-08 Extenstion to RSVP-TE for GMPLS Controlled Ethernet - An experimental approach Loa Andersson , Anders Gavler draft-andersson-iab-liaison-guidelines-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-04 Guidelines for Acting as an IETF Liaison to Another Organization Loa Andersson draft-andersson-lsp-ping-registries-update-00 -1 Replaced draft-andersson-mpls-lsp-ping-registries-update 2019-07-07 Updating the LSP Ping IANA registries Loa Andersson , Tarek Saad draft-andersson-mpls-eh-architecture-03 -1 Replaced draft-andersson-mpls-mna-operation-architecture 2022-04-05 MPLS Extension Header Architecture Loa Andersson , Jim Guichard , Haoyu Song , Stewart Bryant draft-andersson-mpls-eh-label-stack-operations-03 -1 Replaced draft-andersson-mpls-mna-label-stack-operations 2022-04-05 MPLS Label Operations in MPLS EH capable networks Loa Andersson , Jim Guichard , Haoyu Song , Stewart Bryant draft-andersson-mpls-expbits-def-00 -1 Expired 2008-03-10 MPLS EXP-bits definition Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-g-chng-proc-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-13 MPLS and GMPLS Change Process Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-iana-registries-structure-00 -1 Expired 2020-11-02 MPLS IANA Registries Structure Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-indicators-and-anxillary-data-00 -1 Expired 2021-06-09 Indicators and anxillary data in the MPLS Label Stack Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-lsp-ping-registries-update-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-registries-update 2019-09-03 mpls rtg Updating the IANA MPLS LSP Ping Parameters Loa Andersson , Tarek Saad , Mach Chen , Carlos Pignataro Adrian Farrel draft-andersson-mpls-lsp-ping-upd-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-16 mpls rtg Updates to RFC 4379 IANA section Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-miad-fwk-01 -1 Replaced draft-andersson-mpls-mna-fwk 2022-03-04 MPLS MIAD Framework Loa Andersson , Stewart Bryant , Matthew Bocci draft-andersson-mpls-mna-fwk-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-mna-fwk 2022-06-27 mpls rtg Informational MPLS Network Actions Framework Loa Andersson , Stewart Bryant , Matthew Bocci , Tony Li Nicolai Leymann draft-andersson-mpls-mna-label-stack-operations-00 -1 Expired 2022-09-26 MPLS Label Stack Operations in Networks with MNA Incremental Deployment Loa Andersson , Jim Guichard , Haoyu Song , Stewart Bryant draft-andersson-mpls-mna-operation-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2022-09-26 MPLS MNA Operational Architecture Loa Andersson , Jim Guichard , Haoyu Song , Stewart Bryant draft-andersson-mpls-moving-iana-registries-00 -1 Replaced draft-lcap-mpls-moving-iana-registries 2013-07-14 Moving Generic Associated Channel registries to a new name space Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-open-dt-questions-01 -1 Expired 2021-05-10 MPLS Open Design Team Questions Loa Andersson draft-andersson-mpls-sig-decision-03 -1 RFC 3468 2002-11-27 mpls rtg Scott Bradner Informational The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group decision on MPLS signaling protocols George Swallow , Loa Andersson Scott Bradner draft-andersson-mpls-spl-terminology-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-spl-terminology 2019-02-27 Special Purpose Label terminology Loa Andersson , Kireeti Kompella , Adrian Farrel draft-andersson-mpls-tp-oam-def-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-mpls-tp-oam-def 2009-01-16 "The OAM Acronym Soup" Loa Andersson , Malcolm Betts , Ron Bonica , Huub Helvoort , Dan Romascanu draft-andersson-mpls-tp-process-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-process 2009-06-30 Joint IETF and ITU-T Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Transport Profile process Loa Andersson , David Ward , Malcolm Betts draft-andersson-ppvpn-l2-framework-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-28 PPVPN L2 Framework Loa Andersson draft-andersson-ppvpn-metrics-01 -1 Expired 2002-07-01 Parameters and related metrics to compare PPVPN Layer 2 solutions Loa Andersson draft-andersson-ppvpn-terminology-04 -1 Expired 2003-10-01 PPVPN Terminology Loa Andersson , Tove Madsen draft-andersson-reroute-frmwrk-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-28 Requirement Framework for Fast Re-route with MPLS Bradley Cain , Loa Andersson , Bilel Jamoussi draft-andersson-rtg-gmpls-change-08 -1 RFC 4929 2007-03-02 rtg Brian Carpenter Best Current Practice Change Process for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Protocols and Procedures Adrian Farrel , Loa Andersson Brian Carpenter draft-andou-igmp-auth-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-21 IGMP for user Authentication Protocol (IGAP) Daisuke Andou , Takeshi Hayashi draft-andreasen-dots-info-data-model-01 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Information and Data Model Flemming Andreasen , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-andreasen-mgcp-fax-08 -1 RFC 5347 2008-02-20 rai Cullen Jennings Informational Media Gateway Control Protocol Fax Package Flemming Andreasen , David Hancock Cullen Jennings draft-andreasen-mgcp-moveconnection-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-10 Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) MoveConnection Package Flemming Andreasen , Bill Foster draft-andreasen-mgcp-rfc2705bis-05 -1 RFC 3435 2002-05-30 tsv Scott Bradner Informational Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Version 1.0 Bill Foster , Flemming Andreasen Scott Bradner draft-andreasen-mmusic-connectivityprecondition-02 -1 Expired 2005-02-22 Connectivity Preconditions for Session Description Protocol Media Streams Flemming Andreasen draft-andreasen-mmusic-sdp-capability-negotiation-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-capability-negotiation 2006-10-22 SDP Capability Negotiation Flemming Andreasen draft-andreasen-mmusic-sdp-capability-negotiation-reqts-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-capability-negotiation-reqts 2006-12-11 SDP Capability Negotiation: Requirements and Review of Existing Work Flemming Andreasen draft-andreasen-mmusic-sdpcapneg-att-del-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-08 SDP Capability Negotiation: Deleting and Replacing Attributes Flemming Andreasen draft-andreasen-mmusic-sdp-simcap-05 -1 RFC 3407 2002-03-01 tsv Allison Mankin Proposed Standard Session Description Protocol (SDP) Simple Capability Declaration Flemming Andreasen Allison Mankin draft-andreasen-mmusic-sdp-simcap-reqts-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-07 SDP Simple Capability Negotiation Requirements Flemming Andreasen draft-andreasen-mmusic-securityprecondition-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-securityprecondition 2004-10-27 Security Preconditions for Session Description Protocol Media Streams Flemming Andreasen draft-andreasen-sipping-rfc3603bis-07 -1 RFC 5503 2008-11-26 rai Cullen Jennings Informational Private Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Proxy-to-Proxy Extensions for Supporting the PacketCable Distributed Call Signaling Architecture Flemming Andreasen , Bernie McKibben , Bill Marshall Cullen Jennings draft-andreasen-sip-rfc3603bis-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-19 Private Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Proxy-to-Proxy Extensions for Supporting the PacketCable Distributed Call Signaling Architecture Bill Marshall draft-andrews-6man-dns64-exclude-00 -1 Expired 2019-07-22 DNS64 Exclusion List RA Option Mark Andrews draft-andrews-6man-force-fragmentation-01 -1 Expired 2012-01-22 Forcing Fragmentation of IPv6 Packets Mark Andrews draft-andrews-6man-fragopt-01 -1 Expired 2013-08-06 IPv6 Stateless Fragmentation Identification Options Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dlv-dns-rr-01 -1 RFC 4431 2005-12-28 int Margaret Cullen Informational The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) DNS Resource Record Samuel Weiler , Mark Andrews Margaret Cullen draft-andrews-dns-ascii-01 -1 Expired 1996-05-21 ASCII Encoding for Domain Names Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsext-expire-04 -1 RFC 7314 2014-03-28 Experimental Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS) EXPIRE Option Mark Andrews Eliot Lear draft-andrews-dnsext-multi-match-label-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-30 Multi Match Label Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsext-soa-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-14 DNS Start of Authority Discovery Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsext-udp-fragmentation-01 -1 Expired 2012-01-22 DNS and UDP Fragmentation Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dns-hostnames-02 -1 Expired 1996-04-10 Clarification on the use of Hostnames, Mail Boxes and Mail Domains in the DNS Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dns-more-01 -1 Expired 1996-07-08 Large Responses to DNS Queries (DNS MORE) Paul Vixie , Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dns-no-response-issue-16 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-no-response-issue 2015-11-26 dnsop ops Best Current Practice A Common Operational Problem in DNS Servers - Failure To Respond. Mark Andrews Tim Wicinski draft-andrews-dnsop-defeat-frag-attack-00 -1 Expired 2019-07-03 Defeating DNS/UDP Fragmentation Attacks Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsop-glue-is-not-optional-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-glue-is-not-optional 2020-04-16 dnsop ops Glue In DNS Referral Responses Is Not Optional Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsop-pd-reverse-02 -1 Expired 2013-11-05 Automated Delegation of IP6.ARPA reverse zones with Prefix Delegation Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsop-rfc6598-rfc6303-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc6598-rfc6303 2013-10-09 Add prefixes to IPv4 Locally-Served DNS Zones Registry. Mark Andrews draft-andrews-dnsop-update-parent-zones-04 -1 Expired 2013-11-06 Updating Parent Zones Mark Andrews draft-andrews-edns1-01 -1 Expired 2014-04-16 EDNS Version 1 (EDNS(1)) Mark Andrews draft-andrews-full-service-resolvers-02 -1 Expired 2006-02-24 Configuration Issues Facing Full Service DNS Resolvers In The Presence of Private Network Addressing Mark Andrews draft-andrews-http-srv-02 -1 Expired 2014-05-20 Use of SRV records in conjuction with HTTP and URIs" Mark Andrews , Thor Kottelin draft-andrews-tcp-and-ipv6-use-minmtu-04 -1 Expired 2015-10-18 TCP Fails To Respect IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU Mark Andrews draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02 -1 Expired 2011-05-10 6to4 DHCP Relay Router Option Mark Andrews draft-andros-nfsv4-client-multipath-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2017-02-09 Trunking Discovery For Network File System Version 4.1 Andy Adamson , Chuck Lever draft-an-fast-address-validation-00 -1 Expired 2019-11-01 Fast Address Validation Qing An , Dapeng Liu , Yanmei Liu , Hao Wang draft-angelos-keynote-dsa-rsa-encoding-00 -1 RFC 2792 2000-01-21 DSA and RSA Key and Signature Encoding for the KeyNote Trust Management System John Ioannidis , Angelos Keromytis , Matt Blaze draft-angelos-spki-keynote-01 -1 Expired 1998-06-02 The KeyNote Trust Management System Angelos Keromytis , Matt Blaze , Joan Feigenbaum draft-anggawijaya-pim-resilient-gmp-01 -1 Expired 2016-02-23 Improving IGMPv3 and MLDv2 Resilience Hermin Anggawijaya draft-anil-fcip-mib-00 -1 Expired 2001-04-26 FCIP Management MIB S Akkala , Antil Rijhsinghani draft-anil-incremental-checksum-02 -1 RFC 1624 1994-05-12 Computation of the Internet Checksum via Incremental Update Anil Rijsinghani draft-anilj-icnrg-dnc-qos-icn-02 -1 Expired 2020-03-09 QoS Treatments in ICN using Disaggregated Name Components Anil Jangam , Prakash Suthar , Milan Stolic draft-anilj-icnrg-icn-qos-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-15 Supporting QoS aware Data Delivery in Information Centric Networks Anil Jangam , Prakash Suthar , Milan Stolic draft-anil-sigtran-dua-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-27 tsv Scott Bradner DPNSS/DASS 2 extensions to the IUA protocol Anil Vydyam Scott Bradner draft-anil-sipping-bla-04 -1 Expired 2007-03-06 Implementing Multiple Line Appearances using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Anil Kumar draft-anima-constrained-join-proxy-02 -1 Expired 2021-02-03 Constrained Join Proxy for Bootstrapping Protocols Michael Richardson , Peter Van der Stok , Panos Kampanakis draft-anipko-mif-mpvd-arch-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mif-mpvd-arch 2013-11-05 mif int Multiple Provisioning Domain Architecture Dmitry Anipko draft-anish-bier-overlay-pim-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Overlay for discovery in a BIER network Anish Peter , Robert Kebler , Vikram Nagarajan draft-anish-pim-reliable-registers-00 -1 Expired 2018-11-21 Reliable Transport For PIM Register States Anish Peter , Robert Kebler , Vikram Nagarajan , Toerless Eckert , Stig Venaas draft-anish-pim-stream-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 PIM source discovery in Last-Hop-Router Anish Peter , Robert Kebler , Vikram Nagarajan draft-anish-reliable-pim-registers-02 -1 Expired 2018-03-19 Reliable Transport For PIM Register States Anish Peter , Robert Kebler , Vikram Nagarajan , Toerless Eckert , Stig Venaas draft-anish-spring-bimap-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2023-02-27 SRv6 Bitmap Multicast Anish Peter draft-anjali-ippm-avail-band-measurement-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-28 Available Bandwidth Measurement in IP Networks Tricha Anjali draft-anjum-pana-location-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-03 Requirements for supporting Location-based Authorization Services within the PANA framework Farooq Anjum draft-anker-congress-01 -1 Expired 1998-01-14 IMSS: IP Multicast Shortcut Service Tal Anker , David Breitgand , Danny Dolev , Zohar Levy draft-ankur-mpls-upstream-mapping-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-11 Upstream mapping in Echo Request Ankur Saxena , Mahesh Jethanandani draft-ankwangwoo-00 -1 Expired 2001-09-07 IPV6 Address Packet Definition and Transition An Kwangwoo draft-an-multipath-quic-00 -1 Expired 2020-10-22 Multipath Extension for QUIC Qing An , Yanmei Liu , Yunfei Ma , Zhenyu Li draft-an-multipath-quic-application-policy-00 -1 Expired 2020-07-07 Enabling application policy-awareness in Multipath QUIC Qing An , Zhenyu Li , Yanmei Liu draft-an-multipath-quic-traffic-distribution-00 -1 Replaced draft-an-multipath-quic-application-policy 2020-03-06 Key Components for Multipath QUIC Traffic Distribution Qing An , Dapeng Liu , Yanmei Liu draft-annee-dprive-oblivious-dns-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 Oblivious DNS - Strong Privacy for DNS Queries Annie Edmundson , Paul Schmitt , Nick Feamster , Allison Mankin draft-annu-t2trg-ike-for-wsn-security-00 -1 Expired 2018-08-03 ike for wsn security annusincisco.com <172211003@nitdelhi.ac.in>, Karan Verma draft-anonymous-rtgwg-hlarp-00 -1 Expired 2020-01-02 Hierarchically Located Addressing and Routing Protocol 5265644D61736F6E <5265644d61736f6e@gmail.com> draft-anoopmis-eap-autoadd-00 -1 Expired 2019-12-23 AutoAdd - Automatic Bootstrapping of IoT Devices Anoop Pandey draft-anquetil-megaco-asn1-idl-syntax-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-23 MEGACO protocol ASN1/OMG-IDL syntax and API Anquetil Lp draft-ansari-forces-discovery-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-forces-discovery 2004-10-29 ForCES Intra-NE Topology Discovery Furquan Ansari draft-ansari-scim-soft-delete-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 SCIM Soft Delete Morteza Ansari , Phil Hunt draft-an-savi-mib-16 -1 Expired 2019-01-18 Definition of Managed Objects for SAVI Protocol Changqing An , Jiahai Yang , Jianping Wu , Jun Bi draft-an-savi-yang-04 -1 Expired 2018-08-10 A Yang Data Model for SAVI Management Changqing An , Jiahai Yang , Jianping Wu , Jun Bi draft-anshoo-test-spec-m3ua-01 -1 Expired 2003-05-14 Test Specification for MTP3 User Adaptation Anshoo Sharma draft-anshul-knowledge-based-web-pages-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-20 Knowledge Based Web Pages draft-anshul-knowledge-based-web-pages-00 Abstract Anshul Pareek draft-anshuverma-bess-vpls-best-site-id-02 -1 Expired 2016-05-02 Vpls Best-site id Anshu Verma , John Drake , Rodny Molina , Wen Lin draft-ansorge-ccamp-lmp-sonet-sdh-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-19 LMP Extensions for Sonet and SDH Stefan Ansorge , Dimitri Papadimitriou draft-antoine-mip4-lowlatency-handoff-triggers-00 -1 Expired 2006-12-15 Using Higher Layer Triggers for Low Latency Handoffs in MIPv4 Stephane Antoine draft-antoine-mip4-proxymobike-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-14 Mobility using Proxy MIP and Mobike Stephane Antoine draft-antony-ipsecme-oppo-nat-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 NAT-Traversal support for Opportunistic IPsec Antony Antony , John Gilmore , Paul Wouters draft-antti-gsm-sms-url-04 -1 Expired 1999-05-19 URLs for GSM Short Message Service Antti Vaha-Sipila draft-antti-rfc2806bis-08 -1 Expired 2003-02-20 tsv Jon Peterson The tel URI for Telephone Calls Henning Schulzrinne Jon Peterson draft-antti-sms-service-selector-00 -1 Expired 1999-05-19 GSTN Address Service Selector 'SMS' Antti Vaha-Sipila draft-antti-telephony-url-11 -1 RFC 2806 1999-10-08 Proposed Standard URLs for Telephone Calls Antti Vaha-Sipila , Antti Vaha-Sipila draft-anumita-tcpm-stronger-checksum-00 -1 Expired 2010-05-26 Support for Stronger Error Detection Codes in TCP for Jumbo Frames Anumita Biswas draft-anup-idr-bgp-duplicate-rt-00 -1 Expired 2017-05-25 Procedures to handle duplicate Route Targets (RT) received by a BGP Speaker Anup T draft-anup-idr-bgp-frr-splithorizon-00 -1 Expired 2017-05-23 Split Horizon Considerations in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Fast ReRoute (FRR) Anup T draft-aoch-nvo3-edge-datacenter-01 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 The use case in Edge Datacenter network Ting Ao , Zhonghua Chen <18918588897@189.cn> draft-aoch-nvo3-flow-split-00 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 Flow split in Metro Area Network Zhonghua Chen <18918588897@189.cn>, Ting Ao draft-aoki-arib-uri-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-08 The broadcast program resource identifier in the MPEG-2 transport stream over ISDB system Shigeru Aoki , Masahito Kawamori draft-aoki-simple-interdomain-bcp-02 -1 Expired 2006-07-24 Best Current Practices for Inter-domain Instant Messaging using SIP/SIMPLE Edwin Aoki draft-aol-imx-00 -1 Expired 2000-06-16 The IMX Architecture Interoperability with America Online's Instant Messaging Services Edwin Aoki , Andy Wick draft-ao-nvo3-multi-encap-interconnect-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-02 Multi-encapsulation interconnection for Overlay Virtual Network Ting Ao , Greg Mirsky , Fan Yongbing draft-ao-nvo3-overlay-subnet-architecture-02 -1 Expired 2019-06-04 Architecture for Overlay Virtual Sub-Network Interconnection Ting Ao <18555817@qq.com>, Greg Mirsky , Fan Yongbing draft-ao-sfc-for-dc-interconnect-01 -1 Expired 2015-10-15 Hierarchical SFC for DC Interconnection Ting Ao , Bo Wu draft-ao-sfc-oam-path-consistency-11 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sfc-multi-layer-oam 2021-03-31 SFC OAM for path consistency Greg Mirsky , Ting Ao <18555817@qq.com>, Zhonghua Chen <18918588897@189.cn>, Kent Leung , Gyan Mishra draft-ao-sfc-oam-return-path-specified-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sfc-multi-layer-oam 2021-03-31 Controlled Return Path for Service Function Chain (SFC) OAM Greg Mirsky , Ting Ao <18555817@qq.com>, Zhonghua Chen <18918588897@189.cn>, Gyan Mishra draft-ao-sfc-overlay-02 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 Interworking SFC network and Overlay network Ting Ao , Greg Mirsky draft-ao-sfc-scalability-analysis-05 -1 Expired 2019-06-04 Analysis of the SFC scalability Ting Ao <18555817@qq.com>, Greg Mirsky draft-ao-sfc-transport-00 -1 Expired 2018-10-22 SFC transport considertation Ting Ao , Wei Wei , Yan Zheng draft-ao-sfc-yang-03 -1 Expired 2020-12-28 YANG data model for SFF Ran Chen , Xufeng Liu , Huanan Chen , Wei Wei , Ting Ao <18555817@qq.com> draft-aoun-mgcp-nat-package-02 -1 Expired 2003-03-04 A NAT package for MGCP NAT traversal Cedric Aoun , Martin Wakley , Tania Sassenberg draft-aoun-midcom-agent-information-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-31 Required Information in Midcom Agents Cedric Aoun , Sanjoy Sen draft-aoun-midcom-cops-02 -1 Expired 2002-05-10 COPS applicability as the MIDCOM protocol Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-midcom-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2002-05-22 Potential Solutions to the Middle Box discovery problem Cedric Aoun , Louis Hamer draft-aoun-midcom-intrarealmcalls-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 Identifying intra-realm calls and Avoiding media tromboning Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-midcom-network-00 -1 Expired 2001-06-25 Network topology considerations in the MIDCOM Architectural framework Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-middlebox-discovery-comparison-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 Middle Box discovery integration solutions within the Midcom architecture Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-middlebox-token-authentication-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 Potential solution for authorization token authentication Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-nsis-nat-imps-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-07 NSIS Network Address Translator implications Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-nsis-nslp-natfw-intrarealm-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-21 NATFirewall NSLP Intra-realm considerations Cedric Aoun draft-aoun-nsis-nslp-natfw-migration-02 -1 Expired 2004-07-22 NAT/Firewall NSLP Migration Considerations Cedric Aoun , Marcus Brunner , Martin Stiemerling , Miquel Martin , Hannes Tschofenig draft-aoun-v6ops-natpt-deprecate-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-natpt-to-exprmntl 2004-09-21 Reasons to Deprecate NAT-PT Cedric Aoun draft-appala-mile-xmpp-grid-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mile-xmpp-grid 2015-10-08 mile sec XMPP Protocol Extensions for Use with IODEF Nancy Cam-Winget , Syam Appala , Scott Pope draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-onion-tld 2015-04-14 dnsop ops Proposed Standard The .onion Special-Use Domain Name Jacob Appelbaum , Alec Muffett Tim Wicinski draft-apple-schema-metadata-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-23 Directory Schema Listing Metadata Chris Apple draft-apple-schema-proc-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-23 Directory Schema Listing Procedures Chris Apple draft-apple-schema-reg-file-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-16 Directory Schema Listing File Names Chris Apple draft-apple-schema-reg-rqmts-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-16 Requirements for the Initial Release of a Directory Schema Listing Service Chris Apple draft-appsawg-perez-sdcp-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 SDCP: Streaming Distributed Control Protocol Cristian Perez-Monte draft-appsawg-uri-scheme-reg-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-appsawg-uri-scheme-reg 2014-03-31 appsawg art Guidelines and Registration Procedures for New URI Schemes Dave Thaler , Tony Hansen , Ted Hardie , Larry Masinter draft-apthorp-ical-tasks-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-calext-ical-tasks 2021-05-10 Task Extensions to iCalendar Adrian Apthorp , Cyrus Daboo , Michael Douglass draft-apurva-ldap-query-containment-01 -1 Expired 2003-07-03 Schema to Support Query Containment in LDAP Directories Apurva Kumar draft-aqm-codel-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-aqm-codel 2014-10-17 Controlled Delay Active Queue Management Kathleen Nichols , Van Jacobson , Andrew McGregor , Jana Iyengar draft-aragon-ace-ipsec-profile-01 -1 Expired 2017-10-29 IPsec profile of ACE Santiago Aragon , Marco Tiloca , Shahid Raza draft-arai-ecrit-japan-req-01 -1 Expired 2005-05-16 Emergency Call Requirements for IP Telephony Services In Japan Hideki Arai , Motoharu Kawanishi draft-aranda-dispatch-q4s-10 -1 RFC 8802 2019-07-05 Informational The Quality for Service (Q4S) Protocol Jose Aranda , Monica Cortes , Joaquin Salvachua , Tecnalia Innovation , Inaki Sarriegui Eliot Lear draft-aranda-dispatch-qhttp-00 -1 Expired 2010-11-08 The Quality Hypertext Transfer Protocol Jose Aranda draft-aranda-nfvrg-recursive-vnf-06 -1 Expired 2018-08-21 High-level VNF Descriptors using NEMO Pedro Gutierrez , Diego Lopez , Stefano Salsano , Elena Batanero draft-aranda-qospolicy-00 -1 Expired 2007-03-02 QoS policies for heterogeneous access network environment Aranda Gutierrez draft-aranda-sfc-dp-mobile-04 -1 Expired 2017-07-01 Service Function Chaining Dataplane Elements in Mobile Networks Pedro Gutierrez , Marco Gramaglia , Diego Lopez , Walter Haeffner draft-aranda-sf-dp-mobile-00 -1 Replaced draft-aranda-sfc-dp-mobile 2015-10-05 Service Function Chaining Dataplane Elements in Mobile Networks Pedro Aranda , Diego Lopez , Walter Haeffner draft-aranda-vnfpool-cdn-use-case-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 Virtualization of Content Distribution Network Use Case Pedro Aranda , Daniel King , Masaki Fukushima draft-arango-pim-join-attributes-for-lisp-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pim-join-attributes-for-lisp 2014-02-08 PIM Join Attributes for LISP Environments Jesus Arango , Stig Venaas , Isidor Kouvelas draft-aravamudhan-mobileip-nai-wn-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-21 NAI Resolution for Wireless Networks Lachu Aravamudhan , Mark O'Brien , Basavaraj Patil draft-aravindbabu-idr-bgp-ls-flex-algo-ext-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-10 Advertising Flexible Algorithm Extensions in BGP Link-State Ketan Talaulikar , Aravind MahendraBabu draft-aravind-isis-confidentiality-data-00 -1 Expired 2014-11-12 Data Confidentiality in IS-IS Aravind Sridharan draft-aravind-isis-reason-tlv-00 -1 Expired 2014-11-17 IS-IS Reason TLV Aravind Sridharan draft-aravind-mptcp-optimized-subflows-00 -1 Expired 2015-04-07 Optimized Multipath TCP subflows using Traceflow Kesava Krupakaran , Aravind Sridharan , Shathish Venkatesan draft-aravind-radext-attribute-security-00 -1 Expired 2017-02-17 RADIUS Attribute Security Sanal Kariyezhath , Aravind Sridharan draft-aravind-radext-endtoend-attribute-security-00 -1 Expired 2017-08-18 RADIUS End-to-end Attribute Security Aravind Sridharan , Sanal Kariyezhath draft-aravind-radext-extended-identifier-attribute-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-07 RADIUS Extended Identifier Attribute Sanal Kariyezhath , Aravind Sridharan draft-aravind-radext-message-bundling-00 -1 Expired 2015-08-04 RADIUS Message Bundling Sanal Kariyezhath , Aravind Sridharan , Chandra Mohan draft-aravind-tcpm-lively-failure-notifications-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-20 Lively TCP Connection Failure Notifications Aravind Sridharan , Shathish Venkatesan draft-arbeiter-rtp-klv-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtp-klv 2010-04-19 RTP Payload Format for SMPTE 336M Encoded Data James Arbeiter draft-arberg-ancp-vendorspecific-01 -1 Expired 2008-11-03 Vendor Specific Message for ANCP. Peter Arberg draft-arberg-pppoe-iana-03 -1 RFC 4937 2006-10-25 int Mark Townsley Informational IANA Considerations for PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Vince Mammoliti , Peter Arberg Mark Townsley draft-arberg-pppoe-mtu-gt1492-03 -1 RFC 4638 2006-03-21 pppext int Mark Townsley Informational Accommodating a Maximum Transit Unit/Maximum Receive Unit (MTU/MRU) Greater Than 1492 in the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Mike Duckett , Jerome Moisand , Tom Anschutz , Diamantis Kourkouzelis , Peter Arberg Mark Townsley draft-archana-pimwg-pim-ping-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-05 PIM-PING Archana Patel , Janardhan Kulkarni draft-arciszewski-xchacha-03 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-xchacha 2018-12-18 cfrg XChaCha: eXtended-nonce ChaCha and AEAD_XChaCha20_Poly1305 Scott Arciszewski draft-arcmedia-type-00 -1 Replaced draft-seantek-kerwin-arcmedia-type 2014-10-28 The Archive Primary Media Type for File Archives Sean Leonard , Matthew Kerwin draft-ardas-rpcl-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-11 Routing Policy Configuration Language (RPCL) Tony Przygienda , Ardas Cilingiroglu draft-arends-dns-error-reporting-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting 2020-10-30 dnsop ops DNS Error Reporting Roy Arends , Matt Larson draft-arends-dnsext-dlvptr-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-05 The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation Pointer (DLVPTR) Resource Record Roy Arends draft-arends-dnsext-qr-clarification-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-14 DNS Response clarification. Roy Arends draft-arends-dnsext-rrsets-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-11 Unsigned RRsets in Secure Zones Roy Arends draft-arends-dnsnr-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-13 DNSSEC Non-Repudiation Resource Record Roy Arends draft-arends-dnsop-dnssec-algorithm-update-00 -1 Expired 2017-03-13 DNS Security (DNSSEC) DNSKEY Algorithm IANA Registry Updates Roy Arends , Jakob Schlyter , Matt Larson draft-arends-nscp-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-20 Name Server Control Protocol Roy Arends draft-arends-private-use-tld-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-private-use-tld 2020-06-08 dnsop ops Top-level Domains for Private Internets Roy Arends , Ed Lewis draft-arias-noguchi-dnrd-objects-mapping-10 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-regext-dnrd-objects-mapping 2019-01-04 Proposed Standard Domain Name Registration Data (DNRD) Objects Mapping Gustavo Lozano , James Gould , Chethan Thippeswamy draft-arias-noguchi-registry-data-escrow-11 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-regext-data-escrow 2019-01-04 Proposed Standard Registry Data Escrow Specification Gustavo Lozano draft-arias-registry-data-escrow-00 -1 Expired 2010-01-25 Internet Domain Registry Data Escrow specification Francisco Arias draft-arifumi-6man-addr-select-conflict-02 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Considerations of address selection policy conflicts Arifumi Matsumoto , Tomohiro Fujisaki , Ruri Hiromi draft-arifumi-6man-addr-select-sol-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-addr-select-sol 2007-11-08 Solution approaches for address-selection problems Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-6man-rfc3484-revise-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-rfc3484-revise 2010-07-12 Things To Be Considered for RFC 3484 Revision Arifumi Matsumoto , Tomohiro Fujisaki , Ruri Hiromi draft-arifumi-ipv6-nd-source-address-select-02 -1 Expired 2005-01-31 Configuring Source Address Selection Policy by Neighbor Discovery Protocol for IPv6 Tomohiro Fujisaki draft-arifumi-ipv6-policy-dist-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-20 Practical Usages of Address Selection Policy Distribution Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-ipv6-rfc3484-revise-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-28 Things To Be Considered for RFC 3484 Revision Arifumi Matsumoto , Tomohiro Fujisaki draft-arifumi-ipv6-sas-policy-dist-00 -1 Expired 2005-01-31 Source Address Selection Policy Distribution for Multihoming Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-lin6-multihome-api-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-23 Basic Socket API Extensions for LIN6 End-to-End Multihoming Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-multi6-sas-policy-dist-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-20 Source Address Selection Policy Distribution for Multihoming Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-multi6-tlc-fm-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-02 TLC-FM : Transport Layer Common Framework for Multihoming Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-softwire-dslite-global-addr-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 Global IPv4 Address Configuration Option for DS-Lite Arifumi Matsumoto , Tomohiro Fujisaki draft-arifumi-tcp-mh-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-08 TCP Multi-Home Options Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-v6ops-addr-select-ps-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-addr-select-ps 2006-10-23 Problem Statement of Default Address Selection in Multi-prefix Environment: Operational Issues of RFC3484 Default Rules Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arifumi-v6ops-addr-select-sol-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-15 Solution approaches for address-selection problems Arifumi Matsumoto draft-arita-netext-pnemo-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-12 Proxy Network Mobility Protocol Tetsuya Arita , Fumio Teraoka draft-arkko-abcd-distributed-resolver-selection-01 -1 Expired 2020-03-09 Selecting Resolvers from a Set of Distributed DNS Resolvers Jari Arkko , Martin Thomson , Ted Hardie draft-arkko-acctreqlis-00 -1 Expired 2000-01-19 aaa ops Requirements for Internet-Scale Accounting Management Jari Arkko draft-arkko-acctrqlis-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-29 Accounting Requirements Jari Arkko draft-arkko-arch-dedr-report-00 -1 Replaced draft-iab-dedr-report 2019-11-04 Report from the IAB workshop on Design Expectations vs. Deployment Reality in Protocol Development Jari Arkko , Ted Hardie draft-arkko-arch-infrastructure-centralisation-00 -1 Expired 2019-11-04 Centralised Architectures in Internet Infrastructure Jari Arkko draft-arkko-arch-internet-threat-model-01 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 Changes in the Internet Threat Model Jari Arkko draft-arkko-arch-internet-threat-model-guidance-00 -1 Expired 2021-07-12 Internet Threat Model Guidance Jari Arkko , Stephen Farrell draft-arkko-arch-low-latency-02 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 Low Latency Applications and the Internet Architecture Jari Arkko , Jeff Tantsura draft-arkko-arch-virtualization-01 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 Considerations on Network Virtualization and Slicing Jari Arkko , Jeff Tantsura , Joel Halpern , Balazs Varga draft-arkko-arp-iana-rules-06 -1 RFC 5494 2009-02-12 gen Russ Housley Proposed Standard IANA Allocation Guidelines for the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Jari Arkko , Carlos Pignataro Russ Housley draft-arkko-core-cellular-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-09 Building Power-Efficient CoAP Devices for Cellular Networks Jari Arkko , Anders Eriksson , Ari Keränen draft-arkko-core-dev-urn-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-dev-urn 2017-10-30 Uniform Resource Names for Device Identifiers Jari Arkko , Cullen Jennings , Zach Shelby draft-arkko-core-security-arch-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-26 CoAP Security Architecture Ari Keränen , Jari Arkko draft-arkko-core-sleepy-sensors-01 -1 Expired 2011-07-05 Implementing Tiny COAP Sensors Heidi-Maria Rissanen , Oscar Novo , Jari Arkko , Zoltan Turanyi , Salvatore Loreto draft-arkko-dns-confidential-02 -1 Expired 2021-07-02 Privacy Improvements for DNS Resolution with Confidential Computing Jari Arkko , Jiri Novotny draft-arkko-dual-stack-extra-lite-05 -1 RFC 6619 2011-02-04 int Ralph Droms Proposed Standard Scalable Operation of Address Translators with Per-Interface Bindings Jari Arkko , Lars Eggert , Mark Townsley Ralph Droms draft-arkko-eap-aka-kdf-10 -1 RFC 5448 2008-11-18 gen Russ Housley Informational Improved Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3rd Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA') Jari Arkko , Vesa Lehtovirta , Pasi Eronen Russ Housley draft-arkko-eap-aka-pfs-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-emu-aka-pfs 2019-01-21 emu sec Perfect-Forward Secrecy for the Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA' PFS) Jari Arkko , Karl Norrman , Vesa Torvinen draft-arkko-eap-rfc5448bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-emu-rfc5448bis 2018-03-05 Improved Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3rd Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA') Jari Arkko , Vesa Lehtovirta , Vesa Torvinen , Pasi Eronen draft-arkko-eap-service-identity-auth-04 -1 Expired 2005-10-26 Authenticated Service Information for the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Jari Arkko , Pasi Eronen draft-arkko-emu-rfc3748bis-00 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Bernard Aboba , Larry Blunk , John Vollbrecht , James Carlson , Henrik Levkowetz , Jari Arkko , John Preuß Mattsson draft-arkko-farrell-arch-model-t-04 -1 Expired 2020-07-13 Challenges and Changes in the Internet Threat Model Jari Arkko , Stephen Farrell draft-arkko-farrell-arch-model-t-3552-additions-01 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 RFC 3552 additions due to evolving Internet thread model Jari Arkko , Stephen Farrell draft-arkko-farrell-arch-model-t-7258-additions-02 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 RFC 7258 additions due to evolving Internet thread model Jari Arkko , Stephen Farrell draft-arkko-farrell-arch-model-t-redux-01 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 Internet Threat Model Evolution: Background and Principles Jari Arkko , Stephen Farrell draft-arkko-homenet-physical-standard-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 Minimum Requirements for Physical Layout of Home Networks Jari Arkko , Ari Keränen draft-arkko-homenet-prefix-assignment-04 -1 Expired 2013-05-23 Prefix Assignment in a Home Network Jari Arkko , Acee Lindem , Benjamin Paterson draft-arkko-iab-data-minimization-principle-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Emphasizing data minimization among protocol participants Jari Arkko draft-arkko-iab-internet-consolidation-02 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 Considerations on Internet Consolidation and the Internet Architecture Jari Arkko , Brian Trammell , Mark Nottingham , Christian Huitema , Martin Thomson , Jeff Tantsura , Niels ten Oever draft-arkko-iab-path-signals-collaboration-01 -1 Replaced draft-iab-path-signals-collaboration 2021-10-25 Considerations on Application - Network Collaboration Using Path Signals Jari Arkko , Ted Hardie , Tommy Pauly draft-arkko-iasa2-trust-rationale-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-iasa2-trust-rationale 2018-06-27 Discussion of the IASA 2.0 Changes as They Relate to the IETF Trust Jari Arkko draft-arkko-iasa2-trust-update-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-iasa2-trust-update 2018-06-27 Update to the Selection of Trustees for the IETF Trust Jari Arkko , Ted Hardie draft-arkko-icmpv6-ike-effects-02 -1 Expired 2003-03-07 Effects of ICMPv6 on IKE Jari Arkko draft-arkko-iesg-crossarea-03 -1 Expired 2013-02-07 gen Kathleen Moriarty Informational Experiences from Cross-Area Work at the IETF Jari Arkko Kathleen Moriarty draft-arkko-ietf-finance-thoughts-00 -1 Expired 2017-02-28 Thoughts on IETF Finance Arrangements Jari Arkko draft-arkko-ietf-iasa-thoughts-00 -1 Expired 2017-03-28 Thoughts on IETF Administrative Support Activities (IASA) Jari Arkko draft-arkko-ietf-trends-and-observations-00 -1 Expired 2016-02-29 IETF Trends and Observations Jari Arkko , Alia Atlas , avri doria , Tobias Gondrom , Olaf Kolkman , Steve Olshansky , Benson Schliesser , Robert Sparks , Russ White draft-arkko-ipv6-iana-routing-header-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-23 IANA Allocation Guidelines for the IPv6 Routing Header Jari Arkko , Scott Bradner draft-arkko-ipv6-only-experience-05 -1 RFC 6586 2012-02-07 ops Ron Bonica Informational Experiences from an IPv6-Only Network Jari Arkko , Ari Keränen Ron Bonica draft-arkko-ipv6-transition-guidelines-14 -1 RFC 6180 2010-12-28 gen Ron Bonica Informational Guidelines for Using IPv6 Transition Mechanisms during IPv6 Deployment Jari Arkko , Fred Baker Ron Bonica draft-arkko-lwig-cellular-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Building Power-Efficient CoAP Devices for Cellular Networks Jari Arkko , Anders Eriksson , Ari Keränen draft-arkko-manual-icmpv6-sas-02 -1 Expired 2003-03-07 Manual Configuration of Security Associations for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Jari Arkko draft-arkko-map-doi-08 -1 Withdrawn by Submitter 2004-03-23 sec Russ Housley Informational The Mobile Application Part SECurity (MAPSEC) Domain of Interpretation (DOI) for the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) Jari Arkko , Ronald Blom Russ Housley draft-arkko-mext-rfc3775-altcoa-check-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-25 Verifying Correctness of Alternate Care-of Address Option Jari Arkko draft-arkko-mikey-iana-01 -1 RFC 6309 2011-05-20 sec Sean Turner Proposed Standard IANA Rules for MIKEY (Multimedia Internet KEYing) Jari Arkko , Ari Keränen , John Preuß Mattsson Sean Turner draft-arkko-mip6-3775bis-ndmobext-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-01 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Extensions for Mobility Jari Arkko draft-arkko-mip6-ro-enhancements-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-19 A Taxonomy and Analysis of Enhancements to Mobile IPv6 Route Optimization Jari Arkko , Christian Vogt draft-arkko-mipshop-cga-cba-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mipshop-cga-cba 2006-06-26 Applying Cryptographically Generated Addresses and Credit-Based Authorization to Mobile IPv6 Jari Arkko draft-arkko-mipv6-binding-lifetime-extension-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-21 Credit-Based Authorization for Binding Lifetime Extension Jari Arkko , Christian Vogt draft-arkko-mipv6-bu-security-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-27 Issues in Protecting MIPv6 Binding Updates Jari Arkko draft-arkko-mipv6ro-secframework-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 Security Framework for Mobile IPv6 Route Optimization Jari Arkko draft-arkko-mipv6-select-hash-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 Selection of MIPv6 Security Level Using a Hashed Address Jari Arkko , Pekka Nikander , Gabriel Montenegro draft-arkko-multi6dt-failure-detection-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-19 Failure Detection and Locator Selection in Multi6 Jari Arkko draft-arkko-p2pi-incentives-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-29 Incentives and Deployment Considerations for P2PI Solutions Jari Arkko draft-arkko-pana-iana-02 -1 RFC 5872 2010-02-16 int Ralph Droms Proposed Standard IANA Rules for the Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access (PANA) Jari Arkko , Alper Yegin Ralph Droms draft-arkko-path-signals-information-00 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 Considerations on Information Passed between Networks and Applications Jari Arkko draft-arkko-pfkey-reference-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-14 PF_KEY Extensions for Reducing Policy Information in Kernel Jari Arkko draft-arkko-pppext-bap-ianafix-02 -1 Expired 2009-09-07 IANA Allocation Guidelines for the PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) Jari Arkko , James Carlson , Amanda Baber draft-arkko-pppext-eap-aka-16 -1 RFC 4187 2004-12-27 int Thomas Narten Informational Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3rd Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA) Jari Arkko , Henry Haverinen Thomas Narten draft-arkko-radext-multi-service-decisions-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 Policy Decisions for Users with Access to Multiple Services Jari Arkko draft-arkko-rfc2780-proto-update-02 -1 RFC 5237 2008-01-08 int Russ Housley Best Current Practice IANA Allocation Guidelines for the Protocol Field Jari Arkko , Scott Bradner Russ Housley draft-arkko-roamops-rfc2486bis-02 -1 Expired 2004-07-19 The Network Access Identifier Bernard Aboba draft-arkko-send-cga-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 Securing IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Using Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) Jari Arkko , Pekka Nikander , Vesa-Matti Mantyla draft-arkko-send-ndopt-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-19 SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Jari Arkko draft-arkko-sip-sec-agree-01 -1 Expired 2002-03-05 Security Mechanism Agreement for SIP Connections Jari Arkko draft-arkko-strint-networking-functions-00 -1 Expired 2014-03-06 Privacy and Networking Functions Jari Arkko draft-arkko-townsley-coexistence-06 -1 RFC 6127 2010-10-22 gen Ralph Droms Informational IPv4 Run-Out and IPv4-IPv6 Co-Existence Scenarios Jari Arkko , Mark Townsley Ralph Droms draft-arkko-townsley-homenet-arch-00 -1 Replaced draft-chown-homenet-arch 2011-07-04 Home Networking Architecture for IPv6 Jari Arkko , Mark Townsley draft-arkko-trip-registry-update-01 -1 RFC 8602 2018-12-04 art Ben Campbell Proposed Standard Update to the Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP) IANA Registry Rules regarding Postal Addresses Jari Arkko , Ted Hardie Ben Campbell draft-ark-uri-scheme-00 -1 Expired 2020-04-29 The ARK URI scheme Mario Castro draft-armd-datacenter-reference-arch-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-24 Data Center Reference Architectures Manish Karir , Ian Foo draft-armijo-ldap-control-error-03 -1 Expired 2002-03-06 app Patrik Fältström Proposed Standard The LDAP controlError Result Code Asaf Kashi Patrik Faltstrom draft-armijo-ldap-dirsync-01 -1 Expired 1999-11-16 Microsoft LDAP Control for Directory Synchronization Michael Armijo draft-armijo-ldap-locate-00 -1 Expired 1999-07-01 app Patrik Fältström Discovering LDAP Services with DNS Levon Esibov , Michael Armijo , Paul Leach Patrik Faltstrom draft-armijo-ldap-syntax-00 -1 Expired 1999-01-25 Active Directory Syntaxes Michael Armijo draft-armijo-ldap-treedelete-02 -1 Expired 2000-08-25 Tree Delete Control Michael Armijo draft-armitage-ion-cluster-size-00 -1 RFC 2121 1996-07-15 ion int Issues affecting MARS Cluster Size Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ion-distmars-spec-00 -1 Expired 1997-01-23 A Distributed MARS Protocol Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ion-mars-nbma-01 -1 RFC 2269 1996-11-27 ion int Informational Using the MARS Model in non-ATM NBMA Networks Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ion-mars-scsp-06 -1 Expired 1997-08-09 Redundant MARS architectures and SCSP Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ion-sec-arp-00 -1 Expired 1997-10-13 Security issues for the ATMARP protocol Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ion-security-01 -1 Expired 1997-10-13 Security issues for ION protocols Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ion-venus-02 -1 RFC 2191 1997-04-22 Informational VENUS - Very Extensive Non-Unicast Service Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ipatm-encaps-01 -1 Expired 1995-05-24 Issues surrounding a new encapsulation for IP over ATM. Grenville Armitage , Bryan Gleeson draft-armitage-ipatm-ipv6mc-00 -1 Expired 1995-06-21 IPv6 multicast over ATM Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ipatm-mars-unicast-00 -1 Expired 1995-05-01 Using the MARS to support IP Unicast over ATM Grenville Armitage draft-armitage-ipatm-mcserv-00 -1 Expired 1994-11-04 Multicast Servers in an RFC 1577 Environment. Grenville Armitage draft-arnold-scmp-08 -1 Expired 2001-03-30 Simple Commerce Messaging Protocol (SCMP)Version 1 Message Specification Tom Arnold , Jason Eaton draft-arnold-sipcore-push-notification-gateway-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-16 Using a Push Notification Gateway to improve session initiation with SIP user agents Michael Arnold draft-arnt-yao-dnsop-root-data-caching-00 -1 Expired 2019-02-14 Decreasing Fetch time of Root Data by Additional Caching Rules Arnt Gulbrandsen , Jiankang Yao draft-arokiarajseda-ipfix-data-export-yang-model-02 -1 Expired 2022-08-29 Robert Wilton Proposed Standard YANG model for Data Export over IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol Anand Arokiaraj , Marta Seda Robert Wilton draft-arolovitch-cdni-named-footprints-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-03-28 .html,.txt,.xml Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Named Footprints Alan Arolovitch draft-aromanov-snmp-hiqa-06 -1 Expired 2003-09-17 ops Bert Wijnen Informational Some Considerations for SNMP Agent Developers Aleksey Romanov Bert Wijnen draft-arora-ipsecme-ikev2-alt-tunnel-addresses-00 -1 Expired 2010-04-22 Alternate Tunnel Addresses for IKEv2 Jitender Arora , Prashant Kumar draft-arora-mpls-spring-ttl-procedures-srte-paths-01 -1 Expired 2019-02-21 TTL Procedures for SR-TE Paths in Label Switched Path Traceroute Mechanisms Kapil Arora , Shraddha Hegde , Sam Aldrin , Stephane Litkowski , Muhammad Durrani draft-ar-pquip-pqc-engineers-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-10 .html,.txt,.xml Post-Quantum Cryptography for Engineers Aritra Banerjee , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Dimitrios Schoinianakis , Tim Hollebeek draft-arrouye-idn-ie5-resolution-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-03 IDN Resolution in Windows Internet Explorer 5.0 and Above Yves Arrouye draft-arrouye-keywords-reqs-01 -1 Expired 2002-02-28 Keywords Systems - Definition and Requirements Yves Arrouye , Tim Tan , XiaoDong Lee draft-arrouye-kls-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-20 Keyword Lookup Systems As a Class of Naming Systems Yves Arrouye , Vishesh Parikh , Nicolas Popp draft-arsenault-sacred-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2000-09-22 Securely Available Credentials - Requirements Alfred Arsenault , Stephen Farrell draft-arslan-mimi-outer-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-20 .html,.txt,.xml More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) Outer Layer Burak Arslan draft-art-tigress-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-09 .html,.txt,.xml Transfer Digital Credentials Securely Dmitry Vinokurov , Matt Byington , Matthias Lerch , Alex Pelletier , Nick Sha draft-arumaithurai-nsis-pcn-00 -1 Expired 2007-09-04 NSIS PCN-QoSM: A Quality of Service Model for Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) Mayutan Arumaithurai draft-arumuganainar-rtgwg-dps-l4-ppn-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-04 Layer 4 Path preference negotiation for DPS Arun Arumuganainar draft-arumuganainar-rtgwg-dps-requirements-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-04 Dynamic Path Selection Requirements Arun Arumuganainar draft-arumuganainar-rtgwg-dps-use-cases-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-04 Dynamic Path Selection use-cases Arun Arumuganainar draft-arun-ipv6-mld-00 -1 Expired 2006-09-14 MLDv1 and MVDv2 Optimization Arun Prasad draft-arun-ncc-smtp-02 -1 Expired 2005-04-05 Ncc in Mail Header Arun Sankar draft-arun-osidirectory-ipv6-nsapa-format-00 -1 Withdrawn by Submitter 2004-09-09 OSI Directory IPv6 NSAPA Format Arun Pandey draft-aruns-ccamp-rsvp-restart-ext-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-restart-ext 2004-07-20 Extensions to GMPLS RSVP Graceful Restart Arun Satyanarayana , Lou Berger , Reshad Rahman , Dimitri Papadimitriou draft-arunt-ipv6-multicast-filtering-rules-01 -1 Expired 2005-12-09 IPv6 Multicast Filtering Rules Arun Thulasi draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-29 IPv6 Prefix Delegation Using ICMPv6 Shankar Raman draft-aru-praba-rsvpte-hello-state-00 -1 Expired 2003-12-01 RSVP Hello State machine R Arumugam draft-asadullah-v6ops-bb-deployment-scenarios-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-bb-deployment-scenarios 2004-12-28 ISP IPv6 Deployment Scenarios in Broadband Access Networks Salman Asadullah draft-asaeda-icnrg-ccninfo-01 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-icnrg-ccninfo 2018-07-01 CCNinfo: Discovering Content and Network Information in Content-Centric Networks Hitoshi Asaeda , Xun Shao draft-asaeda-icnrg-contrace-04 -1 Expired 2017-10-29 Contrace: Traceroute Facility for Content-Centric Network Hitoshi Asaeda , Xun Shao , Thierry Turletti draft-asaeda-mboned-explicit-tracking-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pim-explicit-tracking 2011-03-09 IGMP/MLD-Based Explicit Membership Tracking Function for Multicast Routers Hitoshi Asaeda , Yogo Uchida draft-asaeda-mboned-mtrace6-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-28 Mtrace6: Traceroute Facility for IPv6 Multicast Hitoshi Asaeda , Tatsuya Jinmei draft-asaeda-mboned-mtrace-v2-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-05 Mtrace Version 2: Traceroute Facility for IP Multicast Hitoshi Asaeda draft-asaeda-mboned-sap-limitation-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-06 Limitations of Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) Hitoshi Asaeda , Vincent Roca draft-asaeda-mboned-session-announcement-req-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-06 Requirements for IP Multicast Session Announcement in the Internet Hitoshi Asaeda , Vincent Roca draft-asaeda-mmusic-img-arch-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-28 An Architecture for the Access of IMG Metadata Hitoshi Asaeda draft-asaeda-multimob-igmp-mld-mobility-extensions-04 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 IGMP and MLD Protocol Extensions for Mobility Hitoshi Asaeda , Thomas Schmidt draft-asaeda-multimob-igmp-mld-optimization-05 -1 Expired 2011-02-22 Tuning the Behavior of IGMP and MLD for Mobile Hosts and Routers Hitoshi Asaeda , Yogo Uchida , Hui Liu , Qin Wu draft-asaeda-multimob-pmip6-extension-11 -1 Expired 2012-10-22 Multicast Routing Optimization by PIM-SM with PMIPv6 Hitoshi Asaeda , Pierrick Seite draft-asaeda-multimob-pmip6-ropt-with-pim-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 PMIPv6 Multicast Routing Optimization with PIM-SM Hitoshi Asaeda , Pierrick Seite draft-asaeda-pim-mldproxy-multif-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 Multiple Upstream Interface Support for IGMP/MLD Proxy Hitoshi Asaeda , Seil Jeon draft-asaeda-pim-multiif-igmpmldproxy-05 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 Multiple Upstream Interface Support for IGMP/MLD Proxy Hitoshi Asaeda , Luis Contreras draft-asaeda-xrblock-rtcp-xr-synchronization-07 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 RTCP XR Blocks for Synchronization Delay and Offset Metrics Reporting Hitoshi Asaeda , Rachel Huang , Qin Wu draft-asai-cross-domain-overlay-04 -1 Expired 2012-06-03 Considerations on the AS-Level Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Hirochika Asai , Hiroshi Esaki , 百瀬 剛 draft-asai-tsvwg-transport-review-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Separation of Data Path and Data Flow Sublayers in the Transport Layer Hirochika Asai draft-asai-vmm-mib-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-vmm-mib 2013-10-13 Management Information Base for Virtual Machines Controlled by a Hypervisor Hirochika Asai , Michael MacFaden , Jürgen Schönwälder , 関谷 勇司 , Keiichi Shima , Tina Tsou , Cathy Zhou , Hiroshi Esaki draft-asap-siptrunkingcapability-link-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-asap-siptrunkingcapability-link 2022-09-30 The 'sipTrunkingCapability' Link Relation Type Kaustubh Inamdar , Sreekanth Narayanan , Derek Engi , Gonzalo Salgueiro draft-asati-bgp-mpls-blackhole-avoidance-00 -1 Replaced draft-asati-idr-bgp-bestpath-selection-criteria 2007-02-26 BGP/MPLS Traffic Blackhole Avoidance Rajiv Asati draft-asati-bmwg-reset-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-reset 2010-02-19 Device Reset Characterization Rajiv Asati , Carlos Pignataro , Fernando Calabria , Cesar Olvera draft-asati-dhc-ipv6-autoconfig-address-tracking-00 -1 Expired 2013-01-03 Tracking of Static/Autoconfigured IPv6 addresses Rajiv Asati , Dan Wing draft-asati-dhc-relay-agent-config-00 -1 Expired 2010-09-30 DHCP Relay Agent Configuration Option Rajiv Asati , Ralph Droms draft-asati-eckert-multicast-local-ttl-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Time To Live (TTL) Guideline for Link-Local-Scope Multicast Packets Rajiv Asati , Toerless Eckert draft-asati-fecframe-config-signaling-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-fecframe-config-signaling 2008-02-18 Signaling Protocol to convey FEC Framework Configuration Information Rajiv Asati draft-asati-idr-bgp-bestpath-selection-criteria-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idr-bgp-bestpath-selection-criteria 2008-10-27 BGP Bestpath Selection Criteria Rajiv Asati draft-asati-mpls-ldp-end-of-lib-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-end-of-lib 2007-11-19 LDP End-of-LIB Rajiv Asati draft-asati-pignataro-mpls-ldp-gtsm-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-gtsm 2011-03-11 The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM) for Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) Carlos Pignataro , Rajiv Asati draft-asati-pignataro-mpls-ldp-iana-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-iana 2011-03-11 Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations Update Carlos Pignataro , Rajiv Asati draft-asati-pim-multicast-routing-blackhole-avoid-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-06 Multicast Routing Blackhole Avoidance Rajiv Asati , Mike McBride draft-asati-v6ops-dad-loopback-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-04 IPv6 DAD Enhancements for handling Layer1 Loopbacks Rajiv Asati , Eli Dart draft-asciirfc-minimal-03 -1 Expired 2018-12-12 A Minimal Internet-Draft In AsciiRFC Josiah Carberry , Truman Grayson draft-asechoud-netmod-diffserv-model-03 -1 Expired 2015-06-25 YANG Model for Diffserv Aseem Choudhary , Shitanshu Shah , Mahesh Jethanandani , Bing Liu , Norm Strahle draft-asechoud-netmod-qos-model-02 -1 Replaced draft-asechoud-rtgwg-qos-model 2016-10-28 YANG Model for QoS Aseem Choudhary , Mahesh Jethanandani , Norm Strahle , Ebben Aries , I. Chen draft-asechoud-rtgwg-qos-model-11 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-qos-model 2019-09-21 rtgwg rtg YANG Model for QoS Aseem Choudhary , Mahesh Jethanandani , Norm Strahle , Ebben Aries , Ing-Wher Chen draft-asechoud-rtgwg-qos-oper-model-10 -1 Expired 2022-03-07 YANG Model for QoS Operational Parameters Aseem Choudhary , Ing-Wher Chen draft-asechoud-rtgwg-qos-telemetry-req-00 -1 Expired 2018-05-13 QoS Telemetry Requirements Aseem Choudhary draft-asedeno-masque-connect-ethernet-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-01 .html,.txt,.xml Proxying Ethernet in HTTP Alejandro Sedeño draft-asghar-pim-explicit-rpf-vector-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pim-explicit-rpf-vector 2013-02-20 Explicit RPF Vector Javed Asghar , IJsbrand Wijnands , Sowmya Krishnaswamy , Apoorva Karan , Vishal Arya draft-ash-alt-formats-02 -1 Expired 2006-05-25 rtg Bill Fenner Experimental Proposed Experiment: Normative Format in Addition to ASCII Text Gerald Ash Bill Fenner draft-ash-avt-ecrtp-over-mpls-protocol-02 -1 Expired 2004-12-27 gen Allison Mankin Protocol Extensions for ECRTP over MPLS Gerald Ash Allison Mankin draft-ash-avt-ecrtp-over-mpls-reqs-01 -1 Expired 2004-01-27 gen Allison Mankin Informational Requirements for ECRTP over MPLS Bur Goode , Gerald Ash , Jim Hand , Raymond Zhang Allison Mankin draft-ash-avt-hc-over-mpls-protocol-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-hc-over-mpls-protocol 2008-04-16 gen Allison Mankin Proposed Standard Protocol Extensions for Header Compression over MPLS Gerald Ash Allison Mankin draft-ash-ccamp-multi-area-te-reqmts-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-27 tewg sub Requirements for Multi-Area TE Gerald Ash draft-ash-crlsp-modify-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-24 LSP Modification Using CR-LDP Peter Ashwood-Smith , Don Fedyk , Bilel Jamoussi , Bilel Jamoussi , Y Lee , Li Li draft-ash-e2e-crtp-hdr-compress-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 End-to-End VoIP Header Compression Using cRTP Bur Goode , Jim Hand draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-01 -1 Expired 2003-09-30 Requirements for VoIP Header Compression over Multiple-Hop Paths Gerald Ash draft-ash-e2e-vompls-hdr-compress-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 End-to-End VoIP over MPLS Header Compression Gerald Ash , Bur Goode draft-ashesh-bfd-stability-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bfd-stability 2017-01-27 bfd rtg BFD Stability Ashesh Mishra , Mahesh Jethanandani , Ankur Saxena , Santosh Pallagatti , Mach Chen , Peng Fan draft-ash-gcac-algorithm-spec-04 -1 RFC 6601 2011-12-05 rtg Adrian Farrel Experimental Generic Connection Admission Control (GCAC) Algorithm Specification for IP/MPLS Networks Gerald Ash , Dave McDysan Adrian Farrel draft-ashir-simple-message-guideline-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-11 A guideline on message headers and URI in SIP/SIMPLE framework Ashir Ahmed draft-ash-itu-sg2-qos-routing-02 -1 Expired 1999-10-27 Routing of Multimedia Connections Across TDM-, ATM-, and IP-Based Networks Gerald Ash draft-ash-itu-sg2-routing-guidelines-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-22 Routing Guidelines for Efficient Routing Methods Gerald Ash draft-ash-manral-ospf-congestion-control-00 -1 Expired 2002-04-23 Congestion Avoidance & Control for OSPF Networks Gerald Ash draft-ash-mpls-diffserv-te-alternative-02 -1 Expired 2001-08-27 tewg sub Alternative Technical Solution for MPLS DiffServ TE Gerald Ash , Luyuan Fang , Wai Lai draft-ash-mpls-diffserv-te-class-types-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-07 Proposed MPLS/DiffServ TE Class Types Gerald Ash draft-ash-mpls-dste-bcmodel-max-alloc-resv-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 Max Allocation with Reservation BW Constraint Model for MPLS/DiffServ TE Gerald Ash draft-ash-multi-area-te-compare-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-26 Comparison of Multi-Area TE Methods Gerald Ash draft-ash-multi-area-te-reqmts-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-29 Requirements for Multi-Area TE Gerald Ash draft-ash-nsis-nslp-qos-sig-proof-of-concept-01 -1 Expired 2004-02-11 NSIS Network Service Layer Protocol QoS Signaling Proof-of-Concept Gerald Ash draft-ash-nsis-nslp-qspec-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-20 QoS-NSLP QSpec Template Gerald Ash draft-ash-nsis-vertical-interface-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-24 User Application-to-User Plane Vertical Interface Gerald Ash draft-ash-nsis-y1541-qosm-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-nsis-y1541-qosm 2005-05-03 Y.1541-QOSM -- Y.1541 QoS Model for Networks Using Y.1541 QoS Classes Gerald Ash draft-ash-nsis-y1541-qsp-00 -1 Expired 2004-12-14 NSIS QoS Signaling Policy for Networks Using Y.1541 QoS Classes Gerald Ash draft-ashoka-atmaal2-mib-00 -1 Expired 2001-05-08 Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Adaptation Layer 2 K Ashoka draft-ashok-ccamp-gmpls-ospf-g709-03 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 OSPF TE Extensions for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Control of G.709 Optical Transport Networks Ashok Kunjidhapatham , Rajan Rao , Snigdho Bardalai , Khuzema Pithewan , Biao Lu , John Drake , Steve Balls , Xihua Fu draft-ash-ospf-isis-congestion-control-02 -1 Expired 2002-06-18 Proposed Mechanisms for Congestion Control/Failure Recovery in OSPF & ISIS Networks Gerald Ash draft-ash-pce-architecture-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-architecture 2005-02-17 Path Computation Element (PCE) Architecture Adrian Farrel draft-ash-pce-comm-protocol-gen-reqs-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-comm-protocol-gen-reqs 2005-05-03 PCE Communication Protocol Generic Requirements Gerald Ash draft-ash-pce-comm-protocol-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-14 Path Computation Element (PCE) Communiation Protocol Requirements Gerald Ash draft-ash-pce-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-24 Path Computation Element Problem Statement Gerald Ash draft-ash-qos-routing-01 -1 Expired 1999-03-01 QoS Resource Management in MPLS-Based Networks Bilel Jamoussi , Osama Aboul-Magd , Gerald Ash draft-ash-te-qos-routing-01 -1 Expired 2000-07-07 Traffic Engineering & QoS Methods for IP-,ATM-,& TDMased Multiservice Networks Gerald Ash draft-ashw-mpls-te-feed-01 -1 Expired 2000-01-27 IMPROVING TOPOLOGY DATA BASE ACCURACY WITH LSP FEEDBACK VIA CR-LDP Darek Skalecki , Peter Ashwood-Smith draft-ashwood-ccamp-gmpls-constraint-reqts-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-12 Link Viability Constraints Requirements for GMPLS-enabled Networks Don Fedyk draft-ashwood-generalized-mpls-signaling-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-19 Generalized MPLS - Signaling Functional Description Peter Ashwood-Smith draft-ashwood-nvo3-oam-requirements-04 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 NVO3 Operations, Administration, and Maintenance Requirements Hao Chen , Peter Ashwood-Smith , Liang Xia , Ranga Iyengar , Tina Tsou , Ali Sajassi , Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Masahiro Daikoku , Anoop Ghanwani , Ramki Krishnan draft-ashwood-nvo3-operational-requirement-03 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 NVO3 Operational Requirements Peter Ashwood-Smith , Ranga Iyengar , Tina Tsou , Ali Sajassi , Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Masahiro Daikoku draft-ashwood-sdnrg-state-reduction-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-03 SDN State Reduction Peter Ashwood-Smith , Mourad Soliman , Tao Wan draft-asilvas-http-push-assets-00 -1 Expired 2016-06-26 Push-Assets Header Field Aaron Silvas draft-asmithee-tls-dnssec-downprot-00 -1 Expired 2018-05-15 TLS Downgrade protection extension for TLS DNSSEC Authentication Chain Extension Paul Wouters , Viktor Dukhovni draft-asm-mpls-tp-bfd-cc-cv-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-bfd-cc-cv 2010-05-11 Proactive Connection Verification, Continuity Check and Remote Defect indication for MPLS Transport Profile David Allan , John Drake , George Swallow , Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , David Ward draft-aso-monami6-multiple-forwarding-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-27 Multiple Forwarding Destinations Notification Benjamin Koh , Keigo Aso draft-aspb-rof-00 -1 Expired 2019-01-09 Reproduce Object framework(ROF) Abel Sanchez , pushpita bhattacharjee draft-asveren-dime-ansack-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-27 Diameter Acknowledgement Mechanism Tolga Asveren draft-asveren-dime-cong-03 -1 Expired 2008-07-15 Diameter Congestion Signaling Tolga Asveren , Victor Fajardo draft-asveren-dime-dupcons-00 -1 Expired 2006-08-30 Diameter Duplicate Detection Cons. Tolga Asveren draft-asveren-dime-state-recovery-02 -1 Expired 2007-12-11 Diameter State Recovery Considerations Tolga Asveren , Ulf Bodin draft-asveren-dispatch-http-overload-control-00 -1 Expired 2018-04-14 HTTP Overload Control Mechanism Tolga Asveren draft-asveren-sigtran-m3uacons-00 -1 Expired 2005-11-28 M3UA Deployment Considerations Tolga Asveren draft-asveren-sigtran-m3uaipsp-00 -1 Expired 2005-12-20 M3UA IPSP Procedures Tolga Asveren , Javier Pastor draft-asveren-sigtran-m3uasgsg-00 -1 Expired 2005-12-02 M3UA SG-SG Communication Tolga Asveren draft-asveren-stir-p-charge-info-00 -1 Expired 2018-05-08 PASSPorT Extension for P-Charge-Info Header Tolga Asveren draft-ata-anycast-deploy-scenario-01 -1 Expired 2004-10-27 Possible Deployment Scenarios for IPv6 Anycasting Shingo Ata draft-ata-anycast-mip6-03 -1 Expired 2006-01-20 Mobile IPv6-based Global Anycasting Shingo Ata draft-ata-ipv6-anycast-app-01 -1 Expired 2005-02-24 Applications of IPv6 Anycasting Shingo Ata draft-ata-ipv6-anycast-resolving-04 -1 Expired 2006-01-20 A Protocol for Anycast Address Resolving Shingo Ata draft-atarashi-dscp-policy-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 Reflexive DSCP Policy Rei Atarashi , Fred Baker draft-atarashi-netappmodel-02 -1 Expired 2009-03-25 The Model for Net and App Interaction Ray Aatarashi , Megumi Ninomiya draft-atarashi-netconfmodel-architecture-03 -1 Expired 2006-06-27 Netconf System Architecture Rei Atarashi draft-atarashi-ngo-consider-architecture-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 Consideration of NETCONF Architecture Rei Atarashi draft-atarashi-xmlconf-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-31 XML Configuration Architecture Rei Atarashi draft-atarius-cmf-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-13 The Compact Media Format (CMF) Presentation (Syntax) Roozbeh Atarius draft-atarius-dispatch-meid-urn-18 -1 RFC 8464 2018-06-10 art Ben Campbell Informational A URN Namespace for Device Identity and Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID) Roozbeh Atarius Andrew Allen Ben Campbell draft-atarius-dispatch-meid-urn-as-instanceid-08 -1 RFC 8465 2018-06-10 art Ben Campbell Informational Using the Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID) URN as an Instance ID Roozbeh Atarius Andrew Allen Ben Campbell draft-atkinson-callerid-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-20 Caller ID for E-mail Robert Atkinson draft-atkinson-newtrk-twostep-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-03 A two stage standards process Randall Atkinson draft-atkins-openpgp-albegraic-eraser-00 -1 Expired 2014-09-09 Using Algebraic Eraser in OpenPGP Derek Atkins draft-atkins-openpgp-algebraic-eraser-05 -1 Expired 2015-06-19 Using Algebraic Eraser (AEDH) in OpenPGP Derek Atkins draft-atkins-openpgp-device-certificates-04 -1 Expired 2019-04-10 OpenPGP Extensions for Device Certificates Derek Atkins draft-atkins-pgpformat-01 -1 RFC 1991 1995-10-19 PGP Message Exchange Formats Philip Zimmermann , Derek Atkins , William Stallings draft-atkins-smtp-traffic-control-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-23 Next-Hop SMTP Traffic Control Steve Atkins draft-atkins-suit-cose-walnutdsa-07 -1 RFC 9021 2021-01-26 Informational Use of the Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) Derek Atkins Eliot Lear draft-atlas-bryant-shand-lf-timers-04 -1 Expired 2008-02-14 Synchronisation of Loop Free Timer Values Alia K , Stewart Bryant draft-atlas-community-hubs-00 -1 Expired 2017-02-16 IETF Community Hubs Alia Atlas draft-atlas-external-normref-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 Normative References in RFCs from Open Source Alia Atlas , Eliot Lear , Joel Halpern , Heather Flanagan , Jeff Tantsura draft-atlas-geo-focused-activities-01 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 Geographically-Focused IETF Activities Alia Atlas , Christian O'Flaherty , हरीश चौधरी , Scott Bradner draft-atlas-i2rs-architecture-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-i2rs-architecture 2013-08-13 i2rs rtg An Architecture for the Interface to the Routing System Alia Atlas , Joel Halpern , Susan Hares , David Ward , Thomas Nadeau draft-atlas-i2rs-policy-framework-00 -1 Replaced draft-atlas-i2rs-architecture 2013-02-27 A Policy Framework for the Interface to the Routing System Alia Atlas , Susan Hares , Joel Halpern draft-atlas-i2rs-problem-statement-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-i2rs-problem-statement 2013-08-14 i2rs rtg Interface to the Routing System Problem Statement Alia Atlas , Thomas Nadeau , David Ward draft-atlas-icmp-unnumbered-09 -1 RFC 5837 2010-01-06 int Jari Arkko Proposed Standard Extending ICMP for Interface and Next-Hop Identification JR. Rivers , Alia Atlas , Naiming Shen , Ron Bonica , Carlos Pignataro Jari Arkko draft-atlas-ip-local-protect-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 IP/LDP Local Protection Alia Atlas draft-atlas-ip-local-protect-loopfree-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-28 Loop-Free Alternates for IP/LDP Local Protection Alia Atlas draft-atlas-ip-local-protect-uturn-03 -1 Expired 2006-03-07 U-turn Alternates for IP/LDP Fast-Reroute Alia Atlas draft-atlas-irs-policy-framework-01 -1 Replaced draft-atlas-i2rs-policy-framework 2013-02-25 A Policy Framework for the Interface to the Routing System Alia Atlas , Susan Hares , Joel Halpern draft-atlas-irs-problem-statement-00 -1 Replaced draft-atlas-i2rs-problem-statement 2012-07-30 Interface to the Routing System Problem Statement Alia Atlas , Thomas Nadeau , David Ward draft-atlas-mpls-ldp-mrt-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-mrt 2014-12-15 mpls rtg LDP Extensions to Support Maximally Redundant Trees Alia Atlas , Kishore Tiruveedhula , Chris Bowers , Jeff Tantsura , IJsbrand Wijnands Loa Andersson draft-atlas-mpls-te-express-path-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-te-express-path 2013-09-12 mpls rtg Performance-based Path Selection for Explicitly Routed LSPs using TE Metric Extensions Alia Atlas , John Drake , Spencer Giacalone , David Ward , Stefano Previdi , Clarence Filsfils Loa Andersson draft-atlas-ospf-local-protect-cap-02 -1 Expired 2006-03-07 OSPFv2 Extensions for Link Capabilities to support U-turn Alternates for IP/LDP Fast-Reroute Alia Atlas draft-atlas-ospf-mrt-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-mrt 2014-07-21 OSPF Extensions to Support Maximally Redundant Trees Alia Atlas , Shraddha Hegde , Chris Bowers , Jeff Tantsura , Zhenbin Li draft-atlas-rift-pgp-01 -1 Expired 2019-04-25 Policy Guided Prefixes with Routing In Fat Trees Alia Atlas , Zhaohui Zhang draft-atlas-rsvp-local-protect-interop-02 -1 Expired 2001-11-30 MPLS RSVP-TE Interoperability for Local Protection/Fast Reroute Alia Atlas , Markus Jork draft-atlas-rtgwg-ipfrr-ip-mib-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-ipfrr-ip-mib 2005-02-22 IP MIB for IP Fast-Reroute Alia Atlas , Bill Anderson , Don Fedyk draft-atlas-rtgwg-mrt-frr-architecture-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-mrt-frr-architecture 2011-10-31 An Architecture for IP/LDP Fast-Reroute Using Maximally Redundant Trees Alia Atlas , Robert Kebler , Maciek Konstantynowicz , Andras Csaszar , Russ White , Mike Shand draft-atlas-rtgwg-mrt-mc-arch-02 -1 Expired 2013-07-12 An Architecture for Multicast Protection Using Maximally Redundant Trees Alia Atlas , Robert Kebler , IJsbrand Wijnands , Andras Csaszar , Gabor Envedi draft-atwood-karp-aapm-rp-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Authentication, Authorization and Policy Management for Routing Protocols J. Atwood , Revathi Somanatha , Sam Hartman , Dacheng Zhang draft-atwood-karp-akam-rp-03 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 Automatic Key and Adjacency Management for Routing Protocols J. Atwood , Revathi Somanatha draft-atwood-mboned-mrac-arch-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Architecture for IP Multicast Receiver Access Control J. Atwood , Bing Li , Salekul Islam draft-atwood-mboned-mrac-pana-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 Receiver Access Control using PANA in IP Multicast J. Atwood , Bing Li , Salekul Islam draft-atwood-mboned-mrac-req-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Requirements for IP Multicast Receiver Access Control J. Atwood , Salekul Islam , Bing Li draft-atwood-mcast-user-auth-01 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Multicast User Authentication J. Atwood , Salekul Islam draft-atwood-pim-gsam-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-21 Group Security Association Management Protocol J. Atwood , Bing Li draft-atwood-pim-reserve-exp-00 -1 Expired 2014-03-03 IANA Allocation of Experimental Code Points for PIM Join Attribute and PIM Encoded-Source Address J. Atwood , Stig Venaas draft-atwood-pim-sigmp-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Secure Internet Group Management Protocol J. Atwood , Bing Li draft-atwood-pim-sm-linklocal-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pim-sm-linklocal 2006-06-27 Security Issues in PIM-SM Link-local Messages J. Atwood , Salekul Islam draft-atwood-pim-sm-rp-02 -1 Expired 2002-07-01 RP Relocation in PIM-SM Multicast J. Atwood , Ritesh Mukherjee draft-atwood-rtgwg-secure-rtg-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 A Framework for Secure Routing Protocols J. Atwood , Nitin Prajapati draft-audeoudh-rpl-asymmetric-links-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Experimental observation of RPL: routing protocol overhead and asymmetric links Henry-Joseph Audéoud , Martin Heusse draft-audet-nat-behave-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-13 NAT/Firewall Behavioral Requirements Cullen Jennings draft-audet-sipping-add-realm-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-23 Identifying intra-realm calls with explicit addressing realm identifier attribute Francois Audet draft-audet-sipping-feature-ref-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-17 Feature Referral in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Francois Audet , Alan Johnston , Rohan Mahy , Cullen Jennings draft-audet-sip-sips-guidelines-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sip-sips 2006-10-19 Guidelines for the use of the SIPS URI Scheme in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Francois Audet draft-audu-forces-iptml-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-22 Forwarding and Control Element Separation IP Transport Mapping Layer Alex Audu draft-audu-forces-pl-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-29 Forwarding and Control Element Separation Protocol Layer Alex Audu draft-auerbach-mgcp-rtcpxr-07 -1 Expired 2007-11-01 RTCP XR VoIP Metrics Package for the Media Gateway Control Protocol David Auerbach draft-auge-dmm-hicn-mobility-04 -1 Expired 2020-07-07 Anchorless mobility through hICN Jordan Auge , Giovanna Carofiglio , Luca Muscariello , Michele Papalini draft-auge-dmm-hicn-mobility-deployment-options-04 -1 Expired 2020-07-07 Anchorless mobility management through hICN (hICN-AMM): Deployment options Jordan Auge , Giovanna Carofiglio , Luca Muscariello , Michele Papalini draft-augustin-homenet-dncp-use-case-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 DNCP Use Case in a Distributed Cache System Aloÿs Augustin draft-augustyn-intarea-ipref-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-26 .txt IP Addressing with References (IPREF) Waldemar Augustyn draft-augustyn-ppvpn-l2vpn-requirements-02 -1 Expired 2003-02-19 Service Requirements for Layer 2 Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Networks Waldemar Augustyn , Yetik Serbest draft-augustyn-vmi-m2m-arch-00 -1 Expired 2001-06-29 Architecture and Model for L2 many-to-many VMI Networks Waldemar Augustyn , Tissa Senevirathne , Himanshu Shah draft-augustyn-vpls-arch-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 Architecture and Model for Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) Waldemar Augustyn draft-augustyn-vpls-bw-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 Bandwidth Management in VPLS Networks Waldemar Augustyn draft-augustyn-vpls-requirements-02 -1 Expired 2002-02-28 Requirements for Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) Waldemar Augustyn draft-aumuganainar-rtg-dps-00 -1 Expired 2013-09-22 Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) Based on Application Arun Arumuganainar draft-aumuganainar-rtgwg-dps-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-01 Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) Based on Application Arun Arumuganainar draft-aura-cga-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-27 Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) Tuomas Aura draft-aura-eap-noob-08 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-emu-eap-noob 2020-03-09 emu sec Nimble out-of-band authentication for EAP (EAP-NOOB) Tuomas Aura , Mohit Sethi draft-aura-mipv6-bu-attacks-01 -1 Expired 2002-03-04 MIPv6 BU Attacks and Defenses Tuomas Aura , Jari Arkko draft-austein-dnsext-nsid-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsext-nsid 2005-07-20 EDNS NSID Extension Rob Austein draft-austein-dnsext-relax-gratuitous-tsig-01 -1 Expired 2006-10-26 Relaxing Gratuitous TSIG Requirement Rob Austein , Michael Graff draft-austein-sidr-rpki-oob-setup-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-oob-setup 2013-07-12 An Out-Of-Band Setup Protocol For RPKI Production Services Rob Austein draft-austein-sidr-rpki-rtr-rfc6810bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr-rfc6810-bis 2014-03-07 The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to Router Protocol Randy Bush , Rob Austein draft-authors-lpwan-schc-802154-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-17 SCHC for 802.15.4 lpwan applications Joerg Robert , Charles Perkins draft-autoadd-auto-bootstrapping-iot-devices-00 -1 Expired 2019-02-01 AutoAdd - Automatic Bootstrapping of IoT Devices Anoop Pandey draft-autocrypt-lamps-protected-headers-02 -1 Expired 2019-12-20 Protected Headers for Cryptographic E-mail Bjarni Einarsson , "juga" , Daniel Gillmor draft-avantika-pce-multi-src-dest-01 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 PCEP Extensions for Supporting Multiple Sources and Destinations Udayasree Palle , Dhruv Dhody draft-avasarala-diameter-error-invalid-identity-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-27 Diameter Invalid Mobile Identity Ranjit Avasarala , Vamsidhar Sivadi draft-avasarala-dispatch-comm-barring-notification-01 -1 Expired 2010-11-22 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Communication Barring Notification Information in support of the Dynamic Incoming Communication Barring (ICB) service Ranjit Avasarala , Roland Jesske draft-avasarala-dispatch-comm-div-notification-12 -1 Expired 2013-07-12 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Communication Diversion Information in support of the Communication Diversion (CDIV) Notification (CDIVN) CDIV service John-Luc Bakker , Ranjit Avasarala draft-avasarala-mmusic-rtsp-modify-00 -1 Expired 2010-09-01 RTSP MODIFY Method Ranjit Avasarala draft-avasarala-sipping-comm-div-notification-01 -1 Expired 2008-12-22 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Communication Diversion Information in support of the Communication Diversion (CDIV) Notification (CDIVN) CDIV service John-Luc Bakker , Ranjit Avasarala , Subir Saha draft-avasarala-sipping-reason-header-dynamic-icb-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-02 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Reason Header extension for dynamic Incoming Communication Barring Ranjit Avasarala , Subir Saha , Victor Pascual draft-aviram-tls-deprecate-obsolete-kex-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-deprecate-obsolete-kex 2022-02-25 tls sec Deprecating Obsolete Key Exchange Methods in TLS Carrick Bartle , Nimrod Aviram draft-avk-bib-music-rec-02 -1 Expired 2000-04-05 Music Records Markup Language (MuReML) Alain Van Kerckhoven draft-avsolov-dtpdia-05 -1 Expired 2004-09-01 Data Transfer Protocol for Distributed Information Acquisition (DTP/DIA) Alexei Soloviev draft-avtext-berger-framemarking-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Frame marking for RTP packets Espen Berger , Suhas Nandakumar draft-avt-kanno-srtp-camellia-02 -1 Expired 2010-03-26 The Camellia Algorithm and Its Use with the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol(SRTP) Satoru Kanno , Masayuki Kanda draft-avula-shwmp-01 -1 Expired 2014-03-13 Experimental Secure Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (SHWMP) Sang-Gon Lee , Mallikarjun Avula , Seong-Moo Yoo Eliot Lear draft-awad-nat-idnat-00 -1 Expired 2005-04-11 More Fixed Identities for Private Hosts behind NAT IDNAT Mohammad Awad draft-awduche-ipo-gmpls-signaling-applicability-00 -1 Expired 2002-07-26 sub Alex Zinin GMPLS Signaling Applicability Statement Daniel Awduche , Adrian Farrel Alex Zinin draft-awduche-mpls-rsvp-tunnel-applicability-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-tunnel-applicability 1999-09-13 Applicability Statement for Extensions to RSVP for LSP-Tunnels Alan Hannan , Daniel Awduche , X Xiao draft-awduche-mpls-te-optical-03 -1 Expired 2001-04-06 Multi-Protocol Lambda Switching: Combining MPLS Traffic Engineering Control With Optical Crossconnects Daniel Awduche , Yakov Rekhter , John Drake , Rob Coltun draft-aw-metaverse-icn-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-01 .html,.txt,.xml Metaverse and ICN: Challenges and Use Cases Cedric Westphal , Hitoshi Asaeda draft-axu-addr-sel-01 -1 Expired 2010-07-12 Address Selection Using Source Address Specific Routing Tables Aleksi Suhonen draft-ayandeh-diffserv-atm-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-19 Mapping to ATM classes of service for Differentiated Services Architecture Andy Malis , Siamack Ayandeh , Anand Krishnamurthy draft-ayandeh-mpls-dynamics-00 -1 Expired 1998-03-11 MPLS Routing Dynamics Siamack Ayandeh , Yanhe Fan draft-ayar-transparent-sca-proxy-00 -1 Expired 2012-02-17 A Transparent Performance Enhancing Proxy Architecture To Enable TCP over Multiple Paths for Single-Homed Hosts Tacettin Ayar , Berthold Rathke , Lukasz Budzisz , Adam Wolisz draft-ayers-low-power-interop-03 -1 Expired 2021-02-11 Informational Design Considerations for Low Power Internet Protocols Hudson Ayers , P Levis Eliot Lear draft-ayers-wis-mib-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-19 Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet WAN Interface Sublayer Mike Ayers draft-ayesta-to-short-tcp-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-21 On reducing the number of TimeOuts for short-lived TCP connections Urtzi Ayesta , Konstantin Avrachenkov draft-ayyangar-ccamp-inter-domain-rsvp-te-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-inter-domain-rsvp-te 2005-01-27 Inter domain MPLS Traffic Engineering - RSVP-TE extensions Arthi Ayyangar draft-ayyangar-ccamp-lsp-stitching-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-stitching 2005-02-14 LSP Stitching with Generalized MPLS TE Arthi Ayyangar , Vasseur Jp draft-ayyangar-inter-region-te-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-27 Inter-region MPLS Traffic Engineering Arthi Ayyangar draft-ayyasamy-ieprep-isp-recommend-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 Recommended Internet Service Provider Procedures For Emergency Preparedness SenthilKumar Ayyasamy , Fred Baker draft-azad-mpls-oam-messaging-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-16 MPLS user-plane OAM messaging David Allan draft-azcorra-ipv64-04 -1 Expired 2002-04-12 Internet Protocol, Version 64 (IPv64) Specification Arturo Azcorra draft-azcorra-tcpm-tcp-blind-ack-dos-01 -1 Expired 2004-05-25 DoS vulnerability of TCP by acknowledging not received segments Arturo Azcorra draft-azcorra-tsvwg-tcp-blind-ack-dos-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-05 DoS vulnerability of TCP by acknowledging not received segments Arturo Azcorra , Carlos Bernardos , Ignacio Soto draft-azeem-tcpfriendly-diffserv-00 -1 Expired 1999-02-24 TCP-Friendly Traffic Conditioners for Differentiated Services Shivkumar Kalyanaraman , Feroz Azeem , Amit Rao , Xiuping Lu draft-azgin-icnrg-mobility-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 DMS: Dynamic Inter- and Intra-Domain Mobility Support Framework for Information Centric Networking Aytac Azgin , Ravi Ravindran draft-azgin-icnrg-ni-02 -1 Expired 2017-07-18 Enabling Network Identifier (NI) in Information Centric Networks to Support Optimized Forwarding Aytac Azgin , Ravi Ravindran draft-azimov-sidrops-aspa-profile-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa-profile 2019-01-07 A Profile for Autonomous System Provider Authorization Alexander Azimov , Eugene Uskov , Randy Bush , Keyur Patel , Job Snijders , Russ Housley draft-azimov-sidrops-aspa-verification-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa-verification 2018-10-22 Verification of AS_PATH Using the Resource Certificate Public Key Infrastructure and Autonomous System Provider Authorization Alexander Azimov , Eugene Bogomazov , Randy Bush , Keyur Patel , Job Snijders draft-azinger-additional-private-ipv4-space-issues-05 -1 RFC 6319 2011-01-05 ops Ron Bonica Informational Issues Associated with Designating Additional Private IPv4 Address Space Marla Azinger , Leo Vegoda Ron Bonica draft-azinger-cidrv6-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-29 CIDR for IPv6: Address Aggregation, Allocation, and Assignment Strategy Marla Azinger , Tony Li , Jason Weil draft-azinger-scalable-addressing-01 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 A Scalable Addressing Allocation Architecture for IPv6 Marla Azinger , Tony Li , Jason Weil draft-aziz-skip-00 -1 Expired 1994-10-26 Simple Key-Management For Internet Protocols-Plus (SKIPP) Ashar Aziz draft-azmak-bst-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-16 Boosted Session Transport (BST) Protocol for Improved Performance in Satellite, Wireless and Mobile Networks Okan Azmak , Chava Leviatan , Itzcak Pechtalt draft-baba-dnsext-acl-reqts-02 -1 Expired 2004-03-31 Requirements for Access Control in Domain Name Systems Tatsuya Baba draft-baba-iot-interconnection-04 -1 Expired 2020-09-09 Study Report on a Framework for Cloud Inter-connection toward the Realization of IoT Hiroyuki BABA , Izaya Miyake , Jun Matsumura , Yoshiki Ishida draft-baba-iot-problems-09 -1 Expired 2020-09-09 Problems in and among industries for the prompt realization of IoT and safety considerations Hiroyuki BABA , Yoshiki Ishida , Takayuki Amatsu , Koichi KUNITAKE , Kaoru Maeda draft-baba-iot-webapi-07 -1 Expired 2020-09-09 Report on Problem Solving Experiment for Realization of Web-API-based IoT Hiroyuki BABA , Yoshiki Ishida , Takayuki Amatsu , Hiroshi Masuda , Shintaro Ogura , Koichi KUNITAKE draft-babiarz-pcn-3sm-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-18 Three State PCN Marking Jozef Babiarz , Xiao-Gao Liu , Kwok Chan , Michael Menth draft-babiarz-pcn-explicit-marking-02 -1 Expired 2007-11-19 tsv Lars Eggert Simulations Results for 3sm Jozef Babiarz , Xiao-Gao Liu , Siavash Rahimi Lars Eggert draft-babiarz-pcn-sip-cap-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-16 tsv Lars Eggert SIP Controlled Admission and Preemption Jozef Babiarz Lars Eggert draft-babiarz-rtecn-marking-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-13 Discussion of Congestion Marking with RT-ECN Jozef Babiarz draft-babiarz-tsvwg-rtecn-05 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 Congestion Notification Process for Real-Time Traffic Jozef Babiarz draft-babonneau-avt-ssrc-mux-for-port-mapping-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 SSRC Multiplexing for Unicast and Multicast RTP Sessions Gerard Babonneau , Xavier Marjou , Emile Stephan draft-babu-navmime-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-25 HTTP Performance extension for NAV systems Babu Neelam draft-babu-serv-cert-trans-from-proxy-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-23 TLS extension for Proxies to transfer Server certificate Babu Neelam draft-baccala-data-networking-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-28 Data-oriented networking Brent Baccala draft-baccala-dynamic-content-caching-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-28 Standardized caching of dynamic web content Brent Baccala draft-baccelli-autoconf-adhoc-addr-model-03 -1 Expired 2009-10-12 IP Addressing Model in Ad Hoc Networks Emmanuel Baccelli , Mark Townsley draft-baccelli-autoconf-statement-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-autoconf-statement 2007-04-04 Address Autoconfiguration for MANET: Terminology and Problem Statement Emmanuel Baccelli draft-baccelli-intarea-adhoc-wireless-com-01 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 intarea int Multi-hop Ad Hoc Wireless Communication Emmanuel Baccelli , Charles Perkins draft-baccelli-manet-multihop-communication-04 -1 Expired 2014-09-12 Brian Haberman Informational Multi-hop Ad Hoc Wireless Communication Emmanuel Baccelli , Charles Perkins Brian Haberman draft-baccelli-multi-hop-wireless-communication-06 -1 Expired 2011-07-29 Multi-hop Ad Hoc Wireless Communication Charles Perkins , Emmanuel Baccelli draft-baccelli-ospf-mpr-ext-04 -1 Expired 2007-10-12 OSPF MPR Extension for Ad Hoc Networks Emmanuel Baccelli draft-backman-secevent-subject-identifiers-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers 2018-06-04 Subject Identifiers for Security Event Tokens Annabelle Backman , Marius Scurtescu draft-backman-secevent-token-03 -1 Expired 2017-12-01 Security Event Token (SET) Annabelle Backman , William Denniss , Morteza Ansari , Michael Jones draft-bader-nsis-rmd-diffserv-qsm-01 -1 Expired 2004-10-21 RMD-QSP: An NSIS QoS Signaling Policy model for Networks Using Resource Management in Diffserv (RMD) Attila Bader draft-bader-rmd-qos-model-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 tsv Allison Mankin RMD (Resource Management in Diffserv) QoS-NSLP model Attila Bader Allison Mankin draft-badis-manet-ceqmm-02 -1 Expired 2007-03-12 CEQMM: A Complete and Efficient Quality of service Model for MANETs Hakim Badis draft-badis-manet-qolsr-05 -1 Expired 2007-03-12 Quality of Service for Ad hoc Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (QOLSR) Hakim Badis draft-badra-eap-double-tls-05 -1 Expired 2006-06-23 EAP-Double-TLS Authentication Protocol Mohamad Badra , Pascal Urien draft-badra-eap-peer-credential-protection-00 -1 Expired 2007-01-24 EAP Peer Credential Protection Mohamad Badra draft-badra-ecdhe-tls-psk-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-ecdhe-psk 2008-02-01 ECDHE_PSK Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Mohamad Badra draft-badra-hajjeh-mtls-06 -1 Expired 2011-04-28 MTLS: (D)TLS Multiplexing Mohamad Badra , Ibrahim Hajjeh draft-badra-netconf-rfc5539bis-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-rfc5539bis 2012-04-28 NETCONF Over Transport Layer Security (TLS) Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-ciphersuite-identity-protection-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-27 Credential Protection Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Mohamad Badra , Ibrahim Hajjeh draft-badra-tls-express-01 -1 Expired 2005-02-16 TLS Express Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-identity-protection-02 -1 Expired 2012-03-27 SCSV for TLS Client Credential Protection Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-key-exchange-00 -1 Expired 2004-08-12 Pre-Shared-Key key Exchange methods for TLS Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-multiplexing-01 -1 Expired 2011-04-28 Multiplexing Single-Application Multiple-Connection over TLS Mohamad Badra , Ibrahim Hajjeh draft-badra-tls-netconf-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-tls 2007-10-11 NETCONF over TLS Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-passive-client-00 -1 Expired 2013-12-15 Passive Transport Layer Security (TLS) Clients Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-password-00 -1 Expired 2007-04-20 Password Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-password-ext-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-23 Password Extension for the TLS Client Authentication Mohamad Badra draft-badra-tls-psk-new-mac-aes-gcm-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-psk-new-mac-aes-gcm 2008-05-17 Pre-Shared Key Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) with SHA-256/384 and AES Galois Counter Mode Mohamad Badra draft-baek-nemo-nested-ro-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-19 Routing Optimization in the same nested mobile network Sungmin Baek draft-baer-lightweight-token-authentication-01 -1 Expired 2015-08-31 Lightweight Token authentication (LTA) 1.0 Sebastian Baer , Bernd Haberstumpf draft-baer-listspec-01 -1 RFC 2369 1997-08-21 Proposed Standard The Use of URLs as Meta-Syntax for Core Mail List Commands and their Transport through Message Header Fields Joshua Baer , Grant Neufeld draft-baeuerle-netnews-cancel-lock-09 -1 RFC 8315 2017-12-05 art Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard Cancel-Locks in Netnews Articles Michael Bäuerle Julien ELIE Alexey Melnikov draft-bagnulo-6man-rfc3484-update-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-13 Updating RFC 3484 for multihoming support Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-behave-dns64-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-behave-dns64 2009-03-07 DNS64: DNS extensions for Network Address Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers Marcelo Bagnulo , Andrew Sullivan , Philip Matthews , Iljitsch van Beijnum , Masahito Endo draft-bagnulo-behave-nat64-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-behave-v6v4-xlate-stateful 2009-03-07 NAT64: Network Address and Protocol Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers Marcelo Bagnulo , Philip Matthews , Iljitsch van Beijnum draft-bagnulo-cga-ext-02 -1 RFC 4581 2006-03-24 int Margaret Cullen Proposed Standard Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) Extension Field Format Jari Arkko , Marcelo Bagnulo Margaret Cullen draft-bagnulo-congress-cci-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-06 .html,.txt,.xml Congestion Control Invariants Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-iccrg-iccrg-ledbat-bbr-interop-00 -1 Expired 2023-02-09 LEDBAT++ BBR interoperability issues Marcelo Bagnulo , Alberto Garcia-Martinez draft-bagnulo-iccrg-rledbat-01 -1 Expired 2019-10-29 rLEDBAT: receiver-driven Low Extra Delay Background Transport for TCP Marcelo Bagnulo , Alberto Garcia-Martinez , Gabriel Montenegro , Praveen Balasubramanian draft-bagnulo-ippm-new-registry-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-14 A registry for commonly used metrics Marcelo Bagnulo , Trevor Burbridge , Sam Crawford , Philip Eardley , Al Morton draft-bagnulo-ippm-new-registry-independent-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-14 A registry for commonly used metrics. Independent registries Marcelo Bagnulo , Trevor Burbridge , Sam Crawford , Philip Eardley , Al Morton draft-bagnulo-ipv6-rfc3484-update-00 -1 Expired 2005-12-01 Updating RFC 3484 for multihoming support Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-lisp-threat-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-09 Preliminary LISP Threat Analysis Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-lmap-http-03 -1 Expired 2014-09-10 Large MeAsurement Platform Protocol Marcelo Bagnulo , Trevor Burbridge , Sam Crawford , Jürgen Schönwälder , Vaibhav Bajpai draft-bagnulo-lmap-ipfix-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-21 An LMAP application for IPFIX Marcelo Bagnulo , Brian Trammell draft-bagnulo-mobileip-unreachable-hoa-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-02 Preserving MIPv6 communications when the HoA becomes unreachable Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-mptcp-attacks-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mptcp-attacks 2013-10-01 Analysis of MPTCP residual threats and possible fixes Marcelo Bagnulo , Christoph Paasch , Fernando Gont , Olivier Bonaventure , Costin Raiciu draft-bagnulo-mptcp-privacy-00 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 Privacy threats and possible countermeasures for Multipath-TCP (MPTCP) Marcelo Bagnulo , Amelia Andersdotter , Christoph Paasch draft-bagnulo-mptcp-secure-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-13 Secure MPTCP Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-mptcp-threat-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mptcp-threat 2010-02-08 Threat Analysis for Multi-addressed/Multi-path TCP Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-multi6dt-functional-dec-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-18 Functional decomposition of the M6 protocol Marcelo Bagnulo , Jari Arkko draft-bagnulo-multi6dt-hba-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-18 Hash Based Addresses (HBA) Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-multi6-mhexthdr-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-04 Extension Header for Site-Multi-homing support Marcelo Bagnulo , Alberto Garcia-Martinez draft-bagnulo-multi6-mhtb-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-02 Multi-Homing Tunnel Broker (MHTB) Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-multi6-mnm-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-28 Application of the MIPv6 protocol to the multi-homing problem Marcelo Bagnulo , Alberto Garcia-Martinez , Ignacio Soto draft-bagnulo-multi6-survey6-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-02 Survey on proposed IPv6 multi-homing network level mechanisms Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-multiple-hash-cga-03 -1 RFC 4982 2007-03-05 sec Russ Housley Proposed Standard Support for Multiple Hash Algorithms in Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) Jari Arkko , Marcelo Bagnulo Russ Housley draft-bagnulo-nemo-multi6-00 -1 Expired 2004-11-22 Application of a multi6 protocol to nemo Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-nfvrg-topology-01 -1 Expired 2016-03-17 NFVI PoP Network Topology: Problem Statement Marcelo Bagnulo , David Dolson draft-bagnulo-pshim6-02 -1 Expired 2008-02-22 Proxy Shim6 (P-Shim6) Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-rfc3484-update-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-15 Updating RFC 3484 for multihoming support Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-savi-analysis-02 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Analysis of data-triggered binding creation in SAVI Marcelo Bagnulo , Joel Halpern draft-bagnulo-savi-fcfs-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-savi-fcfs 2009-01-22 First-Come First-Serve Source-Address Validation Implementation Erik Nordmark , Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-savi-send-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-savi-send 2008-10-26 SeND-based Source-Address Validation Implementation Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-shim6-addr-selection-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-03 Address selection in multihomed environments Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-shim6-cga-ext-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-21 Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) Extension Field Format Marcelo Bagnulo , Jari Arkko draft-bagnulo-shim6-ingress-filtering-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-shim6-ingress-filtering 2006-06-20 Ingress filtering compatibility for IPv6 multihomed sites Marcelo Bagnulo , Christian Huitema draft-bagnulo-shim6-locator-pair-selection-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-shim6-locator-pair-selection 2006-05-24 Default Locator-pair selection algorithm for the SHIM6 protocol Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-shim6-mip-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-13 SHIM - MIPv6 Interaction Marcelo Bagnulo , Erik Nordmark draft-bagnulo-shim6-privacy-01 -1 Expired 2006-10-22 Privacy Analysis for the SHIM6 protocol Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bagnulo-tcpm-esn-00 -1 Expired 2017-09-29 TCP ESN: Extended Sequence Numbers for TCP Marcelo Bagnulo , Yoshifumi Nishida draft-bagnulo-tcpm-generalized-ecn-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-generalized-ecn 2017-05-19 ECN++: Adding Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to TCP Control Packets Marcelo Bagnulo , Bob Briscoe draft-bagnulo-tcpm-tcp-low-rtt-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Recommendations for increasing TCP performance in low RTT networks. Marcelo Bagnulo , Koen De Schepper , Glenn Judd draft-bagnulo-tsvwg-generalized-ecn-01 -1 Replaced draft-bagnulo-tcpm-generalized-ecn 2016-07-08 Adding Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to TCP control packets Marcelo Bagnulo , Bob Briscoe draft-bagnulo-tswg-generalized-ecn-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Adding Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to TCP control packets Marcelo Bagnulo , Bob Briscoe draft-bagnulo-v6ops-6man-nat64-pb-statement-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-20 IPv4/IPv6 Coexistence and Transition: Requirements for solutions Marcelo Bagnulo , Fred Baker draft-bahk-pilc-tcp-wireless-00 -1 Expired 2001-04-09 Spurring TCP retransmission upon wireless uplink losses Saewoong Bahk , Jin-Ho Kim draft-bahreman-mapplet-spec-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-12 MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Applet Objects (mapplet) James Galvin , Ali Bahreman , Rajkumar Narayanaswamy , Nick Zhang draft-bai-ccamp-mmssms-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-02 A Mechanism for Maintaining the Survivability of Streaming Media Services Bai Bo , Zhao Jihong draft-bailey-roi-ddpp-core-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-12 The Direct Data Placement Protocol (DDPP) Core Stephen Bailey draft-bailey-roi-ddp-rdma-arch-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-05 The Architecture of Direct Data Placement (DDP)And Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) On Internet Protocols Stephen Bailey , Tom Talpey draft-bailey-roi-rdma-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-12 The Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol (iWarp) Stephen Bailey draft-baillargeon-ippm-twamp-value-added-octets-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-twamp-value-added-octets 2012-01-24 tsv Wesley Eddy Informational TWAMP Value-Added Octets Steve Baillargeon , Christofer Flinta , Andreas Johnsson , Svante Ekelin Wesley Eddy draft-baillie-adslmib-vdsldmt-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-19 Definitions of Managed Objects for VDSL DMT Lines Scott Baillie draft-baill-netmod-yang-ip-stats-01 -1 Expired 2015-04-27 A YANG Data Model for basic IP and ICMP Statistics Steve Baillargeon draft-bailmir-ippm-twamp-dscp-ctrl-mon-02 -1 Expired 2017-02-21 Control and Monitoring Differentiated Service Code Point in Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Greg Mirsky , Steve Baillargeon draft-bajaj-mail-srv-03 -1 Expired 2004-12-01 Use of SRV records for POP3, POP3S, IMAP and IMAPS. Gary Bajaj draft-bajko-arcband-shape-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Arcband Shape Binary Encoding Gabor Bajko , Hannes Tschofenig draft-bajko-atoca-wlan-eas-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Emergency Alert Service support in IEEE 802.11 networks Gabor Bajko draft-bajko-mext-sod-03 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Security on Demand for Mobile IPv6 and Dual-stack Mobile IPv6 Gabor Bajko , Basavaraj Patil , Teemu Savolainen draft-bajko-mip6-rrtfw-03 -1 Expired 2008-02-25 Firewall friendly Return-Routability Test (RRT) for Mobile IPv6 Gabor Bajko draft-bajko-mos-dhcp-options-02 -1 Expired 2008-02-11 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6) Options for Mobility Server (MoS) discovery Gabor Bajko , Subir Das draft-bajko-mos-dns-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-18 Locating Mobility Servers Gabor Bajko draft-bajko-nsis-fw-reqs-08 -1 Expired 2007-10-11 Requirements for Firewall Configuration Protocol Gabor Bajko draft-bajko-pripaddrassign-04 -1 Replaced draft-sun-dhc-port-set-option 2012-04-02 Port Restricted IP Address Assignment Gabor Bajko , Teemu Savolainen , Mohamed Boucadair , Pierre Levis draft-bajko-v6ops-port-restricted-ipaddr-assign-02 -1 Expired 2008-11-03 Port Restricted IP Address Assignment Gabor Bajko , Teemu Savolainen draft-bajpai-happy-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-14 Measuring the Effects of Happy Eyeballs Vaibhav Bajpai , Jürgen Schönwälder draft-baker-6man-hbh-header-handling-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-hbh-header-handling 2015-10-07 6man int IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Header Handling Fred Baker draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-multi-homed-host 2015-09-04 6man int Host routing in a multi-prefix network Fred Baker , Brian Carpenter draft-baker-6man-multiprefix-default-route-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-07 Multiprefix IPv6 Routing for Ingress Filters Fred Baker draft-baker-6renum-oss-renumbering-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-05 Renumbering using an Operational Support System Fred Baker draft-baker-alert-system-00 -1 Expired 2005-01-11 Structure of an International Emergency Alert System Fred Baker , Brian Carpenter draft-baker-aqm-recommendation-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-aqm-recommendation 2013-07-09 IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management Fred Baker , Gorry Fairhurst draft-baker-aqm-sfq-implementation-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-aqm-fq-implementation 2014-06-13 aqm tsv On Queuing, Marking, and Dropping Fred Baker , Rong Pan draft-baker-behave-ivi-01 -1 Expired 2008-09-16 IVI Update to SIIT and NAT-PT Xing Li , Congxiao Bao , Fred Baker , Kevin Yin draft-baker-behave-v4v6-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-behave-v6v4-framework 2009-02-24 Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation Fred Baker , Xing Li , Congxiao Bao draft-baker-behave-v4v6-translation-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-behave-v6v4-xlate 2009-02-22 IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm Fred Baker draft-baker-bmwg-testing-eyeball-happiness-05 -1 RFC 6556 2011-08-17 ops Ron Bonica Informational Testing Eyeball Happiness Fred Baker Ron Bonica draft-baker-diffserv-basic-classes-04 -1 Expired 2004-10-25 Configuration Guidelines for DiffServ Service Classes Fred Baker draft-baker-diffserv-mib-00 -1 Expired 1999-07-02 Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture Fred Baker draft-baker-flow-label-00 -1 Expired 1996-10-08 Use of Flow Label for Tag Switching Fred Baker , Yakov Rekhter draft-baker-fun-multi-router-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-01 Exploring the multi-router SOHO network Fred Baker draft-baker-fun-routing-class-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-01 Routing a Traffic Class Fred Baker draft-baker-happier-eyeballs-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-05 Happier Eyeballs Fred Baker draft-baker-homenet-prefix-assignment-01 -1 Expired 2012-03-08 IPv6 Prefix Assignment in Small Networks Fred Baker , Ralph Droms draft-baker-http-resource-state-model-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-05 An Abstract Model for HTTP Resource State Mark Baker draft-baker-ieprep-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 ieprep rai Jon Peterson IEPS Requirement Statement Fred Baker Jon Peterson draft-baker-ieps-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 IEPS Requirement Statement Fred Baker draft-baker-ietf-core-15 -1 RFC 6272 2011-04-22 gen Russ Housley Informational Internet Protocols for the Smart Grid Fred Baker , David Meyer Russ Housley draft-baker-ipv6-isis-automatic-prefix-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 Automated prefix allocation in IS-IS Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-isis-dst-flowlabel-routing-01 -1 Expired 2013-08-28 Using IS-IS with Token-based Access Control Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-isis-dst-src-routing-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-isis-ipv6-dst-src-routing 2017-07-18 lsr rtg IPv6 Source/Destination Routing using IS-IS Fred Baker , David Lamparter draft-baker-ipv6-nd-session-hijack-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-28 Session Hijack in Neighbor Discovery Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-ospf-dst-flowlabel-routing-03 -1 Expired 2013-08-28 Using OSPFv3 with Token-based Access Control Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-ospf-dst-src-routing-03 -1 Expired 2013-08-28 IPv6 Source/Destination Routing using OSPFv3 Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-ospf-extensible-00 -1 Replaced draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend 2013-02-18 Extensible OSPF LSAs Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-prefix-subdelegation-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-27 Prefix Sub-delegation in a SOHO/SMB Environment Fred Baker draft-baker-ipv6-renumber-procedure-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-03 Procedures for Renumbering an IPv6 Network without a Flag Day Fred Baker , Eliot Lear , Ralph Droms draft-baker-liaisons-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-20 Procedure for handling liaison statements from and to various standards bodies Fred Baker draft-baker-liaison-statements-04 -1 RFC 4053 2005-01-18 iab Brian Carpenter Best Current Practice Procedures for Handling Liaison Statements to and from the IETF Fred Baker , Scott Bradner , Stephen Trowbridge Brian Carpenter draft-baker-manet-ospf-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-08 Problem Statement for OSPF Extensions for Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Fred Baker draft-baker-manet-review-01 -1 Expired 2002-03-20 An outsider's view of MANET Fred Baker draft-baker-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process-03 -1 Expired 2016-07-06 mtgvenue gen IAOC Plenary Meeting Venue Selection Process Fred Baker draft-baker-nested-vpn-routing-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-21 Routing across Nested VPNs Fred Baker draft-baker-openstack-ipv6-model-02 -1 Expired 2015-02-09 A Model for IPv6 Operation in OpenStack Fred Baker , Chris Marino , Ian Wells , Rohit Agarwalla , Sebastian Jeuk , Gonzalo Salgueiro draft-baker-openstack-rbac-federated-identity-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-17 Federated Identity for IPv6 Role-base Access Control Fred Baker draft-baker-opsawg-firewalls-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-firewalls 2012-01-20 opsawg ops On Firewalls in Internet Security Fred Baker Melinda Shore draft-baker-opsec-passive-ip-address-01 -1 Expired 2012-10-07 Passive IP Addresses Fred Baker , Gunter Van de Velde draft-baker-pcp-nptv6-search-00 -1 Expired 2012-01-20 Using PCP to Find an External Address in an NPTv6 Network Fred Baker , Dan Wing draft-baker-rsvp-aggregation-01 -1 Expired 1999-06-28 Aggregation of RSVP for IP4 and IP6 Reservations Fred Baker draft-baker-rtgwg-src-dst-routing-use-cases-02 -1 Expired 2016-04-28 Requirements and Use Cases for Source/Destination Routing Fred Baker , Mingwei Xu , Shu Yang , Jianping Wu draft-baker-sava-cisco-ip-source-guard-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-07 Cisco IP Version 4 Source Guard Fred Baker draft-baker-sava-implementation-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-08 Source address validation in the local environment Fred Baker draft-baker-sava-operational-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-19 IPv4/IPv6 Source Address Verification Fred Baker , Ralph Droms draft-baker-sava-simple-00 -1 Expired 2007-03-22 Simple Source Address Validation Fred Baker draft-baker-savi-one-implementation-approach-00 -1 Expired 2010-05-10 An implementation approach to Source Address Validation Fred Baker draft-baker-slem-architecture-02 -1 RFC 3924 2003-10-27 gen Steven Bellovin Informational Cisco Architecture for Lawful Intercept in IP Networks Bill Foster , Fred Baker , Chip Sharp Steven Bellovin draft-baker-slem-mib-00 -1 Expired 2003-03-31 Cisco Lawful Intercept Control MIB Fred Baker draft-baker-soap-media-reg-06 -1 RFC 3902 2004-05-18 app Scott Hollenbeck Informational The "application/soap+xml" media type Mark Nottingham , Mark Baker Scott Hollenbeck draft-baker-tsvwg-admitted-voice-dscp-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-admitted-realtime-dscp 2006-10-06 An EF DSCP for Capacity-Admitted Traffic Fred Baker draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00 -1 Replaced draft-baker-aqm-recommendation 2013-03-13 IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management Fred Baker draft-baker-tsvwg-mlef-concerns-02 -1 Expired 2004-10-11 MLEF Without Capacity Admission Does Not Satisfy MLPP Requirements Fred Baker draft-baker-tsvwg-mlpp-that-works-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-mlpp-that-works 2004-10-11 Implementing MLPP for Voice and Video in the Internet Protocol Suite Fred Baker , James Polk draft-baker-tsvwg-vpn-signaled-preemption-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-vpn-signaled-preemption 2005-10-21 QoS Signaling in a Nested Virtual Private Network Pratik Bose , Fred Baker draft-baker-v6ops-b2b-private-routing-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-03 Business to Business Private Routing Fred Baker draft-baker-v6ops-cpe-autoconfigure-00 -1 Expired 2017-06-17 Requirements for a Zero-Configuration IPv6 CPE Fred Baker draft-baker-v6ops-end2end-00 -1 Expired 2005-08-15 The End to End Problem in a fully generalized IPv4, IPv6, and IPv4+IPv6 network Fred Baker draft-baker-v6ops-greynet-05 -1 RFC 6018 2010-08-12 gen Ron Bonica Informational IPv4 and IPv6 Greynets Warren Harrop , Fred Baker , Grenville Armitage Ron Bonica draft-baker-v6ops-l3-multihoming-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-16 Multihomed IPv6 prefix delegation, aggregation, and distribution Fred Baker , Marla Azinger draft-baker-v6ops-session-start-time-02 -1 Expired 2010-11-07 Opening TCP Sessions in Complex Environments Fred Baker draft-baker-xhtml-media-reg-02 -1 RFC 3236 2001-09-25 Informational The 'application/xhtml+xml' Media Type Peter Stark , Mark Baker draft-bakht-maoddp-02 -1 Expired 2014-01-13 Fault Detection and Recovery in Wireless Sensors Network Humayun Bakht draft-bakke-dhc-snmp-trap-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-06 DHCP Option for SNMP Notifications Mark Bakke draft-bakke-iscsimib-02 -1 Expired 2001-03-06 Definitions of Managed Objects for SCSI over TCP Mark Bakke , Jim Muchow , Monica Krueger draft-bakke-iscsi-slp-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-23 Finding iSCSI Targets and Name Servers Using SLP Mark Bakke draft-bakke-iscsi-stringprep-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 String Profile for iSCSI Names Mark Bakke draft-bakke-iscsi-wwui-urn-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-23 A URN Namespace for iSCSI World-Wide Unique Identifiers Mark Bakke draft-bakker-dispatch-3gpp-ims-xml-body-handling-00 -1 Expired 2012-09-04 Specification of 3GPP IM CN Subsystem XML body handling John-Luc Bakker draft-bakker-jain-scml-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 A Service Creation Markup Language for Scripting Next Generation Network Services John-Luc Bakker , Raj Jain draft-bakker-middleware-considerations-aaa-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-29 AAA Considerations for Middleware Steven Bakker draft-bakker-sipping-3gpp-ims-xml-body-handling-08 -1 Expired 2012-03-27 Specification of 3GPP IM CN Subsystem XML body handling John-Luc Bakker draft-bakleh-reg-adm-acg-apu-01 -1 Expired 2005-06-24 Internationalized Domain Names Registration and Administration Guidelines for Arabic Characters Group of Languages (Arabic, Persian, Urdu,...) Rifaah Ekrema draft-bakre-mcast-atm-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-04 IP Multicast over ATM Networks with Cut-through Forwarding Takeshi Nishida , Ajay Bakre draft-balabanian-intserv-mpeg4-dmif-00 -1 Expired 1998-09-21 The Use of MPEG-4/DMIF and RSVP with Integrated Services Vahe Balabanian draft-balabanian-rtp-mpeg4-dmif-01 -1 Expired 1998-09-21 The Role of DMIF in Support of RTP MPEG-4 Payloads Vahe Balabanian draft-balabanian-rtsp-mpeg4-dmif-00 -1 Expired 1998-09-22 The Role of DMIF with RTSP and MPEG-4 Vahe Balabanian draft-bala-gmpls-recovery-functional-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-07 Generalized MPLS Recovery Functional Specification Jonathan Lang , Bala Rajagopalan , Jonathan Lang draft-balaji-l2vpn-lawful-intercept-thru-label-dis-01 -1 Expired 2013-01-25 Label-based Provider-Provisioned Lawful Intercept for L2 VPNs Shankar Raman , Balaji Venkataswami , Gaurav Raina , Bhargav Bhikkaji draft-balaji-l2vpn-trill-over-ip-multi-level-03 -1 Expired 2013-02-19 Connecting Disparate TRILL-based Data Center/PBB/Campus sites using BGP Radia Perlman , Bhargav Bhikkaji , Balaji Venkataswami , Ramasubramani Mahadevan , Shivakumar Sundaram , Narayana Swamy draft-balaji-mpls-csc-te-lsp-splice-02 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 An Architecture for splicing TE-LSPs in Hierarchical CsC scenarios Bhargav Bhikkaji , Balaji Venkataswami , Shankar Raman , Gaurav Raina draft-balaji-mpls-inter-as-policy-based-te-sec-01 -1 Expired 2012-08-19 Avoiding Un-trusted AS thru inter-AS TE-LSPs constructed using Clipping Shankar Raman , Balaji Venkataswami , Gaurav Raina , Bhargav Bhikkaji draft-balaji-mpls-lawful-intercept-thru-label-dis-03 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 Label-based Provider-Provisioned Lawful Intercept for L3 VPNs Shankar Raman , Balaji Venkataswami , Gaurav Raina , Vasan Srini , Bhargav Bhikkaji draft-balaji-mpls-li-thru-label-dis-snmp-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 SNMP based Provider-Provisioned label for Lawful Intercept in L3 VPNs Shankar Raman , Balaji Venkataswami , Gaurav Raina , Vasan Srini , Bhargav Bhikkaji draft-balaji-opsawg-vxlan-vm-topo-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2012-03-26 VM to VTEP maps topology discovery in VXLAN based data centers Balaji Venkataswami , Bhargav Bhikkaji draft-balaji-panet-dc-label-semantic-for-pwr-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-17 Load-balancing to Data Centers in a L3VPN environment based on Power Balaji Venkataswami , Bhargav Bhikkaji , Shankar Raman draft-balaji-trill-over-ip-multi-level-05 -1 Expired 2012-03-26 Connecting Disparate Data Center/PBB/Campus TRILL sites using BGP Bhargav Bhikkaji , Balaji Venkataswami , Ramasubramani Mahadevan , Shivakumar Sundaram , Narayana Swamy draft-balaji-trill-te-multi-site-interconnect-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-26 Interconnecting multiple TRILL sites deploying Traffic Engineering Balaji Venkataswami , Bhargav Bhikkaji , Narayana Swamy draft-balakrichenan-lpwan-dns-usage-00 -1 Expired 2018-12-31 DNS usage in LPWAN Sandoche Balakrichenan draft-balakrishnan-cm-03 -1 Expired 2000-03-14 The Congestion Manager Hari Balakrishnan , Srinivasan Seshan draft-bala-mplamps-04 -1 RFC 3251 2002-02-28 Informational Electricity over IP Bala Rajagopalan draft-bala-mpls-optical-uni-signaling-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-28 Signaling Requirements at the Optical UNI Osama Aboul-Magd draft-bala-protection-restoration-signaling-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-19 Signaling for Protection and Restoration in Optical Mesh Networks Bala Rajagopalan draft-balarajah-bmwg-ngfw-performance-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-ngfw-performance 2018-10-14 Benchmarking Methodology for Network Security Device Performance Balamuhunthan Balarajah , Carsten Rossenhoevel draft-bala-restoration-signaling-01 -1 Expired 2001-08-20 Signaling for Fast Restoration in Optical Mesh Networks Bala Rajagopalan draft-balasubramanian-iccrg-ledbatplusplus-01 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-iccrg-ledbat-plus-plus 2019-11-04 LEDBAT++: Congestion Control for Background Traffic Praveen Balasubramanian , Osman Ertugay , Daniel Havey draft-balasubramanian-tcpm-hystartplusplus-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-hystartplusplus 2020-04-27 HyStart++: Modified Slow Start for TCP Praveen Balasubramanian , Yi Huang , Matt Olson draft-bala-uni-ldp-rsvp-extensions-04 -1 RFC 3476 2003-01-20 tsv Scott Bradner Informational Documentation of IANA Assignments for Label Distribution Protocol (LDP), Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP), and Resource ReSerVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extensions for Optical UNI Signaling Bala Rajagopalan Scott Bradner draft-bala-uni-signaling-extensions-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-10 LMP, LDP and RSVP Extensions for Optical UNI Signaling Bala Rajagopalan draft-balay-katz-parker-mesh-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-23 IS-IS Mesh Groups Dave Katz , Rajesh Balay , Jeff Parker , Jeff Parker draft-balay-parker-mesh-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-07 ISIS Mesh Groups Mesh Groups for IS-IS Rajesh Balay , Jeff Parker draft-baldessari-c2ccc-nemo-req-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-05 C2C-C Consortium Requirements for NEMO Route Optimization Roberto Baldessari draft-baldwin-bsafe-00 -1 Expired 1999-05-12 BSAFE CRYPTOGRAPHIC SECURITY COMPONENTS Robert Baldwin , Sayuri Nishimura , Michael Yurovitsky draft-baldwin-bsafe-test-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-25 TESTING THE BSAFE CRYPTOGRAPHIC SECURITY COMPONENTS Robert Baldwin draft-baldwin-dhc-softwire-anycast-dhcp-00 -1 Expired 2010-05-29 Anycast DHCPv4 Timothy Baldwin draft-baldwin-esp-rc5-00 -1 Expired 1996-03-21 The ESP RC5-CBC Transform Brett Howard , Robert Baldwin draft-baldwin-rc5-00 -1 RFC 2040 1996-03-21 The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms Robert Baldwin , Ronald Rivest draft-balenson-groupkeymgmt-oft-00 -1 Expired 1999-03-03 Key Management for Large Dynamic Groups: One-Way Function Trees and Amortized Initialization David Balenson , David McGrew , Alan Sherman draft-balenson-secure-email-00 -1 Expired 1996-10-02 Internet Secure Electronic Mail: Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers for FORTEZZA Cryptography David Balenson , Russ Housley , Jeff Cook draft-balfanz-https-token-binding-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tokbind-https 2014-10-13 tokbind sec Token Binding over HTTP Andrei Popov , Magnus Nystrom , Dirk Balfanz , Adam Langley draft-balfanz-tls-channelid-01 -1 Expired 2013-06-29 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Channel IDs Dirk Balfanz , Ryan Hamilton draft-balfanz-tls-obc-01 -1 Expired 2011-11-14 TLS Origin-Bound Certificates Dirk Balfanz , D Smetters, Adam Barth draft-ballardie-cbt-02 -1 Expired 1993-03-01 idmr rtg Core Based Trees (CBT) An Architecture for Scalable Inter-Domain Multicast Routing Paul Francis , Jon Crowcroft , Anthony Ballardie draft-ballardie-mrsp-01 -1 Expired 2002-01-28 Multicast Router-Switch Protocol (MRSP) Anthony Ballardie , Chris Fletcher draft-ballardie-shared-mtrace-00 -1 Expired 1997-10-27 ''shared-mtrace'': A Multicast 'traceroute' facility for Shared Trees Anthony Ballardie draft-ballou-nntpsrch-04 -1 Expired 1997-09-19 NNTP Full-text Search Extension Stephen Waters , Brian Hernacki , Nat Ballou draft-balls-ccamp-relax-loop-check-02 -1 Expired 2012-11-19 Relaxing RSVP Loop Checking Steve Balls , Jonathan Hardwick , Cyril Margaria draft-balus-bocci-martini-dyn-ms-pwe3-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-19 Dynamic Placement of Multi Segment Pseudo Wires Florin Balus draft-balus-l2vpn-pbb-ldp-ext-02 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Extensions to LDP MAC Withdraw for PBB-VPLS Dutta Pranjal , Florin Balus , Geraldine Calvignac , Olen Stokes draft-balus-l2vpn-vpls-802.1ah-03 -1 Expired 2008-07-15 VPLS Extensions for Provider Backbone Bridging Raymond Zhang , Geraldine Calvignac , Florin Balus draft-balus-mh-pw-control-protocol-02 -1 Expired 2005-07-18 Multi-Segment Pseudowire Setup and Maintenance using LDP Florin Balus draft-balus-pwe3-ip-pseudowire-01 -1 Expired 2004-10-27 IP Pseudowire Encapsulation Florin Balus draft-balus-sajassi-l2vpn-pbb-vpls-01 -1 Expired 2009-03-09 Extensions to VPLS PE model for Provider Backbone Bridging Ali Sajassi , Florin Balus , Raymond Zhang draft-bambenek-doubleflux-01 -1 Expired 2008-05-21 Double Flux Defense in the DNS Protocol John Bambenek draft-bambenek-porter-dnsop-whois-over-dns-01 -1 Expired 2019-06-30 Domain Contact Information (WHOIS) over DNS John Bambenek , Richard Porter draft-bambenek-posting-guidelines-03 -1 Expired 2004-05-17 Reply Posting Guidelines in One to Many Communications John Bambenek draft-bamberger-bess-imet-filter-evpn-etree-vxlan-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-01 IMET Route Filtering for Ethernet VPN (EVPN) Ethernet Tree (E-Tree) with VXLAN Encapsulation Aaron Bamberger , Akhil Shashidhar , Sergey Kolobov , Arivudainambi Gounder draft-banerjea-qosmic-00 -1 Expired 1998-05-05 Designing QoSMIC: A Quality of Service sensitive Multicast Internet protoCol Anindo Banerjea , Michalis Faloutsos , Rajesh Pankaj draft-banerjee-flowlabel-ipv6-qos-03 -1 Expired 2002-04-22 A Modified Specification for use of the IPv6 Flow Label for providing An efficient Quality of Service using hybrid approach Rahul Banerjee draft-banerjee-ipv6-quality-service-02 -1 Expired 2002-03-21 Design and Implementation of the Quality-of-Service in IPv6 using the modified Hop-by-Hop Extension header-A Practicable Mechanism Rahul Banerjee draft-banerjee-routing-impairments-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-26 Impairment Constraints for Routing in All-Optical Networks Ayan Banerjee draft-banerjee-rtp-vod-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-26 An extension of RTP and RTCP protocols For Video-on-Demand systems Rahul Banerjee draft-banghart-mile-rolie-csirt-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mile-rolie-csirt 2018-03-05 Definition of ROLIE CSIRT Extension Stephen Banghart , John Field draft-banghart-mile-rolie-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 ROLIE Discovery Mechanism Stephen Banghart , David Waltermire draft-banghart-mile-rolie-vuln-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mile-rolie-vuln 2019-03-26 Definition of ROLIE Vulnerability Extension Stephen Banghart draft-banghart-sacm-rolie-softwaredescriptor-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sacm-rolie-softwaredescriptor 2017-05-03 sacm sec Definition of the ROLIE Software Descriptor Extension David Waltermire , Stephen Banghart draft-bankoski-vp8-bitstream-06 -1 RFC 6386 2011-08-11 gen Robert Sparks Informational VP8 Data Format and Decoding Guide Paul Wilkins , Yaowu Xu , Lou Quillio , James Bankoski , Janne Salonen , John Koleszar Robert Sparks draft-banks-bmwg-issu-meth-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-issu-meth 2014-10-09 ISSU Benchmarking Methodology Sarah Banks , Fernando Calabria , Gery Czirjak , Ramdas Machat draft-banks-quic-cibir-01 -1 Expired 2022-03-01 QUIC Connection ID Based Initial Routing Nick Banks draft-banks-quic-disable-encryption-00 -1 Expired 2020-08-11 QUIC Disable Encryption Nick Banks draft-banks-quic-performance-00 -1 Expired 2020-12-23 QUIC Performance Nick Banks draft-bannister-dbis-automounter-06 -1 Expired 2015-08-20 Directory-Based Information Services: Automounter Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-custom-04 -1 Expired 2015-07-24 Directory-Based Information Services: Custom Maps Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-devices-05 -1 Expired 2015-07-24 Directory-Based Information Services: Devices Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-hosts-07 -1 Expired 2015-07-24 Directory-Based Information Services: Hosts, Networks and Services Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-mapping-07 -1 Expired 2015-07-24 Directory-Based Information Services: Mapping Objects Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-netgroup-05 -1 Expired 2015-07-24 Directory-Based Information Services: Netgroups and Netservices Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-passwd-06 -1 Expired 2015-07-24 Directory-Based Information Services: Users and Groups Mark Bannister draft-bannister-dbis-policy-03 -1 Expired 2014-03-11 Directory-Based Information Services: Password Policies Mark Bannister draft-bao-ccamp-pw-transfer-01 -1 Expired 2010-07-12 LDP Extensions for Pseudo Wire (PW) Transfer in an MPLS-TP Network Yuanlin Bao , Lizhong Jin , Ruiquan Jing , Xiaoli Huo draft-bao-mpls-tp-path-transfer-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 Requirements For Path Ownership Transfer Between Management Plane And Control Plane In A MPLS-TP Network Yuanlin Bao , Faming Yang , Xihua Fu draft-bao-oftest-cont-latency-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-23 Message Processing Latency Test for OpenFlow Controller Yaming Bao , Mike Cheng draft-bao-pce-backup-route-computation-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 The Requirements for Path Computation Element (PCE) Application for Backup Route Yuanlin Bao , Xihua Fu , Gang Xie draft-bao-pce-pre-configured-routing-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 A Path Computation Element (PCE) Application for Pre-configured Routing Yuanlin Bao , Xihua Fu , Gang Xie draft-bao-pwe3-pw-transfer-03 -1 Expired 2012-03-12 LDP Extensions for Pseudo Wire (PW) Transfer in an MPLS-TP Network Qilei Wang , Muliu Tao , Xihua Fu , Lizhong Jin, Ruiquan Jing draft-bao-pwe3-pw-transfer-ldp-ext-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 LDP Signaling Extension For Management Plane To Control Plane PW Ownership Transfer In A MPLS-TP Network Yuanlin Bao , Xihua Fu , Fei Zhang draft-bao-v6ops-rfc6145bis-07 -1 RFC 7915 2016-04-27 Joel Jaeggli Proposed Standard IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm Congxiao Bao , Xing Li , Fred Baker , Tore Anderson , Fernando Gont Fred Baker Joel Jaeggli draft-barany-avt-efr-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-08 RTP payload format for EFR speech codec Peter Barany , William Navarro draft-barany-eap-gee-05 -1 Expired 2007-03-07 int Jari Arkko Informational 3GPP2 Generic EAP Encapsulation (GEE) Protocol Peter Barany Jari Arkko draft-baraq-roll-drizzle-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-23 Drizzle Algorithm Baraq Ghaleb , Ahmed Al-Dubai , Imed Romdhani , Mamoun Qasem draft-baraq-roll-lbsa-00 -1 Expired 2020-03-27 Load-balancing and Stability Aware Objective Function (LBSA) Baraq Ghaleb , Ahmed Al-Dubai , Imed Romdhani , Mamoun Qasem draft-barbato-avt-rtp-theora-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-27 RTP Payload Format for Theora Encoded Video Luca Barbato draft-barbato-scs-00 -1 Expired 2006-09-07 SCS: Secure Cookie Sessions for HTTP Stefano Barbato draft-barber-nntp-imp-10 -1 Expired 1998-03-17 Common NNTP Extensions Stan Barber draft-barber-nntp-news-00 -1 Expired 1996-10-01 Network News Transport Protocol Stan Barber draft-barber-uucp-project-conclusion-05 -1 Expired 2000-12-19 The Conclusion of the UUCP Mapping Project Stan Barber draft-barbir-cdi-cnapcomp-01 -1 Expired 2002-02-19 Data Compression For Content Network Advertisement Protocol (CNAPComp) Delphine Kaplan , Abbie Barbir , Reinaldo Penno draft-barbir-opes-fsp-03 -1 Expired 2003-03-04 A Framework for Service Personalization Abbie Barbir draft-barbir-opes-spcs-03 -1 Expired 2003-03-04 Requirements for an OPES Service Personalization Callout Server Abbie Barbir draft-barbir-opes-vpcn-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-14 A Framework for OPES End to End Data Integrity:Virtual Private Content Networks (VPCN) Abbie Barbir draft-barbosa-afs3-vlcapabilities-lock-00 -1 Replaced draft-barbosa-afs3-vldb-locktimestamp 2023-05-25 Introduce VLDB_CAPABILITY_LOCKTIMESTAMP Marcio Barbosa draft-barbosa-afs3-vldb-locktimestamp-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-24 .html,.txt,.xml Repurpose spares2 Field for Volume Lock Timestamp in nvldbentry and uvldbentry Marcio Barbosa draft-bar-cfrg-spake2plus-08 -1 Active I-D Exists 2022-05-05 Informational .html,.txt,.xml SPAKE2+, an Augmented PAKE Tim Taubert , Christopher Wood Eliot Lear draft-bardalai-ccamp-overlay-path-comp-02 -1 Expired 2013-10-17 Overlay Network - Path Computation Approaches Snigdho Bardalai , Khuzema Pithewan , Rajan Rao draft-bardhan-spring-poi-sr-oam-01 -1 Expired 2016-12-22 OAM for Packet-Optical Integration in Segment Routing Sanjoy Bardhan , Madhukar Anand , Ramesh Subrahmaniam , Jeff Tantsura draft-barguil-opsawg-l2sm-l2nm-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm 2020-05-26 A Layer 2 VPN Network YANG Model Samier Barguil , Oscar de Dios , Mohamed Boucadair , Luis Munoz , Luay Jalil , Jichun Ma draft-barguil-teas-network-slices-instantation-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Instantiation of IETF Network Slice Services in Service Providers Networks Samier Barguil , Luis Contreras , Victor Lopez , Reza Rokui , Oscar de Dios , Daniel King , Mohamed Boucadair draft-barik-mptcp-lisa-01 -1 Expired 2016-06-27 A Linked Slow-Start Algorithm for MPTCP Runa Barik , Simone Ferlin , Michael Welzl draft-barkai-lisp-nexagon-11 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lisp-nexagon 2019-10-10 Network-Hexagons: H3-LISP Based Mobility Network Sharon Barkai , Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz , Sharon Barkai , Rotem Tamir , Alberto Rodriguez-Natal , Fabio Maino , Albert Cabellos-Aparicio , Dino Farinacci draft-barkai-lisp-nfv-13 -1 Expired 2019-01-09 LISP Based FlowMapping for Scaling NFV Sharon Barkai , Dino Farinacci , David Meyer , Fabio Maino , Vina Ermagan , Alberto Rodriguez-Natal , Albert Cabellos-Aparicio draft-barkai-lisp-pems-06 -1 Expired 2022-12-04 Portable Edge Multipoint Sockets Sharon Barkai , Fabio Maino , Alberto Rodriguez-Natal , Albert Cabellos-Aparicio , Dino Farinacci draft-barkai-scmp-00 -1 Expired 2003-01-07 Service Centric Management (SCM) Sharon Barkai draft-barnes-acme-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-acme-acme 2015-07-21 Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Richard Barnes , Jacob Hoffman-Andrews , James Kasten draft-barnes-acme-service-provider-01 -1 Expired 2017-06-02 ACME Identifiers and Challenges for VoIP Service Providers Mary Barnes, Chris Wendt draft-barnes-acme-service-provider-code-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 ACME Identifiers and Challenges for VoIP Service Providers Mary Barnes , Chris Wendt draft-barnes-acme-token-challenge-02 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 ACME Token Identifier and Challenges Mary Barnes draft-barnes-atoca-cap-mime-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-07 Media Type Registration for Common Alerting Protocol Richard Barnes , Brian Rosen , Hannes Tschofenig draft-barnes-atoca-delivery-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Lightweight Emergency Alerting Protocol (LEAP) Richard Barnes draft-barnes-atoca-escape-02 -1 Expired 2012-10-10 Encoding of Secure Common Alert Protocol Entities (ESCAPE) Richard Barnes, Andrew Chi draft-barnes-atoca-meta-03 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Alert Metadata Protocol (AMP) Matt Lepinski , Karen Seo , Richard Barnes draft-barnes-blocking-considerations-01 -1 Replaced draft-iab-filtering-considerations 2012-07-16 Technical Considerations for Internet Service Blocking Richard Barnes , Olaf Kolkman draft-barnes-cfrg-hpke-01 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke 2019-03-11 cfrg Hybrid Public Key Encryption Richard Barnes , Karthikeyan Bhargavan draft-barnes-cfrg-mult-for-7748-00 -1 Expired 2019-11-04 Homomorphic Multiplication for X25519 and X448 Richard Barnes , Joël Alwen , Sandro Corretti draft-barnes-dane-uks-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-10 Unknown Key-Share Attacks on DNS-based Authentications of Named Entities (DANE) Richard Barnes , Martin Thomson , Eric Rescorla draft-barnes-ecrit-auth-01 -1 Expired 2007-10-22 Fraud mitigation for IP-based emergency calling Richard Barnes , Matt Lepinski draft-barnes-ecrit-policy-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 Policy Considerations for Emergency Calling using Voice over IP Richard Barnes , Bernard Aboba , Jon Peterson , Hannes Tschofenig draft-barnes-ecrit-rough-loc-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ecrit-rough-loc 2009-06-03 Using Imprecise Location for Emergency Context Resolution Richard Barnes , Matt Lepinski draft-barnes-geopriv-lo-sec-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-geopriv-arch 2009-03-09 An Architecture for Location and Location Privacy in Internet Applications Richard Barnes , Matt Lepinski , Alissa Cooper , John Morris , Hannes Tschofenig , Henning Schulzrinne draft-barnes-geopriv-policy-uri-02 -1 Expired 2010-11-09 Location Configuration Extensions for Policy Management Richard Barnes , Martin Thomson , James Winterbottom , Hannes Tschofenig draft-barnes-geopriv-secure-location-object-00 -1 Expired 2006-11-08 Secure Location Objects Russ Barnes draft-barnes-hard-problem-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-02 High Assurance Re-Direction (HARD) Problem Statement Richard Barnes , Peter Saint-Andre draft-barnes-healthy-food-07 -1 Expired 2013-07-16 Healthy Food and Special Dietary Requirements for IETF meetings Mary Barnes draft-barnes-jose-jsms-00 -1 Expired 2012-06-15 JavaScript Message Security Format Richard Barnes draft-barnes-jose-key-wrapping-01 -1 Expired 2013-05-06 Proposed Refactoring of JOSE to Align Encryption and Key Wrapping Richard Barnes draft-barnes-jose-spi-00 -1 Expired 2013-03-21 JOSE Security Parameters Index Richard Barnes draft-barnes-jose-use-cases-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-jose-use-cases 2013-02-25 Use Cases and Requirements for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Richard Barnes draft-barnes-midcom-mib-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-midcom-mib 2003-07-01 Middlebox Communications (MIDCOM) Protocol Managed Objects Mary Barnes draft-barnes-mikey-sakke-mcptt-00 -1 Expired 2016-05-26 Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) Group Key Transport using MIKEY- SAKKE Mary Barnes , Andrew Allen draft-barnes-mimi-arch-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-22 .html,.txt,.xml An Architecture for More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) Richard Barnes draft-barnes-mimi-identity-arch-00 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 Identity for E2E-Secure Communications Richard Barnes , Rohan Mahy draft-barnes-mls-addl-creds-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Additional MLS Credentials Richard Barnes , Suhas Nandakumar draft-barnes-mls-protocol-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mls-protocol 2018-07-02 mls sec The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol Richard Barnes , Jon Millican , Emad Omara , Katriel Cohn-Gordon , Raphael Robert draft-barnes-mls-userinfo-vc-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 UserInfo Verifiable Credentials as MLS Credentials Richard Barnes , Suhas Nandakumar draft-barnes-nomcom-report-2009-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 NomCom Chair's Report: 2009-2010 Mary Barnes draft-barnes-oauth-model-01 -1 Expired 2009-07-08 The OAuth Security Model for Delegated Authorization Richard Barnes , Matt Lepinski draft-barnes-periodic-location-retrieval-00 -1 Expired 2008-10-27 Periodic Retrieval of Location Information by Devices and Location Information Servers Mary Barnes draft-barnes-pervasive-problem-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-02 Pervasive Attack: A Threat Model and Problem Statement Richard Barnes , Bruce Schneier , Cullen Jennings , Ted Hardie draft-barnes-sframe-mls-01 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 Using Messaging Layer Security (MLS) to Provide Keys for SFrame Richard Barnes , Raphael Robert , Suhas Nandakumar draft-barnes-sidr-tao-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-13 Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Resource Transfer Protocol and Transfer Authorization Object (TAO) Edric Barnes draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 IMSX Protocol Evaluation for Session Based IM Mary Barnes draft-barnes-sipcore-rfc4244bis-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipcore-rfc4244bis 2009-10-26 An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Request History Information Mary Barnes , Francois Audet , Shida Schubert , Hans van Elburg , Christer Holmberg draft-barnes-sipcore-rfc4244bis-callflows-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipcore-rfc4244bis-callflows 2012-03-27 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) History-Info Header Call Flow Examples Mary Barnes , Francois Audet , Shida Schubert , Hans van Elburg , Christer Holmberg draft-barnes-sip-em-ps-req-sol-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-08 Early Media in SIP: Problem Statement, Requirements, and Analysis of Solutions Russ Barnes , Matt Lepinski draft-barnes-sipping-history-info-02 -1 Expired 2003-02-11 An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol for Request History Information Mary Barnes draft-barnes-sipping-sec-inserted-info-02 -1 Expired 2004-12-07 A Mechanism to Secure SIP Identity headers inserted by Intermediaries Mary Barnes draft-barnes-sip-rfc4244bis-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-04 An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Request History Information Mary Barnes , Francois Audet draft-barnes-stir-passport-div-hi-callflows-02 -1 Expired 2018-10-23 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Flow Examples with PASSporT Diversion and History-Info Mary Barnes draft-barnes-telnet-rsp-opt-01 -1 Expired 1998-03-17 Telnet Remote Serial Port (RSP) Option Russ Barnes , Murray Bennett draft-barnes-tls-pake-04 -1 Expired 2018-07-16 Usage of PAKE with TLS 1.3 Richard Barnes , Owen Friel draft-barnes-xcon-ccmp-04 -1 Expired 2008-02-25 Centralized Conferencing Manipulation Protocol Mary Barnes , Chris Boulton , Henning Schulzrinne draft-barnes-xcon-examples-01 -1 Expired 2009-03-09 Centralized Conferencing Manipulation Protocol (CCMP) Call Flow Examples Mary Barnes , Chris Boulton , Lorenzo Miniero , Simon Romano draft-barnes-xcon-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-xcon-framework 2005-02-15 A Framework and Data Model for Centralized Conferencing Chris Boulton , Mary Barnes , Orit Levin draft-barnes-xmpp-dna-00 -1 Expired 2010-08-19 Domain Name Assertions Richard Barnes draft-barr-dns-errors-03 -1 Expired 1995-12-12 Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors David Barr draft-barreira-trustmodel-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-09 Trust models of the Web PKI Inigo Barreira , Bruce Morton draft-barreira-wpkops-trustmodel-00 -1 Expired 2013-06-26 Trust models of the Web PKI Inigo Barreira , Bruce Morton draft-barre-mptcp-impl-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 MultiPath TCP - Guidelines for implementers Sebastien Barre , Christoph Paasch draft-barre-mptcp-tfo-06 -1 Expired 2019-11-20 TFO support for Multipath TCP Sebastien Barre , Gregory Detal , Olivier Bonaventure , Christoph Paasch draft-barre-shim6-impl-03 -1 Expired 2009-09-24 Shim6 Implementation Report : LinShim6 Sebastien Barre draft-barreto-ietf-dhhmac-sas-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-18 MIKEY DHHMAC-SAS: The New MIKEY Transportation Mode Alexandre Barreto , Antonio Faleiros draft-barrett-mobile-dtls-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-04 Mobile DTLS Michael Williams , Jeremey Barrett draft-barr-megaco-aal2bearer-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-24 Media Gateway AAL2 Bearer-Path Establishment David Barr draft-barthel-icmpv6-schc-00 -1 Replaced draft-barthel-oam-schc 2017-10-28 LPWAN Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) for ICMPv6 Dominique Barthel , Laurent Toutain , Arunprabhu Kandasamy draft-barthel-lpwan-oam-schc-05 -1 Replaced draft-barthel-schc-oam-schc 2023-06-27 OAM for LPWAN using Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Dominique Barthel , Laurent Toutain , Arunprabhu Kandasamy , Diego Dujovne , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga draft-barthel-oam-schc-00 -1 Replaced draft-barthel-lpwan-oam-schc 2019-01-28 OAM for LPWAN using Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Dominique Barthel , Laurent Toutain , Arunprabhu Kandasamy , Diego Dujovne , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga draft-barthel-schc-oam-schc-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-03 .html,.txt,.xml OAM for LPWAN using Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Dominique Barthel , Laurent Toutain , Arunprabhu Kandasamy , Diego Dujovne , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga draft-barth-homenet-hncp-security-trust-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-14 HNCP - Security and Trust Management Steven Barth draft-barth-homenet-incremental-deployment-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Incremental Deployment of HNCP and IGPs in home networks Steven Barth draft-barth-homenet-wifi-roaming-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-16 Home Network WiFi Roaming Steven Barth draft-barth-pce-association-bidir-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-association-bidir 2018-03-27 PCEP Extensions for Associated Bidirectional Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Colby Barth , Rakesh Gandhi , Bin Wen draft-barth-pce-segment-routing-policy-cp-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing-policy-cp 2020-06-02 pce rtg PCEP extension to support Segment Routing Policy Candidate Paths Mike Koldychev , Siva Sivabalan , Colby Barth , Shuping Peng , Hooman Bidgoli draft-bartle-tls-deprecate-ffdh-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-deprecate-obsolete-kex 2021-07-30 Deprecating FFDH Ciphersuites in TLS Carrick Bartle , Nimrod Aviram , Filippo Valsorda draft-bartle-tls-deprecate-ffdhe-00 -1 Expired 2021-02-24 tls sec Deprecating FFDH(E) Ciphersuites in TLS Carrick Bartle , Nimrod Aviram , Filippo Valsorda draft-barton-clone-dns-labels-fun-profit-02 -1 Expired 2011-09-15 Cloning Domain Name System (DNS) Labels for Fun and Profit Douglas Barton draft-barton-gss-api-sec-party-00 -1 Expired 1996-02-22 Multi-party Security Contexts Within the GSS-API Daniel Barton draft-bartosiewicz-enterprise-enum-01 -1 Expired 2004-09-03 Cost optimization based on Enterprise-ENUM Andrzej Bartosiewicz draft-bartosiewicz-enum-48tld-01 -1 Expired 2005-01-21 EPP parameters for 8.4.e164.arpa Registry Tomek Zygmuntowicz draft-bartosiewicz-idn-pltld-08 -1 Expired 2004-11-30 Registering Internationalized Domain Names under .PL Andrzej Bartosiewicz draft-bartz-directory-composite-objects-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-11 Composite Objects for the Directory Larry Bartz draft-bartz-hyperdrive-ldap-rbac-schema-00 -1 Expired 1997-10-14 LDAP Schema for Role Based Access Control Larry Bartz draft-bartz-lsb-policy-rule-components-00 -1 Expired 2002-12-09 Logically Succinct Basic Policy Rule Components Larry Bartz draft-bar-v6ops-ismtu-00 -1 Replaced draft-generic-v6ops-tunmtu 2012-05-18 ISATAP Tunnel MTU Fred Templin draft-barwood-dnsext-dns-transport-18 -1 Expired 2010-04-07 DNS Transport George Barwood draft-barwood-dnsext-dns-transport-signal-02 -1 Expired 2009-10-23 DNS Transport Signal George Barwood draft-barwood-dnsext-edns-page-option-04 -1 Expired 2009-08-25 EDNS Page Option George Barwood draft-barwood-dnsext-fr-resolver-mitigations-08 -1 Expired 2008-10-26 Resolver side mitigations George Barwood draft-barwood-dnsop-ds-publish-02 -1 Expired 2011-06-12 DNS Transport George Barwood draft-baryun-manet-technology-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-30 MANET Subnet Technologies Considerations Abdussalam Baryun draft-baryun-manet-terminology-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-04 Terminology in Mobile Ad hoc Networks draft-baryun-manet-terminology-00.txt Abstract Abdussalam Baryun draft-baryun-rfc2119-update-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-01 Key Words of Conditional Language of Requirements Levels Abdussalam Baryun draft-baryun-roll-nap-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-01 The Node Ability of Participation (NAP) 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draft-baset-tsvwg-tcp-over-udp-01 -1 Expired 2009-06-07 TCP-over-UDP Salman Baset , Henning Schulzrinne draft-bashandy-bgp-edge-node-frr-03 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Scalable BGP FRR Protection against Edge Node Failure Ahmed Bashandy , Burjiz , Keyur Patel draft-bashandy-bgp-frr-mirror-table-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-08 BGP FRR Protection against Edge Node Failure Using Table Mirroring with Context Labels Ahmed Bashandy , Maciek Konstantynowicz , Nagendra Nainar draft-bashandy-bgp-frr-vector-label-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-08 BGP FRR Protection against Edge Node Failure Using Vector Labels Ahmed Bashandy , Nagendra Nainar , Maciek Konstantynowicz draft-bashandy-idr-bgp-repair-label-04 -1 Expired 2012-05-01 Scalable, Loop-Free BGP FRR using Repair Label Ahmed Bashandy , Burjiz , Jakob Heitz draft-bashandy-isis-bgp-edge-node-frr-01 -1 Expired 2012-09-10 IS-IS Extension for BGP FRR Protection against Edge Node Failure Ahmed Bashandy draft-bashandy-isis-srv6-extensions-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-isis-srv6-extensions 2019-03-06 IS-IS Extensions to Support Routing over IPv6 Dataplane Peter Psenak , Clarence Filsfils , Ahmed Bashandy , Bruno Decraene , Zhibo Hu draft-bashandy-mpls-ldp-bgp-frr-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 LDP Extension for FRR Edge Node Protection in BGP-Free LDP Core Ahmed Bashandy , Syed Raza draft-bashandy-rtgwg-bgp-pic-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-bgp-pic 2015-11-10 Abstract Ahmed Bashandy , Clarence Filsfils , Prodosh Mohapatra draft-bashandy-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa 2018-10-04 rtgwg rtg Topology Independent Fast Reroute using Segment Routing Ahmed Bashandy , Clarence Filsfils , Bruno Decraene , Stephane Litkowski , Pierre Francois , Dan Voyer , Francois Clad , Pablo Camarillo draft-bashandy-rtgwg-segment-routing-uloop-15 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-18 .txt Loop avoidance using Segment Routing Ahmed Bashandy , Clarence Filsfils , Stephane Litkowski , Bruno Decraene , Pierre Francois , Peter Psenak draft-bashir-idr-inter-provider-flowspec-actions-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-13 Inter-provider Propagation of BGP Flow specification Rules Ahmed Bashir draft-bash-rfc7958bis-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-07 dnsop ops .html,.txt,.xml DNSSEC Trust Anchor Publication for the Root Zone Joe Abley , Jakob Schlyter , Guillaume Bailey , Paul Hoffman draft-baspez-baspez-capabilities-00 -1 Replaced draft-baspez-i2nsf-capabilities 2016-07-08 A Model of Security Capabilities for Network Security Functions Cataldo Basile , Diego Lopez draft-baspez-i2nsf-capabilities-00 -1 Replaced draft-xibassnez-i2nsf-capability 2016-07-08 A Model of Security Capabilities for Network Security Functions Cataldo Basile , Diego Lopez draft-basso-avt-videoconreq-02 -1 Expired 2004-10-26 Requirements for transport of video control commands Andrea Basso , Orit Levin , Nermeen Ismail draft-bastian-babel-v4ov6-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-babel-v4viav6 2020-05-14 Announcing IPv4 routes with an IPv6 next-hop in the Babel routing protocol Theophile Bastian , Juliusz Chroboczek draft-bas-usecase-detnet-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-18 Building Automation Use Cases and Requirements for Deterministic Networking Yu Kaneko , Subir Das draft-bates-bgp4-multiprotocol-03 -1 Expired 1997-07-09 Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 Dave Katz , Yakov Rekhter , Tony Bates , Ravi Chandra draft-bates-bgp4-nlri-orig-verif-00 -1 Expired 1998-02-06 DNS-based NLRI origin AS verification in BGP Tony Li , Randy Bush , Yakov Rekhter , Tony Bates draft-battle-instresmib-00 -1 Expired 1996-09-18 Definitions of Managed Objects for Instance Reservation David Battle , Ulrich Haebel draft-baudis-irc-capab-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-21 IRC client capabilities negotiation Petr Baudis , Aaaron Wiebe draft-bauer-mext-aero-solspace-00 -1 Expired 2009-09-09 Solution Space for Aeronautical NEMO RO Christian Bauer , Serkan Ayaz , Arnaud Ebalard draft-bauer-mext-aero-topology-01 -1 Expired 2009-09-09 ATN Topology Considerations for Aeronautical NEMO RO Christian Bauer , Serkan Ayaz draft-baugher-mmusic-sdp-dh-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-27 Diffie-Hellman Exchanges for Multimedia Sessions Mark Baugher , David McGrew draft-baugher-mmusic-sdpmediasec-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-01 gen Allison Mankin SDP Security Descriptions for Media Streams Mark Baugher Allison Mankin draft-baugher-msec-gdoi-srtp-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-msec-gdoi-srtp 2006-10-16 GDOI Key Establishment for the SRTP Data Security Protocol Mark Baugher , Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger draft-baumgart-p2psip-p2pns-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-09 Peer-to-Peer Name Service (P2PNS) Ingmar Baumgart draft-baum-jmap-backend-info-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml JMAP Backend Information Joris Baum , Hans-Jörg Happel draft-baum-jmap-debug-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml JMAP Debug Logging Joris Baum , Hans-Jörg Happel draft-baum-jmap-portability-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml JMAP for Migration and Data Portability Joris Baum , Hans-Jörg Happel draft-baum-jmap-rest-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml JMAP REST Mapping Joris Baum , Hans-Jörg Happel draft-baum-jmap-tasks-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-jmap-tasks 2021-01-29 jmap art JMAP for Tasks Joris Baum , Hans-Jörg Happel draft-baushke-ssh-dh-group-sha2-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2 2016-03-01 More Modular Exponential (MODP) Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Groups for Secure Shell (SSH) Mark Baushke draft-bazyar-dns-locating-services-00 -1 Expired 1996-01-22 Locating Services through the DNS Jawaid Bazyar draft-bb-2544like-production-tests-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-22 RFC2544 Testing in Production Network Ron Bonica , Stewart Bryant draft-bberry-pppoe-credit-06 -1 RFC 4938 2006-11-15 int Mark Townsley Informational PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) Extensions for Credit Flow and Link Metrics Bo Berry , Howard Holgate Mark Townsley draft-bberry-pppoe-scaled-credits-metrics-01 -1 Expired 2007-12-18 PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) Extensions for Scaled Credits and Link Metrics Bo Berry draft-bberry-rfc4938bis-00 -1 RFC 5578 2008-04-24 int Jari Arkko Informational PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Extensions for Credit Flow and Link Metrics Stan Ratliff , Bo Berry , Tim Kaiser , Ed Paradise , Mike Adams Jari Arkko draft-bbf-bbf-urn-04 -1 RFC 8057 2016-11-25 Benoît Claise Informational Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespaces for Broadband Forum Barbara Stark , Dave Sinicrope , William Lupton Benoit Claise Benoit Claise draft-bccdg-ccamp-gmpls-ospf-agnostic-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-15 Technology Agnostic OSPF Traffic Engineering Extensions for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Daniele Ceccarelli , Diego Caviglia , Sergio Belotti , Pietro Grandi , Fatai Zhang , Dan Li , John Drake draft-bccg-ccamp-otn-g709-info-model-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-g709-info-model 2011-03-10 Information model for G.709 Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Sergio Belotti , Pietro Grandi , Daniele Ceccarelli , Diego Caviglia , Fatai Zhang , Dan Li draft-bcd-6man-ntp-server-ra-opt-00 -1 Expired 2011-12-19 IPv6 Router Advertisement Option for NTP Server Configuration Manav Bhatia , Dacheng Zhang , Dacheng Zhang draft-bcg-ccamp-gmpls-ml-implications-04 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 Multi layer implications in GMPLS controlled networks Daniele Ceccarelli , Francesco Fondelli , Sergio Belotti , Dimitri Papadimitriou draft-bcheng-r2ri-framework-00 -1 Expired 2012-02-10 Radio to Router Interface Framework and Requirements Bow-Nan Cheng , David Ward , Leonid Veytser draft-bchv-rfc6890bis-07 -1 RFC 8190 2017-05-02 int Suresh Krishnan Best Current Practice Updates to the Special-Purpose IP Address Registries Ron Bonica , Michelle Cotton , Brian Haberman , Leo Vegoda Daniel Migault Suresh Krishnan draft-bclaise-ipfix-reliability-01 -1 Expired 2006-03-30 IPFIX Reliability Extensions Benoît Claise draft-bcx-address-fmt-extension-02 -1 Expired 2011-10-23 Extended IPv6 Addressing for Encoding Port Range Congxiao Bao , Xing Li draft-bcx-behave-address-fmt-extension-11 -1 Expired 2017-10-17 Extended IPv6 Addressing for Encoding Port Range Congxiao Bao , Xing Li draft-bcx-behave-learn-address-00 -1 Expired 2009-06-15 How Host A learns the IP address of Host B Congxiao Bao , Xing Li draft-bcx-rtgwg-tcr-02 -1 Expired 2022-05-09 Token Cell Routing Data Plane Concepts Stewart Bryant , Alexander Clemm draft-bdc-something-something-certificate-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-httpbis-client-cert-field 2021-03-23 httpbis art Client-Cert HTTP Header: Conveying Client Certificate Information from TLS Terminating Reverse Proxies to Origin Server Applications Brian Campbell draft-bdgks-arin-shared-transition-space-03 -1 Expired 2011-09-20 ARIN Draft Policy 2011-5: Shared Transition Space Stan Barber , Owen DeLong , Chris Grundemann , Victor Kuarsingh , Benson Schliesser draft-beadles-aaa-referral-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-25 AAA Referral Mark Beadles draft-beadles-nas-01 -1 Expired 1998-11-16 The Network Access Server Mark Beadles draft-beard-ieprep-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2002-05-15 Network Requirements for Internet Emergency Preparedness Services Cory Beard draft-beard-rpsec-routing-threats-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rpsec-routing-threats 2003-03-04 Generic Threats to Routing Protocols Bob Beard draft-beauchamp-private-wire-11 -1 Expired 2017-06-01 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INFO package for Private Wire Finlay Fraser, Chris Boulton, Richard Beauchamp draft-beaulieu-ike-xauth-02 -1 Expired 2001-10-01 Extended Authentication within IKE (XAUTH) Stephane Beaulieu , Roy Pereira draft-beck-bgp-security-tracking-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-01 BGP Security Tracking Jody Beck , Andrew Gray draft-becker-core-coap-sms-gprs-06 -1 Expired 2017-02-20 Transport of CoAP over SMS Koojana Kuladinithi , Markus Becker , Kepeng Li , Thomas Poetsch draft-becker-core-transport-scenarios-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Scenarios for CoAP on non-UDP Transports Markus Becker , Thomas Poetsch , Koojana Kuladinithi draft-becker-guthrie-cert-binding-for-multi-auth-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lamps-cert-binding-for-multi-auth 2023-01-05 lamps sec Related Certificates for Use in Multiple Authentications within a Protocol Alison Becker , Rebecca Guthrie , Michael Jenkins draft-becker-guthrie-noncomposite-hybrid-auth-00 -1 Expired 2022-03-22 Non-Composite Hybrid Authentication in PKIX and Applications to Internet Protocols Alison Becker , Rebecca Guthrie , Michael Jenkins draft-becker-mobileip-ipm-arch-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-21 IP Mobility Architecture Framework Emad Qaddoura , Carey Becker , Basavaraj Patil draft-beckhaus-ldp-dod-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-dod 2011-10-31 LDP Downstream-on-Demand in Seamless MPLS Kishore Tiruveedhula , Luca Martini , Thomas Beckhaus , Bruno Decraene , Maciek Konstantynowicz draft-beckmann-sip-reg-event-01 -1 Expired 2002-05-08 Registration Event package Georges Mayer , Michael Beckmann draft-beck-mboned-ssm-source-discovery-protocol-00 -1 Expired 2003-07-03 Source Discovery Protocol in SSM Networks Frederic Beck draft-beck-oauth-sip-eval-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 Evaluating OAUTH's suitability for SIP authentication Wolfgang Beck draft-beck-opes-esfnep-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-27 Example Services for Network Edge Proxies Andre Beck , Markus Hofmann , Michael Condry draft-beck-opes-icap-subid-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-02 Transmitting Subscriber Identification in iCAP Andre Beck , Markus Hofmann draft-beck-opes-irml-03 -1 Expired 2003-06-27 IRML: A Rule Specification Language for Intermediary Services Andre Beck , Markus Hofmann draft-beck-opes-psrl-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-22 PSRL: A Rule Specification Language for Proxy Services Andre Beck , Markus Hofmann draft-beck-rescap-req-02 -1 Expired 1999-06-17 ResCap Requirements John Beck draft-beck-rtcweb-alt-ic-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-14 Real-Time Web Communication Simplified Interconnection Wolfgang Beck draft-beck-sipping-svc-charging-req-01 -1 Expired 2002-12-20 SIP endpoint service charging requirements Wolfgang Beck draft-beck-sippping-billing-scen-00 -1 Expired 2002-03-28 SIP billing scenarios Wolfgang Beck draft-bedford-app-importmap-media-reg-00 -1 Expired 2019-11-17 Informational application/importmap+json MIME Type Registration Guy Bedford draft-beeram-ccamp-gmpls-enni-03 -1 Expired 2013-09-12 Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) External Network Network Interface (E-NNI): Virtual Link Enhancements for the Overlay Model Igor Bryskin , Wes Doonan , Vishnu Beeram , John Drake , Gert Grammel , Manuel Paul , Ruediger Kunze , Friedrich Armbruster , Cyril Margaria , Oscar de Dios , Daniele Ceccarelli draft-beeram-ccamp-gmpls-uni-bcp-01 -1 Replaced draft-beeram-ccamp-gmpls-enni 2012-03-12 GMPLS-UNI BCP Vishnu Beeram , Igor Bryskin , Wes Doonan , John Drake , Gert Grammel , Manuel Paul , Ruediger Kunze , Friedrich Armbruster , Oscar de Dios draft-beeram-ccamp-melg-03 -1 Expired 2014-02-12 Mutually Exclusive Link Group (MELG) Vishnu Beeram , Igor Bryskin draft-beeram-ccamp-network-assigned-upstream-label-03 -1 Replaced 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Barton draft-begen-avtcore-rtp-duplication-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avtext-rtp-duplication 2012-03-11 Duplicating RTP Streams Ali Begen , Colin Perkins draft-begen-avtext-rams-scenarios-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avtext-rams-scenarios 2011-03-02 Considerations and Guidelines for Deploying the Rapid Acquisition of Multicast RTP Sessions (RAMS) Method Ali Begen draft-begen-avtext-retransmission-for-ssm-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-09 Retransmission for Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) Sessions Ali Begen , Tom VanCaenegem draft-begen-avt-ports-for-ucast-mcast-rtp-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-ports-for-ucast-mcast-rtp 2010-02-05 Port Mapping Between Unicast and Multicast RTP Sessions Ali Begen , Bill Steeg draft-begen-avt-post-repair-rtcp-xr-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-post-repair-rtcp-xr 2008-05-25 Post-Repair Loss RLE Report Block Type for RTCP XR Ali Begen , Dong Hsu , Michael Lague draft-begen-avt-rams-scenarios-01 -1 Replaced draft-begen-avtext-rams-scenarios 2011-02-15 Considerations and Guidelines for Deploying the Rapid Acquisition of Multicast RTP Sessions (RAMS) Method Ali Begen draft-begen-avt-rapid-sync-rtcp-xr-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-multicast-acq-rtcp-xr 2009-10-22 Multicast Acquisition Report Block Type for RTCP XR Ali Begen , Eric Friedrich draft-begen-avt-rtcp-port-for-ssm-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtcp-port-for-ssm 2010-04-04 RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Port for Multicast Sessions Ali Begen draft-begen-avt-rtp-cnames-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtp-cnames 2010-05-24 Guidelines for Choosing RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Canonical Names (CNAMEs) Ali Begen , Colin Perkins , Dan Wing draft-begen-avt-rtp-mpeg2ts-preamble-06 -1 Expired 2010-09-27 RTP Payload Format for MPEG2-TS Preamble Ali Begen , Eric Friedrich draft-begen-avt-token-for-portmapping-03 -1 Expired 2010-11-08 Token-Based Port Mapping Between Unicast and Multicast RTP Sessions Ali Begen , Dan Wing , Tom VanCaenegem draft-begen-fecframe-1d2d-parity-scheme-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-fecframe-1d2d-parity-scheme 2008-09-11 RTP Payload Format for Non-Interleaved and Interleaved Parity FEC Ali Begen draft-begen-fecframe-dvb-al-fec-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-fecframe-dvb-al-fec 2008-07-07 DVB Application-Layer Hybrid FEC Protection Ali Begen , Thomas Stockhammer draft-begen-fecframe-interleaved-fec-scheme-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-fecframe-interleaved-fec-scheme 2008-07-07 1-D Interleaved Parity FEC Scheme for FEC Framework Ali Begen draft-begen-fecframe-sdp-elements-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-fecframe-sdp-elements 2007-11-12 fecframe tsv SDP Elements for FEC Framework Ali Begen draft-begen-mmusic-fec-grouping-issues-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-14 FEC Grouping Issues in Session Description Protocol Ali Begen draft-begen-mmusic-redundancy-grouping-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-duplication-grouping 2012-03-12 Duplication Grouping Semantics in the Session Description Protocol Ali Begen , Yiqun Cai , Heidi Ou draft-begen-mmusic-rfc4566bis-iana-updates-01 -1 Expired 2015-01-10 IANA Registry Updates for RFC 4566bis Ali Begen draft-begen-mmusic-rfc4756bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4756bis 2008-10-27 Forward Error Correction Grouping Semantics in Session Description Protocol Ali Begen draft-begen-mmusic-temporal-interleaving-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-delayed-duplication 2012-03-11 Delayed Duplication Attribute in the Session Description Protocol Ali Begen , Yiqun Cai , Heidi Ou draft-begen-webpush-dash-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 MPEG DASH Requirements for a webpush Protocol Ali Begen , Kevin Streeter , Imed Bouazizi , Franck Denoual draft-behera-ldap-password-policy-11 -1 Expired 2022-02-22 Password Policy for LDAP Directories Jim Sermersheim , Ludovic Poitou , Howard Chu , Ondřej Kuzník draft-behrens-sipping-roaming-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-11 Interdomain Trust-Relationships for SIP-based Roaming Harry Behrens draft-behringer-anima-autonomic-addressing-03 -1 Expired 2016-04-06 An Autonomic IPv6 Addressing Scheme Michael Behringer draft-behringer-anima-autonomic-control-plane-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-anima-autonomic-control-plane 2015-06-30 An Autonomic Control Plane Michael Behringer , Steinthor Bjarnason , Balaji BL , Toerless Eckert draft-behringer-anima-reference-model-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-anima-reference-model 2015-10-19 A Reference Model for Autonomic Networking Michael Behringer , Brian Carpenter , Toerless Eckert , Laurent Ciavaglia , Bing Liu , Jéferson Nobre , John Strassner draft-behringer-autonomic-addressing-00 -1 Replaced draft-behringer-anima-autonomic-addressing 2015-04-21 An Autonomic IPv6 Addressing Scheme Michael Behringer draft-behringer-autonomic-bootstrap-00 -1 Expired 2014-05-09 Autonomic Networking Use Case for Network Bootstrap Michael Behringer , Max Pritikin , Steinthor Bjarnason draft-behringer-autonomic-control-plane-00 -1 Replaced draft-behringer-anima-autonomic-control-plane 2014-06-20 An Autonomic Control Plane Michael Behringer , Steinthor Bjarnason , Balaji BL , Toerless Eckert draft-behringer-autonomic-network-framework-01 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-nmrg-autonomic-network-definitions 2013-10-15 A Framework for Autonomic Networking Michael Behringer , Max Pritikin , Steinthor Bjarnason , Alexander Clemm draft-behringer-bgp-session-sec-req-02 -1 Expired 2007-08-09 BGP Session Security Requirements Michael Behringer draft-behringer-complexity-framework-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-15 A Framework for Defining Network Complexity Michael Behringer , Geoff Huston draft-behringer-default-secure-00 -1 Expired 2014-01-15 Making The Internet Secure By Default Michael Behringer , Max Pritikin , Steinthor Bjarnason draft-behringer-homenet-trust-bootstrap-02 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Bootstrapping Trust on a Homenet Michael Behringer , Max Pritikin , Steinthor Bjarnason draft-behringer-lla-only-01 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Using Only Link-Local Addressing Inside an IPv6 Network Michael Behringer , Éric Vyncke draft-behringer-mpls-security-10 -1 RFC 4381 2004-10-21 gen Alex Zinin Informational Analysis of the Security of BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Michael Behringer Alex Zinin draft-behringer-mpls-vpn-auth-04 -1 Expired 2004-06-04 Layer-3 VPN Import/Export Verification Michael Behringer , Jim Guichard , Pedro Marques draft-behringer-ncrg-complexity-framework-02 -1 RFC 7980 2016-04-25 Informational A Framework for Defining Network Complexity Michael Behringer , Alvaro Retana , Russ White , Geoff Huston Eliot Lear draft-behringer-tsvwg-rsvp-security-groupkeying-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-rsvp-security-groupkeying 2007-11-19 Applicability of Keying Methods for RSVP Security Michael Behringer , François Le Faucheur draft-beili-hubmib-efm-cu-mib-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-hubmib-efm-cu-mib 2003-10-22 Ethernet in the First Mile Copper (EFMCu) Interfaces MIB Edward Beili draft-beky-httpbis-metadata-02 -1 Expired 2022-08-01 METADATA frame for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 Bence Béky , Biren Roy draft-belchior-gateway-recovery-05 -1 Replaced draft-belchior-satp-gateway-recovery 2023-04-19 DLT Gateway Crash Recovery Mechanism Rafael Belchior , Miguel Correia , Andre Augusto , Thomas Hardjono draft-belchior-satp-gateway-recovery-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml SATP Gateway Crash Recovery Mechanism Rafael Belchior , Miguel Correia , Andre Augusto , Thomas Hardjono draft-belgaied-ipv6-lsopt-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-23 Generalized Labeled Security Option for IPv6 Kais Belgaied , Gary Winiger draft-belgra-ccamp-gmpls-ospf-g709-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-23 Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Control of Evolving G.709 OTN Networks Sergio Belotti , Pietro Grandi draft-belinchon-aaa-diameter-mm-app-01 -1 Expired 2003-06-16 Diameter Multimedia Application Maria-Carmen Belinchon draft-belingueres-http-tls-filter-00 -1 Expired 1999-11-23 HTTP over TLS using a TCP Filter G Belingueres draft-belingueres-tcpsec-00 -1 Expired 1999-11-18 TCP Security Filter G Belingueres draft-beliveau-sfc-architecture-00 -1 Replaced draft-quinn-sfc-arch 2013-10-16 Service Function Chaining Architecture Andre Beliveau draft-bellagamba-ccamp-rsvp-te-mpls-tp-oam-ext-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-mpls-tp-oam-ext 2010-01-21 RSVP-TE Extensions for MPLS-TP OAM Configuration Elisa Bellagamba , Loa Andersson , Pontus Skoldstrom draft-bellato-ccamp-g709-framework-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-28 Enabling GMPLS control of G.709 Optical Transport Networks - Architectural Framework - Alberto Bellato draft-bellavista-semantic-sdn-mom-01 -1 Expired 2022-08-31 A Framework for QoS-Enabled Semantic Routing in Industrial Networks Paolo Bellavista , Luca Foschini , Lorenzo Patera , Mattia Fogli , Carlo Giannelli , Cesare Stefanelli , Zhe Lou draft-beller-mpls-tp-gach-dcn-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-gach-dcn 2009-03-07 An Inband Data Communication Network For the MPLS Transport Profile Dieter Beller , Adrian Farrel draft-bellifemine-urn-fipa-00 -1 RFC 3616 2002-11-04 gen Ted Hardie Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Steven Willmott , Fabio Bellifemine , Ion Constantinescu Ted Hardie draft-bell-ipdc-signaling-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-06 IPDC Device Management Protocol Bob Bell , Scott Pickett , Alan Mikhak draft-bellis-behave-natpresent-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-23 Signalling the Presence of NAT Ray Bellis , Geoff Huston draft-bellis-dnsext-dnsproxy-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsext-dnsproxy 2008-10-27 DNS Proxy Implementation Guidelines Ray Bellis draft-bellis-dnsext-multi-qtypes-07 -1 Expired 2023-02-16 dnsop ops DNS Multiple QTYPEs Ray Bellis draft-bellis-dnsop-connection-close-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-24 Connection Close Signalling for DNS Ray Bellis draft-bellis-dnsop-edns-tags-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-25 DNS EDNS Tags Ray Bellis , Alan Clegg , Peter van Dijk draft-bellis-dnsop-http-record-00 -1 Expired 2018-11-03 A DNS Resource Record for HTTP Ray Bellis draft-bellis-dnsop-qdcount-is-one-00 -1 Expired 2023-02-17 dnsop ops In the DNS, QDCOUNT is (usually) One Ray Bellis , Joe Abley draft-bellis-dnsop-session-signal-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-session-signal 2016-07-28 dnsop ops Proposed Standard DNS Session Signaling Ray Bellis , Stuart Cheshire , John Dickinson , Sara Dickinson , Allison Mankin , Tom Pusateri Tim Wicinski draft-bellis-dnsop-xpf-04 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 DNS X-Proxied-For Ray Bellis , Peter van Dijk , Rémi Gacogne draft-bellis-dns-recursive-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-15 DNS Proxy Bypass by Recursive DNS Discovery and LOCAL.ARPA Ray Bellis , Alex Bligh , Wouter Wijngaards draft-bellis-enum-send-n-02 -1 Expired 2008-06-23 IANA Registrations for the 'Send-N' Enumservice Ray Bellis draft-bellis-geopriv-flow-identity-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-geopriv-flow-identity 2012-05-14 Flow Identity Extension for HELD Ray Bellis draft-bellovin-adminprohib-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-27 A 'Reason' Field for ICMP 'Administratively Prohibited' Messages Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-dnsext-bloomfilt-00 -1 Expired 2001-12-17 Using Bloom Filters for Authenticated Yes/No Answers in the DNS Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-hpw-01 -1 Expired 2012-03-11 Hashed Password Exchange Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-ipng-addr-per-host-00 -1 RFC 1681 1994-03-23 On Many Addresses per Host Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-ipng-sec-concerns-00 -1 RFC 1675 1994-03-24 Security Concerns for IPng Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-ipng-shape-of-bits-00 -1 Expired 1994-05-16 The Shape of the Bits Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-ipsra-getcert-00 -1 Expired 2000-02-16 Client Certificate and Key Retrieval for IKE Steven Bellovin , Robert Moskowitz draft-bellovin-ipv6-accessprefix-01 -1 Expired 2003-02-28 Access Control Prefix Router Advertisement Option for IPv6 Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-itrace-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-15 itrace int ICMP Traceback Messages Steven Bellovin , Marcus Leech draft-bellovin-keyroll2385-04 -1 RFC 4808 2007-01-08 sec Russ Housley Informational Key Change Strategies for TCP-MD5 Steven Bellovin Russ Housley draft-bellovin-mandate-keymgmt-03 -1 RFC 4107 2005-01-11 sec Sam Hartman Best Current Practice Guidelines for Cryptographic Key Management Steven Bellovin , Russ Housley Sam Hartman draft-bellovin-piara-framework-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-12 Financial Incentives for Route Aggregation and Efficient Address Utilization in the Internet: A Framework Steven Bellovin , Yakov Rekhter , Paul Resnick draft-bellovin-tcpcomp-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-26 TCP Compression Filter Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-tcpfilt-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-26 TCP Filters Steven Bellovin draft-bellovin-tcpsec-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 tsv Lars Eggert Problem Statement and Requirements for a TCP Authentication Option Steven Bellovin Lars Eggert draft-bellovin-useipsec-10 -1 RFC 5406 2008-08-03 sec Tim Polk Best Current Practice Guidelines for Specifying the Use of IPsec Version 2 Steven Bellovin Tim Polk draft-beloeil-ipv6-dns-resolver-option-01 -1 Expired 2003-01-17 IPv6 Router Advertisement DNS resolver Option Luc Beloeil draft-belotti-app-statement-l1vpn-em-02 -1 Expired 2013-06-06 Applicability Statement for Layer 1 Virtual Private Network (L1VPN) Enhanced Mode Sergio Belotti , Don Fedyk , Papadimitriou Dimitri , Daniele Ceccarelli , Fatai Zhang , Yuji Tochio draft-belyavskiy-certificate-limitation-policy-07 -1 Expired 2018-11-25 Certificate Limitation Policy Dmitry Belyavsky draft-belyavskiy-epp-eai-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-regext-epp-eai 2021-02-22 regext art Use of Internationalized Email Addresses in EPP protocol Dmitry Belyavsky , James Gould draft-belyavskiy-fakesni-02 -1 Expired 2019-03-06 Fake Server Name Indication Dmitry Belyavsky draft-belyavskiy-rfc5933-bis-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc5933-bis 2020-03-10 dnsop ops Use of GOST 2012 Signature Algorithms in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC Dmitry Belyavsky , Vasily Dolmatov draft-benaloh-pct-00 -1 Expired 1995-11-06 The Private Communication Technology Protocol Daniel Simon draft-benecke-cfbl-address-header-13 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-07 Experimental .html,.txt,.xml Complaint Feedback Loop Address Header Jan-Philipp Benecke Eliot Lear draft-benedyk-sigtran-tali-01 -1 RFC 3094 2000-06-20 Informational Tekelec's Transport Adapter Layer Interface Joe Keller , Dan Brendes , David Sprague , Robby Benedyk draft-benfield-http2-debug-state-01 -1 Expired 2016-08-10 HTTP/2 Implementation Debug State Cory Benfield , Brad Fitzpatrick draft-benfield-http2-p2p-02 -1 Expired 2015-10-09 Peer-to-peer Extension to HTTP/2 Cory Benfield draft-benhadjsaid-detnet-gptp-yang-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-29 YANG Model of IEEE 802.1AS Siwar Saïd , Michael Boc draft-benham-rtcweb-vp8litigation-01 -1 Expired 2014-11-10 VP8 Related Litigation Status Snapshot David Benham , Jonathan Rosenberg draft-benitez-winter-cultures-00 -1 Expired 1996-05-16 WInter (Web Internationalization & Multilinguism) Manuel Benitez draft-benjamin-extendedcallbackinfo-02 -1 Expired 2011-12-12 AFS Callback Extensions (Draft 14) Matthew Benjamin draft-benjemaa-vbs-urn-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-07 Labels for common venue-based services Fatma Jemaa , Guy Pujolle , Michel Pariente draft-bennett-ippm-ipmp-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-05 IP Measurement Protocol (IPMP) Jon Bennett draft-bennish-httpbis-tldr-00 -1 Expired 2015-04-08 Trusted Linker Download Redirection (TLDR) Ben Kennish draft-bennish-http-tldr-00 -1 Replaced draft-bennish-httpbis-tldr 2014-10-05 Trusted Linker Download Redirection (TLDR) Ben Kennish draft-bensley-tcpm-dctcp-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-dctcp 2015-07-07 tsv Martin Stiemerling Informational Microsoft's Datacenter TCP (DCTCP): TCP Congestion Control for Datacenters Stephen Bensley , Lars Eggert , Dave Thaler , Praveen Balasubramanian , Glenn Judd Martin Stiemerling draft-bensons-nodp-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-28 The Network Overlay Discovery Protocol (NODP) Benson Schliesser draft-bensons-ppvpn-tc-mib-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ppvpn-tc-mib 2002-01-04 Definition of Textual Conventions for Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Network (PPVPN) Management Benson Schliesser , Thomas Nadeau draft-bensons-ppvpn-tunnel-metric-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-25 Tunnel Interface Metric Determination for Virtual Routers Benson Schliesser draft-bereski-ngtrans-nd-dstm-01 -1 Expired 2002-03-01 Dual Stack deployment using DSTM and neighbour discovery Philippe Bereski , Damien Galand , Gerard Gastaud , Gilles Diribarne draft-bergek-mipp-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-06 Mobile Infrastructure Positioning Protocol (MIPP) version 1 Martin Bergek draft-bergeon-flowspec-ttl-match-00 -1 Expired 2021-07-12 Flowspec TTL (Time to Live) Match Philippe BERGEON draft-berger-avtext-framemarking-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avtext-framemarking 2015-07-06 Frame Marking RTP Header Extension Espen Berger , Suhas Nandakumar , Mo Zanaty draft-berger-ccamp-assoc-info-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-assoc-info 2010-03-08 Usage of The RSVP Association Object Lou Berger , François Le Faucheur , Ashok Narayanan draft-berger-ccamp-asymm-bw-bidir-lsps-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-asymm-bw-bidir-lsps 2007-10-12 GMPLS Asymmetric Bandwidth Bidirectional LSPs Lou Berger , Attila Takacs , Diego Caviglia , Don Fedyk , Julien Meuric draft-berger-ccamp-attribute-bnf-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-attribute-bnf 2010-06-25 LSP Attributes Related Routing Backus-Naur Form Lou Berger , George Swallow draft-berger-ccamp-gmpls-alarm-spec-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-alarm-spec 2004-02-02 GMPLS - Communication of Alarm Information Lou Berger draft-berger-ccamp-gmpls-ether-svcs-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ether-svcs 2008-02-25 Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Support For Metro Ethernet Forum and G.8011 Ethernet Service Switching Lou Berger , Dimitri Papadimitriou , Don Fedyk draft-berger-ccamp-gmpls-mef-uni-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-mef-uni 2008-02-25 Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Support For Metro Ethernet Forum and G.8011 User-Network Interface (UNI) Lou Berger , Dimitri Papadimitriou , Don Fedyk draft-berger-ccamp-gmpls-segment-recovery-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-segment-recovery 2004-02-10 GMPLS Based Segment Recovery Lou Berger draft-berger-ccamp-swcaps-update-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-swcaps-update 2012-07-04 ccamp rtg Revised Definition of The GMPLS Switching Capability and Type Fields Lou Berger , Julien Meuric draft-berger-gmpls-egress-control-01 -1 Expired 2004-01-23 GMPLS Signaling Procedure For Egress Control Lou Berger draft-berger-idr-encaps-ipsec-01 -1 Expired 2008-02-24 BGP IPSec Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute Lou Berger , Russ White , Eric Rosen draft-berger-l3vpn-ip-tunnels-01 -1 Expired 2007-10-24 BGP/IP VPNs: BGP and CE-Based Virtual Private Networks Lou Berger , Ron Bonica , Russ White draft-berger-manet-dlep-ether-credit-extension-07 -1 Expired 2021-07-30 DLEP IEEE 802.1Q Aware Credit Window Extension David Wiggins , Lou Berger draft-berger-mpls-gmpls-lsp-reroute-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-gmpls-lsp-reroute 2008-07-07 PathErr Message Triggered MPLS and GMPLS LSP Reroute Lou Berger , Dimitri Papadimitriou , Vasseur Jp draft-berger-mpls-hdr-comp-00 -1 Expired 2000-01-14 MPLS/IP Header Compression Lou Berger , Jason Jeffords draft-berger-mpls-hdr-comp-over-ppp-00 -1 Expired 2000-03-03 MPLS/IP Header Compression over PPP Lou Berger , Jason Jeffords draft-bergeron-payload-rtpfec-rs-00 -1 Expired 2011-02-25 RTP Payload Format for Reed-Solomon FEC Cyril Bergeron , Roberta Fracchia , Benjamin Gadat draft-berger-ospf-rfc2370bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-rfc2370bis 2006-10-16 The OSPF Opaque LSA Option Lou Berger draft-berger-pce-policy-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-19 PCE Policy Architecture Lou Berger draft-berger-rsvp-ext-08 -1 RFC 2207 1997-08-21 rsvp tsv Proposed Standard RSVP Extensions for IPSEC Data Flows Lou Berger draft-berger-rsvp-over-atm-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-13 RSVP Over ATM: Framework and UNI 3.0/3.1 Method Lou Berger draft-berger-rsvp-refresh-reduct-03 -1 Expired 1999-07-01 RSVP Refresh Reduction Extensions Der-Hwa Gan , George Swallow , Lou Berger , Ping Pan draft-bergeson-uddi-ldap-schema-06 -1 RFC 4403 2005-02-03 gen Ted Hardie Informational Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration version 3 (UDDIv3) Vijay Nanjundaswamy , Kent Boogert , Bruce Bergeson Ted Hardie draft-berg-ieprep-sip-isup-gap-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 ISUP<>SIP Gap Analysis for IEPREP Dennis Berg draft-bergkvist-boomerang-framework-00 -1 Expired 2000-12-01 Boomerang - A Simple Resource Reservation Framework for IP Joakim Bergkvist , Istvan Cselenyi , David Ahlard draft-bergmann-ace-dcaf-cose-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Using The Delegated CoAP Authentication and Authorization Framework (DCAF) With CBOR Encoded Message Syntax Olaf Bergmann , Stefanie Gerdes draft-bergmann-ace-extend-dtls-authorize-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ace-extend-dtls-authorize 2021-11-08 Extension of the ACE CoAP-DTLS Profile to TLS Olaf Bergmann , John Preuß Mattsson , Göran Selander draft-bergmann-bier-ccast-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-roll-ccast 2016-10-05 Constrained-Cast: Source-Routed Multicast for RPL Olaf Bergmann , Carsten Bormann , Stefanie Gerdes , Hao Chen draft-bergman-vpls-igp-auto-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2004-08-03 VPLS Node Auto Auto-Discovery Using IGP Oded Bergman draft-bergren-mmusic-rtsp-ermi-extensions-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 Extensions to RTSP based on the CableLabs Edge Resource Management Interface Specification (ERMI) Charles Bergren , Jean-Francois Mule draft-bergsten-e2eqos-questions-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-17 Fundamental Questions Regarding End-to-End QoS Anders Bergsten draft-berkowitz-bgpcon-01 -1 Expired 2001-04-09 Benchmarking Methodology for Exterior Routing Convergence Howard Berkowitz , Alvaro Retana , Susan Hares , Padma Krishnaswamy draft-berkowitz-multireq-02 -1 Expired 2001-07-23 To Be Multihomed: Requirements & Definitions Howard Berkowitz draft-berkowitz-ospfdeploy-00 -1 Expired 1998-03-12 Techniques in OSPF-based Network Deployment Howard Berkowitz draft-berkowitz-tblgrow-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-16 An Experimental Methodology for Analysis of Growth in the Global Routing Table Thomas Narten draft-berkowitz-vpn-tax-01 -1 Expired 1999-10-20 Requirements Taxonomy for Virtual Private Networks Howard Berkowitz draft-bernardini-embedded-code-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-12 A Format for Embedding Code in RFC Riccardo Bernardini draft-bernardini-ppetp-03 -1 Expired 2012-01-09 Peer-to-Peer Epi-Transport Protocol Riccardo Bernardini , Roberto Fabbro , Roberto Rinaldo draft-bernardos-anima-fog-monitoring-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-04 .html,.txt,.xml Autonomic setup of fog monitoring agents Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad , Pedro Martinez-Julia draft-bernardos-autoconf-addressing-model-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 Addressing Model for Router Interfaces in Ad Hoc Networks Carlos Bernardos draft-bernardos-autoconf-backbone-mesh-reqs-01 -1 Expired 2008-11-02 Requirements for IP Autoconfiguration Mechanisms in Backbone Wireless Mesh Network scenarios Carlos Bernardos , Maria Calderon , Ignacio Soto draft-bernardos-autoconf-evaluation-considerations-03 -1 Expired 2008-11-01 Evaluation Considerations for IP Autoconfiguration Mechanisms in MANETs Hassnaa Moustafa , Carlos Bernardos , Maria Calderon draft-bernardos-autoconf-solution-space-02 -1 Expired 2008-11-01 Ad-Hoc IP Autoconfiguration Solution Space Analysis Carlos Bernardos , Maria Calderon , Hassnaa Moustafa draft-bernardos-detnet-crosshaul-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 DETNET crosshauling requirements Carlos Bernardos , Antonio de la Oliva , Luca Cominardi , Luis Contreras draft-bernardos-detnet-multidomain-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-25 .html,.txt,.xml DETNET multidomain extensions Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-joint-selection-raw-mec-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-11 .html,.txt,.xml Terminal-based joint selection and configuration of MEC host and RAW network Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-mec-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-11 .html,.txt,.xml Extensions to enable wireless reliability and availability in multi-access edge deployments Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-mobility-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-11 .html,.txt,.xml MIPv6 RAW mobility Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-multidomain-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-11 .html,.txt,.xml RAW multidomain extensions Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-dhc-slap-quadrant-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dhc-slap-quadrant 2019-03-08 dhc int Proposed Standard SLAP quadrant selection options for DHCPv6 Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-dmm-cmip-08 -1 Expired 2017-09-08 An IPv6 Distributed Client Mobility Management approach using existing mechanisms Carlos Bernardos , Antonio de la Oliva , Fabio Giust draft-bernardos-dmm-distributed-anchoring-09 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-dmm-pmipv6-dlif 2017-05-29 PMIPv6-based distributed anchoring Carlos Bernardos , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga draft-bernardos-dmm-mobility-virtualization-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-25 .html,.txt,.xml Mobility challenges in virtualization environments Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-dmm-pmip-09 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-dmm-pmipv6-dlif 2017-09-08 A PMIPv6-based solution for Distributed Mobility Management Carlos Bernardos , Antonio de la Oliva , Fabio Giust draft-bernardos-dmm-pmipv6-dlif-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dmm-pmipv6-dlif 2018-03-02 Proxy Mobile IPv6 extensions for Distributed Mobility Management Carlos Bernardos , Antonio de la Oliva , Fabio Giust , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-dmm-sfc-mobility-06 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 SFC function mobility with Mobile IPv6 Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardo-sec-arch-sdnnvf-architecture-01 -1 Expired 2014-09-20 Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization Security Architecture Danilo Bernardo draft-bernardos-intarea-vim-discovery-06 -1 Expired 2021-09-09 IPv6-based discovery and association of Virtualization Infrastructure Manager (VIM) and Network Function Virtualization Orchestrator (NFVO) Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-manet-autoconf-survey-05 -1 Expired 2010-06-18 Survey of IP address autoconfiguration mechanisms for MANETs Carlos Bernardos , Hassnaa Moustafa draft-bernardos-mext-aero-nemo-ro-sol-analysis-01 -1 Expired 2008-11-03 Analysis on how to address NEMO RO for Aeronautics Mobile Networks Carlos Bernardos , Marcelo Bagnulo draft-bernardos-mext-dmm-cmip-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 A IPv6 Distributed Client Mobility Management approach using existing mechanisms Carlos Bernardos , Fabio Giust draft-bernardos-mext-dmm-pmip-01 -1 Expired 2011-07-11 A PMIPv6-based solution for Distributed Mobility Management Antonio de la Oliva , Telemaco Melia , Carlos Bernardos , Fabio Giust draft-bernardos-mext-miron-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 Mobile IPv6 Route Optimisation for Network Mobility (MIRON) Carlos Bernardos , Maria Calderon , Ignacio Soto draft-bernardos-mext-nemo-ro-cr-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 Correspondent Router based Route Optimisation for NEMO (CRON) Carlos Bernardos , Maria Calderon , Ignacio Soto draft-bernardos-mif-pmip-02 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Multihoming extensions for Proxy Mobile IPv6 Carlos Bernardos , Telemaco Melia , Pierrick Seite , Jouni Korhonen draft-bernardos-nemo-miron-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-11 Mobile IPv6 Route Optimisation for Network Mobility (MIRON) Carlos Bernardos draft-bernardos-netext-ll-statement-01 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Applicability Statement on Link Layer implementation/Logical Interface over Multiple Physical Interfaces Carlos Bernardos , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga , Telemaco Melia draft-bernardos-netext-pmipv6-flowmob-03 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 Proxy Mobile IPv6 Extensions to Support Flow Mobility Carlos Bernardos draft-bernardos-netext-pmipv6-mih-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 PMIPv6 operation with IEEE 802.21 Carlos Bernardos , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga , Telemaco Melia , Subir Das draft-bernardos-netext-pmipv6-nemo-ps-02 -1 Expired 2012-03-12 PMIPv6 and Network Mobility Problem Statement Carlos Bernardos , Maria Calderon , Ignacio Soto draft-bernardos-nfvrg-gaps-network-virtualization-04 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-nfvrg-gaps-network-virtualization 2016-03-21 Gap Analysis on Network Virtualization Activities Carlos Bernardos , Akbar Rahman , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga , Luis Contreras , Pedro Aranda draft-bernardos-nfvrg-multidomain-05 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-nmrg-multidomain 2018-09-03 Multi-domain Network Virtualization Carlos Bernardos , Luis Contreras , Ishan Vaishnavi , Robert Szabo , Xi Li , Francesco Paolucci , Andrea Sgambelluri , Barbara Martini , Luca Valcarenghi , Giada Landi , Dmitriy Andrushko , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-nfvrg-vim-discovery-00 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-intarea-vim-discovery 2018-03-05 IPv6-based discovery and association of Virtualization Infrastructure Manager (VIM) and Network Function Virtualization Orchestrator (NFVO) Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-nmrg-multidomain-01 -1 Expired 2019-09-12 Multi-domain Network Virtualization Carlos Bernardos , Luis Contreras , Ishan Vaishnavi , Robert Szabo , Xi Li , Francesco Paolucci , Andrea Sgambelluri , Barbara Martini , Luca Valcarenghi , Giada Landi , Dmitriy Andrushko , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-raw-joint-selection-raw-mec-04 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-joint-selection-raw-mec 2023-03-13 Terminal-based joint selection and configuration of MEC host and RAW network Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-raw-mec-05 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-mec 2023-03-13 Extensions to enable wireless reliability and availability in multi-access edge deployments Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-raw-mobility-00 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-mobility 2023-03-12 MIPv6 RAW mobility Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-raw-multidomain-02 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-detnet-raw-multidomain 2023-03-13 RAW multidomain extensions Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-raw-use-cases-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-raw-use-cases 2020-07-13 RAW use cases Georgios Papadopoulos , Pascal Thubert , Fabrice Theoleyre , Carlos Bernardos draft-bernardos-sfc-discovery-07 -1 Expired 2021-10-20 Service Function discovery in fog environments Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-sfc-distributed-control-06 -1 Expired 2022-09-05 Distributed SFC control for fog environments Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-sfc-distributed-control-operation-06 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 Distributed SFC control operation Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-sfc-fog-ran-10 -1 Expired 2021-10-22 Service Function Chaining Use Cases in Fog RAN Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-sfc-nsh-distributed-control-07 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 NSH extensions for local distributed SFC control Carlos Bernardos , Alain Mourad draft-bernardos-spawn-use-cases-00 -1 Replaced draft-bernardos-raw-use-cases 2019-03-25 SPAWN use cases Georgios Papadopoulos , Pascal Thubert , Fabrice Theoleyre , Carlos Bernardos draft-bernerslee-www-uri-00 -1 RFC 1630 1994-04-06 Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW: A Unifying Syntax for the Expression of Names and Addresses of Objects on the Network as used in the World-Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee draft-bernet-appid-00 -1 Expired 1999-03-02 Application and Sub Application Identity Policy Element for Use with RSVP Yoram Bernet , Ramesh Pabbati draft-bernet-dclass-01 -1 Expired 1999-03-04 Usage and Format of the DCLASS Object With RSVP Signaling Yoram Bernet draft-bernet-diffedge-01 -1 Expired 1998-11-23 Requirements of Diff-serv Boundary Routers David Durham , Yoram Bernet , Francis Reichmeyer draft-bernet-intdiff-00 -1 Expired 1998-03-16 issll tsv A Framework for End-to-End QoS Combining RSVP/Intserv and Differentiated Services Lixia Zhang , Raj Yavatkar , Fred Baker , Peter Ford , Yoram Bernet draft-bernini-nfvrg-vnf-orchestration-04 -1 Expired 2017-04-10 VNF Pool Orchestration For Automated Resiliency in Service Chains Giacomo Bernini , Giada Landi , Diego Lopez , Pedro Gutierrez draft-bernstein-alto-large-bandwidth-cases-02 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Use Cases for High Bandwidth Query and Control of Core Networks Greg Bernstein , Young Lee draft-bernstein-alto-topo-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 ALTO Topology Service: Uses Cases, Requirements, and Framework Greg Bernstein , Y. Richard Yang , Young Lee draft-bernstein-ccamp-gmpls-vcat-lcas-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-vcat-lcas 2006-08-07 Operating Virtual Concatenation (VCAT) and the Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-ccamp-wavelength-switched-03 -1 Expired 2008-02-20 Framework for GMPLS and PCE Control of Wavelength Switched Optical Networks Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-compatibility-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-07 WSON Signal Characteristics and Network Element Compatibility Constraints for GMPLS Greg Bernstein , Young Lee , Ben MackCrane draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-encode-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-rwa-wson-encode 2008-11-03 Routing and Wavelength Assignment Information Encoding for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-impairments-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-impairments 2009-05-05 A Framework for the Control of Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON) with Impairments Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-info-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-rwa-info 2008-07-07 Routing and Wavelength Assignment Information Model for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks Dan Li , Wataru Imajuku , Young Lee , Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-signal-00 -1 Expired 2009-05-22 WSON Signal Characteristics and Network Element Compatibility Constraints for GMPLS Greg Bernstein , Ben MackCrane draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-signaling-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-signaling 2010-07-12 Signaling Extensions for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-cso-use-cases-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-28 Cross Stratum Optimization Use-cases Greg Bernstein , Young Lee draft-bernstein-eplf-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 Easily Parsed LIST Format (EPLF) D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-gmpls-optical-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-13 Some Comments on GMPLS and Optical Technologies Greg Bernstein , Vishal Sharma draft-bernstein-hcmssc-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 The Hash Convention For Mail System Status Codes (HCMSSC) D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-idserver-01 -1 Expired 1992-04-01 Identity Server draft-bernstein-mail-loops-war-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 Tools in the War on Mail Loops D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-mpls-sonet-00 -1 Expired 2000-03-08 Some Comments on the Use of MPLS Traffic Engineering for SONET/SDH Path Establishment Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-netstrings-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 Netstrings D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-nrudt-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 Notice-Requested-Upon-Delivery-To (NRUDT) D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-optical-bgp-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-23 Optical Inter Domain Routing Requirements Greg Bernstein , Bala Rajagopalan draft-bernstein-owner-hack-04 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 The Owner Hack D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-pce-wson-evaluation-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-30 Performance Evaluation of PCE Architectures for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks Greg Bernstein draft-bernstein-pirp-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 Public Information Retrieval Protocol (PIRP) D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-qmtp-04 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-qsbmf-05 -1 Expired 1998-08-14 The qmail-send Bounce Message Format (QSBMF) D. Bernstein draft-bernstein-tap-00 -1 Expired 1992-05-19 TAP Daniel Bernstein draft-bernstein-wson-impairment-encode-02 -1 Expired 2013-02-21 Information Encoding for Impaired Optical Path Validation Greg Bernstein , Young Lee , Xian Zhang draft-bernstein-wson-impairment-info-06 -1 Expired 2013-02-20 Information Model for Impaired Optical Path Validation Young Lee , Greg Bernstein , Xian Zhang draft-beroset-ietf-1hop-routing-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2010-09-16 Mesh Under IPv6 Routing Requirements Edward Beroset draft-berrendo-chabanne-pppext-eapmake-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-14 PPP EAP MAKE Mutual Authentication Protocol Romain Berrendonner , Herve Chabanne draft-bersani-eap-psk-11 -1 RFC 4764 2006-06-22 int Jari Arkko Experimental The EAP-PSK Protocol: A Pre-Shared Key Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Method Florent Bersani , Hannes Tschofenig Jari Arkko draft-bersani-eap-sharedkeymethods-doctemplate-00 -1 Expired 2004-03-11 EAP shared key methods documentation template Florent Bersani draft-bersani-eap-synthesis-sharedkeymethods-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-02 EAP shared key methods: a tentative synthesis of those proposed so far Florent Bersani draft-berson-classy-approach-01 -1 Expired 1997-12-23 Aggregation of Internet Integrated Services State Steven Berson , Subramaniam Vincent draft-berson-rsvp-aggregation-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-12 Aggregation of Internet Integrated Services State Steven Berson , Subramaniam Vincent draft-berson-rsvp-ipv6-fl-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-25 RSVP and Integrated Services with IPv6 Flow Labels Steven Berson draft-bertin-hints-params-00 -1 Expired 2003-08-07 Parameters for Link Hints Philippe Bertin draft-bertocci-identity-in-browser-00 -1 Expired 2021-01-22 Identity Use Cases in Browser Catalog Vittorio Bertocci , George Fletcher draft-bertocci-oauth2-tmi-bff-01 -1 Expired 2021-04-26 Token Mediating and session Information Backend For Frontend Vittorio Bertocci , Brian Campbell draft-bertocci-oauth-access-token-jwt-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt 2019-03-24 JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens Vittorio Bertocci draft-bertocci-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge 2022-03-22 OAuth 2.0 Step-up Authentication Challenge Protocol Vittorio Bertocci , Brian Campbell draft-bertola-bcp-doh-clients-01 -1 Expired 2019-09-10 Recommendations for DNS Privacy Client Applications Vittorio Bertola draft-bertola-dns-openid-pidi-architecture-01 -1 Expired 2018-03-14 An Architecture for a Public Identity Infrastructure Based on DNS and OpenID Connect Vittorio Bertola , Marcos Sanz draft-bertola-everything-but-the-user-00 -1 Expired 2022-01-04 Everything But The User Is An Intermediary Vittorio Bertola draft-bertola-mimi-discovery-dns-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-25 .html,.txt,.xml Discovery of MIMI Service-Specific Identifiers via DNS Vittorio Bertola draft-bertrand-cdni-experiments-02 -1 Expired 2012-02-15 Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) Experiments François Le Faucheur , Larry Peterson draft-bertrand-cdni-footprint-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2012-09-03 CDN Footprint Discovery Gilles Bertrand draft-bertrand-cdni-logging-02 -1 Expired 2012-10-22 CDNI Logging Interface Gilles Bertrand , Stephan Emile , Roy Peterkofsky , François Le Faucheur , Pawel Grochocki draft-bertrand-cdni-use-cases-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cdni-use-cases 2011-07-08 Use Cases for Content Delivery Network Interconnection Gilles Bertrand , Philip Eardley , Grant Watson , Kevin Ma , Trevor Burbridge , Emile Stephan draft-bertz-alto-aggrimpl-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Extensions for ALTO Aggregation Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-alto-mobilitynets-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Mobility Network Models in ALTO Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-alto-sdnnfvalto-02 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Programmable NFV/SDN orchestration with ALTO Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-dime-congestion-flow-attributes-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dime-congestion-flow-attributes 2014-02-07 Diameter Congestion and Filter Attributes Brent Hirschman , Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-dime-diamimpr-01 -1 Expired 2017-12-30 Diameter Specification Recommendations Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-dime-domainmasks-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-06 Diameter Domain and Arbitrary Mask Filters Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-dime-perflowmbr-01 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Diameter Per-Flow Max Bitrates Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-dime-policygroups-06 -1 Expired 2018-06-18 Diameter Policy Groups and Sets Lyle Bertz , Mark Bales draft-bertz-dime-predictunits-04 -1 Expired 2018-06-18 Diameter Predicted Units Lyle Bertz draft-bertz-dime-rfc4006bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dime-rfc4006bis 2016-07-08 dime ops Diameter Credit-Control Application Lyle Bertz , David Dolson , ylifshitzsandvine.com , Harri Hakala , Leena Mattila , Juha-Pekka Koskinen , Marco Stura , John Loughney draft-bertz-netmod-commonaugment-01 -1 Expired 2017-03-09 YANG extension for Common Augmentations Lyle Bertz draft-berzin-malis-mpls-mobility-02 -1 Expired 2008-10-29 Mobility Support Using MPLS and MP-BGP Signaling Oleg Berzin , Andy Malis draft-beser-mmusic-capabilities-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-15 Codec Capabilities Attribute for SDP Burcak Beser draft-bess-evpn-df-election-00 -1 Expired 2016-04-06 A new Designated Forwarder Election for the EVPN Satya Mohanty , Keyur Patel , Ali Sajassi , John Drake , Tony Przygienda draft-bessis-dispatch-adaptive-load-balancing-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Adaptive load balancing in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Thierry Bessis , Vijay Gurbani draft-bestbar-lsr-slice-aware-te-00 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 IGP Extensions for Support of Slice Aggregate Aware Traffic Engineering William Britto , Rajesh Shetty , Colby Barth , Bin Wen , Shaofu Peng , Ran Chen draft-bestbar-lsr-spring-nrp-01 -1 Expired 2022-07-11 IGP Extensions for SR Network Resource Partition SIDs Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram , Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Bin Wen , Daniele Ceccarelli draft-bestbar-lsr-spring-sa-01 -1 Replaced draft-bestbar-lsr-spring-nrp 2021-09-16 IGP Extensions for SR Slice Aggregate SIDs Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram , Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Bin Wen , Daniele Ceccarelli draft-bestbar-spring-scalable-ns-02 -1 Expired 2021-09-16 Scalable Network Slicing over SR Networks Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram , Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Bin Wen , Daniele Ceccarelli draft-bestbar-teas-ns-packet-10 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-ns-ip-mpls 2022-05-05 teas rtg Realizing Network Slices in IP/MPLS Networks Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram , Jie Dong , Bin Wen , Daniele Ceccarelli , Joel Halpern , Shaofu Peng , Ran Chen , Xufeng Liu , Luis Contreras , Reza Rokui , Luay Jalil Lou Berger draft-bestbar-teas-resmgr-yang-00 -1 Expired 2021-07-12 A YANG Data Model for Network Resource Reservation Manager Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram , Xufeng Liu draft-bestbar-teas-yang-nrp-policy-03 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 YANG Data Model for Network Resource Partition Policy Vishnu Beeram , Tarek Saad , Bin Wen , Daniele Ceccarelli , Shaofu Peng , Ran Chen , Luis Contreras , Xufeng Liu draft-bestbar-teas-yang-ns-phd-00 -1 Replaced draft-bestbar-teas-yang-slice-policy 2020-11-02 YANG Data Model for Network Slice Per-Hop Definition Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram draft-bestbar-teas-yang-slice-policy-02 -1 Replaced draft-bestbar-teas-yang-nrp-policy 2021-10-25 YANG Data Model for Slice Policy Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram , Bin Wen , Daniele Ceccarelli , Shaofu Peng , Ran Chen , Luis Contreras , Xufeng Liu draft-bestbar-teas-yang-topology-filter-04 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 YANG Data Model for Topology Filter Vishnu Beeram , Tarek Saad , Rakesh Gandhi , Xufeng Liu draft-bestler-rddp-applicability-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rddp-applicability 2003-02-24 Applicability of Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol (RDMA) and Direct Data Placement (DDP) Caitlin Bestler draft-bestler-transactional-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-24 Creation of Transactional Multicast Groups Caitlin Bestler , Robert Novack draft-bestler-transactional-subset-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2014-09-10 Creation of Transactional Subset Multicast Groups Caitlin Bestler , Robert Novak draft-best-urn-oasis-02 -1 RFC 3121 2001-02-08 Informational A URN Namespace for OASIS Karl Best , Norman Walsh draft-best-xmlorg-01 -1 RFC 3120 2001-02-08 Informational A URN Namespace for XML.org Karl Best , Norman Walsh draft-bettini-imap-inprogress-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-28 .html,.txt,.xml IMAP4 Response Code for Command Progress Notifications. Marco Bettini draft-betts-itu-oam-ach-code-point-04 -1 RFC 6671 2012-04-10 rtg Adrian Farrel Informational Allocation of a Generic Associated Channel Type for ITU-T MPLS Transport Profile Operation, Maintenance, and Administration (MPLS-TP OAM) Malcolm Betts Adrian Farrel draft-betts-netmod-framework-data-schema-uml-04 -1 Expired 2016-10-29 Framework for Deriving Interface Data Schema from UML Information Models Malcolm Betts , Nigel Davis , Hing-Kam Lam , Eve Varma , Bernd Zeuner , Scott Mansfield , Paul Doolan draft-bew-ipsec-signatures-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-msec-ipsec-signatures 2003-08-07 The Use of RSA Signatures within ESP and AH Brian Weis draft-bfarias-javascript-mjs-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dispatch-javascript-mjs 2017-08-24 ECMAScript Media Types Updates Bradley Farias , Matthew Miller draft-bfd-fsm-health-status-00 -1 Expired 2020-10-13 FSM health status support in BFD Palpandi Perumal draft-bfields-nfsv4-umask-01 -1 Expired 2016-02-22 Allowing inheritable NFSv4 ACLs to override the umask J. Fields , Andreas Gruenbacher draft-bfl-mpls-tp-uni-nni-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-uni-nni 2010-08-03 MPLS Transport Profile User-to-Network and Network-to-Network Interfaces Matthew Bocci , Lieven Levrau , Dan Frost draft-bfmk-softwire-unified-cpe-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-softwire-unified-cpe 2013-01-18 softwire int Unified IPv4-in-IPv6 Softwire CPE Mohamed Boucadair , Ian Farrer draft-bft-rats-kat-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml An EAT-based Key Attestation Token Mathias Brossard , Thomas Fossati , Hannes Tschofenig draft-bgbw-opsawg-vpn-common-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-vpn-common 2020-07-13 A Layer 2/3 VPN Common YANG Model Samier Barguil , Oscar de Dios , Mohamed Boucadair , Qin Wu draft-bgingery-esmtp-adat-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-21 ESMTP Service Extension for Filtering Gateways Bruce Gingery draft-bgp-path-marking-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 BGP Path Marking Camilo Cardona , Pierre Francois , Saikat Ray , Keyur Patel , Paolo Lucente , Prodosh Mohapatra draft-bgpsec-spec-00 -1 Replaced draft-lepinski-bgpsec-protocol 2011-03-07 BGPSEC Protocol Specification Matt Lepinski draft-bhagat-bgp-multiple-nexthops-00 -1 Expired 2021-03-23 BGP Multiple Nexthops Amit Bhagat draft-bhagat-bgp-overload-01 -1 Expired 2016-07-07 BGP Overload Amit Bhagat draft-bhalevy-nfs-obj-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-31 Object-Based Parallel NFS (pNFS) Operations - Version 2 Benny Halevy draft-bhalevy-nfsv4-flex-files-03 -1 Expired 2014-06-11 Parallel NFS (pNFS) Flexible File Layout Benny Halevy , Thomas Haynes draft-bhandari-dhc-access-network-identifier-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dhc-access-network-identifier 2013-04-17 dhc int Access-Network-Identifier Option in DHCP Shwetha Bhandari , Sri Gundavelli , Jouni Korhonen , Mark Grayson draft-bhandari-dhc-class-based-prefix-05 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 DHCPv6 class based prefix Shwetha Bhandari , Gaurav Halwasia , Sri Gundavelli , Hui Deng , Laurent Thiebaut , Jouni Korhonen , Ian Farrer draft-bhandari-dnssdext-mdns-gateway-01 -1 Replaced draft-bhandari-dnssd-mdns-gateway 2013-07-15 Extending multicast DNS across local links in Campus and Enterprise networks Shwetha Bhandari , Bhavik Fajalia , Ralph Schmieder , Stephen Orr , Amit Dutta draft-bhandari-dnssd-mdns-gateway-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Extending multicast DNS across local links in Campus and Enterprise networks Shwetha Bhandari , Bhavik Fajalia , Ralph Schmieder , Stephen Orr , Amit Dutta draft-bhandari-netext-pmipv6-dhcp-options-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-09 DHCPv4 Configuration Options in PMIPv6 Shwetha Bhandari , Sanjay Kumar draft-bhandari-optical-restoration-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-21 High Level Requirements for Optical Shared Mesh Restoration Ramesh Bhandari draft-bhandarkar-ltcp-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-15 LTCP: A Layering Technique for Improving the Performance of TCP in Highspeed Networks Sumitha Bhandarkar draft-bhandarkar-tcp-dcr-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-16 Improving the robustness of TCP to Non-Congestion Events Sumitha Bhandarkar draft-bhani-mpls-te-anal-00 -1 Expired 1999-04-02 Quality of Service using Traffic Engineering over MPLS: An Analysis Raj Jain , Praveen Bhaniramka , Wei Sun draft-bhaprasud-ippm-pm-03 -1 Expired 2017-06-24 Performance Measurement Models Bharat Gaonkar , Giuseppe Fioccola , Qin Wu , Praveen Ananthasankaran draft-bhaprasud-lime-pm-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-13 Packet Loss measurement for layer2 services Bharat Gaonkar , Praveen Ananthasankaran , sudhin jacob draft-bharatia-aaa-opt-ha-assign-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-13 Optimized Dynamic Home Agent Assignment Using DIAMETER Jayshree Bharatia , Kuntal Chowdhury draft-bharatia-mip4-gen-ext-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mip4-gen-ext 2005-10-24 MIPv4 Extension for Configuration Options Exchange Jayshree Bharatia draft-bharatia-mip6-gen-ext-01 -1 Expired 2007-02-27 Mobile IPv6 Extension for Configuration Options Jayshree Bharatia , Kuntal Chowdhury draft-bharatia-mobileip-gen-mipv4-ext-02 -1 Expired 2003-06-05 Mobile IPv4 Extension for Configuration Options Exchange Jayshree Bharatia , Kuntal Chowdhury draft-bharatia-mobileip-v4-dns-ext-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-26 Mobile IPv4 Extension: Using DNS Servers Assigned by Home Agent Jayshree Bharatia , Kuntal Chowdhury draft-bharatia-mobileip-v6-dns-ext-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-26 Mobile IPv6 Extension: Using DNS Servers Assigned by Home Agent Jayshree Bharatia , Kuntal Chowdhury draft-bharatia-sipping-redirect-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-19 Redirection Service Capability in SIP Jayshree Bharatia draft-bhargavan-tls-resumption-indication-00 -1 Expired 2014-04-18 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Resumption Indication Extension Karthikeyan Bhargavan , Antoine Delignat-Lavaud , Alfredo Pironti , Adam Langley , Marsh Ray draft-bhargavan-tls-session-hash-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-21 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Hash and Extended Master Secret Extension Karthikeyan Bhargavan , Antoine Delignat-Lavaud , Alfredo Pironti , Adam Langley , Marsh Ray draft-bhargav-l3vpn-inter-provider-optcsec-03 -1 Expired 2012-03-02 Preventing spoofing attacks in BGP-MPLS-VPN Inter-Provider Model-C Bhargav Bhikkaji , Balaji Venkataswami draft-bhaskar-pim-ss-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-14 Source-Specific Protocol Independent Multicast Isidor Kouvelas , Nidhi Bhaskar draft-bhatia-3pcc-refer-01 -1 Expired 2001-10-17 3pcc using the REFER method Medhavi Bhatia draft-bhatia-6man-update-ipv6-ext-hdr-00 -1 Expired 2010-09-26 Standardizing IPv6 Extension Header Definition Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-bfd-crypto-auth-03 -1 Expired 2011-01-10 BFD Generic Cryptographic Authentication Vishwas Manral , Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-bfd-generic-crypto-authen-00 -1 Expired 2011-09-16 BFD Generic Cryptographic Authentication Manav Bhatia , Vishwas Manral , Dacheng Zhang draft-bhatia-bfd-hmac-sha-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-09 Authenticating BFD using HMAC-SHA-2 procedures Dacheng Zhang , Manav Bhatia , Vishwas Manral draft-bhatia-bgp-multiple-next-hops-01 -1 Expired 2006-08-09 Advertising Multiple NextHop Routes in BGP Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-ecmp-routes-in-bgp-02 -1 Expired 2006-02-14 Advertising Equal Cost Multipath routes in BGP Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-ipsecme-avoiding-ah-00 -1 Expired 2012-01-01 Avoiding Authentication Header (AH) Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-ipsecme-esp-null-00 -1 Expired 2008-12-01 Identifying ESP-NULL Packets Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-karp-non-ipsec-ospfv3-auth-01 -1 Expired 2010-09-27 Non IPSec Authentication mechanism for OSPFv3 Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-karp-ospf-ip-layer-protection-03 -1 Expired 2011-02-14 Security Extension for OSPFv2 when using Manual Key Management Manav Bhatia , Sam Hartman , Dacheng Zhang draft-bhatia-karp-pim-gap-analysis-01 -1 Expired 2013-12-17 Analysis of Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) Security According to KARP Design Guide Manav Bhatia , Mahesh Jethanandani , Dacheng Zhang draft-bhatia-karp-short-lived-keys-00 -1 Expired 2011-04-16 Using short-lived traffic keys for Routing Protocols Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-manral-auth-trailer-ospfv3-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-auth-trailer-ospfv3 2010-10-14 Supporting Authentication Trailer for OSPFv3 Manav Bhatia , Vishwas Manral , Acee Lindem draft-bhatia-manral-crypto-req-isis-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation Requirements for IS-IS Manav Bhatia , Vishwas Manral draft-bhatia-manral-crypto-req-ospf-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation Requirements for OSPF Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-manral-diff-isis-ospf-01 -1 Expired 2005-07-22 gen Alex Zinin IS-IS and OSPF Difference Discussions Manav Bhatia Alex Zinin draft-bhatia-manral-igp-crypto-requirements-04 -1 Expired 2009-11-11 Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation Requirements for Routing Protocols Manav Bhatia , Vishwas Manral draft-bhatia-manral-isis-hmac-sha-02 -1 Expired 2006-06-14 IS-IS HMAC SHA Cryptographic Authentication Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-manral-white-ospf-hmac-sha-03 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 OSPF HMAC Cryptographic Authentication Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-mmusic-sdp-altcap-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-13 Alternate Simultaneous Capabilities and Offers in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Medhavi Bhatia draft-bhatia-moving-ah-to-historic-00 -1 Expired 2011-12-29 Moving Authentication Header (AH) to Historic Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-mpls-rsvp-te-bidirectional-lsp-01 -1 Expired 2011-05-18 Extensions to Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) for Bi-directional Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Manav Bhatia , Lizhong Jin , Frederic JOUNAY draft-bhatia-ospf-sbfd-discriminator-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-sbfd-discriminator 2014-05-08 OSPF extensions to advertise S-BFD Target Discriminator Manav Bhatia , Trilok Ranganath , Carlos Pignataro , Sam Aldrin draft-bhatia-pim-mpls-register-packets-00 -1 Expired 2011-02-10 Replacing PIM Register packets with MPLS encapsulation Manav Bhatia draft-bhatia-sip-h323-interworking-3pcc-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-17 Third Party Call Control in SIP-H.323 Interworking Medhavi Bhatia draft-bhatia-sip-peering-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-02 Route Policy and Architecture in SIP Peering Environments Medhavi Bhatia draft-bhatia-sipping-sbc-00 -1 Expired 2005-01-31 SIP Session Border Control Requirements Medhavi Bhatia draft-bhatia-sipping-sip-php-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-10 PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor for SIP Sapan Bhatia , Aki Niemi draft-bhatia-zhang-karp-bfd-analysis-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-karp-bfd-analysis 2012-10-20 Analysis of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Security According to KARP Design Guide Manav Bhatia , Dacheng Zhang , Mahesh Jethanandani draft-bhatia-zhang-pim-auth-extension-03 -1 Expired 2013-03-28 In-Band Authentication Extension for Protocol Independent Multicast Manav Bhatia , Dacheng Zhang , Bharat Joshi draft-bhati-intarea-frag-label-reassembly-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-25 Label Based IP Reassembly BHATI Abhishek draft-bhati-intarea-ip-reassembly-using-labels-00 -1 Expired 2018-10-04 IP Reassembly Using Labels BHATI Abhishek draft-bhati-l2tpext-l2tpv4-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-25 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol - Version 4 (L2TPv4) BHATI Abhishek draft-bhat-l3vpn-per-vpn-routing-00 -1 Expired 2004-08-03 Per VPN Routing for Layer 3 PPVPNs Girish Bhat draft-bhatla-dnsext-murr-00 -1 Expired 2002-12-16 DNS RR type for Multiple Unicast Mukesh Bhatla draft-bhattacharya-pim-fast-recovery-00 -1 Expired 2015-01-12 PIM fast recovery mechanism Indranil Bhattacharya draft-bhattacharyya-core-a-realist-02 -1 Expired 2019-02-05 Adaptive RESTful Real-time Live Streaming for Things (A-REaLiST) Abhijan Bhattacharyya , Suvrat Agrawal , Hemant Rath , Arpan Pal , Balamurali Purushothaman draft-bhattacharyya-core-coap-lite-auth-00 -1 Expired 2014-03-03 Lightweight mutual authentication for CoAP (WIP) Abhijan Bhattacharyya , Soma Bandyopadhyay , Arijit Ukil , Tulika Bose , Arpan Pal draft-bhattacharyya-dice-less-on-coap-01 -1 Expired 2018-03-04 Lightweight Establishment of Secure Session (LESS) on CoAP Abhijan Bhattacharyya , Tulika Bose , Arijit Ukil , Soma Bandyopadhyay , Arpan Pal draft-bhattacharyya-monitoring-deployment-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-09 Deployment of inter-operable and cost-effective monitoring infrastructure in ISP networks Supratik Bhattacharyya draft-bhattacharyya-monitoring-sprint-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 Network Measurement and Monitoring : A Sprint Perspective Supratik Bhattacharyya draft-bhattach-diot-pimso-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-16 Deployment of PIM-SO at Sprint Christophe Diot , Robert Rockell , Lenny Giuliano , Supratik Bhattacharya draft-bhattach-pim-ssm-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-17 A Framework for Source-Specific IP Multicast Deployment Supratik Bhattacharyya draft-bhat-vcarddav-json-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-jcardcal-jcard 2012-06-06 A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Representation for vCard Raghurama Bhat , Peter Saint-Andre draft-bhh-mpls-tp-oam-y1731-08 -1 Expired 2012-01-11 MPLS-TP OAM based on Y.1731 Italo Busi , Huub van Helvoort , He Jia draft-bhjl-x509-srv-04 -1 Expired 2018-07-16 Using a DNS SRV Record to Locate an X.509 Certificate Store Brian Haberman , John Levine draft-bhola-conformance-test-iua-01 -1 Expired 2002-12-18 Conformance Test Specification for IUA Vikas Bhola , Gayatri Singla draft-bhutton-json-schema-01 -1 Expired 2022-06-10 JSON Schema: A Media Type for Describing JSON Documents Austin Wright , Henry Andrews , Ben Hutton , Greg Dennis draft-bhutton-json-schema-validation-01 -1 Expired 2022-06-10 JSON Schema Validation: A Vocabulary for Structural Validation of JSON Austin Wright , Henry Andrews , Ben Hutton draft-bhutton-relative-json-pointer-00 -1 Replaced draft-hha-relative-json-pointer 2020-12-08 Relative JSON Pointers Geraint Luff , Henry Andrews , Ben Hutton draft-bhuvan-bmwg-of-controller-benchmarking-01 -1 Expired 2014-09-25 Benchmarking Methodology for SDN Controller Performance Bhuvaneswaran Vengainathan , Anton Basil , Vishwas Manral , Mark Tassinari draft-bhuvan-bmwg-sdn-controller-benchmark-meth-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-sdn-controller-benchmark-meth 2015-07-20 Benchmarking Methodology for SDN Controller Performance Bhuvaneswaran Vengainathan , Anton Basil , Mark Tassinari , Vishwas Manral , Sarah Banks draft-bhuvan-bmwg-sdn-controller-benchmark-term-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-sdn-controller-benchmark-term 2015-09-23 Terminology for Benchmarking SDN Controller Performance Bhuvaneswaran Vengainathan , Anton Basil , Mark Tassinari , Vishwas Manral , Sarah Banks draft-bhz-karp-inter-session-replay-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-06 A Generic Mechanism to solve Inter-Session Replay Attacks for Routing and Signaling Protocols Manav Bhatia , Sam Hartman , Dacheng Zhang draft-bianchi-blefari-admcontr-over-af-phb-00 -1 Expired 2001-03-22 Per Flow Admission Control over AF PHB Classes Giuseppe Bianchi , Nicola Blefari-Melazzi draft-bianchi-blefari-end-to-end-qos-02 -1 Expired 2001-11-08 A Migration Path to provide End-to-End QoS over Stateless Networks by Means of a Probing-driven Admission Control Giuseppe Bianchi , Nicola Blefari-Melazzi draft-bianchi-qos-multicast-over-diffserv-00 -1 Expired 2002-12-02 MultiGRIP: Quality of Service Aware Multicasting over DiffServ Giuseppe Bianchi draft-bi-aponf-sdsavi-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Software Defined SAVI Jun Bi , Guang Yao draft-bichot-msync-13 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-27 Informational .txt MSYNC Sophie Bale , Remy Brebion , Guillaume Bichot draft-bichot-network-discovery-protocol-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-21 Network Discovery Protocol (NETDIS) Guillaume Bichot draft-bidas-sigtran-sgsg-03 -1 Expired 2003-04-24 M3UA SG-SG communication Brian Bidulock , Tolga Asveren draft-bi-declarative-policy-03 -1 Expired 2015-12-16 Declarative Policy Model Jun Bi , Qiong Sun , Chongfeng Xie , Yiyong Zha draft-bider-ssh-quic-09 -1 Expired 2020-12-02 QUIC-based UDP Transport for Secure Shell (SSH) denis bider draft-bi-dhc-opextensions-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-17 Option Extensions for DHCPv4 Marcus Wong , Emily Bi , Serge Manning draft-bi-dhc-sec-option-02 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Security option extensions for DHCP Emily Bi , Serge Manning , Marcus Wong , Yang Cui draft-bidulock-sigtran-aspcong-01 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 ASP Congestion (ASPCONG) for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-aspext-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 Application Server Process (ASP) Extension (ASPEXT) Framework for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-corid-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 Correlation Id and Hearbeat Procedures (CORID) Supporting Lossless Fail-Over between SCTP Associations for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-isua-04 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 SS7 ISUP-User Adaptation Layer (ISUA) Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-loadgrp-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 Load Grouping Extension for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-loadsel-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 Load Selection (LOADSEL) for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-ig-01 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer Implementer's Guide Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-08 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer Test Specifications M2PA-TEST Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2ua-ss7test-03 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 SS7 MTP2-User Adaptation Layer (M2UA) SS7 Test Specifications M2UA-SS7TEST Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-regext-04 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 Registration Extensions (REGEXT) for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-sginfo-06 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 Signalling Gateway (SG) Information (SGINFO) Support for Signalling User Adaptation Layers Brian Bidulock draft-bidulock-sigtran-tua-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-07 SS7 TCAP-User Adaptation Layer (TUA) Brian Bidulock draft-bierman-conf-mib-00 -1 Expired 2002-05-31 Conformance MIB Andy Bierman draft-bierman-core-yang-hash-00 -1 Expired 2016-02-10 YANG Hash Andy Bierman , Peter Van der Stok draft-bierman-core-yid-00 -1 Expired 2016-08-16 Numeric YANG Identifiers Andy Bierman , Peter Van der Stok draft-bierman-disman-see-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-15 Script Execution Environment Specification For Distributed Management Platforms Andy Bierman draft-bierman-dsmon-mib-02 -1 Expired 1999-08-27 Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for Differentiated Services Enabled Networks Andy Bierman draft-bierman-entmib-compid-01 -1 Expired 1998-03-17 entmib ops Entity MIB Extesions for Persistent Component Identification Keith McCloghrie , Andy Bierman draft-bierman-ncx-acm-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-07 Network Configuration Extensions : Access Control Model Andy Bierman draft-bierman-ncx-ext-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-07 Network Configuration Extensions : Protocol Extensions Andy Bierman draft-bierman-ncx-smi-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-31 Network Configuration Extensions : Structure of Management Information Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netconf-access-control-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-access-control 2010-07-04 Network Configuration Protocol Access Control Model Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund draft-bierman-netconf-efficiency-extensions-02 -1 Expired 2014-10-21 NETCONF Efficiency Extensions Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netconf-get2-03 -1 Expired 2013-04-09 The NETCONF Operation Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netconf-module-tag-ops-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-10 Module Tag Operations Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netconf-restconf-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-restconf 2014-02-13 RESTCONF Protocol Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund , Kent Watsen , Rex Fernando draft-bierman-netconf-rfc6536bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-rfc6536bis 2016-11-30 Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) Access Control Model Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund draft-bierman-netconf-system-monitoring-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-10 NETCONF System Monitoring Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netconf-with-defaults-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-with-defaults 2008-10-22 With-defaults capability for NETCONF Andy Bierman , Balázs Lengyel draft-bierman-netconf-yang-api-01 -1 Expired 2012-11-30 YANG-API Protocol Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund draft-bierman-netconf-yang-patch-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-yang-patch 2013-12-21 YANG Patch Media Type Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund , Kent Watsen , Rex Fernando draft-bierman-netmod-netconf-module-00 -1 Expired 2009-01-19 A YANG Module for the NETCONF Protocol Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netmod-rfc6087bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6087bis 2014-02-14 Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of YANG Data Model Documents Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netmod-system-mgmt-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-system-mgmt 2011-10-30 YANG Data Model for System Management Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund draft-bierman-netmod-yang-conformance-04 -1 Expired 2014-09-24 YANG Conformance Specification Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netmod-yang-data-ext-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-yang-data-ext 2017-10-30 netmod ops YANG Data Extensions Andy Bierman , Martin Björklund , Kent Watsen draft-bierman-netmod-yang-package-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 The YANG Package Statement Andy Bierman draft-bierman-netmod-yang-usage-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-yang-usage 2009-01-24 Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of YANG Data Model Documents Andy Bierman draft-bierman-nm-observations-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-21 Network Management Observations Andy Bierman draft-bierman-ptopo-mib-proto-00 -1 Expired 1997-03-26 Physical Topology MIB and Discovery Protocol Proposal Keith McCloghrie , Andy Bierman draft-bierman-rmon-atmrmon-00 -1 Expired 1996-02-22 Remote Network Monitoring MIB Extensions for ATM Networks Keith McCloghrie , Andy Bierman draft-bierman-rmonmib-apmcaps-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-15 Application Performance Measurement Capabilities MIB Andy Bierman draft-bierman-rmonmib-hc-alarm-mib-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rmonmib-hc-alarm-mib 2001-11-12 Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for High Capacity Alarms Andy Bierman , Keith McCloghrie draft-bierman-rmonmib-vds-mib-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-30 Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for Virtual Data Sources Andy Bierman draft-bierman-sming-ds-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sming-ds 2002-05-14 Structure of Management Information: Data Structures Andy Bierman draft-biggs-acme-sso-01 -1 Expired 2021-04-08 Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Extension for Single Sign On Challenges Andrew Biggs , Richard Barnes , Moynihan draft-biggs-sip-nat-00 -1 Expired 2000-03-06 A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation Billy Biggs draft-biggs-sip-replaces-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-24 The SIP Replaces Header Billy Biggs , Rick Dean draft-bi-intarea-savi-wlan-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-05 .html,.txt,.xml A SAVI Solution for WLAN Mingwei Xu , Jianping Wu , Tao Lin , Lin He , You Wang draft-bi-ippm-ipsec-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-ipsec 2013-02-25 Network Performance Measurement for IPsec Yang Cui , Emily Bi , Kostas Pentikousis draft-bijwaard-sipping-multicast-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-20 Requirements for group sessions using multicast Dennis Bijwaard draft-bijwaard-sipping-tpipst-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-11 Requirements for third-party initiated partial session transfers Dennis Bijwaard , Aartse Tuijn draft-bill-dnsop-handling-zone-cuts-00 -1 Expired 2015-05-22 Handling DNS Zone Cuts Declan Ma draft-bill-dnsop-resource-record-sets-00 -1 Expired 2015-05-22 DNS Resource Record Sets Declan Ma draft-bill-dnsop-soa-records-00 -1 Expired 2015-05-22 Issues Concerning DNS SOA Resource Records Declan Ma draft-bill-dnsop-source-address-selection-00 -1 Expired 2015-05-22 Multi-homed DNS Server Reply Source Address Selection Declan Ma draft-bill-dnsop-tc-bit-00 -1 Expired 2015-05-22 Use of the TC (Truncated) Header Bit for DNS Responses Declan Ma draft-bill-dnsop-ttl-00 -1 Expired 2015-05-22 DNS Resource Record TTL Declan Ma draft-billon-expires-09 -1 Active Waiting for AD Go-Ahead::AD Followup 2023-05-11 art Murray Kucherawy Proposed Standard .html,.txt,.xml Updated Use of the Expires Message Header Field Benjamin BILLON , John Levine Murray Kucherawy draft-bilse-rdl-00 -1 Expired 2014-04-22 Routing Documentation Language Per Bilse draft-binet-v6ops-cellular-host-reqs-rfc3316update-03 -1 Replaced draft-binet-v6ops-cellular-host-requirements 2012-10-05 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) for Cellular Hosts David Binet , Mohamed Boucadair , Vizdal Ales , Cameron Byrne , Gang Chen draft-binet-v6ops-cellular-host-requirements-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-mobile-device-profile 2013-01-30 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Requirements for Cellular Hosts David Binet , Mohamed Boucadair , Vizdal Ales , Cameron Byrne , Gang Chen draft-binkrich-mobisec-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-11 Security Considerations for Mobility and Firewalls Jim Binkley , John Richardson draft-bipi-mboned-ip-multicast-pm-requirement-02 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 Requirements for IP multicast performance monitoring Lianshu Zheng , Giovanni Picciano , Alberto Bonda draft-birkholz-attestation-terminology-02 -1 Replaced draft-birkholz-rats-architecture 2018-07-02 Reference Terminology for Remote Attestation Procedures Henk Birkholz , Monty Wiseman , Hannes Tschofenig draft-birkholz-core-coid-02 -1 Expired 2019-07-05 Concise Identities Henk Birkholz , Carsten Bormann , Max Pritikin , Robert Moskowitz draft-birkholz-cose-cometre-ccf-profile-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml A CoMETRE Profile and Tree Algorithm for the Confidential Consortium Framework Henk Birkholz , Antoine Delignat-Lavaud , Cedric Fournet draft-birkholz-cose-tsa-tst-header-parameter-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cose-tsa-tst-header-parameter 2023-03-13 COSE Header parameter for RFC 3161 Time-Stamp Tokens Henk Birkholz , Maik Riechert draft-birkholz-i2nsf-tuda-04 -1 Replaced draft-birkholz-rats-tuda 2018-10-23 Time-Based Uni-Directional Attestation Andreas Fuchs , Henk Birkholz , Ira McDonald , Carsten Bormann draft-birkholz-rats-architecture-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-architecture 2019-11-04 Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture Henk Birkholz , Monty Wiseman , Hannes Tschofenig , Ned Smith , Michael Richardson draft-birkholz-rats-basic-yang-module-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-yang-tpm-charra 2019-07-08 YANG Module for Basic Challenge-Response-based Remote Attestation Procedures Henk Birkholz , Michael Eckel , Shwetha Bhandari , Bill Sulzen , Eric Voit , Liang Xia , Tom Laffey , Guy Fedorkow draft-birkholz-rats-corim-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-corim 2022-07-11 rats sec Concise Reference Integrity Manifest Henk Birkholz , Thomas Fossati , Yogesh Deshpande , Ned Smith , Wei Pan draft-birkholz-rats-coswid-rim-02 -1 Expired 2021-01-13 Reference Integrity Measurement Extension for Concise Software Identities Henk Birkholz , Patrick Uiterwijk , David Waltermire , Shwetha Bhandari , Jessica Fitzgerald-McKay draft-birkholz-rats-daa-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-daa 2021-10-25 Direct Anonymous Attestation for the Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture Henk Birkholz , Christopher Newton , Liqun Chen , Dave Thaler draft-birkholz-rats-endorsement-eat-00 -1 Expired 2020-03-09 A CWT Claims Set Definition for RATS Endorsement Tokens Henk Birkholz , Michael Eckel draft-birkholz-rats-epoch-markers-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Epoch Markers Henk Birkholz , Thomas Fossati , Wei Pan , Carsten Bormann draft-birkholz-rats-information-model-01 -1 Expired 2020-01-09 An Information Model for Claims used in RATS Henk Birkholz , Michael Eckel draft-birkholz-rats-mud-00 -1 Expired 2020-03-09 MUD-Based RATS Resources Discovery Henk Birkholz draft-birkholz-rats-network-device-subscription-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-network-device-subscription 2021-08-17 Attestation Event Stream Subscription Henk Birkholz , Eric Voit , Wei Pan draft-birkholz-rats-reference-interaction-model-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-reference-interaction-models 2020-07-08 Reference Interaction Models for Remote Attestation Procedures Henk Birkholz , Michael Eckel , Christopher Newton , Liqun Chen draft-birkholz-rats-suit-claims-03 -1 Expired 2022-01-12 Trustworthiness Vectors for the Software Updates of Internet of Things (SUIT) Workflow Model Henk Birkholz , Brendan Moran draft-birkholz-rats-tuda-07 -1 Expired 2022-07-10 Time-Based Uni-Directional Attestation Andreas Fuchs , Henk Birkholz , Ira McDonald , Carsten Bormann draft-birkholz-rats-uccs-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rats-uccs 2021-03-08 A CBOR Tag for Unprotected CWT Claims Sets Henk Birkholz , Jeremy O'Donoghue , Nancy Cam-Winget , Carsten Bormann draft-birkholz-reference-ra-interaction-model-01 -1 Replaced draft-birkholz-rats-reference-interaction-model 2019-01-02 Reference Interaction Model for Challenge-Response-based Remote Attestation Henk Birkholz , Michael Eckel draft-birkholz-sacm-coswid-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sacm-coswid 2016-07-08 sacm sec Concise Software Identifiers Henk Birkholz , Jessica Fitzgerald-McKay , Charles Schmidt , David Waltermire draft-birkholz-sacm-yang-content-01 -1 Expired 2018-01-18 YANG subscribed notifications via SACM Statements Henk Birkholz , Nancy Cam-Winget draft-birkholz-scitt-architecture-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-scitt-architecture 2022-10-24 An Architecture for Trustworthy and Transparent Digital Supply Chains Henk Birkholz , Antoine Delignat-Lavaud , Cedric Fournet , Yogesh Deshpande draft-birkholz-scitt-receipts-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-26 .html,.txt,.xml Countersigning COSE Envelopes in Transparency Services Henk Birkholz , Maik Riechert , Antoine Delignat-Lavaud , Cedric Fournet draft-birkholz-scitt-software-use-cases-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-scitt-software-use-cases 2023-02-15 Detailed Software Supply Chain Uses Cases for SCITT Henk Birkholz , Yogesh Deshpande , Dick Brooks , Bob Martin , Brian Knight draft-birkholz-suit-coswid-manifest-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-18 A SUIT Manifest Extension for Concise Software Identifiers Henk Birkholz draft-birkholz-tuda-04 -1 Replaced draft-birkholz-i2nsf-tuda 2017-03-13 Time-Based Uni-Directional Attestation Andreas Fuchs , Henk Birkholz , Ira McDonald , Carsten Bormann draft-birkholz-yang-basic-remote-attestation-01 -1 Replaced draft-birkholz-rats-basic-yang-module 2018-10-23 YANG Module for Basic Challenge-Response-based Remote Attestation Procedures Henk Birkholz , Michael Eckel , Shwetha Bhandari , Bill Sulzen , Eric Voit , Guy Fedorkow draft-birkholz-yang-core-telemetry-01 -1 Expired 2018-07-16 Concise YANG Telemetry Henk Birkholz , Eric Voit draft-birkholz-yang-push-coap-problemstatement-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-18 YANG Push Operations for CoMI Henk Birkholz , Tianran Zhou , Xufeng Liu , Eric Voit draft-birkholz-yang-swid-02 -1 Expired 2018-10-23 Software Inventory YANG module based on Software Identifiers Henk Birkholz draft-birkos-p2psip-security-key-refresh-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 Security Mechanisms and Key Refresh for P2PSIP Overlays Konstantinos Birkos , Christos Papageorgiou , Panagiotis Galiotos , Tasos Dagiuklas , Christos Tselios , Stavros Kotsopoulos draft-birk-pep-06 -1 Replaced draft-pep-general 2020-11-02 pretty Easy privacy (pEp): Privacy by Default Volker Birk , Hernâni Marques , Bernie Hoeneisen draft-birk-pep-keysync-00 -1 Replaced draft-hoeneisen-pep-keysync 2019-07-07 pretty Easy privacy (pEp): Key Synchronization Protocol Bernie Hoeneisen , Hernâni Marques draft-birk-pep-trustwords-05 -1 Replaced draft-pep-trustwords 2020-01-09 IANA Registration of Trustword Lists: Guide, Template and IANA Considerations Bernie Hoeneisen , Hernâni Marques draft-birman-ipatm-rsvpatm-00 -1 Expired 1996-02-23 Support for RSVP-based Service over an ATM Network Roch Guerin , Dilip Kandlur , Alex Birman draft-birrane-dtn-adm-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml DTNMA Application Data Model Edward Birrane , David Linko , Brian Sipos draft-birrane-dtn-adm-agent-05 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Asynchronous Management Protocol Agent Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-bp-03 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Bundle Protocol Agent Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-bpsec-01 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 Bundle Protocol Security Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-ionadmin-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 ION Administration Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-ion-bpadmin-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Bundle Protocol Agent Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-ion-ipnadmin-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 ION Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-ion-ltpadmin-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 ION Licklider Transmission Protocol Admin Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-ionsec-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 ION Security Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-adm-ltp-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Licklider Transmission Protocol Agent Application Data Model Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko draft-birrane-dtn-ama-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dtn-ama 2018-06-24 Asynchronous Management Architecture Edward Birrane draft-birrane-dtn-amp-08 -1 Expired 2020-04-15 Asynchronous Management Protocol Edward Birrane draft-birrane-dtn-ampmgr-sql-01 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 AMP Manager SQL Interface Edward Birrane , Evana DiPietro , David Linko , Mark Sinkiat draft-birrane-dtn-ari-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml DTNMA Application Resource Identifier Edward Birrane , Emery Annis , Brian Sipos draft-birrane-dtn-bpsec-interop-cs-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dtn-bpsec-interop-sc 2019-03-11 BPSec Interoperability Security Contexts Edward Birrane draft-birrane-dtn-bpsec-suiteb-ciphersuites-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-31 Suite B Ciphersuites for Bundle Protocol Security (BPSec) Edward Birrane draft-birrane-dtn-bpsec-suiteb-profile-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-31 Suite B Profile for Bundle Protocol Security (BPSec) Edward Birrane draft-birrane-dtn-sbsp-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dtn-bpsec 2015-10-16 Streamlined Bundle Security Protocol Specification Edward Birrane , Jeremy Pierce-Mayer , Dennis Iannicca draft-birrane-dtn-scot-00 -1 Expired 2020-07-13 Security Context Template Edward Birrane , Sarah Heiner draft-birrane-dtn-sec-practices-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-30 DTN Security Best Practices Edward Birrane draft-birrane-tvr-use-cases-00 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 TVR (Time-Variant Routing) Use Cases Edward Birrane draft-bi-rrg-ilnpv6-implementation-experience-06 -1 Expired 2016-05-01 Implementation Experience of Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv6 (ILNPv6) Jun Bi , You Wang , Kai Gao draft-bi-sava-solution-ipv6-edge-network-signature-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-23 A Signature based Source Address Validation Method for IPv6 Edge Network Jun Bi draft-bi-savi-cps-02 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 SAVI Solution for DHCPv4/v6 Jun Bi , Guang Yao , Jianping Wu , Fred Baker draft-bi-savi-csa-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-27 A CGA based Source Address Authorization and Authentication (CSA) Mechanism for First IPv6 Layer-3 Hop Jun Bi , Jianping Wu , Guang Yao draft-bi-savi-dhcp-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-savi-dhcp 2009-11-09 SAVI Solution for DHCPv4/v6 Jun Bi , Jianping Wu , Guang Yao , Fred Baker draft-bi-savi-mix-04 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 SAVI for Mixed Address Assignment Methods Scenario Jun Bi , Guang Yao , Joel Halpern , Eric Levy-Abegnoli draft-bi-savi-pisl-00 -1 Withdrawn by Submitter 2012-06-01 Prevent IP Spoofing Based On Link State Database (pisl) Jun Bi , Baobao Zhang , Bingyang Liu , Fred Baker draft-bi-savi-problem-13 -1 Expired 2017-05-10 Problem Statement of SAVI Beyond the First Hop Jun Bi , Bingyang Liu draft-bi-savi-stateless-00 -1 Expired 2010-04-18 SAVI Solution for Stateless Address Jun Bi , Guang Yao , Jianping Wu , Fred Baker draft-bi-savi-wlan-24 -1 Replaced draft-bi-intarea-savi-wlan 2022-11-14 A SAVI Solution for WLAN Jun Bi , Jianping Wu , Tao Lin , You Wang , Lin He draft-bishnoi-mpls-ldp-node-group-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 LDP Node and FEC group Sandeep Bishnoi , Pranjal Dutta draft-bishnoi-mpls-mldp-opaque-types-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 LDP Multipoint Opaque Value Element Types Sandeep Bishnoi , Pranjal Dutta , IJsbrand Wijnands draft-bishop-decomposing-http-01 -1 Replaced draft-bishop-httpbis-decomposing-http 2015-09-01 Decomposing the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Mike Bishop draft-bishop-http2-extension-frames-01 -1 Expired 2014-05-22 Extension Frames in HTTP/2 Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-altsvc-quic-01 -1 Replaced draft-bishop-httpbis-origin-h3 2020-05-15 ALTSVC Frame in HTTP/QUIC Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-decomposing-http-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-14 Decomposing the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-distributed-origin-00 -1 Expired 2021-10-04 Distributed HTTP Origins: Solution Space Exploration Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-extended-settings-01 -1 Expired 2016-11-15 HTTP/2 Extended SETTINGS Extension Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-grease-01 -1 Expired 2020-06-24 GREASE for HTTP/2 Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-http2-additional-certs-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-secondary-certs 2017-10-30 httpbis art Secondary Certificate Authentication in HTTP/2 Mike Bishop , Nick Sullivan , Martin Thomson draft-bishop-httpbis-origin-fed-up-00 -1 Expired 2019-01-08 DNS Security with HTTP/2 ORIGIN Mike Bishop , Erik Nygren draft-bishop-httpbis-origin-h3-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-httpbis-origin-h3 2021-09-01 httpbis art The ORIGIN Extension in HTTP/3 Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-priority-placeholder-01 -1 Expired 2018-02-07 Priority Placeholders in HTTP/2 Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-push-cases-00 -1 Expired 2018-06-29 HTTP/2 Server Push Use Cases Mike Bishop draft-bishop-httpbis-sni-altsvc-02 -1 Expired 2018-05-24 The "SNI" Alt-Svc Parameter Mike Bishop draft-bishop-quic-http-and-qpack-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-quic-qpack 2017-12-15 Header Compression for HTTP/QUIC Mike Bishop draft-bishop-support-reneg-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-24 TLS Renegotiation Support Extension to HTTP/2 Mike Bishop draft-bi-supa-gap-analysis-03 -1 Expired 2015-05-20 Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions (SUPA) Gap Analysis Jun Bi , Hosnieh Rafiee , Vikram Choudhary , John Strassner , Dan Romascanu draft-bi-supa-policy-model-02 -1 Expired 2015-05-08 DDC Service Policy YANG Data Model Jun Bi , Raghavendra Tadepalli , Michiaki Hayashi draft-bi-supa-problem-statement-02 -1 Expired 2016-07-18 Problem Statement for Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions (SUPA) Jun Bi , Georgios Karagiannis , John Strassner , Dan Romascanu , Maxim Klyus , Qiong Sun , Luis Contreras draft-bi-supa-sdsavi-00 -1 Expired 2014-09-26 A SUPA Use Case for SAVI Jun Bi , Guang Yao draft-biswas-pim-sm-qos-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-25 A QoS-Aware Routing Framework for PIM-SM Based IP-Multicast Bala Rajagopalan , Shantam Biswas draft-bitan-auth-des-mac-00 -1 Expired 1997-09-10 The Use of DES-MAC within ESP and AH Dan Frommer , Sara Bitan draft-bitar-datacenter-vpn-applicability-02 -1 Expired 2012-05-19 Cloud Networking: Framework and VPN Applicability Nabil Bitar , Florin Balus , Marc Lasserre , Wim Henderickx , Ali Sajassi , Luyuan Fang , Yuichi Ikejiri , Mircea Pisica draft-bitar-i2rs-service-chaining-01 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) for Service Chaining: Use Cases and Requirements Nabil Bitar , Giles Heron , Luyuan Fang , Ramki Krishnan , Nicolai Leymann , Himanshu Shah , Wassim Haddad draft-bitar-lasserre-nvo3-dp-reqs-00 -1 Replaced draft-bl-nvo3-dataplane-requirements 2012-05-16 NVO3 Data Plane Requirements Nabil Bitar , Marc Lasserre , Florin Balus draft-bitar-mpls-isis-explicit-null-label-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-24 ISIS MPLS Explicit NULL Label George Swallow , Himanshu Shah , Nabil Bitar draft-bitar-nvo3-vpn-applicability-02 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Cloud Networking: VPN Applicability and NVo3 Gap Analysis Nabil Bitar , Florin Balus , Marc Lasserre , Wim Henderickx , Ali Sajassi , Luyuan Fang , Yuichi Ikejiri , Mircea Pisica draft-bitar-pce-inter-domain-frwk-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-21 Framework for PCE based inter-domain path computation Nabil Bitar draft-bitar-rao-ospf-diffserv-mpls-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-19 tewg sub Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF Nabil Bitar draft-bitar-wadhwa-ancp-pon-03 -1 Expired 2010-03-07 Applicability of Access Node Control Mechanism to PON based Broadband Networks Nabil Bitar , Sanjay Wadhwa draft-bitar-zhang-interas-pcecp-reqs-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-29 Inter-AS Requirements for the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCECP) Nabil Bitar draft-bitar-zhang-interas-pce-req-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 Inter-AS PCE Requirements Nabil Bitar draft-bittau-tcp-crypt-04 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 tsv Wesley Eddy Cryptographic protection of TCP Streams (tcpcrypt) Andrea Bittau , Dan Boneh , Mike Hamburg , Mark Handley , David Mazieres , Quinn Slack Wesley Eddy draft-bittau-tcpinc-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-22 Cryptographic protection of TCP Streams (tcpcrypt) Andrea Bittau , Dan Boneh , Mike Hamburg , Mark Handley , David Mazieres , Quinn Slack draft-bittau-tcpinc-api-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpinc-api 2016-03-02 tsv Mirja Kühlewind Informational Interface Extensions for TCP-ENO Andrea Bittau , Dan Boneh , Daniel Giffin , Mark Handley , David Mazieres , Eric Smith Mirja Kuehlewind draft-bittau-tcpinc-bcp-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-02 Best current practices for TCP-ENO configuration Andrea Bittau , Daniel Giffin , David Mazieres draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpcrypt 2015-10-17 tsv Martin Stiemerling Proposed Standard Cryptographic protection of TCP Streams (tcpcrypt) Andrea Bittau , Dan Boneh , Daniel Giffin , Mike Hamburg , Mark Handley , David Mazieres , Quinn Slack , Eric Smith Martin Stiemerling draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpeno-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno 2015-09-10 TCP-ENO: Encryption Negotiation Option Andrea Bittau , Dan Boneh , Daniel Giffin , Mark Handley , David Mazieres , Eric Smith draft-bivens-sasp-04 -1 RFC 4678 2006-07-21 gen Magnus Westerlund Informational Server/Application State Protocol v1 Alan Bivens Magnus Westerlund draft-bi-xrblock-rtcp-xr-psi-dep-decodability-03 -1 Expired 2013-11-18 RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for MPEG2 Transport Stream (TS) Program Specific Information (PSI) Decodability Statistics Metrics reporting Jiangang Tong , Claire Bi , Roni Even , Qin Wu , Rachel Huang draft-bjh21-ssh-ed25519-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ed25519 2015-08-01 Ed25519 public key algorithm for the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol Ben Harris draft-bjh21-ssh-transport-extension-02 -1 Expired 2007-06-20 Extended packet types for the Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol Ben Harris draft-bjhan-tls-seed-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-15 Addition of SEED Cipher Suites to Transport Layer Security (TLS) Donghoon Shin , Yoojae Won , Hyuncheol Jeong , Byoungjin Han draft-bjorklund-netconf-yang-02 -1 Expired 2008-02-05 YANG - A data modeling language for NETCONF Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-netmod-interfaces-cfg-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-interfaces-cfg 2010-12-08 A YANG Data Model for Interface Configuration Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-netmod-ip-cfg-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-ip-cfg 2011-05-20 A YANG Data Model for IP Configuration Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-netmod-openconfig-reply-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Comments on Data Organization and Operational State Martin Björklund , Andy Bierman , Jürgen Schönwälder , Kent Watsen draft-bjorklund-netmod-operational-00 -1 Replaced draft-nmdsdt-netmod-revised-datastores 2012-10-05 Operational Data in NETCONF and YANG Martin Björklund , Ladislav Lhotka draft-bjorklund-netmod-rfc7223bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-rfc7223bis 2017-08-21 netmod ops A YANG Data Model for Interface Management Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-netmod-rfc7277bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-rfc7277bis 2017-08-21 netmod ops A YANG Data Model for IP Management Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-netmod-snmp-cfg-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-snmp-cfg 2012-03-12 A YANG Data Model for SNMP Configuration Martin Björklund , Jürgen Schönwälder draft-bjorklund-netmod-structural-mount-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-schema-mount 2016-02-26 YANG Structural Mount Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams 2017-03-13 YANG Tree Diagrams Martin Björklund , Lou Berger draft-bjorklund-netmod-yang-xpath-extensions-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-18 YANG XPath Extensions Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-yang-conformance-problem-01 -1 Expired 2015-02-18 The YANG Conformance Problem Martin Björklund draft-bjorklund-yang-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 YANG's Compliance with Respect to Various Requirements Documents Martin Björklund draft-bjorkner-sip-serviceroute-00 -1 Expired 2001-09-07 Service Route Header extension Jorgen Bjorkner , Henrik Gustafsson draft-bjorkner-spirits-vsua-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-14 A SPIRITS solution based on virtual SIP user agents Jorgen Bjorkner , Soren Nyckelgard draft-bkl-bimi-overview-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 An Overview of the Design of BIMI Seth Blank , Neil Kumaran , John Levine draft-blacka-dnssec-experiments-00 -1 Expired 2004-12-27 DNSSEC Experiments David Blacka draft-blacka-dnssec-opt-in-01 -1 Expired 2004-12-27 DNSSEC Opt-In Roy Arends draft-black-diffserv-tunnels-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-diffserv-tunnels 1999-10-22 Differentiated Services and Tunnels David Black draft-black-ipsec-ikev2-aead-modes-01 -1 RFC 5282 2008-04-22 sec Tim Polk Proposed Standard Using Authenticated Encryption Algorithms with the Encrypted Payload of the Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) Protocol David Black , David McGrew Tim Polk draft-black-ips-iscsi-dhchap-01 -1 Expired 2002-04-18 DH-CHAP: Diffie-Hellman Enhanced CHAP for iSCSI David Black draft-black-ips-iscsi-security-01 -1 Expired 2001-08-17 iSCSI Security Requirements and SRP-based ESP Keys David Black draft-blackketter-lid-00 -1 Expired 2000-02-24 The Local Identifier (lid:) URI Scheme Craig Finseth , Dean Blackketter , Dan Zigmond , Gomer Thomas , Michael Dolan draft-blackketter-uhttp-00 -1 Expired 2000-02-24 The Unidirectional Hypertext Transfer Protocol Dean Blackketter draft-black-ldp-mtu-extensions-02 -1 Expired 2001-11-27 MTU Signalling Extensions for LDP Benjamin Black , Kireeti Kompella draft-black-newtrk-proposals-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-25 Proposals for a New IETF Standards Track David Black , Brian Carpenter draft-black-numscurves-02 -1 Expired 2014-08-26 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Nothing Up My Sleeve (NUMS) Curves and Curve Generation Benjamin Black , Joppe Bos , Craig Costello , Patrick Longa , Michael Naehrig draft-black-pnfs-block-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-24 pNFS Block/Volume Layout David Black , Stephen Fridella draft-black-rdma-concerns-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-24 DDP and RDMA Concerns David Black , Michael Speer , John Wroclawski draft-black-rpgecc-01 -1 Expired 2014-12-21 Rigid Parameter Generation for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Benjamin Black , Joppe Bos , Craig Costello , Adam Langley , Patrick Longa , Michael Naehrig draft-black-snmp-uri-09 -1 RFC 4088 2004-12-02 ops Bert Wijnen Proposed Standard Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Scheme for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) David Black , Jürgen Schönwälder , Keith McCloghrie Bert Wijnen draft-black-tls-numscurves-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Nothing Up My Sleeve (NUMS) Curves for Ephemeral Key Exchange in Transport Layer Security (TLS) Benjamin Black , Tolga Acar , Marsh Ray draft-black-tsvwg-ecn-experimentation-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-experimentation 2016-11-18 tsvwg tsv Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Experimentation David Black draft-blaesing-transpro-mib-00 -1 Expired 1992-06-19 ISO Transport Protocol (ISO 8072 & ISO 8073) Management Information Base Russell Blaesing draft-blair-rt-mobileipv6-seamoby-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-21 Realtime Mobile IPv6 Framework Dana Blair , Alex Tweedly , Michael Thomas , Jonathan Trostle , Michael Ramalho draft-blake-aris-lan-00 -1 Expired 1997-03-27 ARIS Support for LAN Media Switching Steven Blake , Vijay Srinivasan , Wayne Pace , Anoop Ghanwani draft-blake-diffserv-marking-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-29 Some Issues and Applications of Packet Marking Steven Blake draft-blake-explu-dscp-rec-00 -1 Expired 2020-04-26 Recommendations for Forwarding Packets Marked with EXP/LU DSCPs in Diffserv Networks Steven Blake draft-blake-forces-attrib-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-13 Some Possible Extensions of the Current LFB Model Steven Blake , Zsolt Haraszti draft-blake-ipv6-flow-label-nonce-02 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 Use of the IPv6 Flow Label as a Transport-Layer Nonce to Defend Against Off-Path Spoofing Attacks Steven Blake draft-blake-nptv6-icmp-02 -1 Expired 2012-03-13 ICMP Handling in IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation Steven Blake , Terry Moes draft-blake-wilson-xmldsig-ecdsa-09 -1 RFC 4050 2004-03-18 sec Russ Housley Informational Using the Elliptic Curve Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for XML Digital Signatures Simon Blake-Wilson , Yongge Wang , Tetsutaro Kobayashi , Gregor Karlinger Russ Housley draft-blanchet-ccsds-urn-01 -1 RFC 7738 2015-10-15 art Barry Leiba Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Marc Blanchet , Audric Schiltknecht , Peter Shames Barry Leiba Barry Leiba draft-blanchet-dtn-bp-application-framework-00 -1 Expired 2022-10-17 Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) Bundle Protocol Application Framework Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-dtn-bp-yang-model-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-04 .html,.txt,.xml Bundle Protocol Yang Model Marc Blanchet , Yingzhen Qu draft-blanchet-dtn-email-over-bp-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-30 .html,.txt,.xml Encapsulation of Email over Delay-Tolerant Networks(DTN) using the Bundle Protocol Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-dtn-http-over-bp-00 -1 Expired 2023-01-26 Encapsulation of HTTP over Delay-Tolerant Networks(DTN) using the Bundle Protocol Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-dtnrg-bp-application-framework-01 -1 Replaced draft-blanchet-dtn-bp-application-framework 2012-03-12 Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) Bundle Protocol Application Framework Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-dtnrg-iana-registries-00 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-dtnrg-iana-bp-registries 2010-03-22 Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN) IANA Registries Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-evolutionizeietf-suggestions-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-27 Suggestions to Streamline the IETF Process Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-iab-2870bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-iab-2870bis 2013-06-11 DNS Root Name Service Protocol and Deployment Requirements Marc Blanchet , Lars-Johan Liman draft-blanchet-iab-internetoverport443-02 -1 Expired 2013-07-31 Implications of Blocking Outgoing Ports Except Ports 80 and 443 Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-ipaddressalloc-00 -1 Expired 1998-07-06 A flexible allocation scheme for IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-ipngwg-testadd-00 -1 Expired 2001-05-07 IPv6 Test Address Space Reserved for Documentation, Examples and Private Testing Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-mif-problem-statement-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mif-problem-statement 2009-06-05 Multiple Interfaces Problem Statement Marc Blanchet , Pierrick Seite draft-blanchet-newprep-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 NewPrep Problem Statement Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-ngtrans-exampleaddr-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-02 IPv6 Address Space Reserved for Documentation Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-ngtrans-tsp-applicability-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-25 Applicability of the Tunnel Setup Protocol(TSP) as an IPv6 Transition Technique Marc Blanchet , Florent Parent draft-blanchet-ngtrans-tsp-dstm-profile-01 -1 Expired 2002-07-05 DSTM IPv4 over IPv6 tunnel profile for Tunnel Setup Protocol(TSP) Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-precis-framework-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-precis-framework 2011-08-19 app Pete Resnick Proposed Standard PRECIS Framework: Handling Internationalized Strings in Protocols Peter Saint-Andre , Marc Blanchet Pete Resnick draft-blanchet-precis-problem-statement-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-precis-problem-statement 2010-07-05 Stringprep Revision Problem Statement Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-preflang-00 -1 Expired 1998-02-16 Preferred Language Tag Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-quic-peerhints-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-08 Priming QUIC with Peer Hints for Atypical Networks, such as Delay-Tolerant Networks(DTN) Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-regext-entityid2rdapserver-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Finding Additional Registration Data (RDAP) Service Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-regext-rdap-deployfindings-05 -1 Expired 2019-06-13 RDAP Deployment Findings and Update Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-regext-rdap-space-00 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 RDAP Query and Response for Space Objects and Networks Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-regext-rfc7484bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-regext-rfc7484bis 2020-08-11 regext art Finding the Authoritative Registration Data (RDAP) Service Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-tvr-contactplan-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml Contact Plan Yang Model for Time-Variant Routing of the Bundle Protocol Marc Blanchet , Jordan Torgerson , Yingzhen Qu draft-blanchet-tvr-forwarding-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 Forwarding in the context of Time-Variant Routing(TVR) Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-urn-ianachange-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-31 Uniform Resource Names (URN) Formal Namespace IANA Registration Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-v6ops-routing-guidelines-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-routing-guidelines 2006-03-07 IPv6 Routing Policies Guidelines Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-v6ops-tunnelbroker-tsp-04 -1 RFC 5572 2008-05-06 gen Mark Townsley Experimental IPv6 Tunnel Broker with the Tunnel Setup Protocol (TSP) Florent Parent , Marc Blanchet Mark Townsley draft-blanchet-weirds-bootstrap-00 -1 Expired 2013-06-04 Finding the Authoritative Registration Data (RDAP) Server Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-weirds-bootstrap-autonomous-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Finding the Authoritative Registration Data (RDAP) Server Marc Blanchet draft-blanchet-weirds-bootstrap-ianaregistries-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-weirds-bootstrap 2013-11-27 weirds app Finding the Authoritative Registration Data (RDAP) Service Marc Blanchet draft-blank-ietf-bimi-02 -1 Replaced draft-brand-indicators-for-message-identification 2021-03-09 Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) Seth Blank , Peter Goldstein , Thede Loder , Terry Zink , Marc Bradshaw draft-blanton-dsack-use-02 -1 Expired 2002-11-04 gen Jon Peterson Using TCP DSACKs and SCTP Duplicate TSNs to Detect Spurious Retransmissions Ethan Blanton , Mark Allman Jon Peterson draft-blanton-dupack-thresh-adjust-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-16 Adjusting the Duplicate ACK Threshold to Avoid Spurious Retransmits Ethan Blanton , Mark Allman draft-blanton-tcpm-3517bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-3517bis 2011-04-13 A Conservative Selective Acknowledgment (SACK)-based Loss Recovery Algorithm for TCP Ethan Blanton , Mark Allman , Lili Wang , Ilpo Järvinen , Markku Kojo draft-blanton-tcp-reordering-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-11 Practices for TCP Senders in the Face of Segment Reordering Ethan Blanton , Robert Dimond , Mark Allman draft-blatherwick-dhc-mitel-site-options-usage-00 -1 Expired 2005-05-27 Mitel Usage of DHCPv4 Vendor Options 128 - 135 Peter Blatherwick draft-blatherwick-megaco-ipphone-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-megaco-ipphone 1999-05-21 Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway Richard Bach , Peter Blatherwick , Phil Holland , Bob Bell draft-blau-msrp-acm-00 -1 Expired 2008-05-21 An Alternative Connection Model for the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) Staffan Blau , Christer Holmberg draft-blau-simple-msrp-acm-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-simple-msrp-acm 2008-10-17 An Alternative Connection Model for the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) Staffan Blau , Christer Holmberg draft-blaze-ietf-trustmgt-keynote-02 -1 RFC 2704 1999-07-21 Informational The KeyNote Trust-Management System Version 2 John Ioannidis , Joan Feigenbaum , Angelos Keromytis , Matt Blaze draft-blaze-ipsp-trustmgt-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-15 Compliance Checking and IPSEC Policy Management John Ioannidis , Angelos Keromytis , Matt Blaze draft-blaze-trustmgt-keynote-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-11 The KeyNote Trust-Management System John Ioannidis , Angelos Keromytis , Matt Blaze , Joan Feigenbaum draft-blazevic-dcm-mobility-01 -1 Expired 2000-06-21 Distributed Core Multicast (DCM): a routing protocol for many small groups with application to mobile IP telephony Jean-Yves Le Boudec , Ljubica Blazevic draft-blb-mpls-tp-framework-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework 2008-10-31 A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks Matthew Bocci , Stewart Bryant draft-bless-diffserv-lbe-phb-00 -1 Expired 1999-09-08 A Lower Than Best-Effort Per-Hop Behavior Roland Bless , Klaus Wehrle draft-bless-diffserv-le-phb-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-21 A Limited Effort Per-Hop Behavior Roland Bless , Klaus Wehrle draft-bless-diffserv-mcast-routerext-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-16 A Router Extension to Support Multicast in Differentiated Services Networks Roland Bless , Klaus Wehrle draft-bless-diffserv-multicast-07 -1 RFC 3754 2003-08-04 gen Bill Fenner Informational IP Multicast in Differentiated Services (DS) Networks Klaus Wehrle , Roland Bless Bill Fenner draft-bless-diffserv-pdb-le-01 -1 RFC 3662 2002-11-21 tsv Jon Peterson Informational A Lower Effort Per-Domain Behavior (PDB) for Differentiated Services Klaus Wehrle , Kathleen Nichols , Roland Bless Jon Peterson draft-bless-nsis-est-mrm-02 -1 Expired 2010-06-16 An Explicit Signaling Target Message Routing Method (EST-MRM) for the General Internet Signaling Transport (GIST) Protocol Roland Bless draft-bless-nsis-resv-aggr-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 Inter-Domain Reservation Aggregation for QoS NSLP Mark Doll , Roland Bless draft-bless-tsvwg-le-phb-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-le-phb 2016-08-01 tsvwg tsv A Lower Effort Per-Hop Behavior (LE PHB) Roland Bless draft-blevin-snmp-audio-jukebox-00 -1 Expired 2002-04-02 Audio Jukebox Control via SNMP Bryan Levin , Jim Wampler draft-blight-gen-poli-arch-00 -1 Expired 1999-03-03 Generalized Policy Framework Architecture Ching-Gung Liu , David Blight draft-bliss-ietf-call-completion-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-15 Call Completion for Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) Dale Worley , Martin Huelsemann , Denis Alexeitsev draft-bl-nvo3-dataplane-requirements-03 -1 Expired 2012-11-28 NVO3 Data Plane Requirements Nabil Bitar , Marc Lasserre , Florin Balus , Thomas Morin , Lizhong Jin , Bhumip Khasnabish draft-blockchain-as-detnet-use-case-00 -1 Expired 2017-06-29 Allied and private blockchain as detnet use case Daniel Huang draft-blom-cmsec-3g-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-20 Conversational Multimedia Security in 3G Networks Ronald Blom , Elisabetta Carrara , Mats Naslund draft-blom-mm-kmgt-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-12 Design Criteria for Multimedia Session Key Management in Heterogeneous Networks Ronald Blom draft-blom-rtp-encrypt-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-20 RTP Encryption for 3G Networks Ronald Blom , Elisabetta Carrara , Karl Norrman , Mats Naslund draft-blount-acct-msix-00 -1 Expired 1999-07-28 Metered Service Information eXchange Protocol Specification Version 1.2 Alan Blount , Derek Young draft-blount-acct-service-00 -1 Expired 1999-09-24 Accounting Protocol and Record Format Features Alan Blount draft-blume-netlmm-secondary-bce-proxymip6ho-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 Secondary Binding Cache entries for Proxy MIPv6 Oliver Blume , Rolf Sigle draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-08 -1 RFC 3826 2003-11-24 sec Steven Bellovin Proposed Standard The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the SNMP User-based Security Model Fabio Maino , Uri Blumenthal , Keith McCloghrie Steven Bellovin draft-blumenthal-intermediary-transport-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-27 Securely Enabling Intermediary-based Transport Services Uri Blumenthal draft-blumenthal-keygen-03 -1 Expired 2002-07-08 sec Steven Bellovin Best Current Practice Secure Session Key Generation. Creating PRF from MAC Function Uri Blumenthal Steven Bellovin draft-blumenthal-snmpv2a-community-00 -1 Expired 1995-08-09 SNMPv2a Simple Authentication/Integrity for Community-based SNMP messages Bert Wijnen , Uri Blumenthal , Bob Natale , Nguyen Hien draft-blunk-mrt-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-15 MRT routing information export format Larry Blunk draft-blunk-rpslng-08 -1 RFC 4012 2004-08-09 ops Bert Wijnen Proposed Standard Routing Policy Specification Language next generation (RPSLng) Joao Damas , Andrei Robachevski , Larry Blunk , Florent Parent Bert Wijnen draft-blunk-rpsl-roa-01 -1 Expired 2013-06-14 A ROA Status Attribute for RPSL Objects Larry Blunk draft-bmanning-mapcon-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-29 Mapped IPv4 address Considerations in the DNS Bill Manning draft-bmoeller-tls-downgrade-scsv-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-downgrade-scsv 2014-05-31 TLS Fallback Signaling Cipher Suite Value (SCSV) for Preventing Protocol Downgrade Attacks Bodo Moeller , Adam Langley draft-bmoeller-tls-falsestart-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tls-falsestart 2014-11-10 tls sec Transport Layer Security (TLS) False Start Adam Langley , Nagendra Modadugu , Bodo Moeller draft-bms-optical-sdhsonet-mpls-control-frmwrk-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-19 Framework for MPLS-based Control of Optical SDH/SONET Networks Greg Bernstein , Eric Mannie , Vishal Sharma draft-bmwg-dcbench-methodology-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-dcbench-methodology 2014-10-17 Data Center Benchmarking Methodology Lucien Avramov , Jacob Rapp draft-bmwg-nvp-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Considerations for Benchmarking Network Virtualization Platforms Samuel Kommu , Benjamin Basler , jhrappgmail.com draft-bng-radext-virtual-nas-for-dnas-02 -1 Expired 2018-06-04 Virtual NAS (vNAS) Support for DNAS Raghunadha Pocha , Chandrashekhar Jamadarkhani , Satyanarayana Danda , Nishad M , Nagappa Chinnannavar draft-bnss-v6ops-upnp-01 -1 Expired 2009-03-08 IPv6 Services for UPnP Residential Networks Mark Baugher , Erwan Nedellec , Mika Saaranen , Barbara Stark draft-bo-behave-ref-req-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 Requirements for Referral in Mobile Network, input to GROBJ BoF Bo Zhou , Hui Deng draft-bocci-bryant-pwe3-ms-pw-arch-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-17 An Architecture for Multi-Segment Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge Matthew Bocci , Stewart Bryant draft-bocci-l2vpn-pnni-mpls-iw-02 -1 Expired 2004-11-16 int Thomas Narten Signalling Interworking for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Virtual Private Wire Service Matthew Bocci Thomas Narten draft-bocci-martini-pwe3-psn-congestion-bit-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-12 Pseudowire Emulation MPLS PSN Congestion Status Bit Matthew Bocci , Mustapha Aissaoui , Luca Martini draft-bocci-mpls-miad-adi-requirements-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-miad-mna-requirements 2022-04-11 mpls rtg Requirements for MPLS Network Action Indicators and MPLS Ancillary Data Matthew Bocci , Stewart Bryant Loa Andersson draft-bocci-mpls-tp-gach-gal-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-gach-gal 2008-10-27 MPLS Generic Associated Channel Rahul Aggarwal , Martin Vigoureux , George Swallow , Matthew Bocci , David Ward draft-bocci-pwe3-app-frame-over-psn-00 -1 Expired 2002-05-10 Applicability Statement for AAL5 Transparent Frame Encapsulation over PSN Matthew Bocci draft-bocci-pwe3-ge-ach-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-20 MPLS Generic Associated Channel Matthew Bocci , David Ward draft-bocci-pwe3-mpls-tp-ge-ach-00 -1 Replaced draft-bocci-mpls-tp-gach-gal 2008-06-27 MPLS Generic Associated Channel Matthew Bocci , David Ward , Stewart Bryant , Italo Busi , Martin Vigoureux draft-boc-netext-lr-roext-05 -1 Expired 2013-04-22 RO Extensions for PMIPv6-LR (ROEXT) Michael Boc , Christophe Janneteau , Alexandre Petrescu draft-boddapati-mpls-pim-ldp-p2mp-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-21 P2MP LSP Setup using PIM-SSM and LDP Suresh Boddapati , Venu Hemige draft-bodin-dime-auditing-reqs-03 -1 Expired 2007-09-10 Auditing Functionality in Diameter Ulf Bodin draft-boehmer-simple-service-identification-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-19 Service Identification Bernhard Boehmer , Hannes Tschofenig draft-boer-sip-src-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-10 Specifying unicast media source addresses in SIP Paul Sijben draft-boesch-idxp-idpef-04 -1 Expired 2016-02-29 Intrusion Detection Parametrization Exchange Format (IDPEF) Bjoern-C. Boesch draft-boese-vcarddav-signedvcard-03 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 vCard Format Extensions : Signed vCards Daniel Boese draft-bogdanov-cage-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-14 CAGE Alexander Bogdanov draft-bogdanov-comments-umsp-01 -1 Expired 2001-04-30 Comments to the Unified Memory Space Protocol Alexander Bogdanov draft-bogdanov-ehtp-00 -1 Expired 2002-07-25 End-by-Hop Transmission Protocol Alexander Bogdanov draft-bogdanovic-multilevel-configuration-00 -1 Expired 2020-11-02 Multilevel configuration Dean Bogdanović , Xufeng Liu , Luis Contreras draft-bogdanovic-netmod-acl-model-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-acl-model 2014-10-08 Network Access Control List (ACL) YANG Data Model Dean Bogdanović , Kiran Sreenivasa , Lisa Huang , Dana Blair draft-bogdanovic-netmod-yang-model-classification-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-yang-model-classification 2015-10-19 Joel Jaeggli Informational YANG Model Classification Dean Bogdanović , Benoît Claise , Carl Moberg Joel Jaeggli draft-bogdanovic-nmrg-mobile-backhaul-use-case-00 -1 Expired 2014-06-23 Autonomic Networking in mobile wireless backhaul Dean Bogdanović draft-bogdanov-umsp-00 -1 RFC 3018 2000-08-11 Informational Unified Memory Space Protocol Specification Alexander Bogdanov draft-bogdanov-umsp-rfc3018-update-00 -1 Expired 2003-08-19 Unified Memory Space Protocol Alexander Bogdanov draft-bogdanov-umsp-web-00 -1 Expired 2003-12-02 Integration of Unified Memory Space Protocol and Web Browser Alexander Bogdanov draft-bogineni-dmm-optimized-mobile-user-plane-01 -1 Expired 2018-06-29 Optimized Mobile User Plane Solutions for 5G Kalyani Bogineni , Arashmid Akhavain , Tom Herbert , Dino Farinacci , Alberto Rodriguez-Natal , Giovanna Carofiglio , Jordan Auge , Luca Muscariello , Pablo Camarillo , Shunsuke Homma draft-bogler-tmn-internet-00 -1 Expired 1997-07-11 Internet Technology for Integration of Carrier Network Management (TMN) and Enterprise Network Management Gerhard Bogler draft-boivie-sgm-02 -1 Expired 2001-02-14 Small Group Multicast Richard Boivie , Nancy Feldman draft-boldy-l2vpn-vplsloop-req-01 -1 Expired 2013-03-22 VPLS External Loop Detection and Protection Requirements Richard Boldy draft-bollow-ectf-07 -1 Expired 2013-08-30 Request For Action to Establish an Enhanced Cooperation Task Force and a Preparatory Working-Group Norbert Bollow draft-bollow-qqp-02 -1 Expired 2006-05-08 QQP - Quick Queues Protocol Norbert Bollow draft-bollow-qrpc-01 -1 Expired 2005-12-01 QRPC - Queueable Remote Procedure Calls Norbert Bollow draft-bollow-sxdf-01 -1 Expired 2005-12-01 SXDF - Simple Extensible Data Format Norbert Bollow draft-bollow-wisdomtaskforce-10 -1 Expired 2014-11-13 Plan to Establish an International Wisdom Task Force Norbert Bollow draft-bolton-edimib-00 -1 Expired 1996-09-25 Electronic Data Interchange MIB (EDIMIB) Version 1 Daniel Bolton , John Andrukonis draft-bombadil-netlemmings-00 -1 Expired 2006-04-18 NETLeMMings - Or how I learned to Stop Thinking and Forget the Basics of IP Mobility Tom Bombadil draft-bonachea-sftp-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-18 Protocol Negotiation Extensions to Secure FTP Dan Bonachea , Scott McPeak draft-bonatti-generic-antispam-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-12 A Generalized Mechanism for Control of Unwanted Application Communications Chistopher Bonatti draft-bonatti-pki4ipsec-profile-reqts-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-20 Requirements for an IPsec Certificate Management Profile Chistopher Bonatti draft-bonaventure-bgp-qos-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-22 tewg sub Using BGP to distribute flexible QoS information Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-bgp-redistribution-02 -1 Expired 2002-03-01 Controlling the redistribution of BGP routes Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-bgp-route-reflectors-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-14 The case for more versatile BGP Route Reflectors Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-diffserv-rashaper-04 -1 RFC 2963 2000-07-11 Informational A Rate Adaptive Shaper for Differentiated Services Stefaan De Cnodder , Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-iccrg-schedulers-02 -1 Expired 2021-10-25 Multipath schedulers Olivier Bonaventure , Maxime Piraux , Quentin De Coninck , Matthieu Baerts , Christoph Paasch , Markus Amend draft-bonaventure-informed-path-selection-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 The case for an informed path selection service Damien Saucez , Benoit Donnet draft-bonaventure-irtf-rrg-rira-00 -1 Expired 2007-04-04 Reconsidering the Internet Routing Architecture Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-isis-ordered-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-27 ISIS extensions for ordered FIB updates Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-lisp-preserve-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Preserving the reachability of LISP ETRs in case of failures Olivier Bonaventure , Pierre Francois , Damien Saucez draft-bonaventure-mptcp-addr-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-05 Multipath TCP Address Advertisement Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-mptcp-backup-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Improving Multipath TCP Backup Subflows Olivier Bonaventure , Quentin De Coninck , Matthieu Baerts , Fabien Duchene , benjamin.hesmansuclouvain.be draft-bonaventure-mptcp-converters-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-converters 2017-10-30 0-RTT TCP Converter Olivier Bonaventure , Mohamed Boucadair , Bart Peirens , SungHoon Seo , Anandatirtha Nandugudi draft-bonaventure-mptcp-experience-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-01 Experience with Multipath TCP Olivier Bonaventure , Christoph Paasch draft-bonaventure-mptcp-exp-option-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mptcp-rfc6824bis 2015-06-16 Experimental Multipath TCP option Olivier Bonaventure , benjamin.hesmansuclouvain.be , Mohamed Boucadair draft-bonaventure-mptcp-long-options-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Supporting long TCP options in Multipath TCP Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-mptcp-rst-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-03 Processing of RST segments by Multipath TCP Olivier Bonaventure , Christoph Paasch , Gregory Detal draft-bonaventure-mptcp-timestamp-01 -1 Expired 2015-07-02 Multipath TCP timestamp option Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-mptcp-tls-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 MPTLS : Making TLS and Multipath TCP stronger together Olivier Bonaventure draft-bonaventure-quic-atsss-overview-00 -1 Expired 2020-05-30 3GPP Access Traffic Steering Switching and Splitting (ATSSS) - Overview for IETF Participants Mohamed Boucadair , Olivier Bonaventure , Maxime Piraux , Quentin De Coninck , Spencer Dawkins , Mirja Kühlewind , Markus Amend , Andreas Kassler , Qing An , Nicolas Keukeleire , SungHoon Seo draft-bonaventure-quoitin-bgp-communities-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-19 Common utilizations of the BGP community attribute Olivier Bonaventure , Bruno Quoitin draft-bonaventure-tcpm-edo-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-20 Analysis of the TCP EDO option Olivier Bonaventure , Olivier Tilmans draft-bond-trill-rbridge-oam-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-oam 2011-03-11 RBridges: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Support David Bond , Vishwas Manral draft-boneh-bls-signature-00 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-bls-signature 2019-02-08 cfrg BLS Signature Scheme Dan Boneh , Sergey Gorbunov , Hoeteck Wee , Zhenfei Zhang draft-bonica-6man-comp-rtg-hdr-31 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-23 .html,.txt,.xml The IPv6 Compact Routing Header (CRH) Ron Bonica , Yuji Kamite , Andrew Alston , Daniam Henriques , Luay Jalil draft-bonica-6man-crh-helper-opt-04 -1 Expired 2021-10-11 Compressed Routing Header (CRH) Helper Option Xing Li , Congxiao Bao , Eddie Ruan , Ron Bonica draft-bonica-6man-deprecate-router-alert-00 -1 Expired 2021-12-30 Deprecation Of The IPv6 Router Alert Option Ron Bonica draft-bonica-6man-ext-hdr-update-07 -1 Expired 2022-02-24 Inserting, Processing And Deleting IPv6 Extension Headers Ron Bonica , Tatuya Jinmei draft-bonica-6man-frag-deprecate-02 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 IPv6 Fragment Header Deprecated Ron Bonica , Warren Kumari , Randy Bush , Hagen Pfeifer draft-bonica-6man-oam-04 -1 Expired 2019-09-16 OAM Capabilities for IPv6 Ron Bonica , Yuji Kamite , Ning So , Fengman Xu , Gang Chen , Yongqing Zhu , Guangming Yang , Yifeng Zhou draft-bonica-6man-seg-end-opt-09 -1 Expired 2020-10-09 The Per-Segment Service Instruction (PSSI) Option Ron Bonica draft-bonica-6man-unrecognized-opt-03 -1 Expired 2018-08-09 The IPv6 Probe Option Ron Bonica , John Leddy draft-bonica-6man-vpn-dest-opt-20 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-23 .html,.txt,.xml The IPv6 Tunnel Payload Forwarding (TPF) Option Ron Bonica , Yuji Kamite , Luay Jalil , Yifeng Zhou , Gang Chen draft-bonica-icmp-mpls-02 -1 Expired 2000-11-13 ICMP Extensions for MultiProtocol Label Switching Ron Bonica , Dan Tappan , Der-Hwa Gan draft-bonica-intarea-eping-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-intarea-probe 2017-03-03 intarea int Extended Ping (Xping) Ron Bonica , Reji Thomas , Jen Linkova , Chris Lenart draft-bonica-intarea-frag-fragile-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-intarea-frag-fragile 2018-07-23 IP Fragmentation Considered Fragile Ron Bonica , Fred Baker , Geoff Huston , Bob Hinden , Ole Trøan , Fernando Gont draft-bonica-intarea-func-path-00 -1 Expired 2021-06-29 Router Terminology: Functions and Paths Ron Bonica draft-bonica-intarea-gre-mtu-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-intarea-gre-mtu 2014-08-12 A Widely-Deployed Solution To The Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Fragmentation Problem Ron Bonica , Carlos Pignataro , Joseph Touch draft-bonica-intarea-lossless-pmtud-01 -1 Expired 2019-10-31 Lossless Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) Ron Bonica , Manoj Nayak , Bradely Newton , Hakan Alpan , Radon Rosborough , Miles President draft-bonica-internet-icmp-16 -1 RFC 4884 2007-01-30 int Jari Arkko Proposed Standard Extended ICMP to Support Multi-Part Messages Ron Bonica , Der-Hwa Gan , Carlos Pignataro , Dan Tappan Jari Arkko draft-bonica-l3vpn-auth-03 -1 Expired 2002-06-03 CE-to-CE Authentication for Layer 3 VPNs Ron Bonica , Yakov Rekhter draft-bonica-l3vpn-orf-covering-prefixes-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-l3vpn-orf-covering-prefixes 2014-05-06 l3vpn rtg Covering Prefixes Outbound Route Filter for BGP-4 Huajin Jeng , Luay Jalil , Ron Bonica , Yakov Rekhter , Keyur Patel , Lucy Yong , Xiaohu Xu Thomas Morin draft-bonica-lsr-crh-isis-extensions-06 -1 Expired 2022-02-24 IS-IS Extensions To Support The IPv6 Compressed Routing Header (CRH) Parag Kaneriya , Rajesh Shetty , Shraddha Hegde , Ron Bonica draft-bonica-lsr-ip-flexalgo-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-ip-flexalgo 2020-11-15 lsr rtg IGP Flexible Algorithms (Flex-Algorithm) In IP Networks William Britto , Shraddha Hegde , Parag Kaneriya , Rajesh Shetty , Ron Bonica , Peter Psenak draft-bonica-mpls-self-ping-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-self-ping 2015-05-18 mpls rtg LSP Self-Ping Raveendra Torvi , Ron Bonica , Ina Minei , Michael Conn , Dante Pacella , Luis Tomotaki , Mark Wygant Loa Andersson draft-bonica-mplsvpn-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-02 Delivering MPLS Services Over L3VPN Kireeti Kompella draft-bonica-opsec-nmasc-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsec-nmasc 2005-10-14 Network Management Access Security Capabilities Ron Bonica , Syed Ahmed draft-bonica-special-purpose-07 -1 RFC 6890 2013-01-23 Ralph Droms Best Current Practice Special-Purpose IP Address Registries Michelle Cotton , Leo Vegoda , Ron Bonica , Brian Haberman Ralph Droms draft-bonica-spring-sr-mapped-six-04 -1 Expired 2021-09-27 Segment Routing Mapped To IPv6 (SRm6) Ron Bonica , Shraddha Hegde , Yuji Kamite , Andrew Alston , Daniam Henriques , Luay Jalil , Joel Halpern , Jen Linkova , Gang Chen draft-bonica-spring-srv6-end-dtm-10 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml SR-MPLS / SRv6 Transport Interworking Shraddha Hegde , Parag Kaneriya , Ron Bonica , Shaofu Peng , Greg Mirsky , Zheng Zhang , Bruno Decraene , Dan Voyer , Swadesh Agrawal draft-bonica-spring-srv6-plus-06 -1 Replaced draft-bonica-spring-sr-mapped-six 2019-10-16 Segment Routing Mapped To IPv6 (SRm6) Ron Bonica , Shraddha Hegde , Yuji Kamite , Andrew Alston , Daniam Henriques , Luay Jalil , Joel Halpern , Jen Linkova , Gang Chen draft-bonica-tcp-auth-06 -1 Expired 2007-02-14 tsv Lars Eggert Authentication for TCP-based Routing and Management Protocols Ron Bonica Lars Eggert draft-bonica-tunneltrace-03 -1 Expired 2002-06-07 Tracing Requirements for Generic Tunnels Ron Bonica , Kireeti Kompella , David Meyer draft-bonica-tunproto-05 -1 Expired 2003-03-04 Generic Tunnel Tracing Protocol (GTTP) Specification Ron Bonica draft-bonica-v6-multihome-03 -1 Expired 2012-04-13 Multihoming with IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation (NPTv6) Ron Bonica , Fred Baker , Margaret Cullen , Gregory Miller , Warren Kumari draft-bonnell-caa-issuemail-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lamps-caa-issuemail 2023-01-25 lamps sec Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Processing for Email Addresses Corey Bonnell draft-bonnell-lamps-chameleon-certs-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-21 .html,.txt,.xml A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in Paired Certificates Corey Bonnell , John Gray , D. Hook , Tomofumi Okubo , Mike Ounsworth draft-bonnell-lamps-rfc8398bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lamps-rfc8398bis 2023-07-07 Internationalized Email Addresses in X.509 Certificates Alexey Melnikov , Wei Chuang , Corey Bonnell draft-bonnell-rfc5019bis-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-03-29 .html,.txt,.xml Updates to Lightweight OCSP Profile for High Volume Environments Corey Bonnell , Clint Wilson , Tadahiko Ito , Sean Turner draft-bonnetain-hncp-security-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 HNCP security based on routers trust Xavier Bonnetain draft-bookham-rtgwg-nfix-arch-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-12 .html,.txt,.xml An Architecture for Network Function Interconnect Colin Bookham , Andrew Stone , Jeff Tantsura , Muhammad Durrani , Bruno Decraene draft-boot-autoconf-brdp-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 Border Router Discovery Protocol (BRDP) based Address Autoconfiguration Teco Boot , Arjen Holtzer draft-boot-autoconf-nemo4manet-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-02 NEMO for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Teco Boot draft-boot-autoconf-support4hosts-01 -1 Expired 2010-12-06 Support for hosts in MANETs Teco Boot draft-boot-brdp-based-routing-00 -1 Expired 2008-11-17 Border Router Discovery Protocol (BRDP) Based Routing Teco Boot draft-boot-brdp-framework-00 -1 Expired 2011-01-31 BRDP Framework Teco Boot , Arjen Holtzer draft-booth-clip-00 -1 Expired 2011-01-20 Common Logic Interface Protocol (CLIP) Framework Bob Booth draft-boot-homenet-brdp-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-15 BRDP for Homenet Teco Boot draft-booth-sacm-vuln-model-02 -1 Expired 2013-04-25 Vulnerability Data Model Harold Booth , Karen Scarfone draft-boot-manet-nemo-analysis-01 -1 Expired 2007-06-28 Analysis of MANET and NEMO Teco Boot draft-borchert-sidrops-bgpsec-algs-rfc8208-bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sidrops-bgpsec-algs-rfc8208-bis 2018-01-30 BGPsec Algorithms, Key Formats, and Signature Formats Sean Turner , Oliver Borchert draft-borchert-sidrops-bgpsec-state-unverified-04 -1 Expired 2021-01-15 BGPsec Validation State Unverified Oliver Borchert , Doug Montgomery draft-borchert-sidrops-bgpsec-validation-signaling-01 -1 Replaced draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validation-signaling 2019-08-26 BGPsec Validation State Signaling Oliver Borchert , Doug Montgomery draft-borchert-sidrops-rpki-state-unverified-04 -1 Expired 2021-01-15 RPKI Route Origin Validation State Unverified Oliver Borchert , Doug Montgomery draft-borden-frag-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-20 A generic fragment identifier syntax for URI references Jonathan Borden , Simon St.Laurent draft-boreham-numsubordinates-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-23 numSubordinates LDAP Operational Attribute Steve Kille , David Boreham draft-borella-aatn-dnat-01 -1 Expired 1998-10-20 Distributed Network Address Translation Brian Petry , Michael Borella , David Grabelsky , Ikhlaq Sidhu draft-borella-uid-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-21 Unique Identifiers for Network Objects and Subjects Michael Borella draft-borenstein-agc-spec-00 -1 Expired 1995-06-20 The application/green-commerce MIME Content-type Marshall Rose , Nathaniel Borenstein draft-borenstein-kidcode-00 -1 Expired 1995-06-05 KidCode: Naming Conventions for Protecting Children on the World Wide Web and Elsewhere on the Internet Without Censorship Nathaniel Borenstein , Darren New draft-borenstein-mailcap-00 -1 Expired 1994-05-23 A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format Information Nathaniel Borenstein draft-borenstein-mailcap2-00 -1 RFC 1524 1993-02-08 A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format Information Nathaniel Borenstein draft-borenstein-pgp-mime-00 -1 Expired 1994-05-23 The application/pgp MIME Content-type Nathaniel Borenstein , Colin Plumb , Philip Zimmermann draft-borgonovo-qos-ds-00 -1 Expired 1998-07-29 End-to-end QoS provisioning mechanism for Differentiated Services Luigi Fratta , Flaminio Borgonovo , Antonio Capone , Mario Marchese , Chiara Petrioli draft-borman-1323bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-1323bis 2007-07-10 tsv Lars Eggert TCP Extensions for High Performance David Borman Lars Eggert draft-borman-jumbograms-00 -1 RFC 2147 1996-08-09 ipngwg int TCP and UDP over IPv6 Jumbograms David Borman draft-bormann-6lo-6lowpan-roadmap-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 6LoWPAN Roadmap and Implementation Guide Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lo-coap-802-15-ie-00 -1 Expired 2016-04-04 Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) over IEEE 802.15.4 Information Element for IETF Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lo-ghc-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6lo-ghc 2013-10-18 6LoWPAN Generic Compression of Headers and Header-like Payloads Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lo-rpl-mesh-02 -1 Replaced draft-thubert-6lo-rpl-nhc 2014-10-12 NHC compression for RPL Packet Information Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lowpan-6lowapp-problem-01 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 6LowApp: Problem Statement for 6LoWPAN and LLN Application Protocols Carsten Bormann , Don Sturek , Zach Shelby draft-bormann-6lowpan-cbhc-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 Context-based Header Compression for 6lowpan Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lowpan-ext-hdr-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-01 Extension headers for 6lowpan Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lowpan-ghc-06 -1 Replaced draft-bormann-6lo-ghc 2013-03-29 6LoWPAN Generic Compression of Headers and Header-like Payloads Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-6lowpan-roadmap-04 -1 Replaced draft-bormann-6lo-6lowpan-roadmap 2013-04-13 6LoWPAN Roadmap and Implementation Guide Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-apparea-bpack-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 The BinaryPack1pre2 JSON-like representation format Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-appsawg-cbor-merge-patch-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 CBOR Merge Patch Carsten Bormann , Peter Van der Stok draft-bormann-asdf-sdf-compact-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-27 .html,.txt,.xml Semantic Definition Format (SDF) for Data and Interactions of Things: Compact Notation Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-asdf-sdf-mapping-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-27 .html,.txt,.xml Semantic Definition Format (SDF): Mapping files Carsten Bormann , Jan Romann draft-bormann-asdf-sdftype-link-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-03 .html,.txt,.xml An sdfType for Links Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-09 -1 RFC 7049 2013-09-12 app Barry Leiba Proposed Standard Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Carsten Bormann , Paul Hoffman John Levine Barry Leiba draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-2-draft-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-27 .html,.txt,.xml CDDL 2.0 -- a draft plan Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-control-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-control 2020-09-02 cbor art Additional Control Operators for CDDL Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-csv-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-23 .html,.txt,.xml Using CDDL for CSVs Carsten Bormann , Henk Birkholz draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-freezer-12 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-02 .html,.txt,.xml A feature freezer for the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-map-like-data-01 -1 Expired 2021-06-01 Map-like data in CBOR and CDDL Carsten Bormann , Brendan Moran , Henk Birkholz , Emile Cormier draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-modules-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules 2023-03-10 cbor art CDDL Module Structure Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-more-control-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-more-control 2023-03-09 cbor art More Control Operators for CDDL Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-dcbor-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-22 .html,.txt,.xml Common CBOR Deterministic Encoding and Application Profiles Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-det-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-09 .html,.txt,.xml CBOR: On Deterministic Encoding Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-draft-numbers-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-02 .html,.txt,.xml Managing CBOR numbers in Internet-Drafts Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-edn-literals-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals 2023-03-28 cbor art Application-Oriented Literals in CBOR Extended Diagnostic Notation Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-notable-tags-09 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-09 .html,.txt,.xml Notable CBOR Tags Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-packed-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-packed 2020-07-26 cbor art Packed CBOR Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-rfc-cddl-models-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-27 .html,.txt,.xml CDDL models for some existing RFCs Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-sequence-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-sequence 2019-06-23 Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Sequences Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-tag-coap-content-format-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-file-magic 2021-06-02 CBOR Tags for CoAP Content Formats Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cbor-tags-oid-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-tags-oid 2020-07-03 cbor art Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags for Object Identifiers Carsten Bormann , Sean Leonard draft-bormann-cbor-time-tag-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-time-tag 2021-02-22 cbor art Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags for Time, Duration, and Period Carsten Bormann , Ben Gamari , Henk Birkholz draft-bormann-cbor-update-8610-grammar-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cbor-update-8610-grammar 2023-03-09 cbor art Updates to the CDDL grammar of RFC 8610 Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cddl-freezer-00 -1 Replaced draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-freezer 2018-01-27 A feature freezer for the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-coap-misc-27 -1 Expired 2014-11-14 Miscellaneous additions to CoAP Carsten Bormann , Klaus Hartke draft-bormann-core-ace-aif-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ace-aif 2020-06-27 ace sec An Authorization Information Format (AIF) for ACE Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-block-bert-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-coap-tcp-tls 2016-06-10 Block-wise transfers in CoAP: Extension for Reliable Transport (BERT) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-cc-qq-01 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Qualifying Questions for a CoAP Advanced Congestion Control Scheme Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-coap-block-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-block 2010-10-24 Sliced transfers in CoAP Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-coap-fetch-00 -1 Replaced draft-vanderstok-core-etch 2015-10-19 CoAP FETCH Method Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-coap-sig-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-coap-tcp-tls 2016-06-28 CoAP Signaling Messages Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-coap-tcp-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 A TCP transport for CoAP Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-cocoa-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-cocoa 2016-07-08 CoAP Simple Congestion Control/Advanced Carsten Bormann , August Betzler , Carles Gomez , Ilker Demirkol draft-bormann-core-congestion-control-02 -1 Expired 2012-08-01 Congestion Control Principles for CoAP Carsten Bormann , Klaus Hartke draft-bormann-core-corr-clar-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-30 .html,.txt,.xml Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): Corrections and Clarifications Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-cross-reverse-convention-00 -1 Expired 2012-12-06 A convention for URIs operating a HTTP-CoAP reverse proxy Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-groupcomm-cbor-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Representing CoRE Groupcomm Formats in CBOR Kepeng Li , Akbar Rahman , Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-ipsec-for-coap-00 -1 Expired 2012-12-06 Using CoAP with IPsec Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-links-json-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-links-json 2013-02-25 Representing CoRE Link Collections in JSON Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-maybe-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-multipart-ct 2018-03-18 The application/maybe media type Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-media-content-type-format-04 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 On Media-Types, Content-Types, and related terminology Carsten Bormann , Henk Birkholz draft-bormann-core-overview-01 -1 Expired 2020-03-30 CoRE Working Group -- Overview Carsten Bormann , Jaime Jimenez draft-bormann-core-proactive-ct-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 Proactively Assigning CoAP Content-Format Numbers to Registered Media Types Carsten Bormann , Klaus Hartke draft-bormann-core-responses-01 -1 Expired 2022-02-03 CoAP: Non-traditional response forms Carsten Bormann , Christian Amsüss draft-bormann-core-roadmap-05 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 CoRE Roadmap and Implementation Guide Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-senml-versions-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-senml-versions 2020-03-06 core art SenML Features and Versions Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-simple-server-discovery-01 -1 Replaced draft-shelby-core-resource-directory 2012-03-27 CoRE Simple Server Discovery Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-target-attr-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-target-attr 2022-11-06 core art CoRE Target Attribute Registry Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-core-yang-sid-pen-01 -1 Expired 2021-11-19 YANG-CBOR: Allocating SID ranges for PEN holders Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-cose-registration-principles-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-23 .html,.txt,.xml COSE: On Registration Principles Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-dispatch-modern-network-unicode-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-31 .html,.txt,.xml Modern Network Unicode Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-dyncast-affinity-00 -1 Replaced draft-bormann-t2trg-affinity 2021-02-22 Providing Instance Affinity in Dyncast Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-hybi-ws-wk-00 -1 RFC 8307 2017-05-11 art Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard Well-Known URIs for the WebSocket Protocol Carsten Bormann Alexey Melnikov draft-bormann-intarea-alfi-04 -1 Expired 2013-09-09 Adaptation Layer Fragmentation Indication Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-jose-cose-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 Constrained Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-jsonpath-iregexp-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-jsonpath-iregexp 2022-04-25 jsonpath art Proposed Standard I-Regexp: An Interoperable Regexp Format Carsten Bormann , Tim Bray draft-bormann-loops-geneve-binding-01 -1 Expired 2020-06-12 Embedding LOOPS in Geneve Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-lpwan-cbor-template-02 -1 Expired 2018-01-17 Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tag for CBOR Templates Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-lwig-6lowpan-virtual-reassembly-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lwig-6lowpan-virtual-reassembly 2018-01-25 lwig int Virtual reassembly buffers in 6LoWPAN Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-lwig-7228bis-08 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lwig-7228bis 2022-04-05 lwig int Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks Carsten Bormann , Mehmet Ersue , Ari Keränen , Carles Gomez draft-bormann-lwig-guidance-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lwig-guidance 2012-01-24 Guidance for Light-Weight Implementations of the Internet Protocol Suite Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-lwig-terms-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lwig-terminology 2012-11-08 Terminology for Constrained Node Networks Carsten Bormann , Mehmet Ersue draft-bormann-mmusic-itu-interop-01 -1 Expired 1995-11-22 MMUSIC/ITU Interoperability Scenarios Joerg Ott , Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-mmusic-semantics-00 -1 Expired 1995-11-22 Elements of Session Semantics Joerg Ott , Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-mnnp-nndp-00 -1 Expired 1998-03-12 Network News Distribution Protocol: Architecture and Design Guidelines Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-mtp-so-02 -1 Expired 1999-07-01 MTP/SO: Self-Organizing Multicast Joerg Ott , Carsten Bormann , Nils Seifert draft-bormann-restatement-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-23 .html,.txt,.xml The Restatement Anti-Pattern Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-rohc-avt-crtp-profile-00 -1 Expired 2007-03-22 A ROHC Profile for CRTP (ROHC-CRTP) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-rohc-avt-rtcp-profile-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-28 A ROHC Profile for RTCP (ROHC-RTCP) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-rohc-over-802-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 Robust Header Compression (ROHC) over 802 networks Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-rohc-shutdown-profile-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-01 A ROHC Profile for CID shutdown (ROHC-DOWN) Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-rswg-terminology-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-27 .html,.txt,.xml Terminology for RFCXML Evolution Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-senml-more-units-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-senml-more-units 2019-08-29 Additional Units for SenML Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-t2trg-affinity-00 -1 Expired 2021-08-30 Providing Instance Affinity in Dyncast Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-t2trg-ble-uri-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 The BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) URI Scheme and Media Types Carsten Bormann , Ari Keränen draft-bormann-t2trg-deref-id-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-09 .html,.txt,.xml The "dereferenceable identifier" pattern Carsten Bormann , Christian Amsüss draft-bormann-t2trg-interconnect-declared-02 -1 Expired 2022-07-11 Interconnecting Limited Domains Based on Declared Communication Requirements Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-t2trg-rel-impl-02 -1 Expired 2020-09-27 impl-info: A link relation type for disclosing implementation information Carsten Bormann draft-bormann-t2trg-slipmux-03 -1 Expired 2019-11-04 Slipmux: Using an UART interface for diagnostics, configuration, and packet transfer Carsten Bormann , Tobias Kaupat draft-bormann-t2trg-stp-03 -1 Expired 2020-04-07 The Series Transfer Pattern (STP) Carsten Bormann , Klaus Hartke draft-bormann-t2trg-sworn-05 -1 Expired 2022-02-07 SWORN: Secure Wake on Radio Nudging Carsten Bormann , Yizhou Li draft-bormann-wk-uri-00 -1 Expired 2019-04-04 Recording Well-Known URI Capability in the URI Scheme Registry Carsten Bormann draft-borman-tcp4way-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-14 TCP Four-Way Handshake David Borman draft-borman-tcpm-tcp4way-01 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 TCP Four-Way Handshake David Borman draft-boronine-teleport-03 -1 Expired 2015-09-28 Minimal JSON Type System Alexei Boronine draft-boro-opsawg-ac-lxsm-lxnm-glue-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-23 .html,.txt,.xml A YANG Data Model for Augmenting VPN Service and Network Models with Attachment Circuits Mohamed Boucadair , Richard Roberts , Samier Barguil , Oscar de Dios draft-boro-opsawg-ntw-attachment-circuit-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-05 .html,.txt,.xml A Network YANG Data Model for Attachment Circuits Mohamed Boucadair , Richard Roberts , Oscar de Dios , Samier Barguil , Bo Wu draft-boro-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml YANG Data Models for 'Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS) Mohamed Boucadair , Richard Roberts , Oscar de Dios , Samier Barguil , Bo Wu draft-boro-opsawg-teas-common-ac-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-03 .html,.txt,.xml A Common YANG Data Model for Attachment Circuits Mohamed Boucadair , Richard Roberts , Oscar de Dios , Samier Barguil , Bo Wu draft-borst-mip6api-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-13 Mobile IPv6 Application API Mark Borst draft-bortzmeyer-bundled-signaling-alias-00 -1 Expired 2016-11-14 Signaling that a domain name is an alias of another one Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dname-root-05 -1 Expired 2018-01-17 Using DNAME in the DNS root zone for sinking of special-use TLDs Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dns-json-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 JSON format to represent DNS data Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dnsop-dns-privacy-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dprive-problem-statement 2014-04-27 dprive int DNS privacy considerations Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dnsop-nxdomain-cut-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-nxdomain-cut 2015-11-29 dnsop ops Proposed Standard NXDOMAIN really means there is nothing underneath Stéphane Bortzmeyer , Shumon Huque Tim Wicinski draft-bortzmeyer-dnsop-privacy-sol-00 -1 Expired 2013-12-17 Possible solutions to DNS privacy issues Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dns-qname-minimisation-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-qname-minimisation 2014-05-19 dnsop ops Experimental DNS query name minimisation to improve privacy Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-resolver-to-auth-01 -1 Expired 2018-03-20 Encryption and authentication of the DNS resolver-to-authoritative communication Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-rfc7626-bis-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dprive-rfc7626-bis 2019-01-15 dprive int DNS Privacy Considerations Stéphane Bortzmeyer , Sara Dickinson draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-step-2-05 -1 Expired 2016-12-20 Next step for DPRIVE: resolver-to-auth link Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-language-state-machines-01 -1 Expired 2006-11-13 Cosmogol: a language to describe finite state machines Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-perpass-dns-privacy-01 -1 Expired 2013-11-16 DNS privacy problem statement Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-regext-epp-dname-02 -1 Expired 2018-03-19 EPP Mapping for DNAME delegation of domain names Stéphane Bortzmeyer draft-bortzmeyer-rfc7816bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7816bis 2018-07-17 dnsop ops DNS Query Name Minimisation to Improve Privacy Stéphane Bortzmeyer , Paul Hoffman draft-boschi-data-exchange-quest-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 Inter-domain Data Exchange Questionnaire Elisa Boschi draft-boschi-export-perpktinfo-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 Use of IPFIX for Export of Per-Packet Information Elisa Boschi , Lutz Mark draft-boschi-ipfix-anon-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-anon 2009-07-10 IP Flow Anonymisation Support Elisa Boschi , Brian Trammell draft-boschi-ipfix-biflow-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-biflow 2005-10-27 Biflow implementation support in IPFIX Elisa Boschi , Brian Trammell draft-boschi-ipfix-exporting-type-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-exporting-type 2007-08-28 Exporting Type Information for IPFIX Information Elements Elisa Boschi draft-boschi-ipfix-extended-type-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-29 Extended Type Information for IPFIX Enterprise-Specific Information Elements Elisa Boschi draft-boschi-ipfix-implementation-guidelines-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-implementation-guidelines 2006-06-28 IPFIX Implementation Guidelines Elisa Boschi draft-boschi-ipfix-reducing-redundancy-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-reducing-redundancy 2006-06-29 Reducing redundancy in IPFIX and PSAMP reports Elisa Boschi draft-bosch-imap-savedate-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-extra-imap-savedate 2017-09-15 extra art Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - SAVEDATE Extension Stephan Bosch draft-bosch-imap-status-size-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-extra-imap-status-size 2017-09-15 extra art Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - STATUS=SIZE Extension Stephan Bosch draft-bosch-managesieve-quota-maxstorage-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-25 ManageSieve Protocol: QUOTA/MAXSTORAGE Response Code Stephan Bosch draft-bosch-sieve-duplicate-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-appsawg-sieve-duplicate 2013-04-07 appsawg art Sieve Email Filtering: Detecting Duplicate Deliveries Stephan Bosch draft-bosch-sieve-eai-01 -1 Expired 2021-05-25 Sieve: Internationalized Email Stephan Bosch draft-bosch-sieve-special-use-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-extra-sieve-special-use 2017-04-21 art Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard Sieve Email Filtering: Delivering to Special-Use Mailboxes Stephan Bosch Alexey Melnikov draft-bose-secure-l3vpn-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-28 Secure Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks Pratik Bose draft-bose-smtp-integrity-00 -1 Expired 2001-04-04 CHECKING OF MESSAGE INTEGRITY DURING SMTP TRANSACTIONS Robert Bosen draft-bosh-core-new-block-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-new-block 2020-06-17 core art Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Block-Wise Transfer Options for Faster Transmission Mohamed Boucadair , Jon Shallow draft-bosh-dots-quick-blocks-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dots-robust-blocks 2021-06-29 dots sec Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Configuration Attributes for Robust Block Transmission Mohamed Boucadair , Jon Shallow draft-bos-http-redirect-00 -1 Expired 1999-07-19 Handling of fragment identifiers in redirected URLs Bert Bos draft-bos-mmusic-sdpng-qos-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-21 SDPng extensions for Quality of service negotiation Lieve Bos draft-bos-mmusic-sdpqos-framework-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 A Framework for End-to-End User Perceived Quality of Service Negotiation Lieve Bos draft-bothwell-megaco-mftonepkgs-03 -1 Expired 2002-03-04 MF Tone Generation and Detection Packages Wendy Bothwell , Kevin Boyle , Keven Chapman , Michael Brown draft-bottorff-ipsecme-mtdcuc-ipsec-lb-00 -1 Expired 2021-07-12 Multi-tenant Data Center Use Case for IPsec Load Balancing Paul Bottorff draft-bouazizi-mmtp-01 -1 Expired 2014-09-30 MPEG Media Transport Protocol (MMTP) Imed Bouazizi draft-bouazizi-rmt-alcframing-00 -1 Expired 2006-11-07 Framing ALC Packets over Connection-Oriented Transport Imed Bouazizi draft-bouazizi-sdp-descriptors-mmtp-01 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 SDP Descriptors for MMTP Imed Bouazizi draft-bouazizi-tsvwg-mmtp-01 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 MPEG Media Transport Protocol (MMTP) Imed Bouazizi draft-boucadair-64-multicast-address-format-00 -1 Expired 2012-01-23 IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Multicast Address Format Mohamed Boucadair , Jacni Qin , Yiu Lee , Stig Venaas , Xing Li , Mingwei Xu draft-boucadair-6man-64-flag-bit-01 -1 Expired 2014-08-20 IPv6 Multicast Address With Embedded IPv4 Multicast Address Mohamed Boucadair , Jacni Qin , Yiu Lee , Stig Venaas , Xing Li , Mingwei Xu draft-boucadair-6man-multicast-addr-arch-update-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-multicast-addr-arch-update 2013-01-16 Updates to the IPv6 Multicast Addressing Architecture Mohamed Boucadair , Stig Venaas draft-boucadair-6man-prefix-routing-reco-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-cidr-prefix 2014-09-24 IPv6 Prefix Length Recommendation for Forwarding Mohamed Boucadair , Alexandre Petrescu draft-boucadair-6man-sip-proxy-01 -1 Expired 2012-10-04 IPv6 RA Option for SIP Proxy Server Mohamed Boucadair , David Binet draft-boucadair-add-deployment-considerations-02 -1 Expired 2022-10-18 Informational Discovery of Encrypted DNS Resolvers: Deployment Considerations Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Dan Wing , Neil Cook , Tommy Jensen draft-boucadair-behave-64-multicast-address-format-03 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-64-multicast-address-format 2011-10-26 IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Multicast Address Format Mohamed Boucadair , Jacni Qin , Yiu Lee , Stig Venaas , Xing Li , Mingwei Xu draft-boucadair-behave-bittorrent-address-sharing-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-29 Behavior of BitTorrent service in an IP Shared Address Environment Mohamed Boucadair , Jean-Luc Grimault , Pierre Levis , Alain Villefranque draft-boucadair-behave-bittorrent-portrange-02 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-behave-bittorrent-address-sharing 2009-01-12 Behaviour of BitTorrent service in an IP Shared Address Environment Mohamed Boucadair , Jean-Luc Grimault , Pierre Levis , Alain Villefranque draft-boucadair-behave-dns64-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-18 DNS64 Service Location and Discovery Mohamed Boucadair , Eric Burgey draft-boucadair-behave-dns-a64-02 -1 Expired 2010-09-07 A64: DNS Resource Record for IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Address Mohamed Boucadair , Eric Burgey draft-boucadair-behave-ipv6-portrange-04 -1 Replaced draft-ymbk-aplusp 2009-10-20 Flexible IPv6 Migration Scenarios in the Context of IPv4 Address Shortage Mohamed Boucadair , Pierre Levis , Jean-Luc Grimault , Alain Villefranque , Mohamed Kassi-Lahlou , Gabor Bajko , Yiu Lee , Telemaco Melia , Olivier Vautrin draft-boucadair-chaining-design-analysis-00 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-sfc-design-analysis 2013-09-02 Service Function Chaining: Design Considerations, Analysis & Recommendations Mohamed Boucadair , Ron Parker draft-boucadair-chaining-requirements-02 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-sfc-requirements 2013-09-05 Requirements for Service Function Chaining Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Yuanlong Jiang , Ron Parker , Carlos Pignataro draft-boucadair-connectivity-provisioning-profile-05 -1 RFC 7297 2014-04-11 Informational IP Connectivity Provisioning Profile (CPP) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Ning Wang Eliot Lear draft-boucadair-connectivity-provisioning-protocol-22 -1 RFC 8921 2020-06-25 Informational Dynamic Service Negotiation: The Connectivity Provisioning Negotiation Protocol (CPNP) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Dacheng Zhang , Panos Georgatsos Eliot Lear draft-boucadair-core-hop-limit-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-hop-limit 2018-08-16 Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Hop Limit Option Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Jon Shallow draft-boucadair-dhc-address-name-encoding-03 -1 Expired 2012-11-30 Recommendation for Encoding IP Address and FQDN in DHCP Options Mohamed Boucadair , Roberta Maglione draft-boucadair-dhc-port-range-01 -1 Expired 2008-10-29 DHCP Options for Conveying Port Mask and Port Range Router IP Address Mohamed Boucadair , Jean-Luc Grimault , Pierre Levis , Alain Villefranque draft-boucadair-dhcpv6-shared-address-option-01 -1 Expired 2009-12-20 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv6) Options for Shared IP Addresses Solutions Mohamed Boucadair , Pierre Levis , Jean-Luc Grimault , Teemu Savolainen , Gabor Bajko draft-boucadair-dhc-triggered-reconfigure-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dhc-triggered-reconfigure 2012-08-27 RECONFIGURE Triggered by DHCPv6 Relay Agents Mohamed Boucadair , Xavier Pougnard draft-boucadair-dhcwg-rfc4014-update-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-add-encrypted-dns 2022-10-17 RADIUS Attributes Permitted in RADIUS Attributes DHCP Suboption Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-dispatch-ipv6-atypes-01 -1 Expired 2013-06-11 The atypes media feature tag for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Mohamed Boucadair , Andrew Allen draft-boucadair-dnsop-prefix64-02 -1 Expired 2022-01-05 An EDNS0 Option for Sharing Pref64::/n Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-dots-dhcp-01 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-dots-server-discovery 2017-04-12 DHCP Options for Distributed-Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-dots-earlydata-00 -1 Expired 2019-01-29 Using Early Data in DOTS Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-dots-multihoming-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dots-multihoming 2018-10-08 dots sec Multi-homing Deployment Considerations for Distributed-Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-dots-rfc8782-bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dots-rfc8782-bis 2020-08-03 dots sec Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification Mohamed Boucadair , Jon Shallow , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-dots-rfc8782-yang-update-01 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-dots-rfc8782-bis 2020-07-10 A YANG Data Model for Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Mohamed Boucadair , Jon Shallow draft-boucadair-dots-server-discovery-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dots-server-discovery 2018-10-08 dots sec Distributed-Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Server Discovery Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Prashanth Patil draft-boucadair-dslite-interco-v4v6-04 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-softwire-dslite-v6only 2010-07-11 Deploying Dual-Stack Lite in IPv6 Network Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Jean-Luc Grimault , Mohamed Kassi-Lahlou , Pierre Levis , Dean Cheng , Yiu Lee draft-boucadair-hops-capability-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-01 Discovering the Capabilities of Flow-Aware Service Functions (a.k.a. Middleboxes): A PCP-based Approach Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-idr-constrained-multiple-path-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-12 Constrained Multiple BGP Paths Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-intarea-host-identifier-scenarios-11 -1 RFC 7620 2015-04-08 Informational Scenarios with Host Identification Complications Mohamed Boucadair , Bruno Chatras , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Brandon Williams , Behcet Sarikaya Eliot Lear draft-boucadair-intarea-nat-reveal-analysis-04 -1 Expired 2011-09-02 Analysis of Solution Candidates to Reveal a Host Identifier in Shared Address Deployments Mohamed Boucadair , Joseph Touch , Pierre Levis , Reinaldo Penno draft-boucadair-ipsecme-ipv6-ipv4-codes-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipsecme-ipv6-ipv4-codes 2018-09-20 ipsecme sec IKEv2 Notification Codes for IPv4/IPv6 Coexistence Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-ipte-acct-pib-02 -1 Expired 2003-06-17 An IP Traffic Engineering PIB for Accounting purposes Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-ip-version-5-8-9-historic-00 -1 Replaced status-change-ip-versions-5-8-9-to-historic 2016-03-16 Reclassification of ST (IP version 5), PIP (IP version 8) and TUBA (IP version 9) to Historic Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-irtf-sdn-and-semantic-routing-01 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-rtgwg-sdn-and-semantic-routing 2022-06-01 Considerations for the use of SDN in Semantic Routing Networks Mohamed Boucadair , Dirk Trossen , Adrian Farrel draft-boucadair-isis-v4v6-mi-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-20 IPv4-mapped IPv6 Instance IDs in IS-IS Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Dean Cheng , Yiu Lee draft-boucadair-isis-v4v6-mt-02 -1 Expired 2010-02-23 Multi-Topology/Multi-Instance ISIS for IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Dean Cheng , Yiu Lee draft-boucadair-lisp-bulk-07 -1 Expired 2018-04-03 LISP Mapping Bulk Retrieval Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-function-discovery-03 -1 Expired 2016-11-25 LISP Mapping Service Functions Discovery (LMSFD) using OSPF Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-idr-ms-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2016-03-09 LISP Mapping Service Discovery at Large Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-itr-failure-05 -1 Expired 2017-10-16 Improving ITR Resiliency in Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Networks Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-ms-assisted-forwarding-00 -1 Expired 2015-09-17 Mapping System-Assisted Forwarding for Inter-Domain LISP Deployments Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-multiple-records-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-09 Retrieving Multiple LISP Records Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-pubsub-flow-examples-03 -1 Expired 2023-02-10 LISP PubSub Flow Examples Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-lisp-rfc8113bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lisp-rfc8113bis 2018-09-19 lisp rtg Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP): Shared Extension Message & IANA Registry for Packet Type Allocations Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-subscribe-05 -1 Replaced draft-rodrigueznatal-lisp-pubsub 2017-04-26 LISP Subscription Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-triggered-map-request-00 -1 Expired 2015-09-17 Triggered LISP Map-Request for Inter-Domain LISP Deployments Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-type-iana-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lisp-type-iana 2016-06-24 IANA Registry for LISP Packet Type Allocations Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lisp-v6-compact-header-05 -1 Expired 2017-06-14 A Compact LISP Encapsulation Scheme to Transport IPv4 Packets over an IPv6 Network Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-lmap-considerations-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 Large scale Measurement of Access network Performance (LMAP): Requirements and Issues from a Network Provider Perspective Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-mmusic-altc-09 -1 RFC 6947 2013-01-29 Informational The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Alternate Connectivity (ALTC) Attribute Mohamed Boucadair , Hadriel Kaplan , Robert Gilman , Simo Veikkolainen draft-boucadair-mmusic-ccap-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Session Description Protocol (SDP) Connectivity Capability (CCAP) Attribute Mohamed Boucadair , Hadriel Kaplan draft-boucadair-mmusic-ipv6-use-cases-00 -1 Expired 2011-12-01 Session Description Protocol (SDP) Alternate Connectivity (ALTC): Use Cases Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-mptcp-connectivity-checks-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-04 MPTCP Connectivity Checks Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-mptcp-dhc-08 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-tcpm-dhc-converter 2017-10-09 DHCP Options for Network-Assisted Multipath TCP (MPTCP) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-mptcp-extensions-00 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-mptcp-max-subflow 2015-06-16 Negotiating the Maximum Number of MPTCP Subflows Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-mptcp-max-subflow-03 -1 Expired 2016-11-25 Negotiating the Maximum Number of Multipath TCP (MPTCP) Subflows Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-mptcp-natfwfree-profile-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-03 An MPTCP Profile for NAT- and Firewall-Free Networks: Network-Assisted MPTCP Deployments Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Pierrick Seite , Olivier Bonaventure , Deng Lingli draft-boucadair-mptcp-plain-mode-10 -1 Expired 2017-03-10 Extensions for Network-Assisted MPTCP Deployment Models Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Olivier Bonaventure , Denis Behaghel , Stefano Secci , Wim Henderickx , Robert Skog , Suresh Vinapamula , SungHoon Seo , Wouter Cloetens , Ullrich Meyer , Luis Contreras , Bart Peirens draft-boucadair-mptcp-probe-subflow-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Probing MPTCP Subflows Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-mptcp-radius-05 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-radext-tcpm-converter 2017-10-09 RADIUS Extensions for Network-Assisted Multipath TCP (MPTCP) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-mptcp-symmetric-02 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 An Extension to MPTCP for Symmetrical Sub-Flow Management Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-netconf-req-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-09 Requirements for Efficient and Automated Configuration Management Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-netmod-iana-registries-07 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-netmod-rfc8407bis 2023-01-20 Recommendations for Creating IANA-Maintained YANG Modules Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-netmod-rfc8407bis-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-26 netmod ops .html,.txt,.xml Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of Documents Containing YANG Data Models Mohamed Boucadair , Qin Wu draft-boucadair-netmod-softwire-iftunnel-00 -1 Expired 2018-10-19 A Tunnel Extension to the Interface Management YANG Module Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-network-automation-requirements-05 -1 Expired 2015-02-13 Requirements for Automated (Configuration) Management Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Luis Contreras draft-boucadair-network-function-chaining-03 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-service-chaining-framework 2013-08-21 Differentiated Service Function Chaining Framework Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Ron Parker , Diego Lopez , Parviz Yegani , Jim Guichard , Paul Quinn draft-boucadair-opsawg-add-encrypted-dns-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-add-encrypted-dns 2022-09-09 RADIUS Extensions for Encrypted DNS Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-opsawg-ipfix-tcpo-v6eh-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-tcpo-v6eh 2023-05-11 Extended TCP Options and IPv6 Extension Headers IPFIX Information Elements Mohamed Boucadair , Benoît Claise draft-boucadair-opsawg-rfc7125-update-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-rfc7125-update 2023-01-05 An Update to the tcpControlBits IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Element Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-opsawg-tcpm-converter-01 -1 Expired 2020-02-28 RADIUS Extensions for 0-RTT TCP Converters Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-opsawg-tsvwg-udp-ipfix-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-tsvwg-udp-ipfix 2023-05-11 Export of UDP Options Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-ospf-v4v6-ospfv3-mi-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-20 IPv4-mapped IPv6 Instance IDs in OSPFv3 Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Dean Cheng , Yiu Lee draft-boucadair-ospf-v4v6-ospfv3-mt-02 -1 Expired 2010-02-11 Multi-Topology/Multi-Instance OSPFv3 for IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Dean Cheng , Yiu Lee draft-boucadair-pce-comm-proto-00 -1 Expired 2005-05-09 Inter PCE Communication protocol Mohamed Boucadair , Pierrick Morand draft-boucadair-pce-discovery-01 -1 Expired 2005-05-02 Path Computation Service discovery via Border Gateway Protocol Pierrick Morand , Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pce-interas-01 -1 Expired 2005-05-02 A Solution for providing inter-AS MPLS-based QoS tunnels Pierrick Morand , Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pcp-bittorrent-00 -1 Expired 2012-05-04 Behavior of BitTorrent service in PCP-enabled networks with Address Sharing Mohamed Boucadair , Tao Zheng , Xiaohong Deng , Jaqueline Queiroz draft-boucadair-pcp-capability-03 -1 Expired 2013-11-25 Retrieving the Capabilities of a PCP-controlled Device Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-pcp-deployment-cases-03 -1 Expired 2014-07-03 Port Control Protocol (PCP) Deployment Models Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pcp-description-option-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-description-option 2012-09-18 PCP Description Option Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-boucadair-pcp-extensions-03 -1 Expired 2012-04-25 Some Extensions to Port Control Protocol (PCP) Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-boucadair-pcp-failure-06 -1 Expired 2013-05-16 Analysis of Port Control Protocol (PCP) Failure Scenarios Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno draft-boucadair-pcp-flow-examples-04 -1 Expired 2015-03-23 Port Control Protocol (PCP) Flow Examples Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pcp-interas-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-13 Inter-AS PCE Communication protocol Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pcp-nat64-experiments-00 -1 Expired 2012-09-24 PCP NAT64 Experiments Mehdi Abdesselam , Mohamed Boucadair , Amina Hasnaoui , Jaqueline Queiroz draft-boucadair-pcp-nat64-prefix64-option-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-nat64-prefix64 2012-09-12 Learn NAT64 PREFIX64s using PCP Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pcp-nat-reveal-01 -1 Expired 2013-05-28 Using PCP to Reveal a Host behind NAT Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Prashanth Patil , Dan Wing draft-boucadair-pcp-rtp-rtcp-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-port-set 2012-10-15 Reserving N and N+1 Ports with PCP Mohamed Boucadair , Senthil Sivakumar draft-boucadair-pcp-server-selection-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-server-selection 2012-09-13 PCP Server Selection Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-boucadair-pcp-sfc-classifier-control-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-21 PCP as a Traffic Classifier Control Protocol Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-pcp-sip-ipv6-07 -1 Expired 2015-11-26 Port Control Protocol (PCP) for SIP Deployments in Managed Networks Mohamed Boucadair , Parthasarathi Ravindran draft-boucadair-pcp-yang-05 -1 Expired 2017-10-17 YANG Modules for the Port Control Protocol (PCP) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Senthil Sivakumar , Suresh Vinapamula draft-boucadair-port-range-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-03 IPv4 Connectivity Access in the Context of IPv4 Address Exhaustion: Port Range based IP Architecture Mohamed Boucadair , Pierre Levis , Gabor Bajko , Teemu Savolainen draft-boucadair-pppext-portrange-option-09 -1 RFC 6431 2011-09-15 int Jari Arkko Informational Huawei Port Range Configuration Options for PPP IP Control Protocol (IPCP) Teemu Savolainen , Tina Tsou , Gabor Bajko , Pierre Levis , Mohamed Boucadair Jari Arkko draft-boucadair-qos-bgp-spec-01 -1 Expired 2005-07-05 QoS-Enhanced Border Gateway Protocol Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-radext-tcpm-converter-02 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-opsawg-tcpm-converter 2019-04-15 RADIUS Extensions for 0-RTT TCP Converters Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-rfc6153-update-01 -1 Expired 2013-08-21 int Ted Lemon Proposed Standard Updates to DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 Options for Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) Discovery Mohamed Boucadair Christian Jacquenet Ted Lemon draft-boucadair-rtgwg-sdn-and-semantic-routing-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-05 .html,.txt,.xml Considerations for the use of SDN in Semantic Routing Networks Mohamed Boucadair , Dirk Trossen , Adrian Farrel draft-boucadair-service-chaining-framework-00 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-sfc-framework 2013-08-30 Differentiated Service Function Chaining Framework Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Ron Parker , Diego Lopez , Jim Guichard , Carlos Pignataro draft-boucadair-sfc-design-analysis-03 -1 Expired 2014-10-22 Service Function Chaining: Design Considerations, Analysis & Recommendations Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Ron Parker , Linda Dunbar draft-boucadair-sfc-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-merged-sfc-architecture 2014-02-13 Service Function Chaining: Framework & Architecture Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Ron Parker , Diego Lopez , Jim Guichard , Carlos Pignataro draft-boucadair-sfc-oam-packet-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sfc-oam-packet 2022-02-24 sfc rtg Proposed Standard An Update to the OAM Behavior in the Network Service Header (NSH) Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-sfc-requirements-06 -1 Expired 2015-02-13 Requirements for Service Function Chaining (SFC) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Yuanlong Jiang , Ron Parker , Kengo draft-boucadair-sipping-ipv6-atypes-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 The atypes media feature tag for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Mohamed Boucadair , Yoann Noisette , Andrew Allen draft-boucadair-softwire-cgn-bypass-03 -1 Expired 2010-10-08 Procedure to bypass DS-Lite AFTR Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Jun Song , Qibo Niu draft-boucadair-softwire-dslite-v6only-01 -1 Expired 2011-04-05 Deploying Dual-Stack Lite in IPv6 Network Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Jean-Luc Grimault , Mohamed Kassi-Lahlou , Pierre Levis , Dean Cheng , Yiu Lee draft-boucadair-softwire-dslite-yang-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-softwire-dslite-yang 2016-06-13 softwire int YANG Data Model for the DS-Lite Address Family Transition Router (AFTR) Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Senthil Sivakumar draft-boucadair-softwire-stateless-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2011-09-08 Requirements for Extending IPv6 Addressing with Port Sets Congxiao Bao , Mohamed Boucadair , Nejc Skoberne , Xing Li draft-boucadair-softwire-stateless-rfc6052-update-00 -1 Replaced draft-boucadair-softwire-stateless-requirements 2011-09-07 Embedding Port Information in IPv4-Translatable IPv6 Prefixes and IPv4- Embedded IPv6 Addresses Nejc Skoberne , Xing Li , Congxiao Bao draft-boucadair-tcpm-capability-option-01 -1 Expired 2016-12-08 TCP Capability Option Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet draft-boucadair-tcpm-dhc-converter-03 -1 Expired 2019-10-08 DHCP Options for 0-RTT TCP Converters Mohamed Boucadair , Christian Jacquenet , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-tcpm-rst-diagnostic-payload-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-01 .html,.txt,.xml TCP RST Diagnostic Payload Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-boucadair-teas-ietf-slicing-overview-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-18 .html,.txt,.xml An Overview of Network Slicing Efforts in The IETF Mohamed Boucadair draft-boucadair-transport-protocols-01 -1 Expired 2015-03-06 On the Need for Transport Protocol Profiles & Investigating New Evolution Tracks Mohamed Boucadair , David Binet , Christian Jacquenet , Luis Contreras , Yiu Lee draft-bouchet-transmission-of-compressed-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 2010-05-21 Transmission of Compressed IPv6 Packets over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks Jeremie Jambet , Anubhav Agarwal , Karanjit Cheema , Rahul Banerjee , Lucie Bouchet draft-boucla-opsawg-ipfix-fixes-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-fixes 2023-05-05 Simple Fixes to the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) IANA Registry Mohamed Boucadair , Benoît Claise draft-boudani-gxcast-02 -1 Expired 2004-10-11 GXcast: Generalized Explicit Multicast Routing Protocol Ali Boudani draft-boudani-mpls-multicast-tree-06 -1 Expired 2004-10-11 An Effective Solution for Multicast Scalability:The MPLS Multicast Tree (MMT) Ali Boudani draft-boudani-mxcast-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-22 Using Recursive Xcast Packets for Multicast Delivery Ali Boudani , Bernard Cousin draft-boudani-simple-xcast-05 -1 Expired 2004-10-11 Simple Explicit Multicast (SEM) Ali Boudani , Bernard Cousin draft-boudreault-ipv6-ntp-refid-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-20 Reference ID for NTPv6 Jean-Francois Boudreault , Marc Blanchet draft-bouilland-polystring-02 -1 Expired 2019-02-16 Multi-languages string: Polystring Aurélien Bouilland draft-boulton-conference-control-package-04 -1 Expired 2008-02-24 A Conference Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework Chris Boulton , Tim Melanchuk , Scott McGlashan , Asher Shiratzky draft-boulton-dispatch-conference-control-package-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 An XCON Client Conference Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework Chris Boulton , Mary Barnes draft-boulton-dispatch-session-chat-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-12 Chatrooms within a Centralized Conferencing (XCON) System Mary Barnes , Chris Boulton , Salvatore Loreto draft-boulton-ivr-control-package-06 -1 Expired 2008-02-24 A Basic Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework Chris Boulton , Tim Melanchuk , Scott McGlashan draft-boulton-ivr-vxml-control-package-04 -1 Expired 2008-02-24 A VoiceXML Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework Chris Boulton , Tim Melanchuk , Scott McGlashan draft-boulton-mediactrl-feature-tags-01 -1 Expired 2008-08-20 Indicating Support for Basic Media Server Capabilities in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Chris Boulton draft-boulton-mediactrl-mrb-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mediactrl-mrb 2009-03-04 Media Resource Brokering Chris Boulton , Lorenzo Miniero draft-boulton-mediactrl-mrb-location-function-06 -1 Expired 2014-01-27 Media Resource Broker (MRB) Location Function (MLF) Chris Boulton , John Dally draft-boulton-media-server-control-00 -1 Expired 2005-06-29 Media Server Request Protocol Chris Boulton , Tim Melanchuk draft-boulton-mmusic-sdp-control-package-attribute-07 -1 Expired 2011-09-05 A Session Description Protocol (SDP) Control Package Attribute Chris Boulton draft-boulton-sip-control-framework-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-08 A Control Framework for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Chris Boulton draft-boulton-sip-endpoint-view-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-26 An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Endpoint Session View Chris Boulton draft-boulton-sipping-endpoint-control-package-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-26 An Endpoint Control Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Chris Boulton draft-boulton-xcon-conference-control-package-07 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 An XCON Client Conference Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework Chris Boulton , Mary Barnes draft-boulton-xcon-media-template-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-25 Media Policy Templates for XCON Chris Boulton , Umesh Chandra draft-boulton-xcon-msrp-conferencing-05 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 Instant Messaging Sessions within a Centralized Conferencing (XCON) System Chris Boulton , Mary Barnes draft-boulton-xcon-session-chat-08 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Chatrooms within a Centralized Conferencing (XCON) System Mary Barnes , Chris Boulton , Salvatore Loreto draft-boulton-xcon-uri-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 A Universal Resource Identifier (URI) for Centralized Conferencing (XCON) Chris Boulton , Mary Barnes draft-boulton-xcon-userid-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 A User Identifier for Centralized Conferencing (XCON) Chris Boulton , Mary Barnes draft-bound-anycast-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-10 IPv6 Anycasting Service: Minimum requirements for end nodes Jim Bound , Pedro Marques draft-bound-dstm-exp-04 -1 Expired 2005-10-20 Dual Stack IPv6 Dominant Transition Mechanism (DSTM) Jim Bound draft-bound-ipng-bsdhost-implement-00 -1 RFC 1682 1994-03-21 IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis Jim Bound draft-bound-ipv6-ip-addr-00 -1 Expired 1996-03-02 Dynamic Reassignment of IP Addresses for TCP and UDP Jim Bound , Pedro Marques draft-bourbaki-6man-classless-ipv6-08 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-11 .html,.txt,.xml IPv6 is Classless Nicolas Bourbaki draft-bourdais-dhcp-cluster-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-20 DHCP cluster Francois Bourdais draft-bourdon-l2tpmulticast-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-26 L2TP Multicast Extension Gilles Bourdon draft-bournelle-pana-ctp-03 -1 Expired 2005-06-24 Use of Context Transfer Protocol (CxTP) for PANA Julien Bournelle draft-bournelle-pana-mip6-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-28 Using PANA in the Mobile IPv6 Integrated Case Julien Bournelle draft-bournelle-pana-mobopts-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-20 PANA Mobility Optimizations Analysis Julien Bournelle draft-boursetty-eap-cst-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-03 EAP client-side transport Benoit de Boursetty , Florent Bersani draft-boutaba-copsprmp-00 -1 Expired 2001-04-13 COPS-PR with Meta-Policy Support Raouf Boutaba draft-boutell-png-spec-04 -1 RFC 2083 1996-06-11 PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification Version 1.0 Thomas Boutell draft-bouthors-sfc-md-00 -1 Expired 2014-09-19 Metadata transport in SFC Nicolas Bouthors draft-boutier-babel-source-specific-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-babel-source-specific 2017-07-03 babel rtg Source-Specific Routing in Babel Matthieu Boutier , Juliusz Chroboczek draft-boutier-homenet-source-specific-routing-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-03 Source-specific Routing Matthieu Boutier , Juliusz Chroboczek draft-boutros-bess-elan-services-over-sr-04 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 A Simplified Scalable ELAN Service Model with Segment Routing Underlay Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Himanshu Shah , Jim Uttaro , Dan Voyer , Bin Wen , Luay Jalil draft-boutros-bess-eline-services-over-sr-01 -1 Expired 2021-10-12 A Simplified Scalable E-Line Service Model with Segment Routing Underlay Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Jim Uttaro , Dan Voyer , Bin Wen , Luay Jalil draft-boutros-bess-evpn-auto-provisoning-02 -1 Expired 2016-10-21 EVPN auto provisioning using a controller Sami Boutros , Rex Fernando , Ali Sajassi , Junying Pang , tsinghjuniper.net draft-boutros-bess-evpn-geneve-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bess-evpn-geneve 2019-03-06 EVPN control plane for Geneve Sami Boutros , Ali Sajassi , John Drake , Jorge Rabadan , Sam Aldrin draft-boutros-bess-evpn-vpws-service-edge-gateway-04 -1 Expired 2017-06-30 EVPN-VPWS Service Edge Gateway Sami Boutros , Patrice Brissette , Ali Sajassi , Dan Voyer , John Drake draft-boutros-bess-l3vpn-services-over-sr-01 -1 Expired 2021-10-12 A Simplified Scalable L3VPN Service Model with Segment Routing Underlay Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Jim Uttaro , Dan Voyer , Bin Wen , Luay Jalil draft-boutros-bess-vxlan-evpn-02 -1 Expired 2016-10-21 bess rtg Informational VXLAN DCI Using EVPN Sami Boutros , Ali Sajassi , Samer Salam , Dennis Cai , Samir Thoria , tsinghjuniper.net , John Drake , Jeff Tantsura draft-boutros-bfd-over-lag-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-30 BFD over LAG interfaces Sami Boutros , George Swallow , Nobo Akiya draft-boutros-eline-services-over-sr-00 -1 Expired 2020-11-02 A Simplified Scalable E-Line Service Model with Segment Routing Underlay Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Jim Uttaro , Dan Voyer , Bin Wen , Luay Jalil draft-boutros-l2vpn-evpn-vpws-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bess-evpn-vpws 2014-10-27 bess rtg Proposed Standard VPWS support in EVPN Sami Boutros , Ali Sajassi , Samer Salam , John Drake , Jeff Tantsura , Dirk Steinberg , Thomas Beckhaus , Jorge Rabadan draft-boutros-l2vpn-mpls-tp-mac-wd-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-l2vpn-mpls-tp-mac-wd 2014-04-02 MAC Address Withdrawal over Static Pseudowire Siva Sivabalan , Sami Boutros , Himanshu Shah , Sam Aldrin , Mannan Venkatesan draft-boutros-l2vpn-vpls-active-active-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-01 VPLS Active/Active Multi-homing Sami Boutros , Clarence Filsfils , Samer Salam draft-boutros-l2vpn-vxlan-evpn-04 -1 Replaced draft-boutros-bess-vxlan-evpn 2014-07-02 VXLAN DCI Using EVPN Sami Boutros , Ali Sajassi , Samer Salam , Dennis Cai , Samir Thoria , tsinghjuniper.net , John Drake , Jeff Tantsura draft-boutros-mpls-ldp-gs-adj-01 -1 Expired 2008-11-03 Graceful Shutdown of LDP Adjacency Kenji Kumaki , Siva Sivabalan , Sami Boutros , Syed Raza draft-boutros-mpls-lsp-ping-ttl-tlv-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-ttl-tlv 2011-02-28 Definition of Time-to-Live TLV for LSP-Ping Mechanisms Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Shaleen Saxena , George Swallow , Michael Wildt , Sam Aldrin draft-boutros-mpls-tp-cv-01 -1 Expired 2009-03-09 Connection verification for MPLS Transport Profile LSP Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , Stewart Bryant , David Ward draft-boutros-mpls-tp-cv-cc-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Connection Verification and Continuity Check for MPLS Transport Profile Label Switched Path Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , David Ward , Stewart Bryant draft-boutros-mpls-tp-fault-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-fault 2009-07-13 MPLS-TP Fault OAM Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , David Ward , Stewart Bryant draft-boutros-mpls-tp-li-lb-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-li-lb 2010-07-06 MPLS Transport Profile Lock Instruct and Loopback Functions Rahul Aggarwal , Martin Vigoureux , Xuehui Dai , Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , Stewart Bryant , Carlos Pignataro draft-boutros-mpls-tp-loopback-03 -1 Replaced draft-boutros-mpls-tp-li-lb 2010-03-01 Operating MPLS Transport Profile LSP in Loopback Mode Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , David Ward , Stewart Bryant , Carlos Pignataro , Rahul Aggarwal , Nabil Bitar , Martin Vigoureux , Italo Busi , Lieven Levrau , Laurent Ciavaglia draft-boutros-mpls-tp-path-trace-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Connection verification for MPLS Transport Profile LSP Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , David Ward , Stewart Bryant draft-boutros-mpls-tp-performance-01 -1 Expired 2009-03-09 Performance Monitoring of MPLS Transport Profile LSP Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , George Swallow , Stewart Bryant , David Ward draft-boutros-nvo3-geneve-applicability-for-sfc-04 -1 Expired 2019-09-16 Geneve applicability for service function chaining Sami Boutros , Dharma Rajan , Philip Kippen , Pierluigi Rolando , Jim Guichard , Sam Aldrin draft-boutros-nvo3-ipsec-over-geneve-01 -1 Expired 2018-01-10 IPsec over Geneve Encapsulation Sami Boutros , Calvin Qian , Dan Wing draft-boutros-nvo3-mac-move-over-geneve-02 -1 Expired 2019-09-20 MAC move over Geneve encapsulation Sami Boutros , Jerome Catrouillet , Mohana Singamsetty , Parag Jain draft-boutros-pwe3-mpls-tp-mac-wd-03 -1 Expired 2014-02-11 MAC Address Withdrawal over Static Pseudowire Siva Sivabalan , Sami Boutros , Himanshu Shah , Sam Aldrin draft-boutros-pwe3-mpls-tp-ms-pw-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pwe3-mpls-tp-ms-pw 2011-02-28 pwe3 rtg Stitching Procedures for Static PW in MPLS-TP Environment Siva Sivabalan , Sami Boutros , Luca Martini draft-boutros-pwe3-ms-pw-tp-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 Pseudowire Stitching Procedures in MPLS-TP Networks Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Luca Martini draft-boutros-spring-elan-services-over-sr-00 -1 Expired 2021-10-25 A Simplified Scalable ELAN Service Model with Segment Routing Underlay Sami Boutros , Siva Sivabalan , Himanshu Shah , Jim Uttaro , Dan Voyer , Bin Wen , Luay Jalil draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-01 -1 Expired 2000-07-17 Issues for Megaco - Sigtran Interworking in ISDN Access Gateways Miek Dekeyser , Jan Bouwen draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-bcp-01 -1 Expired 2001-02-23 Best Current Practice for Megaco-Sigtran Interaction in ISDN Access Gateways Jan Bouwen , Ken Morneault draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-data-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-20 Extensions to Megaco to support Data in an ISDN D-channel Jan Bouwen draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-pack-01 -1 Expired 2001-02-23 ISDN Package for Megaco Jan Bouwen draft-bouwen-sigtran-il1a-01 -1 Expired 2002-02-18 Layer 1 Activation Management for ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer (IUA)ISDN Layer 1 Activation Adaptation Layer (IL1A) Jan Bouwen , Ken Morneault draft-bovo-lmap-mobile-01 -1 Expired 2015-07-20 Mobile LMAP Use Cases Antonio Bovo, Roger Marks draft-bowbakova-rtgwg-enterprise-pa-multihoming-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-enterprise-pa-multihoming 2016-10-31 rtgwg rtg Enterprise Multihoming using Provider-Assigned Addresses without Network Prefix Translation: Requirements and Solution Fred Baker , Chris Bowers , Jen Linkova draft-bowers-isis-te-attribute-set-00 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 Extensions to IS-IS to Associate TE Attributes with TE Attribute Sets and SRLGs with SRLG Sets Chris Bowers , Shraddha Hegde draft-bowers-lsr-isis-gen-info-clarifications-00 -1 Expired 2021-02-22 Clarification of the Use of the IS-IS Generic Information TLV Chris Bowers draft-bowers-rtgwg-mrt-applicability-to-8021qca-01 -1 Expired 2015-07-03 Applicability of Maximally Redundant Trees to IEEE 802.1Qca Path Control and Reservation Chris Bowers , János Farkas draft-bowers-spring-advertising-lsps-with-sr-02 -1 Expired 2015-11-18 Advertising LSPs with Segment Routing Chris Bowers , Hannes Gredler , Uma Chunduri draft-bowers-spring-adv-per-algorithm-label-blocks-02 -1 Expired 2015-10-05 Advertising Per-Topology and Per-Algorithm Label Blocks Chris Bowers , Hannes Gredler , Uma Chunduri draft-box-add-requirements-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-add-requirements 2021-01-24 add int Requirements for Discovering Designated Resolvers Chris Box , Tommy Pauly , Christopher Wood , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Daniel Migault draft-box-http-soap-01 -1 Expired 1999-12-02 SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol Dov Winer , Satish Thatte , Don Box , Gopal Kakivaya , Andrew Layman draft-boyaci-avt-app-sharing-00 -1 Expired 2008-10-27 RTP Payload format for Application and Desktop Sharing Omer Boyaci , Henning Schulzrinne draft-boyaci-avt-png-00 -1 Expired 2008-09-08 RTP Payload Format for Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image Omer Boyaci , Henning Schulzrinne draft-boydseda-ipfix-psamp-bulk-data-yang-model-03 -1 Replaced draft-arokiarajseda-ipfix-data-export-yang-model 2020-03-09 Robert Wilton Proposed Standard YANG Data Models for the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol, Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocol, and Bulk Data Export Joey Boyd , Marta Seda William Lupton Robert Wilton draft-boyd-xttp-00 -1 Expired 2014-11-21 Extensible Text Transfer Protocol -- XTTP John Boyd draft-boyle-megaco-alerting-03 -1 Expired 2002-03-04 Proposed Standard Enhanced Alerting Packages for Megaco/H.248 Kevin Boyle draft-boyle-megaco-tonepkgs-07 -1 Expired 2002-03-04 Proposed Standard Supplemental Tones Packages for Megaco/H.248 Kevin Boyle , Sarah Cornel draft-boyle-sts-ip-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-18 SONET Synchronous Transport Signal over IP Jim Boyle , Craig White , Joe Lawrence draft-boyle-tewg-ds-nop-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-05 tewg sub Accomplishing Diffserv TE needs with Current Specifications Jim Boyle draft-boyle-tewg-interarea-reqts-01 -1 Expired 2003-12-15 Requirements for support of Inter-Area and Inter-AS MPLS Traffic Engineering Jim Boyle draft-boynton-uol-04 -1 Expired 2001-08-08 Uniform Object Locator -- UOL Jon Boynton draft-bozhko-cfrg-aead-properties-02 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-aead-properties 2022-11-24 cfrg Informational Properties of AEAD algorithms Andrey Bozhko draft-bpatil-mobileip-sec-guide-01 -1 Expired 2000-05-23 Security Requirements/Implementation Guidelines for Mobile IP using IP Security Emad Qaddoura , Basavaraj Patil , Raja Narayanan draft-bp-v6ops-ipv6-ready-dns-dnssec-00 -1 Expired 2018-10-10 IPv6-Ready DNS/DNSSSEC Infrastructure Cameron Byrne , Jordi Palet Martinez draft-bpw-pcp-dhcp-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-dhcp 2011-04-27 DHCP and DHCPv6 Options for the Port Control Protocol (PCP) Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-bpw-pcp-nat-pmp-interworking-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Port Control Protocol (PCP) NAT-PMP Interworking Function Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing , Francis Dupont draft-bpw-pcp-proxy-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-proxy 2011-09-12 Port Control Protocol (PCP) Proxy Function Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing , Francis Dupont draft-bpw-pcp-upnp-igd-interworking-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-upnp-igd-interworking 2011-02-07 Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Internet Gateway Device (IGD)-Port Control Protocol (PCP) Interworking Function Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing , Francis Dupont draft-bpw-softwire-pcp-dhcp-01 -1 Replaced draft-bpw-pcp-dhcp 2010-05-10 DHCP and DHCPv6 Options for Port Control Protocol (PCP) Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-bpw-softwire-pcp-flow-examples-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-15 PCP Flow Examples Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-bpw-softwire-upnp-pcp-interworking-01 -1 Replaced draft-bpw-pcp-upnp-igd-interworking 2010-09-15 UPnP IGD-PCP Interworking Function Mohamed Boucadair , Reinaldo Penno , Dan Wing draft-braden-2level-signal-arch-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-06 A Two-Level Architecture for Internet Signaling Robert Braden , Bob Lindell draft-braden-independent-submission-02 -1 RFC 5744 2009-11-11 gen Russ Housley Informational Procedures for Rights Handling in the RFC Independent Submission Stream Robert Braden , Joel Halpern Russ Housley draft-braden-realtime-outline-00 -1 RFC 1633 1993-10-26 Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: an Overview Robert Braden , David Clark , Scott Shenker draft-braden-shared-media-00 -1 RFC 1620 1993-10-18 Internet Architecture Extensions for Shared Media Robert Braden , Jon Postel , Yakov Rekhter draft-bradford-ccamp-path-key-ero-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-path-key-ero 2008-02-24 RSVP Extensions for Path Key Support Richard Bradford , Vasseur Jp draft-bradford-pce-path-key-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-path-key 2007-01-05 Preserving Topology Confidentiality in Inter-Domain Path Computation using a key based mechanism Richard Bradford draft-bradley-dnssd-private-discovery-05 -1 Expired 2020-12-28 Private Discovery Bob Bradley draft-bradley-jwt-encoded-oauth-state-00 -1 Expired 2014-05-04 Encoding claims in the OAuth 2 state paramater using a JWT John Bradley draft-bradley-oauth-jwt-encoded-state-09 -1 Expired 2018-11-05 Encoding claims in the OAuth 2 state parameter using a JWT John Bradley , Torsten Lodderstedt , Hans Zandbelt draft-bradley-oauth-open-redirector-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-closing-redirectors 2015-07-22 OAuth 2.0 Security: OAuth Open Redirector John Bradley , Antonio Sanso , Hannes Tschofenig draft-bradley-oauth-pop-key-distribution-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-pop-key-distribution 2014-06-26 Kathleen Moriarty Proposed Standard OAuth 2.0 Proof-of-Possession: Authorization Server to Client Key Distribution John Bradley , Phil Hunt , Michael Jones , Hannes Tschofenig Kathleen Moriarty draft-bradley-oauth-stateless-client-id-06 -1 Expired 2018-08-02 Stateless Client Identifier for OAuth 2 John Bradley , Justin Richer draft-bradley-stateless-oauth-client-01 -1 Expired 2014-04-07 Stateless Client Identifier for OAuth 2 John Bradley draft-bradner-1240.his-01 -1 RFC 2556 1999-01-18 Informational OSI connectionless transport services on top of UDP Applicability Statement for Historic Status Scott Bradner draft-bradner-3gpp2-collaboration-01 -1 RFC 3131 2001-05-07 3GPP2-IETF Standardization Collaboration Scott Bradner , Mike McPheters , Gerry Flynn , Pat Calhoun , Henry Cuschieri , Steve Dennett , Mark Lipford draft-bradner-access-control-01 -1 RFC 2057 1996-07-10 Source Directed Access Control on the Internet Scott Bradner draft-bradner-annfwd-req-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 Requirements for an Anonymizing Packet Forwarder Scott Bradner , H. Kung draft-bradner-author-contributors-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-05 Obtaining Additional Permissions from Contributors Scott Bradner draft-bradner-handshake-03 -1 Expired 1999-01-18 Secret Handshakes: How to get RFCs published in the IETF Scott Bradner draft-bradner-iana-allocation-04 -1 RFC 2780 2000-01-07 Best Current Practice IANA Allocation Guidelines For Values In the Internet Protocol and Related Headers Vern Paxson , Scott Bradner draft-bradner-iaoc-terms-04 -1 RFC 7691 2015-09-01 gen Jari Arkko Best Current Practice Updating the Term Dates of IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) Members Scott Bradner Tobias Gondrom Jari Arkko draft-bradner-ietf-liaisoning-01 -1 Expired 2015-01-22 IETF Liaisoning Scott Bradner draft-bradner-ietf-proc-ideas-00 -1 Expired 2003-07-28 Ideas for changes to the IETF document approval process Scott Bradner draft-bradner-ietf-stds-trk-01 -1 Expired 2004-03-26 An Idea for an Alternate IETF Standards Track Scott Bradner draft-bradner-ipr-technology-01 -1 Expired 2002-10-29 Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology Scott Bradner draft-bradner-isoc-by-laws-00 -1 RFC 2135 1997-03-25 Internet Society By-Laws draft-bradner-isoc-incorp-00 -1 RFC 2134 1997-03-24 Articles of Incorporation of Internet Society draft-bradner-key-words-02 -1 RFC 2119 1996-09-02 Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels Scott Bradner draft-bradner-metricstest-03 -1 Expired 2007-08-23 gen Lars Eggert Advancement of metrics specifications on the IETF Standards Track Scott Bradner , Vern Paxson Lars Eggert draft-bradner-multicast-problem-00 -1 Expired 1997-09-15 Internet Protocol Multicast Problem Statement Scott Bradner draft-bradner-nsis-bof-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-13 Report of the Next Steps in Signaling BOF Scott Bradner , Allison Mankin draft-bradner-pbk-frame-06 -1 Expired 2003-06-09 gen Russ Housley Informational A Framework for Purpose-Built Keys (PBK) Scott Bradner , Allison Mankin , Jeffrey Schiller Russ Housley draft-bradner-qos-problem-00 -1 Expired 1997-09-15 Internet Protocol Quality of Service Problem Statement Scott Bradner draft-bradner-restore-proposed-00 -1 Expired 2011-01-29 Restoring Proposed Standard to Its Intended Use John Klensin , Scott Bradner draft-bradner-rfc3979bis-13 -1 RFC 8179 2017-03-09 gen Jari Arkko Best Current Practice Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology Scott Bradner , Jorge Contreras Jari Arkko draft-bradner-rfc-extracts-01 -1 Expired 2005-07-08 Extracting RFCs Scott Bradner draft-bradner-stdproc-isd-01 -1 Expired 2005-06-14 Sample ISD for the IETF Standards Process Scott Bradner draft-bradner-submission-rights-01 -1 Expired 2002-10-29 IETF Rights in Submissions Scott Bradner draft-bradshaw-envelope-validation-extension-dkim-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-11 .html,.txt,.xml DKIM Envelope Validation Extension (eve) Marc Bradshaw draft-bragg-ipv6-multihoming-00 -1 Expired 2000-12-01 Routing support for IPv6 Multi-homing Nigel Bragg draft-brand-drip-02 -1 Expired 2003-10-15 app Ted Hardie Proposed Standard Designated Relays Inquiry Protocol (DRIP) Laurence Sherzer , Raymond Brand , Richard Rognlie Ted Hardie draft-brandenburg-avtcore-rtcp-for-idms-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avtcore-idms 2011-03-07 RTCP for inter-destination media synchronization Ray van Brandenburg , Hans Stokking , Oskar van Deventer , Omar Niamut , Fabian Walraven , Ishan Vaishnavi , Fernando Boronat , Mario Montagud draft-brandenburg-avt-rtcp-for-idms-04 -1 Expired 2011-03-04 RTCP for inter-destination media synchronization Ray van Brandenburg , Hans Stokking , Oskar van Deventer , Omar Niamut , Fabian Walraven , Ishan Vaishnavi , Fernando Boronat , Mario Montagud draft-brandenburg-cdni-has-05 -1 RFC 6983 2013-04-12 Informational Models for HTTP-Adaptive-Streaming-Aware Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) Ray van Brandenburg , Oskar van Deventer , François Le Faucheur , Kent Leung draft-brandenburg-cdni-uri-signing-for-has-03 -1 Expired 2016-06-06 URI Signing for HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) Ray van Brandenburg draft-brand-indicators-for-message-identification-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-03 .html,.txt,.xml Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) Seth Blank , Peter Goldstein , Thede Loder , Terry Zink , Marc Bradshaw , Alex Brotman draft-brandner-enum-categorical-enumservices-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 'Categorical enumservices' Rudolf Brandner , Lawrence Conroy , Richard Stastny draft-brandner-enumservice-msg-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-11 Registration for enumservices of group messages Rudolf Brandner , Lawrence Conroy , Richard Stastny draft-brandner-enumservices-compendium-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-16 'A compendium of enumservice registrations' Rudolf Brandner draft-brandner-enumservice-vovi-02 -1 Expired 2004-07-22 tsv Allison Mankin Proposed Standard Registration for enumservices voice and video Lawrence Conroy , Richard Stastny , Rudolf Brandner Allison Mankin draft-brandner-enumservice-webft-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-enum-webft 2003-02-24 Registration for enumservices web and ft Rudolf Brandner draft-brandner-enum-tel-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-26 'The ENUM 'tel' enumservice' Rudolf Brandner , Lawrence Conroy draft-brandner-enum-uri-01 -1 Expired 2003-02-21 The 'enum:' URI scheme Rudolf Brandner , Lawrence Conroy , Richard Stastny draft-brandner-enum-voice-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-enum-voice 2005-07-07 IANA Registration for Enumservice Voice Rudolf Brandner draft-brandner-etal-ats-00 -1 Expired 2003-07-24 Archive Time-Stamps Syntax (ATS) Ralf Brandner draft-brandner-tel-svc-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-07 'The 'tel:' URI 'svc' Parameter' Rudolf Brandner , Lawrence Conroy , Richard Stastny draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz-02 -1 Expired 2013-06-18 Transmission of IPv6 packets over ITU-T G.9959 Networks Anders Brandt , Jakob Buron draft-brandt-coap-subnet-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Discovery of CoAP servers across subnets Anders Brandt draft-brandt-imap-replace-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-extra-imap-replace 2018-06-30 extra art Proposed Standard IMAP REPLACE Extension Stuart Brandt Bron Gondwana draft-brandt-rl2n-home-routing-reqs-02 -1 Expired 2007-11-12 Home Automation Routing Requirement in Low Power and Lossy Networks Vasseur Jp draft-brandt-roll-home-routing-reqs-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-roll-home-routing-reqs 2008-05-13 Home Automation Routing Requirement in Low Power and Lossy Networks Anders Brandt draft-brandt-roll-rpl-applicability-home-building-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-roll-applicability-home-building 2013-05-13 Applicability Statement: The use of the RPL protocol set in Home Automation and Building Control Anders Brandt , Emmanuel Baccelli , Robert Cragie , Peter Van der Stok draft-brase-urn-tib-00 -1 Expired 2004-09-28 Request for the URN namespace "tib" for scientific primary data Jan Brase draft-brashear-afs3-pts-extended-names-09 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Authentication Name Mapping extension for AFS-3 Protection Service Derrick Brashear draft-brasher-diap-11 -1 Expired 2009-11-26 Distributed Internet Archive Protocol (DIAP) Damian Brasher draft-brasher-ltasp-05 -1 Expired 2011-05-14 Long Term Archive Storage Protocol Damian Brasher draft-brassil-avt-cues-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-14 RTP Payload Format for Program Cues John Brassil , Henning Schulzrinne draft-braun-core-compressed-ipfix-03 -1 Expired 2011-09-22 Compressed IPFIX for smart meters in constrained networks Lothar Braun , Corinna Schmitt , Benoît Claise , Georg Carle draft-bray-i-json-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-json-i-json 2014-01-06 The I-JSON Message Format Tim Bray draft-brayley-pwe3-atm-service-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-02 PWE3: ATM service description Jeremy Brayley draft-bray-pgp-message-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-16 The OpenPGP Message Format Tim Bray draft-bray-privacy-choices-01 -1 Expired 2015-04-11 Privacy Choices for Internet Data Services Tim Bray draft-bray-unichars-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-19 .html,.txt,.xml Unicode Character Repertoire Subsets Tim Bray , Paul Hoffman draft-brazdziunas-ipng-atm-00 -1 RFC 1680 1994-03-24 IPng Support for ATM Services Chris Brazdziunas draft-breit-network-perf-throughput-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-10 Network Throughput and Performance Calculations Louis Breit draft-breit-ntwrk-tuning-00 -1 Expired 1997-01-23 Network Tuning for Efficiency and Throughput Louis Breit draft-breit-snmp-overhead-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-05 SNMP Overhead and Performance Impact Louis Breit draft-brenner-dime-peem-01 -1 RFC 5224 2008-01-02 gen Dan Romascanu Informational Diameter Policy Processing Application Michael Brenner Dan Romascanu draft-bre-openpgp-samples-01 -1 Expired 2019-12-20 OpenPGP Example Keys and Certificates Bjarni Einarsson , "juga" , Daniel Gillmor draft-bressler-sigtran-ipss7l2-00 -1 Expired 1998-12-17 SS7 Level Two over IP William Bressler draft-bretelle-dnsop-recursive-iprange-location-01 -1 Expired 2020-10-29 Recursive Resolvers IP Ranges location distribution and discovery Manu Bretelle draft-bretelle-dprive-dot-for-insecure-delegations-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 DNS-over-TLS for insecure delegations Manu Bretelle draft-bretelle-dprive-dot-spki-in-ns-name-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Encoding DNS-over-TLS (DoT) Subject Public Key Info (SPKI) in Name Server name Manu Bretelle draft-brevigcia-ccamp-mpls-upstream-node-cap-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-19 IGP Routing Protocol Extensions for Discovery of Upstream Label Assignment Node Capability Yannick Brehon , Martin Vigoureux , Laurent Ciavaglia , Mohamad Chaitou , Zafar Ali draft-brew-intarea-underground-01 -1 Expired 2020-01-15 GPS Over WiFi. Rob Brew draft-brezak-kerberos-http-00 -1 Expired 2003-11-19 HTTP Authentication: Kerberos Authentication As implemented in Microsoft Windows 2000 John Brezak draft-brezak-spnego-http-04 -1 Expired 2002-10-16 HTTP Authentication: SPNEGO Access Authentication As implemented in Microsoft Windows 2000 John Brezak draft-brezak-win2k-krb-authz-01 -1 Expired 2002-10-16 Utilizing the Windows 2000 Authorization Data in Kerberos Tickets for Access Control to Resources John Brezak draft-brezak-win2k-krb-rc4-hmac-04 -1 Expired 2002-05-02 The Microsoft Windows 2000 RC4-HMAC Kerberos encryption type Michael Swift , John Brezak draft-bridges-tcp-checksum-01 -1 Expired 1994-12-13 TCP Embedded Trailer Checksum Monroe Bridges , Subbu Subramaniam , Dustin Edwards draft-brigm-deterministicrp-00 -1 Expired 2011-05-20 Deterministic RP (D-RP) Specification Michael Brig , Jeff Chaney , Charles Schlise , Thomas Tharp draft-brim-diffserv-phbid-00 -1 Expired 1999-04-28 Per Hop Behavior Identification Codes Brian Carpenter , Scott Brim , François Le Faucheur draft-brim-ipr-wg-guidelines-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-04 Guidelines for Working Groups on Intellectual Property Issues Scott Brim draft-brim-lisp-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2008-03-10 LISP Analysis Authors Lisp draft-brim-midcom-inandout-00 -1 Expired 2001-09-10 Midcom Agents and Topology Scott Brim , Adina Simu draft-brim-mobility-and-privacy-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 Mobility and Privacy Scott Brim , Marc Linsner , Bryan McLaughlin draft-brinkmann-rohc-3095-fn-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-19 RTP-ROHC in ROHC Formal Notation Carsten Bormann draft-briscoe-ama-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-22 End to End Aggregation of Multicast Addresses Martin Tatham , Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-aqm-dualq-coupled-01 -1 Replaced draft-briscoe-tsvwg-aqm-dualq-coupled 2016-03-21 DualQ Coupled AQM for Low Latency, Low Loss and Scalable Throughput Koen De Schepper , Bob Briscoe , Olga Bondarenko , Ing Tsang draft-briscoe-conex-data-centre-02 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Network Performance Isolation in Data Centres using Congestion Policing Bob Briscoe , Murari Sridharan draft-briscoe-conex-initial-deploy-03 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 Initial Congestion Exposure (ConEx) Deployment Examples Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-conex-policing-01 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Network Performance Isolation using Congestion Policing Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-conex-re-ecn-motiv-03 -1 Expired 2014-03-11 Re-ECN: A Framework for adding Congestion Accountability to TCP/IP Bob Briscoe , Arnaud Jacquet , Toby Moncaster , Alan Smith draft-briscoe-conex-re-ecn-tcp-04 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Re-ECN: Adding Accountability for Causing Congestion to TCP/IP Bob Briscoe , Arnaud Jacquet , Toby Moncaster , Alan Smith draft-briscoe-docsis-q-protection-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2022-05-13 Informational .html,.txt,.xml The DOCSIS(r) Queue Protection Algorithm to Preserve Low Latency Bob Briscoe , Greg White Eliot Lear draft-briscoe-iccrg-prague-congestion-control-02 -1 Expired 2023-03-10 Prague Congestion Control Koen De Schepper , Olivier Tilmans , Bob Briscoe , Vidhi Goel draft-briscoe-intarea-ipv4-id-reuse-04 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Reusing the IPv4 Identification Field in Atomic Packets Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-pcn-3-in-1-encoding-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcn-3-in-1-encoding 2008-10-27 PCN 3-State Encoding Extension in a single DSCP Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-pcn-boundary-behav-00 -1 Replaced draft-tsou-pcn-boundary-behav 2007-11-12 PCN Boundary Node Behaviour Bob Briscoe , Tina Tsou , Tom Taylor draft-briscoe-re-pcn-border-cheat-03 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 Emulating Border Flow Policing using Re-PCN on Bulk Data Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tcpm-echo-cookie-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 The Echo Cookie TCP Option Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tcpm-inner-space-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 Inner Space for TCP Options Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tcpm-inspace-mode-tcpbis-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Inner Space for all TCP Options (Kitchen Sink Draft - to be Split Up) Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tcpm-syn-op-sis-03 -1 Replaced draft-briscoe-tcpm-inner-space 2014-10-27 Extended TCP Option Space in the Payload of an Alternative SYN Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvarea-fair-02 -1 Expired 2007-07-11 Flow Rate Fairness: Dismantling a Religion Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-aqm-dualq-coupled-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-aqm-dualq-coupled 2016-10-31 tsvwg tsv DualQ Coupled AQM for Low Latency, Low Loss and Scalable Throughput Koen De Schepper , Bob Briscoe , Olga Bondarenko , Ing Tsang draft-briscoe-tsvwg-aqm-tcpm-rmcat-l4s-problem-02 -1 Replaced draft-briscoe-tsvwg-l4s-arch 2016-07-08 Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput (L4S) Internet Service: Problem Statement Bob Briscoe , Koen De Schepper , Marcelo Bagnulo draft-briscoe-tsvwg-byte-pkt-mark-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-byte-pkt-congest 2008-02-25 Byte and Packet Congestion Notification Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-cl-architecture-04 -1 Expired 2006-10-25 tsv Lars Eggert An edge-to-edge Deployment Model for Pre-Congestion Notification: Admission Control over a DiffServ Region Bob Briscoe Lars Eggert draft-briscoe-tsvwg-cl-phb-03 -1 Expired 2006-10-22 tsv Lars Eggert Pre-Congestion Notification marking Bob Briscoe Lars Eggert draft-briscoe-tsvwg-ecn-encap-guidelines-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-encap-guidelines 2014-03-04 Guidelines for Adding Congestion Notification to Protocols that Encapsulate IP Bob Briscoe , John Kaippallimalil , Patricia Thaler draft-briscoe-tsvwg-ecn-l4s-id-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-l4s-id 2016-10-31 tsvwg tsv Identifying Modified Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Semantics for Ultra-Low Queuing Delay Koen De Schepper , Bob Briscoe , Ing Tsang draft-briscoe-tsvwg-ecn-tunnel-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-tunnel 2008-07-14 Layered Encapsulation of Congestion Notification Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-l4s-arch-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-l4s-arch 2017-03-30 tsvwg tsv Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput (L4S) Internet Service: Architecture Bob Briscoe , Koen De Schepper , Marcelo Bagnulo draft-briscoe-tsvwg-l4s-diffserv-02 -1 Expired 2018-11-04 Interactions between Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput (L4S) and Differentiated Services Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-quickstart-rvw-00 -1 Expired 2005-11-28 Review: Quick-Start for TCP and IP Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-re-ecn-border-cheat-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-29 Emulating Border Flow Policing using Re-ECN on Bulk Data Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-re-ecn-tcp-09 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 Re-ECN: Adding Accountability for Causing Congestion to TCP/IP Bob Briscoe , Arnaud Jacquet , Toby Moncaster , Alan Smith draft-briscoe-tsvwg-re-ecn-tcp-motivation-02 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 Re-ECN: A Framework for adding Congestion Accountability to TCP/IP Bob Briscoe , Arnaud Jacquet , Toby Moncaster , Alan Smith draft-briscoe-tsvwg-relax-fairness-01 -1 Expired 2008-07-14 Problem Statement: Transport Protocols Don't Have To Do Fairness Bob Briscoe , T Moncaster , Anne-Louise Burness draft-briscoe-tsvwg-rfc6040bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc6040update-shim 2016-07-08 tsvwg tsv Propagating Explicit Congestion Notification Across IP Tunnel Headers Separated by a Shim Bob Briscoe draft-briscoe-tsvwg-rfc6040update-shim-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc6040update-shim 2016-11-15 Propagating Explicit Congestion Notification Across IP Tunnel Headers Separated by a Shim Bob Briscoe draft-brissette-bess-evpn-l2gw-proto-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bess-evpn-l2gw-proto 2021-02-22 EVPN Multi-Homing Mechanism for Layer-2 Gateway Protocols Patrice Brissette , Ali Sajassi , Luc André Burdet , Dan Voyer draft-brissette-bess-evpn-mh-pa-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bess-evpn-mh-pa 2019-11-01 EVPN multi-homing port-active load-balancing Patrice Brissette , Ali Sajassi , Bin Wen , Eddie Leyton , Jorge Rabadan draft-brissette-bess-evpn-vpws-seamless-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bess-evpn-vpws-seamless 2023-05-17 EVPN-VPWS Seamless Integration with L2VPN VPWS Patrice Brissette , Wen Lin , Jorge Rabadan , Jim Uttaro , Bin Wen draft-brissette-bess-evpn-yang-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bess-evpn-yang 2015-12-02 bess rtg Yang Data Model for EVPN Patrice Brissette , Himanshu Shah , Zhenbin Li , Kishore Tiruveedhula , tsinghjuniper.net , Iftekhar Hussain draft-brissette-bess-vpws-seamless-00 -1 Replaced draft-brissette-bess-evpn-vpws-seamless 2019-10-31 EVPN-VPWS Seamless Integration with Legacy VPWS Patrice Brissette , Ali Sajassi , Luc André Burdet , Jim Uttaro draft-brissette-pals-pw-fec-label-request-01 -1 Expired 2015-06-29 Handling Incoming Label Request for PW FEC Types Patrice Brissette , Syed Raza , Sami Boutros , Nick Regno , Matthew Turlington draft-brittain-mpls-ldp-ft-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-12 Fault Tolerance for LDP and CR-LDP Adrian Farrel , Paul Brittain , Philip Matthews , Eric Gray draft-britton-ipng-req-corp-netwrk-00 -1 RFC 1678 1994-03-22 IPng Requirements of Large Corporate Networks Edward Britton , John Tavs draft-brockhaus-lamps-cmp-updates-03 -1 Expired 2020-01-28 CMP Updates Hendrik Brockhaus draft-brockhaus-lamps-industrial-cmp-profile-00 -1 Replaced draft-brockhaus-lamps-lightweight-cmp-profile 2019-03-11 Lightweight Industrial CMP Profile Hendrik Brockhaus , Steffen Fries , David von Oheimb draft-brockhaus-lamps-lightweight-cmp-profile-03 -1 Expired 2020-01-28 Lightweight CMP Profile Hendrik Brockhaus , Steffen Fries , David von Oheimb draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-03 -1 Expired 2004-01-07 IRC RPL_ISUPPORT Numeric Definition Edward Brocklesby draft-brocklesby-irc-usercmdpfx-02 -1 Expired 2002-12-09 IRC Command Prefix Capability Edward Brocklesby draft-brockners-diameter-nat-control-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dime-nat-control 2009-03-03 Diameter NAT Control Application Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vaneeta Singh draft-brockners-inband-oam-data-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data 2017-07-03 Data Fields for In-situ OAM Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , David Mozes , Petr Lapukhov , Remy Chang , Daniel Bernier draft-brockners-inband-oam-requirements-03 -1 Expired 2017-03-13 Requirements for In-situ OAM Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Sashank Dara , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , David Mozes , Tal Mizrahi , Petr <>, remybarefootnetworks.com draft-brockners-inband-oam-transport-05 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 Encapsulations for In-situ OAM Data Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vengada Prasad Govindan , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , David Mozes , Petr Lapukhov , Remy Chang draft-brockners-ioam-vxlan-gpe-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 VXLAN-GPE Encapsulation for In-situ OAM Data Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vengada Prasad Govindan , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , David Mozes , Petr Lapukhov , Remy Chang draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-data-integrity-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-data-integrity 2021-07-31 ippm tsv Integrity of In-situ OAM Data Fields Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Tal Mizrahi draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-geneve-05 -1 Expired 2020-11-19 Geneve encapsulation for In-situ OAM Data Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vengada Prasad Govindan , Carlos Pignataro , Nagendra Nainar , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , Petr Lapukhov , Barak Gafni , Aviv Kfir , Mickey Spiegel draft-brockners-ippm-ioam-vxlan-gpe-03 -1 Expired 2019-11-04 VXLAN-GPE Encapsulation for In-situ OAM Data Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vengada Prasad Govindan , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , Aviv Kfir , Barak Gafni , Petr Lapukhov , Mickey Spiegel draft-brockners-ldp-half-duplex-mp2mp-02 -1 Expired 2008-02-22 Label Distribution Protocol Extensions for Half-Duplex Multipoint-to-Multipoint Label Switched Paths Frank Brockners , IJsbrand Wijnands , Ali Sajassi draft-brockners-lisp-sr-01 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 LISP Extensions for Segment Routing Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Fabio Maino , Darrel Lewis draft-brockners-nat-control-protocols-review-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-05 Review of NAT Control Protocols Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Shashank Vikram , Pallavi Mishra draft-brockners-nvo3-ioam-geneve-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 Geneve encapsulation for In-situ OAM Data Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vengada Prasad Govindan , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , David Mozes , Petr Lapukhov , Remy Chang draft-brockners-opsawg-ioam-deployment-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-deployment 2021-06-24 ippm tsv In-situ OAM Deployment Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Daniel Bernier , Tal Mizrahi draft-brockners-proof-of-transit-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sfc-proof-of-transit 2018-05-07 sfc rtg Proof of Transit Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Sashank Dara , Carlos Pignataro , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , David Mozes , Tal Mizrahi draft-brockners-sfc-ioam-nsh-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sfc-ioam-nsh 2018-03-05 sfc rtg NSH Encapsulation for In-situ OAM Data Frank Brockners , Shwetha Bhandari , Vengada Prasad Govindan , Carlos Pignataro , Hannes Gredler , John Leddy , Stephen Youell , Tal Mizrahi , David Mozes , Petr Lapukhov , Remy Chang draft-brockners-softwire-mcast-gi-ds-lite-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 Multicast Considerations for Gateway-Initiated Dual-Stack Lite Frank Brockners , Yiu Lee draft-brok-simple-regulate-publish-02 -1 Expired 2006-03-08 Regulating Publication of Event State Information Jacco Brok draft-brotman-ietf-bimi-guidance-08 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-03 .html,.txt,.xml General Guidance for Implementing Branded Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) Alex Brotman , Terry Zink , Marc Bradshaw draft-brotman-mta-sts-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-uta-mta-sts 2016-04-25 SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security Daniel Margolis , Mark Risher, Nicolas Lidzborski, Wei Chuang, Brandon Long, Binu Ramakrishnan, Alex Brotman , Janet Jones, Franck Martin, Klaus Umbach, Markus Laber draft-brotman-rdbd-03 -1 Expired 2019-09-18 Related Domains By DNS Alex Brotman , Stephen Farrell draft-brotman-smtp-tlsrpt-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-uta-smtp-tlsrpt 2016-04-25 SMTP TLS Reporting Daniel Margolis , Alex Brotman , Binu Ramakrishnan, Janet Jones, Mark Risher draft-brotman-srds-02 -1 Expired 2022-04-04 SMTP Enhanced Status Codes for Potentially Unwanted Mail Alex Brotman draft-brown-dcom-v1-spec-03 -1 Expired 1998-03-11 Distributed Component Object Model Protocol -- DCOM/1.0 Nina Brown , Charlie Kindel draft-brown-device-stock-ua-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-12 Device-Stock-UA HTTP Extension Tiffany Brown , Ronan Cremin draft-brown-e164-01 -1 Expired 1999-10-26 E.164 Resolution Anne Brown draft-brown-eadsr-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-23 The Energy Aware Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Tim Brown draft-brown-ec-2y2-x3-x-mod-8-to-91-plus-5-09 -1 Expired 2022-03-21 Experimental BlackBerry's Elliptic Curve 2y^2=x^3+x over Field Size 8^91+5 Daniel Brown Eliot Lear draft-browne-ietf-sfc-nsh-timestamp-00 -1 Replaced draft-browne-sfc-nsh-timestamp 2015-10-19 Network Service Header Time Stamping Rory Browne , Andrey Chilikin , Brendan Ryan draft-brown-epp-contacts-in-rdap-00 -1 Expired 2019-02-18 Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Contact Mapping for Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) JSON Responses Gavin Brown draft-brown-epp-fees-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-regext-epp-fees 2016-04-08 Registry Fee Extension for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Gavin Brown , Jothan Frakes draft-brown-epp-reverse-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-13 Command Reversal Extension for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Gavin Brown , Jothan Frakes draft-browne-sfc-nsh-kpi-stamp-07 -1 RFC 8592 2019-02-25 Informational Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Stamping for the Network Service Header (NSH) Rory Browne , Andrey Chilikin , Tal Mizrahi Eliot Lear draft-browne-sfc-nsh-timestamp-01 -1 Replaced draft-browne-sfc-nsh-kpi-stamp 2016-06-01 Network Service Header Timestamping Rory Browne , Andrey Chilikin , Brendan Ryan , Tal Mizrahi , Yoram Moses draft-brown-ieprep-sec-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 ieprep rai Jon Peterson Securing prioritised emergency traffic Ian Brown Jon Peterson draft-brown-ieps-sec-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-06 Securing prioritised emergency traffic Ian Brown draft-brownlee-accounting-attributes-00 -1 Expired 1999-05-25 aaa ops Accounting Attributes and Record Formats Nevil Brownlee , Alan Blount draft-brownlee-acct-arch-report-03 -1 Expired 1995-06-05 Experimental Accounting: Usage Reporting Architecture Greg Ruth , Nevil Brownlee , Cynthia Mills draft-brownlee-implementing-new-attributes-00 -1 Expired 2000-10-10 RTFM: Implementing New Attributes Nevil Brownlee draft-brownlee-ipng-acct-req-00 -1 RFC 1672 1994-04-11 Accounting Requirements for IPng Nevil Brownlee draft-brownlee-rfc-series-and-rse-changes-01 -1 Expired 2020-06-26 Changes to the RFC Series and RSE Nevil Brownlee draft-brownlee-svg-rfc-13 -1 Replaced draft-iab-svg-rfc 2015-10-16 SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC Nevil Brownlee , IAB draft-brown-paradisec-namespace-00 -1 Expired 2005-06-02 The Paradisec URN Namespace Luke Brown draft-brown-pgp-pfs-03 -1 Expired 2001-10-08 Forward Secrecy Extensions for OpenPGP Ian Brown , Ben Laurie draft-brown-supplpkgs-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-16 Supplemental Packages for Megaco/H.248 Kenneth Chapman , Caralyn Brown , Kevin Boyle draft-brown-versioning-link-relations-07 -1 RFC 5829 2010-01-22 app Lisa Dusseault Informational Link Relation Types for Simple Version Navigation between Web Resources Geoffrey Clemm , Julian Reschke , Al Brown Lisa Dusseault draft-brown-whoami-02 -1 Expired 2018-06-01 WHOAMI: A Method For Identifying a Domain Operator's Contact Information Gavin Brown draft-brown-xml-dsig-00 -1 Expired 1999-01-19 xmldsig sec Digital Signatures for XML Richard Brown draft-broyer-http-cookie-auth-00 -1 Expired 2009-01-04 Cookie-based HTTP Authentication Thomas Broyer draft-brucet-pppext-ppp-over-aal2-class-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-27 Class Extensions for PPP over AAL2 bruce Buffam , Thima Koren draft-bruckert-brainpool-for-tls13-07 -1 RFC 8734 2019-09-26 Informational Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Curves for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Version 1.3 Leonie Bruckert , Johannes Merkle , Manfred Lochter Eliot Lear draft-brugger-connection-metrics-01 -1 Expired 2006-08-17 Definitions for TCP Connection Metrics Terry Brugger draft-bruneau-intarea-provisioning-domains-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-intarea-provisioning-domains 2017-07-28 intarea int Discovering Provisioning Domain Names and Data Pierre Pfister , David Schinazi , Tommy Pauly , Éric Vyncke , Basile Bruneau draft-bruneau-pvd-00 -1 Replaced draft-bruneau-intarea-provisioning-domains 2017-03-02 Proposals to discover Provisioning Domains Basile Bruneau , Éric Vyncke , Pierre Pfister , David Schinazi , Tommy Pauly draft-brunner-diffserv-pdb-one2any-ar-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-22 An one-to-any Assured Rate Per-Domain Behavior for Differentiated Services Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-epp-data-considerations-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-31 EPP Data Considerations Eric Brunner-Williams draft-brunner-epp-smtp-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-22 EPP transport mapping for SMTP Eric Brunner-Williams draft-brunner-ikev2-mediation-00 -1 Expired 2008-04-16 IKEv2 Mediation Extension Tobias Brunner draft-brunner-mpls-cops-pcs-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-05 COPS usage for Path Computation Servers (COPS-PCS) Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-nsis-mbox-fmwk-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 Middlebox Signaling in a NSIS framework Marcus Brunner , Martin Stiemerling draft-brunner-nsis-midcom-ps-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-18 NSIS NAT/FW NSLP: Problem Statement and Framework Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-nsis-ntlp-func-00 -1 Expired 2002-12-16 NSIS Transport Layer Protocol (NTLP) Functionality Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-nsis-req-00 -1 Expired 2001-12-14 Requirements for QoS Signaling Protocols Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-nsis-rsvp2-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-09 Towards RSVP Version 2 Marcus Brunner , Rosella Greco draft-brunner-policy-core-ext-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-21 Policy Framework Core Info Model Extensions Marcus Brunner , Juergen Quittek draft-brunner-rfc954-historic-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-04 Request to Move RFC 954 to Historic Status Eric Brunner-Williams draft-brunner-sipping-sipautoconf-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-17 Requirements and Framework for SIP User Agent Auto-Configuration Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-xcon-fc-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-20 Issues and Requirements in Floor Control Marcus Brunner draft-brunner-xrp-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-22 Extensible Registry Protocol (XRP) Eric Brunner draft-brunstrom-taps-impl-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 Implementing Interfaces to Transport Services Anna Brunstrom , Tommy Pauly , Reese Enghardt , Karl-Johan Grinnemo , Tom Jones , Philipp Tiesel , Colin Perkins , Michael Welzl draft-brusilovsky-icw-00 -1 Expired 1999-01-22 pint tsv A Proposal for Internet Call Waiting Service using SIP An Implementation Report Vijay Gurbani , Alec Brusilovsky , Eric Gausmann , Ajay Jain draft-brusilovsky-pak-10 -1 RFC 5683 2009-04-10 sec Tim Polk Informational Password-Authenticated Key (PAK) Diffie-Hellman Exchange Zachary Zeltsan , Sarvar Patel , Igor Faynberg , Alec Brusilovsky Tim Polk draft-brusilovsky-pin-00 -1 Expired 1999-02-22 Need for PSTN Internet Notification (PIN) ServiceA Proposal for a new Working Groups Vijay Gurbani , Alec Brusilovsky , Ajay Jain , Doug Varney draft-brusilovsky-pin-framework-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-24 PSTN Internet Notification (PIN) Architecture, Services and Protocols (A Provisional Framework) Vijay Gurbani , Lawrence Conroy , Alec Brusilovsky , Lev Slutsman , Jeremy Buller draft-brusilovsky-spirits-is41-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-24 On selection of IS-41 SPIRITS mobility-related parameters Alec Brusilovsky draft-brustoloni-vma-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-20 VPN Masquerade Assist (VMA): An End-to-End Mechanism for Robust NAT Interoperation with IPSec's IKE and ESP Tunnel Mode Jose Brustoloni draft-bryan-ftpext-hash-02 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 File Transfer Protocol HASH Command for Cryptographic Hashes Anthony Bryan , Tim Kosse , Daniel Stenberg draft-bryan-ftp-hash-08 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ftpext2-hash 2010-10-25 File Transfer Protocol HASH Command for Cryptographic Hashes Anthony Bryan , Tim Kosse , Daniel Stenberg draft-bryan-ftp-lock-02 -1 Expired 2013-02-01 File Transfer Protocol LOCK Command for Using a Single Port Anthony Bryan , Daniel Stenberg , Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa draft-bryan-ftp-range-08 -1 Expired 2013-02-01 File Transfer Protocol RANG Command for Octet Ranges Anthony Bryan , Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa , Daniel Stenberg , Tim Kosse draft-bryan-http-digest-algorithm-values-update-04 -1 RFC 5843 2010-01-11 app Lisa Dusseault Informational Additional Hash Algorithms for HTTP Instance Digests Anthony Bryan Lisa Dusseault draft-bryan-metalink-28 -1 RFC 5854 2010-02-12 app Lisa Dusseault Proposed Standard The Metalink Download Description Format Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa , Peter Poeml , Anthony Bryan , Neil McNab Lisa Dusseault draft-bryan-metalink-client-02 -1 Expired 2013-01-17 Metalink/XML Clients, Publishers, and Caches Anthony Bryan , Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa , Neil McNab draft-bryan-metalinkhttp-22 -1 RFC 6249 2011-03-04 app Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard Metalink/HTTP: Mirrors and Hashes Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa , Peter Poeml , Henrik Nordstrom , Anthony Bryan , Neil McNab Alexey Melnikov draft-bryan-midcom-simple-strawman-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-15 A Simple Middlebox Protocol David Bryant draft-bryan-p2psip-app-scenarios-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-06 Application Scenarios for Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2PSIP) Spencer Dawkins , David Bryan , Eunsoo Shim , Bruce Lowekamp draft-bryan-p2psip-dsip-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-27 dSIP: A P2P Approach to SIP Registration and Resource Location David Bryan draft-bryan-p2psip-reload-04 -1 Expired 2008-06-10 REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Cullen Jennings , Bruce Lowekamp , Eric Rescorla , Salman Baset , Henning Schulzrinne draft-bryan-p2psip-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-03 P2PSIP Protocol Framework and Requirements David Bryan draft-bryan-p2psip-usecases-00 -1 Expired 2007-07-05 Use Cases for Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2P SIP) David Bryan draft-bryan-sipping-midi-01 -1 Expired 2007-06-04 Telephony Tones Using MIDI in SIP Cullen Jennings , David Bryan draft-bryan-sipping-p2p-03 -1 Replaced draft-bryan-p2psip-dsip 2006-10-25 A P2P Approach to SIP Registration and Resource Location David Bryan draft-bryan-sipping-p2p-usecases-00 -1 Expired 2005-12-01 Use Cases for Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2P SIP) David Bryan draft-bryant-arch-fwd-layer-ps-05 -1 Expired 2022-08-05 Forwarding Layer Problem Statement Stewart Bryant , Uma Chunduri , Toerless Eckert , Alexander Clemm draft-bryant-arch-fwd-layer-uc-04 -1 Expired 2022-08-06 Forwarding Layer Use Cases Stewart Bryant , Uma Chunduri , Toerless Eckert , Alexander Clemm draft-bryant-detnet-mpls-dp-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 Operation of Deterministic Networks over MPLS Stewart Bryant , Mach Chen draft-bryant-filsfils-fat-pw-03 -1 Expired 2009-03-02 Flow Aware Transport of MPLS Pseudowires Stewart Bryant , Clarence Filsfils , Ulrich Drafz , Vach Kompella , Joe Regan , Shane Amante draft-bryant-francois-shand-ipfrr-aah-01 -1 Expired 2008-10-31 Mechanisms for safely abandoning loop-free convergence (AAH) Mike Shand , Stewart Bryant , Pierre Francois draft-bryant-ipfix-vendor-ie-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-03 IPFIX Vendor Specific Information Elements Stewart Bryant , Ganesh Sadasivan draft-bryant-ipfrr-tunnels-03 -1 Expired 2007-11-16 IP Fast Reroute using tunnels Stewart Bryant , Clarence Filsfils , Stefano Previdi , Mike Shand draft-bryant-ip-metadata-00 -1 Expired 2013-06-13 Carrying Metadata in IP Networks Stewart Bryant , Jim Guichard , Carlos Pignataro , Simon Spraggs draft-bryant-jwt-mplstp-report-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-20 JWT Report on MPLS Architectural Considerations for a Transport Profile Stewart Bryant , Loa Andersson draft-bryant-mcpherson-pwe3-cw-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-09 PWE3 Control Word Stewart Bryant draft-bryant-mpls-aux-data-pointer-01 -1 Expired 2022-08-06 Use of an MPLS LSE as an Ancillary Data Pointer Stewart Bryant , Alexander Clemm , Toerless Eckert draft-bryant-mpls-dev-primer-02 -1 Expired 2022-05-09 A Primer on the Development of MPLS Stewart Bryant draft-bryant-mpls-flow-ident-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-flow-ident 2015-11-02 mpls rtg MPLS Flow Identification Considerations Stewart Bryant , Stewart Bryant , Carlos Pignataro , Mach Chen , Zhenbin Li , Greg Mirsky draft-bryant-mpls-oam-udp-return-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-pm-udp-return 2014-07-03 mpls rtg MPLS Performance Measurement UDP Return Path Stewart Bryant , Siva Sivabalan , Sagar Soni Loa Andersson draft-bryant-mpls-rfc6374-over-udp-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-02 RFC6374 over UDP Stewart Bryant , George Swallow , Siva Sivabalan draft-bryant-mpls-rfc6374-sfl-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-sfl 2017-04-26 mpls rtg RFC6374 Synonymous Flow Labels Stewart Bryant , Mach Chen , Zhenbin Li , George Swallow , Siva Sivabalan , Greg Mirsky , Giuseppe Fioccola draft-bryant-mpls-sfl-control-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-sfl-control 2020-12-07 mpls rtg A Simple Control Protocol for MPLS SFLs Stewart Bryant , George Swallow , Siva Sivabalan Loa Andersson draft-bryant-mpls-sfl-framework-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-sfl-framework 2017-06-26 mpls rtg Synonymous Flow Label Framework Stewart Bryant , Mach Chen , Zhenbin Li , George Swallow , Siva Sivabalan , Greg Mirsky draft-bryant-mpls-synonymous-flow-labels-01 -1 Replaced draft-bryant-mpls-sfl-framework 2015-07-04 RFC6374 Synonymous Flow Labels Stewart Bryant , George Swallow , Siva Sivabalan , Greg Mirsky , Mach Chen , Zhenbin Li draft-bryant-mpls-tp-ach-tlv-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-ach-tlv 2009-05-29 Definition of ACH TLV Structure David Ward , Stewart Bryant , Sami Boutros , George Swallow draft-bryant-mpls-tp-jwt-report-00 -1 RFC 5317 2008-07-07 gen David Ward Informational Joint Working Team (JWT) Report on MPLS Architectural Considerations for a Transport Profile Loa Andersson , Stewart Bryant David Ward draft-bryant-mpls-unified-ip-sr-03 -1 Replaced draft-xu-mpls-sr-over-ip 2017-10-30 mpls rtg MPLS Segment Routing in IP Networks Stewart Bryant , Adrian Farrel , John Drake , Jeff Tantsura draft-bryant-pals-ethernet-cw-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pals-ethernet-cw 2017-08-02 pals rtg Use of Ethernet Control Word RECOMMENDED Stewart Bryant , Andy Malis , Ignas Bagdonas Matthew Bocci draft-bryant-perlman-trill-pwe-encap-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-19 TRILL using Pseudo-Wire Emulation (PWE) Encapsulation Stewart Bryant draft-bryant-pwe3-fr-compare-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-01 A Commentary on Approaches to Frame Relay Encapsulation in PWE3 Stewart Bryant , Lloyd Wood draft-bryant-pwe3-fr-encap-01 -1 Expired 2002-03-05 A Proposed Frame Relay Encapsulation for PWE3 Stewart Bryant , Lloyd Wood , George Wilkie draft-bryant-pwe3-mpls-transport-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pwe3-mpls-transport 2006-10-16 Application of PWE3 to MPLS Transport Networks Stewart Bryant draft-bryant-pwe3-packet-pw-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pwe3-packet-pw 2010-07-08 Packet Pseudowire Encapsulation over an MPLS PSN Stewart Bryant , Luca Martini , George Swallow , Andy Malis draft-bryant-pwe3-protocol-layer-01 -1 Expired 2002-03-01 Protocol Layering in PWE3 Stewart Bryant , Lloyd Wood , Mark Townsley , Danny McPherson draft-bryant-pwe3-terms-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-06 PWE3 Common Terminology Stewart Bryant draft-bryant-rtgwg-enhanced-vpn-02 -1 Replaced draft-dong-teas-enhanced-vpn 2018-03-05 Enhanced Virtual Private Networks (VPN+) Stewart Bryant , Jie Dong , Zhenqiang Li , Takuya Miyasaka draft-bryant-rtgwg-param-sync-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-routing-timer-param-sync 2017-08-02 rtgwg rtg Routing Timer Parameter Synchronization Stewart Bryant , Alia Atlas , Chris Bowers draft-bryant-rtgwg-plfa-04 -1 Expired 2022-05-09 Preferred Path Loop-Free Alternate (pLFA) Stewart Bryant , Uma Chunduri , Toerless Eckert draft-bryant-shand-ipfrr-multi-01 -1 Expired 2008-10-30 IPFRR in the Presence of Multiple Failures Stewart Bryant , Mike Shand draft-bryant-shand-ipfrr-notvia-addresses-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-ipfrr-notvia-addresses 2006-10-26 IP Fast Reroute Using Not-via Addresses Stewart Bryant draft-bryant-shand-lf-applicability-06 -1 Expired 2008-10-31 Applicability of Loop-free Convergence Stewart Bryant , Mike Shand draft-bryant-shand-lf-conv-frmwk-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-lf-conv-frmwk 2006-10-20 A Framework for Loop-free Convergence Stewart Bryant , Mike Shand draft-bryant-tictoc-probstat-02 -1 Expired 2008-04-09 tictoc int TICTOC Problem Statement Stewart Bryant , Yaakov Stein draft-bryden-personal-content-tunnels-01 -1 Expired 2001-08-13 Personal Content Tunnels Simon Bryden draft-bryskin-ccamp-gmpls-ason-lexicography-01 -1 Expired 2005-03-01 A Lexicography for the Interpretation of Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Terminology within The Context of the ITU-T's Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) Architecture Igor Bryskin , Adrian Farrel draft-bryskin-l1vpn-ospf-auto-discovery-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-l1vpn-ospf-auto-discovery 2006-04-11 OSPF Based L1VPN Auto-Discovery Igor Bryskin , Lou Berger draft-bryskin-netconf-automation-framework-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-16 YANG PUSH Based Generalized Network Control Automation Problem Statement Igor Bryskin , Xufeng Liu , Alexander Clemm , Henk Birkholz , Tianran Zhou draft-bryskin-netconf-automation-yang-03 -1 Expired 2019-07-05 Generalized Network Control Automation YANG Model Igor Bryskin , Xufeng Liu , Alexander Clemm , Henk Birkholz , Tianran Zhou draft-bryskin-ospf-lsa-type11-validation-00 -1 Expired 2006-05-01 Validation of OSPF AS-scope opaque LSAs Igor Bryskin draft-bryskin-pce-pcpim-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-05 Path Computation Policy Information Model (PCPIM) Igor Bryskin , Lou Berger draft-bryskin-pce-policy-enabled-path-comp-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-policy-enabled-path-comp 2006-06-26 Policy-Enabled Path Computation Framework Igor Bryskin draft-bryskin-teas-service-tunnel-steering-model-04 -1 Expired 2020-01-12 Basic YANG Model for Steering Client Services To Server Tunnels Igor Bryskin , Vishnu Beeram , Tarek Saad , Xufeng Liu , Young Lee , Aihua Guo draft-bryskin-teas-sf-aware-topo-model-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-sf-aware-topo-model 2018-03-01 teas rtg SF Aware TE Topology YANG Model Igor Bryskin , Xufeng Liu draft-bryskin-teas-te-topo-and-tunnel-modeling-01 -1 Expired 2017-10-24 teas rtg TE Topology and Tunnel Modeling for Transport Networks Igor Bryskin , Vishnu Beeram , Tarek Saad , Xufeng Liu draft-bryskin-teas-use-cases-sf-aware-topo-model-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-use-cases-sf-aware-topo-model 2018-03-18 teas rtg Use Cases for SF Aware Topology Models Igor Bryskin , Xufeng Liu , Jim Guichard , Young Lee , Luis Contreras , Daniele Ceccarelli , Jeff Tantsura draft-bryskin-teas-yang-ietf-vs-onf-01 -1 Expired 2017-10-27 ONF/T-API Services vs. IETF/YANG Models and Interfaces Igor Bryskin , Xufeng Liu , Vishnu Beeram , Tarek Saad draft-bryskin-te-topo-and-tunnel-modeling-00 -1 Expired 2017-06-28 TE Topology and Tunnel Modeling for Transport Networks Igor Bryskin , Vishnu Beeram , Tarek Saad , Xufeng Liu draft-bryskin-use-cases-sf-aware-topo-model-00 -1 Expired 2017-06-28 Use Cases for SF Aware Topology Models Igor Bryskin , Xufeng Liu , Jim Guichard , Young Lee draft-brzozowski-dhc-dhcvp6-leasequery-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dhc-dhcvp6-leasequery 2006-06-19 DHCPv6 Leasequery John Brzozowski draft-brzozowski-dhcp-eap-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2009-03-25 DHCP Authentication Analysis John Brzozowski , Ted Lemon , Geoffrey Holan draft-bsag-domain-ownership-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-20 A Method for Verification of Domain Name Ownership Ben Golightly draft-bsd-softwire-stateless-port-index-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2011-09-05 Analysis of Port Indexing Algorithms Nejc Skoberne , Wojciech Dec draft-bsipos-dtn-amp-yang-01 -1 Expired 2016-04-04 A YANG profile for defining Asynchronous Management Protocol Application Data Models Brian Sipos , Edward Birrane draft-bsipos-dtn-bpsec-cose-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dtn-bpsec-cose 2022-09-15 DTN Bundle Protocol Security (BPSec) COSE Context Brian Sipos draft-bsipos-dtn-ppp-ltp-clayer-00 -1 Expired 2016-01-13 Using PPP as an LTP Convergence Layer Brian Sipos draft-bsong-avt-rtp-gfec-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-20 Generic RTP Payload Format for Forward Error Correction in Video Applications Bin Song , Hao Qin draft-bt-httpbis-reverse-http-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Reverse HTTP Transport Benjamin Schwartz , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-bt-http-broadcast-00 -1 Expired 2013-03-13 Upgrading the 100-CONTINUE status for Broadcast in HTTP/1.1 Protocol Raji Sankar draft-btw-add-home-12 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-add-dnr 2021-01-22 add int DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for Encrypted DNS Discovery Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Dan Wing , Neil Cook , Tommy Jensen draft-btw-add-ipsecme-ike-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipsecme-add-ike 2021-11-08 ipsecme sec Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) Configuration for Encrypted DNS Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Dan Wing , Valery Smyslov draft-btw-add-rfc8484-clarification-02 -1 Replaced draft-btw-dprive-rfc8484-clarification 2020-07-06 Supporting Redirection for DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH) Mohamed Boucadair , Neil Cook , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Dan Wing draft-btw-dprive-rfc8484-clarification-00 -1 Expired 2020-08-27 Supporting Redirection for DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH) Mohamed Boucadair , Neil Cook , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Dan Wing draft-buchli-nsis-nslp-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-12 A Network Service Layer Protocol for QoS signaling Maarten Buchli draft-buchli-nsis-ntlp-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-05 Implementation of CASP NTLP Maarten Buchli draft-buchli-nsis-req-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 QoS signaling requirements, interfaces and architecture Maarten Buchli draft-buckley-pppext-eap-sim-gmm-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-12 EAP SIM GMM Authentication Adrian Buckley draft-budge-media-error-correction-00 -1 Expired 1997-06-02 Media-independent Error Correction using RTP Paul Long , Robert McKenzie , Dan Budge , Willie Mills , William Diss draft-budronimccusker-milagrotls-03 -1 Expired 2016-06-10 Milagro TLS: Pairing-Based Cryptography for Transport Layer Security Alessandro Budroni , Kealan McCusker draft-buerkle-gsmp-move-branch-message-01 -1 Expired 1999-11-29 Extended move branch concept for GSMP Joachim Buerkle draft-buethe-opus-speech-coding-enhancement-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml Integration of Speech Codec Enhancement Methods into the Opus Codec Jan Buethe , Jean-Marc Valin draft-buffam-avt-crtp-over-aal2-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-30 PPP (and IP/UDP/RTP Header Compression) over AAL2 bruce Buffam , Thima Koren draft-buford-irtf-sam-overlay-protocol-01 -1 Expired 2008-03-13 SAM Overlay Protocol John Buford draft-bullard-pcap-01 -1 Expired 2001-03-01 Remote Packet Capture Carter Bullard draft-bullen-ocf-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-08 Open Capture Format (OCF) Robert Bullen draft-buller-spirits-ccib-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-13 A proposal for the provisioning of Call Completion Internet Busy using PINT and SPIRITS Jeremy Buller draft-bulut-ospf-trusted-plane-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-25 Trusted plane for routing equipment embedding a tamper-resistant device Evren Bulut , Emmanuel Onfroy draft-bundesbank-eurosystem-namespace-03 -1 RFC 7207 2014-02-18 app Barry Leiba Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for Eurosystem Messaging Gunnar Dickfeld , Miriam Ortseifen Barry Leiba Barry Leiba draft-bupt-qosjava-arch-03 -1 Expired 2005-10-20 QoSjava: An Open and Scalable Architecture Decoupling QoS Requirements from QoS Techniques Xiaohui Huang draft-buraglio-6man-rfc6724-update-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-17 6man int .html,.txt,.xml Preference for IPv6 ULAs over IPv4 addresses in RFC6724 Nick Buraglio , Tim Chown , Jeremy Duncan draft-buraglio-v6ops-ula-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-ula 2022-07-27 Unintended Operational Issues With ULA Nick Buraglio , Chris Cummings , Russ White draft-buraglio-v6ops-ula-use-cases-01 -1 Expired 2023-01-19 IPv6 Unique Local Addressing Deployment Details and Operational Use Cases Nick Buraglio , Russ White draft-burbridge-lmap-information-model-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lmap-information-model 2013-10-21 Information Model for Large-Scale Measurement Platforms (LMAP) Trevor Burbridge, Philip Eardley, Marcelo Bagnulo, Jürgen Schönwälder draft-burdet-bess-evpn-fast-reroute-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-21 .html,.txt,.xml EVPN Fast Reroute Luc André Burdet , Patrice Brissette , Takuya Miyasaka , Jorge Rabadan draft-burdis-cat-srp-sasl-08 -1 Expired 2003-06-02 Secure Remote Password Authentication Mechanism Keith Burdis , Raif Naffah draft-burdis-http-sasl-00 -1 Expired 2001-03-05 Upgrading to SASL Within HTTP/1.1 Keith Burdis draft-burger-imap-chanuse-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-06 IMAP CHANNEL Use Cases Eric Burger draft-burger-lemonade-streamctrls-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-22 Lemonade Protocol for Streaming Media With Controls Eric Burger draft-burger-mrcp-reqts-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-20 Requirements for Distributed Control of ASR and TTS Resources Eric Burger , David Oran draft-burger-mscl-thoughts-01 -1 Expired 2006-06-06 Media Server Control Language and Protocol Thoughts Eric Burger draft-burger-simple-im-cancel-request-00 -1 Expired 2007-08-20 Instant Message Cancellation Suggestion Eric Burger draft-burger-simple-imdn-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-simple-imdn 2006-02-06 Instant Message Delivery Notification (IMDN) for Common Presence and Instant Messaging (CPIM) Eric Burger draft-burger-sipcore-rejected-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipcore-rejected 2018-07-23 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Response Code for Rejected Calls Eric Burger draft-burger-sip-info-02 -1 Expired 2007-11-18 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INFO Method Use Eric Burger draft-burger-sipping-dir-transcode-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-26 Directed Transcoding Eric Burger draft-burger-sipping-em-rqt-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-15 Why Early Media in SIP Eric Burger draft-burger-sipping-kpml-02 -1 Expired 2003-07-01 Keypad Markup Language (KPML) Eric Burger draft-burger-sipping-kpml-basic-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-11 A Baisc Profile of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Key Press Stimulus (KPML) Eric Burger draft-burger-sipping-msuri-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-30 SIP URI Conventions for Media Servers Jeff Van Dyke , Eric Burger draft-burger-sipping-netann-11 -1 RFC 4240 2005-02-21 tsv Allison Mankin Informational Basic Network Media Services with SIP Jeff Van Dyke , Andy Spitzer , Eric Burger Allison Mankin draft-burger-smtp-deta-00 -1 Expired 2004-08-27 SMTP Service Extension for Detached Operation Eric Burger draft-burger-smtp-rdlv-01 -1 Expired 2005-07-05 SMTP Service Extension for Reliable Delivery Alexey Melnikov , Eric Burger draft-burger-speechsc-reqts-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-14 Requirements for Distributed Control of ASR, SV and TTS Resources Eric Burger , David Oran draft-burger-stir-iana-cert-01 -1 Expired 2020-03-09 Registry for Country-Specific Secure Telephone Identity (STIR) Trust Anchors Eric Burger draft-burger-um-reqts-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-21 Internet Unified Messaging Requirements Eric Burger draft-burger-vpim-cc-00 -1 Expired 2000-06-07 Critical Content of Internet Mail Eric Burger , Emily Candell draft-burger-vpim-pc-00 -1 Expired 2000-06-07 Primary Content of Internet Mail Eric Burger , Emily Candell draft-burger-xcon-mmodels-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 Centralized Conferencing (XCON) Media Models Eric Burger draft-burgess-promise-iot-arch-01 -1 2016-04-20 Federated Multi-Tenant Service Architecture for an Internet of Things Mark Burgess , Herb Wildfeuer draft-burgin-ipsec-suiteb-profile-02 -1 RFC 6380 2011-08-12 sec Sean Turner Informational Suite B Profile for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) Kelley Burgin , Michael Peck Sean Turner draft-burgin-jenkins-identity-chaining-00 -1 Expired 2022-11-08 OAuth Identity Chaining Michael Jenkins , Kelley Burgin draft-burgin-kerberos-aes-cbc-hmac-sha2-02 -1 Expired 2012-10-19 AES Encryption with HMAC-SHA2 for Kerberos 5 Kelley Burgin , Michael Peck draft-burgin-kerberos-suiteb-01 -1 Expired 2012-10-19 Suite B Profile for Kerberos 5 Kelley Burgin , Kevin Igoe draft-burg-iptel-trip-gw-id-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-27 Gateway Identification for TRIP_GW Fred Burg draft-burg-pint-framework-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-30 An Architecture and Protocols for Initiation and Control of Telephone Calls From Terminals Connected to a CallBroker over a TCP/IP Connection Tony DeSimone , Kamlesh Tewani , Fred Burg , Raj Vishwanathan draft-burke-content-signature-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 HTTP Header for digital signatures Bill Burke draft-burke-vxml-03 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 rai Cullen Jennings Proposed Standard SIP Interface to VoiceXML Media Services Dave Burke Cullen Jennings draft-burleigh-bpv7-00 -1 Expired 2014-06-06 Proposed Revised Bundle Protocol Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-cbhe-00 -1 Expired 2007-01-04 Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE) Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtn-bibect-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dtn-bibect 2018-05-21 Bundle-in-Bundle Encapsulation Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtn-ecos-00 -1 Expired 2021-05-05 Bundle Protocol Extended Class of Service (ECOS) Scott Burleigh , Fred Templin draft-burleigh-dtnrg-cgr-01 -1 Expired 2010-07-08 Contact Graph Routing Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtnrg-imc-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-08 CBHE-Compatible Bundle Multicast Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtnrg-ltpcl-05 -1 Expired 2013-04-25 Delay-Tolerant Networking LTP Convergence Layer (LTPCL) Adapter Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtn-rs-cbor-01 -1 Expired 2016-04-29 Bundle Protocol CBOR Representation Specification Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtn-stcp-00 -1 Expired 2018-09-14 Simple TCP Convergence-Layer Protocol Scott Burleigh draft-burleigh-dtnwg-dtka-02 -1 Expired 2018-08-28 Architecture for Delay-Tolerant Key Administration Scott Burleigh , David Horres , Kapali Viswanathan , michael.w.bensonboeing.com , Fred Templin draft-burman-mmusic-sdp-simulcast-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-simulcast 2014-10-27 Using Simulcast in SDP and RTP Sessions Magnus Westerlund , Bo Burman , Suhas Nandakumar , Mo Zanaty draft-burman-rtcweb-h264-proposal-05 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 H.264 as Mandatory to Implement Video Codec for WebRTC Bo Burman , Markus Isomaki , Bernard Aboba , Gaelle Martin-Cocher , Giridhar Mandyam , Xavier Marjou , Cullen Jennings , Jonathan Rosenberg , David Singer draft-burman-rtcweb-mmusic-media-structure-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-01 Multi-Media Concepts and Relations Bo Burman , Magnus Westerlund draft-burmeister-avt-rtcp-feedback-sim-06 -1 RFC 4586 2004-04-05 tsv Allison Mankin Informational Extended RTP Profile for Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP)-Based Feedback: Results of the Timing Rule Simulations Noriyuki Sato , Joerg Ott , Shigeru Fukunaga , Rolf Hakenberg , Akihiro Miyazaki , Carsten Burmeister Allison Mankin draft-burness-dccp-interactive-apps-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-11 Interactive Applications using DCCP Anne-Louise Burness draft-burness-locid-evaluate-01 -1 Expired 2008-07-14 Locater ID proposal evaluation Anne-Louise Burness , Philip Eardley , Luigi Iannone draft-burnett-mrcpext-01 -1 Expired 2004-01-06 MRCP Extensions: Media Resource Control Protocol Extensions Daniel Burnett draft-burnett-pronunciation-alphabet-registry-00 -1 Expired 2009-12-04 app Alexey Melnikov Pronunciation Alphabet Registry Daniel Burnett , ZhiWei Shuang Alexey Melnikov draft-burnett-rtcweb-constraints-registry-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtcweb-constraints-registry 2014-02-14 IANA Registry for RTCWeb Constrainable Properties Daniel Burnett draft-burri-irc-continuation-message-lines-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-08 Handling IRC continuation message lines Christian Burri draft-bush-dnsop-root-opreq-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnsop-root-opreq 2010-08-24 Root Name Server Operational Requirements Randy Bush , Daniel Karrenberg , Mark Kosters draft-bush-inline-predictive-mgt-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-01 In-Line Network Management Prediction Stephen Bush , Ned Smith draft-bush-ncp-config-01 -1 Expired 1998-02-25 Network Control Protocol for the Configuration of Mobile Wireless Beam-formed GPS-Based Networks Stephen Bush , Stephen Bush draft-bush-rdrn-mib-00 -1 Expired 1997-01-28 The Definition of Managed Objects for the Configuration of Mobile Wire-less Beamformed GPS-Based Networks Stephen Bush , Stephen Bush draft-bush-vnc-mib-00 -1 Expired 1997-01-28 The Definition of Managed Objects for Virtual Network Configuration Stephen Bush , Stephen Bush draft-busibel-ccamp-path-computation-api-00 -1 Replaced draft-busibel-teas-yang-path-computation 2016-07-08 Path Computation API Italo Busi , Sergio Belotti , Victor Lopez , Oscar de Dios , ansharmainfinera.com , Yan Shi , Ricard Vilalta , Karthik Sethuraman draft-busibel-teas-yang-path-computation-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-yang-path-computation 2017-06-30 teas rtg Yang model for requesting Path Computation Italo Busi , Sergio Belotti , Victor Lopez , Oscar de Dios , ansharmainfinera.com , Yan Shi , Ricard Vilalta , Karthik Sethuraman , Michael Scharf , Daniele Ceccarelli draft-busi-mpls-tp-oam-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-oam-framework 2009-03-26 MPLS-TP OAM Framework and Overview Ben Niven-Jenkins , Italo Busi draft-busin-geopriv-location-qos-req-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-19 Requirements for a Location Quality of Service (QoS) Information Object Aeke Busin , Yufeng Jin , Miran Mosmondor , Salvatore Loreto draft-busi-pals-pw-cw-stitching-01 -1 Expired 2018-10-22 Pseudowire (PW) Control Word (CW) Stitching Italo Busi , Stewart Bryant , Andy Malis , Jie Dong draft-busi-teas-te-topology-profiles-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-09 .html,.txt,.xml Profiles for Traffic Engineering (TE) Topology Data Model and Applicability to non-TE Use Cases Italo Busi , Xufeng Liu , Igor Bryskin , Tarek Saad , Oscar de Dios draft-busi-teas-te-types-update-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-rfc8776-update 2022-04-04 teas rtg Updated Common YANG Data Types for Traffic Engineering Italo Busi , Aihua Guo , Xufeng Liu , Tarek Saad , Rakesh Gandhi , Vishnu Beeram , Igor Bryskin draft-busizheng-teas-mpls-tp-yang-02 -1 Replaced draft-busizheng-teas-yang-te-mpls-topology 2020-04-20 YANG Data Models for Multiprotocol Label Switching - Transport Profile Italo Busi , Haomian Zheng draft-busizheng-teas-yang-te-mpls-topology-04 -1 Expired 2022-11-12 A YANG Data Model for MPLS-TE Topology Italo Busi , Aihua Guo , Xufeng Liu , Tarek Saad , Rakesh Gandhi draft-butcher-irc-url-04 -1 Expired 2004-01-27 Uniform Resource Locator Schemes for Internet Relay Chat Entities Simon Butcher draft-butler-geojson-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-geojson 2015-07-19 geojson art The GeoJSON Format H. Butler, M. Daly, A. Doyle, Sean Gillies Martin Thomson draft-butterfield-active-uri-01 -1 Expired 2004-06-18 The 'active' URI scheme Tony Butterfield draft-buxey-document-00 -1 Expired 2006-01-24 Clearing attributes on non-referenced material Alan Buxey draft-buxmann-atcp-00 -1 Expired 2006-08-16 Automatic Telephone Configuration Protocol Bernd Buxmann , Ralf Hintner draft-bvandervalk-sadi-00 -1 Expired 2012-01-31 SADI: Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration Ben Vandervalk , E. McCarthy, Mark Wilkinson draft-bvenkat-chips-on-avians-01 -1 Expired 1999-12-22 A Method for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on chip-ridden Avian Carriers Balaji Venkat , Robert Ferrell draft-bvenkat-mtu-tcpmss-03 -1 Expired 1999-01-29 MTU discovery using TCP MSS and Discussion on MSS value in SYN reply Balaji Venkat draft-bvtm-dhc-mac-assign-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dhc-mac-assign 2018-10-20 dhc int Proposed Standard Link-Layer Addresses Assignment Mechanism for DHCPv6 Bernie Volz , Tomek Mrugalski , Carlos Bernardos draft-bw-alto-cost-mode-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-alto-cost-mode 2022-03-04 alto tsv A Cost Mode Registry for the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol Mohamed Boucadair , Qin Wu Kai Gao draft-bwd-netmod-eca-framework-00 -1 Expired 2019-11-04 Framework for Use of ECA (Event Condition Action) in Network Self Management Mohamed Boucadair , Qin Wu , Zitao Wang , Daniel King , Chongfeng Xie draft-bweeks-acme-device-attest-01 -1 Replaced draft-acme-device-attest 2022-08-07 Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Device Attestation Extension Brandon Weeks draft-bwilliams-kitten-opar-00 -1 Expired 2017-09-26 Open Password Automation Recipe (OPAR) Protocol Branden Williams draft-bw-supa-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2016-04-06 Architecture/Framework for SUPA Tianran Zhou , Bert Wijnen draft-bw-supa-declarative-policy-data-model-00 -1 Expired 2015-12-09 A YANG Data Model for Declarative Policy Tianran Zhou , Yinben Xia , Bert Wijnen draft-byerly-sip-hide-route-00 -1 Expired 2000-10-10 SIP Record-Route/Route Hiding Bryan Byerly , David Daiker , Shailandra Bhatnagar draft-byerly-sip-radius-00 -1 Expired 2000-10-10 SIP Authentication using CHAP-Password Bryan Byerly , Doug Williams draft-bykim-ipv6-hpd-01 -1 Expired 2004-02-17 Hierarchical Prefix Delegation Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Byung-Yeob Kim , Kyeong-Jin Lee , Park Jung-Soo , Hyoung-Jun Kim draft-byrne-ldap-alias-00 -1 Expired 1998-04-22 Use of Aliases within LDAP Ellen Stokes , Debbie Byrne , Ludovic Poitou draft-byrne-opsec-udp-advisory-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-20 Advisory Guidelines for UDP Deployment Cameron Byrne , Jason Kleberg draft-byrne-v6ops-64share-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-64share 2012-10-09 Sharing /64 3GPP Mobile Interface Subnet to a LAN Cameron Byrne , Dan Drown draft-byrne-v6ops-clatip-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-clatip 2013-12-29 IPv6 Transitional Technology IPv4 Prefix Cameron Byrne draft-byrne-v6ops-dnssecaaaa-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-01 DNSSEC Resource Record Should Include AAAA Cameron Byrne draft-byun-ipdvb-ule-header-comp-01 -1 Expired 2006-11-26 Header Compression over Unidirectional Lightweight Encryption (ULE) Do Byun draft-byun-vpn-provision-rsvp-te-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-22 Extensions to P2MP RSVP-TE for Hose Model Provisioning in L3 PPVPN Haesun Byun , Meejeong Lee draft-bz-v4goawayflag-00 -1 Expired 2018-03-31 IPv6 Router Advertisement IPv4 GoAway Flag Bjoern Zeeb draft-bzwu-tls-client-keyshare-01 -1 Expired 2015-05-07 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Client Keyshare Extension Bingzheng Wu draft-bzwu-tls-ecdhe-keyshare-00 -1 Expired 2015-04-27 Transport Layer Security (TLS) ECDHE Keyshare Extension Bingzheng Wu draft-c1222-transport-over-ip-08 -1 RFC 6142 2011-01-11 int Ralph Droms Informational ANSI C12.22, IEEE 1703, and MC12.22 Transport Over IP Avygdor Moise , Jonathan Brodkin Ralph Droms draft-c2f-ippm-big-data-alt-mark-01 -1 Expired 2020-10-30 The Big Data Approach for Multipoint Alternate Marking method Mauro Cociglio , Calogero Corbo , Giuseppe Fioccola , Massimo Nilo , Riccardo Sisto draft-cabellos-sfc-map-assisted-proxy-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Map-Assisted SFC Proxy using LISP Albert Cabellos-Aparicio , Sharon Barkai , Barak Perlman , Vina Ermagan , Fabio Maino , Alberto Rodriguez-Natal draft-cadar-dhc-dhcpv6-opt-email-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-17 Email Configuration Options for DHCPv6 Cristian Cadar draft-cadar-dhc-dhcpv6-opt-smtp-00 -1 Expired 2004-12-21 SMTP Option for DHCPv6 Cristian Cadar draft-cadar-dhc-dhcpv6-v4options-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 DHCPv6 IPv4 Information Options Cristian Cadar draft-cadar-dhc-opt-imap-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-17 IMAP Configuration Option for DHCP Cristian Cadar draft-cafi-can-ip-00 -1 Expired 2001-03-22 IP over CAN Petr Cach draft-cai-l2vpn-evpn-vlan-aware-bundling-00 -1 Expired 2012-06-29 VLAN Aware EVPN services Dennis Cai , Sami Boutros , Samer Salam , Reshad Rahman draft-cai-l2vpn-vpls-vlan-aware-bundling-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-13 VLAN Aware VPLS services Dennis Cai , Sami Boutros , Samer Salam , Reshad Rahman draft-cailleux-secure-headers-08 -1 RFC 7508 2015-01-23 Experimental Securing Header Fields with S/MIME Laurent Cailleux , Chris Bonatti Eliot Lear draft-cai-marf-policy-instruction-operation-00 -1 Expired 2011-02-22 Anti-Spam Policy Instruction/Distribution Operation Yigang Cai , Gyan Shanker , Sanjeev Singh , Moh Torabi , Zachary Zeltsan draft-cain-cdi-cnap-02 -1 Expired 2002-07-05 Content Network Advertisement Protocol (CNAP) Bradley Cain draft-cain-cdnp-known-req-map-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-14 Known CDN Request Mapping Mechanisms Bradley Cain , Fred Douglis , Mark Green , Markus Hofmann , Raj Nair , Doug Potter , Oliver Spatscheck draft-cain-cdnp-known-request-routing-05 -1 Expired 2002-02-19 Known CDN Request-Routing Mechanisms Abbie Barbir , Bradley Cain , Fred Douglis , Mark Green , Markus Hofmann , Raj Nair , Doug Potter , Oliver Spatscheck draft-cai-nfvrg-recursive-monitor-03 -1 Expired 2016-11-15 Recursive Monitoring Language in Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Infrastructures Xuejun Cai , Catalin Meirosu , Greg Mirsky draft-cain-igmp-00 -1 Expired 1995-08-03 INTERNET GROUP MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL VERSION 3 (IGMP V.3) Steve Deering , Bradley Cain , Ajit Thyagarajan draft-cain-logging-caps-01 -1 Expired 2006-09-20 Logging Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure George Jones , Patrick Cain draft-cain-mcast-connect-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-28 Connecting Multicast Domains Bradley Cain draft-cain-post-inch-phishingextns-07 -1 RFC 5901 2009-11-24 sec Tim Polk Proposed Standard Extensions to the IODEF-Document Class for Reporting Phishing David Jevans , Patrick Cain Tim Polk draft-cain-request-routing-req-03 -1 Expired 2001-11-15 Request Routing Requirements for Content Internetworking Bradley Cain draft-cai-pim-mtid-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pim-mtid 2008-10-27 PIM Multi-Topology ID (MT-ID) Join-Attribute Yiqun Cai , Heidi Ou draft-cai-ppvpn-vc-rsvp-te-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-19 Signaling Virtual Circuit Label Using RSVP-TE Ting Cai draft-cairns-tls-session-key-interface-01 -1 Replaced draft-mglt-lurk-tls12 2015-10-19 Session Key Interface (SKI) for TLS and DTLS Kelsey Cairns , John Preuß Mattsson , Robert Skog , Daniel Migault draft-cai-rsvp-unknown-objects-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-20 Extending RSVP Object Class Encoding To Handle Unknown Objects Ting Cai , Ping Pan draft-cai-smsc-mmsc-reporting-marf-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 An Extensible Format for SMSC/MMSC Feedback Reports Yigang Cai , Gyan Shanker , Moh Torabi , Zachary Zeltsan draft-cai-softwire-6rd-mib-05 -1 Expired 2013-05-16 softwire int Definitions of Managed Objects for 6rd Lei Cai , Jacni Qin , Shishio Tsuchiya draft-cai-ssdp-v1-03 -1 Expired 1999-11-11 Simple Service Discovery Protocol/1.0 Shivaun Albright , Paul Leach , Ye Gu , Yaron Goland , Ting Cai draft-cai-vc-rsvp-te-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-27 Signaling Virtual Circuit Label Using RSVP-TE Martin Machacek , Ting Cai draft-cakulev-emu-eap-ibake-03 -1 Expired 2012-08-20 An EAP Authentication Method Based on Identity-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Violeta Cakulev , Ioannis Broustis draft-cakulev-ibake-06 -1 RFC 6539 2011-11-14 sec Sean Turner Informational IBAKE: Identity-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Ioannis Broustis , Violeta Cakulev , Ganapathy Sundaram Sean Turner draft-cakulev-ikev2-psk-diameter-01 -1 Expired 2009-12-22 Diameter IKEv2: Support for Interaction between IKEv2 Server and Diameter Server Violeta Cakulev , Avi Lior draft-cakulev-mikey-ibake-06 -1 RFC 6267 2011-03-10 sec Tim Polk Informational MIKEY-IBAKE: Identity-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (IBAKE) Mode of Key Distribution in Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) Violeta Cakulev , Ganapathy Sundaram Tim Polk draft-calabrese-requir-logprot-04 -1 Expired 2001-02-07 Requirements for a Network Event Logging Protocol C Calabrese , M Arpad draft-calato-ipfix-lfap-eval-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-03 Evaluation Of Protocol LFAP Against IPFIX Requirements Paul Amsden draft-calato-lfap-mib-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-11 Light-weight Flow Accounting Protocol MIB Paul Amsden , Mike MacFaden draft-calconnect-vobject-i18n-00 -1 Expired 2018-06-08 vObject Internationalization Ronald Tse , Peter Tam , Michael Douglass draft-calconnect-vobject-integrity-01 -1 Expired 2018-04-20 Integrity Protection for vObject, vCard and iCalendar Ronald Tse , Peter Tam draft-calconnect-vobject-vformat-04 -1 Expired 2018-06-08 The vObject Model and vFormat Syntax Ronald Tse , Peter Tam , Kenneth Murchison , Michael Douglass draft-caldwell-tbsa-00 -1 Expired 2010-08-10 Trusted Browser Security Architecture (TBSA) Sam Caldwell draft-calext-caldav-scheduling-controls-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-calext-caldav-scheduling-controls 2019-03-26 CalDAV Extension for scheduling controls Bron Gondwana draft-calext-vpoll-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-calext-vpoll 2019-05-23 VPOLL: Consensus Scheduling Component for iCalendar Eric York , Cyrus Daboo , Michael Douglass draft-calhoun-aaa-diameter-comp-01 -1 Expired 2000-04-21 Comparison of DIAMETER Against AAA Network Access Requirements Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-capwap-lwapp-objectives-comparison-01 -1 Expired 2005-06-28 capwap ops LWAPP Self Evaluation Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-capwap-problem-statement-01 -1 Expired 2003-12-01 CAPWAP Problem Statement Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-capwap-taxonomy-recommendation-01 -1 Expired 2005-07-18 CAPWAP Taxonomy Recommendations Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-dhc-capwap-ac-option-00 -1 Expired 2007-04-25 CAPWAP Access Controller DHCP Option Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-18 -1 Expired 2001-02-05 DIAMETER Base Protocol Pat Calhoun , Allan Rubens , Haseeb Akhtar , Erik Guttman draft-calhoun-diameter-accounting-09 -1 Expired 2001-02-05 DIAMETER Accounting Extension Jari Arkko , Pat Calhoun , Pamnkaj Patel , Glen Zorn draft-calhoun-diameter-authent-08 -1 Expired 1999-10-22 DIAMETER User Authentication Extensions William Bulley , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-eap-03 -1 Expired 1999-08-11 DIAMETER Extensible Authentication Protocol Extensions Allan Rubens , Bernard Aboba , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-framework-09 -1 Expired 2001-02-05 DIAMETER Framework Document Glen Zorn , Ping Pan , Pat Calhoun , Haseeb Akhtar draft-calhoun-diameter-impl-guide-05 -1 Expired 2001-02-05 DIAMETER Implementation Guidelines Pat Calhoun , Allan Rubens , Haseeb Akhtar , William Bulley , Jeff Haag draft-calhoun-diameter-ipsec-policy-00 -1 Expired 1998-03-05 DIAMETER IP Security Policy Extensions Pat Calhoun , Sumit Vakil draft-calhoun-diameter-mobileip-12 -1 Expired 2001-02-05 DIAMETER Mobile IP Extensions Pat Calhoun , Charles Perkins draft-calhoun-diameter-nasreq-06 -1 Expired 2001-02-05 DIAMETER NASREQ Extensions Pat Calhoun , William Bulley , Allan Rubens , Jeff Haag draft-calhoun-diameter-proxy-04 -1 Expired 1999-10-22 DIAMETER Secure Proxying William Bulley , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-qos-00 -1 Expired 1998-05-28 DIAMETER QOS Extension Michael Speer , Ken Peirce , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-reliable-01 -1 Expired 1999-03-02 DIAMETER Reliable Transport Extensions Allan Rubens , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-res-mgmt-08 -1 Expired 2001-03-05 DIAMETER Resource Management Extensions Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-diameter-strong-crypto-07 -1 Expired 2001-03-06 DIAMETER Strong Security Extension Pat Calhoun , William Bulley , Stephen Farrell draft-calhoun-diameter-sun-ping-02 -1 Expired 2001-05-07 Diameter Sun Ping Extensions Pat Calhoun , David Frascone draft-calhoun-enh-radius-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-10 Enhanced Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Allan Rubens , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-enh-radius-eap-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-13 Enhanced Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Extensible Authentication Protocol Support Allan Rubens , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-enh-radius-filter-00 -1 Expired 1996-07-03 Enhanced Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Dynamic Filter Change Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-enh-radius-res-mgmt-00 -1 Expired 1996-07-03 Enhanced Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Resource Management Extension Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-mobileip-aaa-key-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-26 AAA Registration Keys for Mobile IP Charles Perkins , Colin Perkins draft-calhoun-mobileip-fa-tokens-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-15 Foreign Agent Keys Encoded as Opaque Tokens for use in Hand-off Process Pat Calhoun , Emad Qaddoura , Haseeb Akhtar , N Asokan draft-calhoun-mobileip-gre-ext-01 -1 Expired 2001-09-13 GRE Extensions Pat Calhoun , Gopal Dommety , Tom Hiller , Pete McCann , Yingchun Xu draft-calhoun-mobileip-min-lat-handoff-02 -1 Expired 2000-02-11 Minimal Latency Secure Hand-off Pat Calhoun , Emad Qaddoura , Haseeb Akhtar , N Asokan draft-calhoun-mobileip-proactive-fa-03 -1 Expired 2000-11-28 Foreign Agent Assisted Hand-off Ajoy Singh , James Kempf , Pete McCann , Tom Hiller , Chandana Pairla , Sebastian Thalanany , Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-radius-ext-00 -1 Expired 1996-06-10 Enhanced Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Protocol Extension Specifications Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-seamoby-lwapp-03 -1 Expired 2003-07-03 Light Weight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) Pat Calhoun , Scott Kelly , Rohit Suri , Michael Williams draft-calhoun-sip-aaa-reqs-04 -1 Expired 2002-03-06 AAA Requirements for IP Telephony/Multimedia James Kempf , Matt Holdrege , Pat Calhoun , Henrik Basilier , Tony Johansson , Jaakko Rajaniemi draft-calhoun-vtp-ext-l2-00 -1 Expired 1996-07-31 Virtual Tunnel Protocol Layer 2 Protocol Extension Pat Calhoun draft-calhoun-vtp-protocol-00 -1 Expired 1996-08-02 Virtual Tunneling Protocol (VTP) Pat Calhoun , Ellis Wong draft-callaghan-nfsdirect-00 -1 Expired 2003-05-15 NFS Direct Data Placement Brent Callaghan , Tom Talpey draft-callaghan-nfsrdmareq-00 -1 Expired 2003-12-11 NFS RDMA Requirements Brent Callaghan draft-callaghan-rpcrdma-00 -1 Expired 2003-05-14 RDMA Transport for ONC RPC Brent Callaghan , Tom Talpey draft-callaghan-url-nfs-00 -1 RFC 2224 1996-09-30 Informational NFS URL Scheme Brent Callaghan draft-callaghan-webnfs-client-00 -1 Expired 1996-10-08 WebNFS Client Specification Brent Callaghan draft-callaghan-webnfs-server-00 -1 Expired 1996-10-08 WebNFS Server Specification Brent Callaghan draft-callon-addflow-support-clnp-00 -1 Expired 1994-03-18 A Proposal for Adding Flow Support to CLNP Ross Callon draft-callon-misc-cap-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-17 Miscellaneous Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure Ross Callon , George Jones draft-callon-nbvpn-outline-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-16 Outline for A Framework for Network Based Virtual Private Networks Ross Callon , Bryan Gleeson , Eric Rosen , Chandru Sargor , Jessica Yu draft-callon-routing-00 -1 Expired 1991-07-25 rreq rtg Some Thoughts on Multi-Domain Routing Ross Callon draft-cal-resource-schema-06 -1 Expired 2011-10-28 Schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling services Ciny Joy , Cyrus Daboo , Mike Douglass draft-cal-resource-vcard-03 -1 Expired 2013-09-17 vCard representation of resources Ciny Joy , Cyrus Daboo , Mike Douglass draft-calsyn-rvp-01 -1 Expired 1998-03-16 RVP: A Presence Notification Protocol Martin Calsyn draft-calvert-concast-svc-02 -1 Expired 2001-07-19 Internet Concast Service Ken Calvert draft-camarillo-3pcc-qos-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-13 Third party call control with SDP preconditions Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-dispatch-precons-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Media State under Preconditions in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Jouni Maenpaa , Gao yang draft-camarillo-dmm-srv6-mobile-pocs-02 -1 Expired 2019-04-24 Segment Routing IPv6 for mobile user-plane PoCs Pablo Camarillo , Clarence Filsfils , Lyle Bertz , Arashmid Akhavain , Satoru Matsushima , Dan Voyer draft-camarilloelmalky-springdmm-srv6-mob-usecases-02 -1 Expired 2019-08-16 SRv6 Mobility Use-Cases Pablo Camarillo , Clarence Filsfils , Hani Elmalky , Satoru Matsushima , Dan Voyer , Anna Cui , Bart Peirens draft-camarillo-hip-bone-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-hip-bone 2008-02-16 HIP BONE: Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Based Overlay Networking Environment Jani Hautakorpi , Gonzalo Camarillo , Pekka Nikander draft-camarillo-hip-via-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Multi-hop Routing Extension Gonzalo Camarillo , Ari Keränen draft-camarillo-manyfolks-confirm-00 -1 Expired 2000-10-04 Confirmation of SDP preconditions Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-midcom-turn-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-19 tsv Cullen Jennings Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) Extension for IPv4/IPv6 transition Gonzalo Camarillo , Oscar Novo Cullen Jennings draft-camarillo-mmusic-alt-02 -1 Expired 2003-10-20 The Alternative Semantics for the Session Description Protocol Grouping Framework Gonzalo Camarillo , Jonathan Rosenberg draft-camarillo-mmusic-connection-precon-00 -1 Expired 2004-07-13 Connection-Establishment Preconditions in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-mmusic-sdp-bfcp-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-19 Session Description Protocol (SDP) Format for Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) Streams Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-mmusic-separate-streams-00 -1 Expired 2002-05-28 Mapping of Media Streams to Resource Reservation Flows Gonzalo Camarillo , Atle Monrad draft-camarillo-mmusic-sip-isup-bcp-00 -1 Expired 1999-08-25 Best Current Practice for ISUP to SIP mapping Gonzalo Camarillo , Adam Roach draft-camarillo-mmusic-source-sink-01 -1 Expired 2003-08-29 The source and sink attributes for the Session Description Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo , Henning Schulzrinne , Eric Burger draft-camarillo-rai-media-policy-dataset-04 -1 RFC 6796 2012-09-25 rai Robert Sparks Proposed Standard A User Agent Profile Data Set for Media Policy Volker Hilt , Gonzalo Camarillo , Jonathan Rosenberg , Dale Worley Robert Sparks draft-camarillo-sip-accept-disposition-00 -1 Expired 2004-12-02 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Accept-Disposition Header Field Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sip-anat-option-tag-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-09 tsv Allison Mankin Proposed Standard The sdp-anat Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Option-Tag Gonzalo Camarillo , Jonathan Rosenberg Allison Mankin draft-camarillo-sip-body-handling-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sip-body-handling 2007-05-29 Message Body Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sip-compression-01 -1 Expired 2002-05-28 Compressing the Session Initiation Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sip-consent-method-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-01 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) CONSENT Method Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipcore-reinvite-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipcore-reinvite 2009-10-26 Re-INVITE and Target-refresh Request Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Christer Holmberg , Gao yang draft-camarillo-sip-deaf-02 -1 Expired 2003-02-19 Transcoding Services Invocation in the Session Initiation Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sip-isup-00 -1 Expired 2000-12-01 ISUP to SIP Mapping Gonzalo Camarillo , Adam Roach draft-camarillo-sip-isup-bcp-00 -1 Expired 2000-03-03 Best Current Practice for ISUP to SIP mapping Gonzalo Camarillo , Adam Roach draft-camarillo-sip-parameter-registry-01 -1 Expired 2003-06-19 The Internet Assigned Number Authority Header Field Parameter Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-adhoc-conferencing-00 -1 Expired 2004-03-30 Ad-Hoc Conferencing in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Alan Johnston draft-camarillo-sipping-adhoc-management-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 Ad-Hoc URI List Management in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-adhoc-simple-00 -1 Expired 2004-03-30 Subscriptions to Ad-Hoc Resource Lists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Adam Roach draft-camarillo-sipping-consent-format-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipping-consent-format 2006-06-16 A Document Format for Requesting Consent Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-consent-reg-event-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-01 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Registration Event Package Extensionfor Consent-Based Communications Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-early-disposition-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-20 The Early Session Disposition Type for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-early-media-02 -1 Expired 2003-07-01 Early Media and Ringback Tone Generation in the Session Initiation Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo , Henning Schulzrinne draft-camarillo-sipping-exploders-03 -1 Expired 2004-05-14 Requirements for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Exploder Invocation Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-exploders-solution-00 -1 Expired 2003-11-24 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Exploder Invocation Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-grant-permission-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-27 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Grant Permission Event Package Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-list-state-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-27 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) List State Event Package Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-message-tag-00 -1 Expired 2005-06-02 Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Registration of the Message Media Feature Tag Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-multiple-refer-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 Refering to Multiple Resources in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-pending-additions-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipping-pending-additions 2006-06-13 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Pending Additions Event Package Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-policy-package-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-01 A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Media Policy Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-precons-01 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Media State under Preconditions in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Jouni Maenpaa , Gao yang draft-camarillo-sipping-profile-key-02 -1 RFC 5002 2007-06-04 gen Jon Peterson Informational The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-Profile-Key Private Header (P-Header) Gonzalo Camarillo , German Blanco Jon Peterson draft-camarillo-sipping-reason-00 -1 Expired 2002-04-08 Session Initiation Protocol: Requirements on Reason Information beyond the Status Code Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-reinvite-00 -1 Replaced draft-camarillo-sipcore-reinvite 2009-03-03 Re-INVITE Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-sbc-funcs-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sipping-sbc-funcs 2006-10-26 Requirements from SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Session Border Control Deployments Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-transac-package-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 A Transaction Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-transc-3pcc-00 -1 Expired 2003-08-29 Transcoding Services Invocation in the Session Initiation Protocol Using Third Party Call Control Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-transc-b2bua-01 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 The Session Initiation Protocol Conference Bridge Transcoding Model Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-transc-framework-00 -1 Expired 2003-08-29 Framework for Transcoding with the Session Initiation Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sipping-uri-list-02 -1 Expired 2004-03-30 gen Allison Mankin Providing a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application Server with a List of URIs Adam Roach , Gonzalo Camarillo Allison Mankin draft-camarillo-sipping-user-database-02 -1 RFC 4457 2005-12-12 rai Allison Mankin Informational The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-User-Database Private-Header (P-Header) Gonzalo Camarillo , German Blanco Allison Mankin draft-camarillo-sipping-v6-transition-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-15 IPv6 Transcition in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-sip-rfc3312-update-00 -1 Expired 2003-09-04 Interactions of Preconditions with Session Mobility in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Paul Kyzivat draft-camarillo-sip-sdp-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-22 SDP media alignment in SIP Gonzalo Camarillo , Jan Holler , Goran Eriksson draft-camarillo-sip-sigcomp-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-22 SigComp discovery for SIP Gonzalo Camarillo , Miguel García draft-camarillo-sip-uri-parameter-reg-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-19 The Internet Assigned Number Authority Universal Resource Identifier Parameter Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol Gonzalo Camarillo draft-camarillo-xcon-bfcp-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-12 gen Allison Mankin Proposed Standard The Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) Gonzalo Camarillo , Joerg Ott , Keith Drage Allison Mankin draft-camelot-holy-grenade-01 -1 Expired 2018-04-15 The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Arthur Pendragon draft-cameron-cmp-01 -1 Expired 1993-07-01 Connection Multiplexing Protocol (CMP) Peter Cameron , Julian Bates draft-cameron-tatu-bibp-03 -1 Expired 2001-04-09 Bibliographic Protocol Level 1: Link Resolution and Metapage Retrieval R. Cameron , Serban Tatu draft-cameron-tmux-03 -1 RFC 1692 1994-03-23 Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux) Peter Cameron , Danny Cohen , Dave Crocker , Jon Postel draft-campagna-suitee-04 -1 Expired 2012-10-12 A Cryptographic Suite for Embedded Systems (SuiteE) Matthew Campagna draft-campagna-tls-bike-sike-hybrid-07 -1 Expired 2021-09-02 Hybrid Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Methods (PQ KEM) for Transport Layer Security 1.2 (TLS) Matt Campagna , Eric Crockett draft-campagna-tls-ecmqv-ecqv-01 -1 Expired 2010-01-15 ECMQV_ECQV Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Matthew Campagna , Douglas Stebila draft-campbell-art-rfc5727-update-03 -1 RFC 7957 2016-03-11 art Spencer Dawkins Best Current Practice DISPATCH-Style Working Groups and the SIP Change Process Ben Campbell , Alissa Cooper , Barry Leiba Mary Barnes Spencer Dawkins draft-campbell-dime-load-considerations-01 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Architectural Considerations for Diameter Load Information Ben Campbell , Steve Donovan , Jean-Jacques Trottin draft-campbell-dime-overload-data-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 Diameter Overload Data Analysis Ben Campbell , Hannes Tschofenig , Jouni Korhonen , Adam Roach draft-campbell-dime-overload-issues-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Diameter Overload Control Solution Issues Ben Campbell draft-campbell-oauth-dst4jwt-00 -1 Expired 2015-02-23 Destination Claim for JSON Web Token Brian Campbell , Guoping Liu draft-campbell-oauth-mtls-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-mtls 2017-04-10 Mutual TLS Profiles for OAuth Clients Brian Campbell , John Bradley , Nat Sakimura , Torsten Lodderstedt draft-campbell-oauth-resource-indicators-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-resource-indicators 2016-11-15 Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0 Brian Campbell , John Bradley , Hannes Tschofenig draft-campbell-oauth-saml-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer 2010-12-13 SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Grant Type Profile for OAuth 2.0 Brian Campbell , Chuck Mortimore draft-campbell-oauth-sts-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange 2015-07-23 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange: an STS for the REST of us Brian Campbell , John Bradley draft-campbell-oauth-tbpkce-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-token-binding 2016-07-08 A Token Binding method for OAuth 2.0 Proof Key for Code Exchange Brian Campbell , John Bradley , Michael Jones draft-campbell-oauth-tls-client-auth-00 -1 Replaced draft-campbell-oauth-mtls 2016-10-10 Mutual X.509 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Authentication for OAuth Clients Brian Campbell , John Bradley draft-campbell-oauth-urn-sub-ns-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns 2011-08-02 An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth Hannes Tschofenig draft-campbell-pub-bind-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2002-05-03 Requirements for Binding Published Data to SIP Services Ben Campbell draft-campbell-simple-cpimmsg-sessions-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-28 Instant Message Transport Sessions using the CPIM Message Format Ben Campbell draft-campbell-simple-im-sessions-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 Instant Message Sessions in SIMPLE Ben Campbell , Jonathan Rosenberg draft-campbell-sip-cc-framework-02 -1 Expired 2001-03-06 Framework for SIP Call Control Extensions Ben Campbell draft-campbell-sip-e164-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-14 E.164 Resolution in SIP Ben Campbell draft-campbell-sip-messaging-smime-05 -1 RFC 8591 2019-01-26 art Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard SIP-Based Messaging with S/MIME Ben Campbell , Russ Housley Sean Turner Alexey Melnikov draft-campbell-sip-service-control-03 -1 RFC 3087 2001-02-12 Informational Control of Service Context using SIP Request-URI Ben Campbell , Robert Sparks draft-campbell-tokbind-tls-term-00 -1 Expired 2017-01-11 HTTPS Token Binding and TLS Terminating Reverse Proxies Brian Campbell draft-campbell-tokbind-ttrp-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tokbind-ttrp 2017-07-17 HTTPS Token Binding with TLS Terminating Reverse Proxies Brian Campbell draft-campbell-whois-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-05 The basic NICNAME/WHOIS protocol Bruce Campbell draft-campen-sipping-stack-loop-detect-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-02 An Efficient Loop Detection Algorithm for SIP Proxies Byron Campen draft-campling-ech-deployment-considerations-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-25 .txt Encrypted Client Hello Deployment Considerations Andrew Campling , Paul Vixie , David Wright , Arnaud Taddei , Simon Edwards draft-campling-operator-observations-00 -1 Expired 2020-07-13 Practical Observations from Encrypted DNS Deployments by Network Operators Andrew Campling , Normen Kowalewski , Gianpaolo Scalone , Chris Box , Alister Winfield draft-cam-winget-eap-fast-06 -1 RFC 4851 2007-01-15 sec Russ Housley Informational The Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling Extensible Authentication Protocol Method (EAP-FAST) Joseph Salowey , Hao Zhou , Nancy Cam-Winget , David McGrew Russ Housley draft-cam-winget-eap-fast-potp-provisioning-02 -1 Expired 2008-02-25 Using the Protected One-Time Password Protocol for EAP-FAST Provisioning David Mitton , Nancy Cam-Winget draft-cam-winget-eap-fast-provisioning-10 -1 RFC 5422 2008-10-31 gen Tim Polk Informational Dynamic Provisioning Using Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP-FAST) Joseph Salowey , Hao Zhou , Nancy Cam-Winget , David McGrew Tim Polk draft-cam-winget-eap-nea-tlv-02 -1 Expired 2011-01-02 EAP TLV for NEA Nancy Cam-Winget , Hao Zhou draft-cam-winget-eap-tlv-03 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Based Transports for Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) Protocol Exchanges Nancy Cam-Winget , Joseph Salowey , Hao Zhou draft-camwinget-i2rs-pubsub-sec-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 Using the Publish-Subscribe Model in the Interface to the Routing System Ken Beck , Nancy Cam-Winget , David McGrew draft-camwinget-opsec-ns-impact-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsec-ns-impact 2020-05-29 Impact of TLS 1.3 to Operational Network Security Practices Nancy Cam-Winget , Eric Wang , Roman Danyliw , Roelof DuToit draft-camwinget-sacm-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2014-06-24 Secure Automation and Continuous Monitoring (SACM) Architecture Nancy Cam-Winget , Brian Ford , Lisa Lorenzin , Ira McDonald , loxx cisco draft-cam-winget-sacm-information-model-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 SACM Information Model Henk Birkholz , Nancy Cam-Winget draft-camwinget-sacm-information-model-00 -1 Expired 2016-04-08 SACM Information Model Henk Birkholz , Nancy Cam-Winget draft-camwinget-sacm-requirements-04 -1 Expired 2014-06-09 Secure Automation and Continuous Monitoring (SACM) Requirements Nancy Cam-Winget draft-camwinget-tls-ns-impact-00 -1 Replaced draft-camwinget-opsec-ns-impact 2020-03-04 Impact of TLS 1.3 to Operational Network Security Practices Nancy Cam-Winget , Eric Wang , Roman Danyliw , Roelof DuToit draft-camwinget-tls-proxy-impact-00 -1 Replaced draft-camwinget-tls-ns-impact 2019-11-04 Impact of TLS 1.3 to Operational Network Security Practices Nancy Cam-Winget , Eric Wang , Roman Danyliw , Roelof DuToit draft-camwinget-tls-ts13-macciphersuites-12 -1 RFC 9150 2021-06-17 Informational TLS 1.3 Authentication and Integrity-Only Cipher Suites Nancy Cam-Winget , Jack Visoky Eliot Lear draft-camwinget-tls-use-cases-05 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 TLS 1.3 Impact on Network-Based Security Flemming Andreasen , Nancy Cam-Winget , Eric Wang draft-canal-p909-pint-spirits-00 -1 Expired 2000-02-29 EURESCOM P909 contribution to PINT and SPIRITS Interaction between Internet and PSTN to request services from one domain to the other Valerie Blavette , Gianni Canal , Uwe Herzog , Carlo Licciardi , Stephane Tuffin draft-candolin-cam-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 Context Aware Management Architecture Catharina Candolin , Hannu Kari draft-canessa-fcs-api-00 -1 Expired 2003-05-21 Fixed Content Storage (FCS) Application Programming Interface (API) John Canessa draft-canetti-secure-multicast-taxonomy-00 -1 Expired 1998-06-08 A taxonomy of multicast security issues (temporary version) Denis Pinkas , Ran Canetti draft-cansever-6lowpan-integration-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-13 Integration of 6LoWPAN into IP networks Derya Cansever draft-cantillo-ipdvb-s2encaps-04 -1 Expired 2006-12-07 A Design Rationale for Providing IP Services Over DVB-S2 Links Jerome Lacan , Juan Cantillo draft-cantor-ietf-kitten-saml-ec-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-01 SAML Enhanced Client SASL and GSS-API Mechanisms Scott Cantor , Simon Josefsson draft-cantor-ietf-sasl-saml-ec-00 -1 Expired 2010-05-27 A SASL Mechanism for SAML Enhanced Clients Scott Cantor draft-cao-alg-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 Application Layer Gateway Problem Statement Feng Cao , Bo Zhou draft-cao-alto-hierarchical-alto-00 -1 Expired 2012-09-10 Hierarchical ALTO Yalin Cao , LiChun Li , Fei Zhang draft-cao-behave-dsdns64-00 -1 Expired 2010-02-12 Dual Stack Hosts with DNS64 Zehn Cao , Hui Deng draft-cao-behave-hbt-req-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 Requirements for host based translation solution Feng Cao , Zhen Cao draft-cao-capwap-eap-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-16 Encapsulation of EAP Messages in CAPWAP Control Plane Rong Zhang , Zhen Cao , Haiyun Luo draft-cao-core-aol-req-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 Allways-online Requirement for Sleeping CoAP Node Zehn Cao draft-cao-core-delegated-observe-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-27 CoAP Delegated Observe Zhen Cao , Rahul Jadhav draft-cao-core-pd-02 -1 Expired 2012-07-16 HTTP-COAP Proxy Discovery using Link-format Zehn Cao , Yuanchen Ma , Hui Deng , Rong Zhang draft-cao-dataplane-acceleration-framework-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Data Plane Processing Acceleration Framework Zehn Cao , Fu Qiao , Deng Lingli draft-cao-dhc-anqp-option-01 -1 Expired 2012-10-22 DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 Options for Access Network Query Protocol Servers Zehn Cao , Tao Sun , Stephen McCann draft-cao-hip-geolocation-01 -1 Expired 2008-10-27 Delivering Geographic Location in Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Hui Deng , Feng Cao draft-cao-hiprg-flow-mobility-01 -1 Expired 2011-07-11 HIP Extension for Flow Mobility Management Zehn Cao , Hui Deng , Feng Cao draft-cao-hiprg-legacy-host-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Communication between a HIP-enabled Host and a Legacy Host Zehn Cao , Feng Cao , Hui Deng draft-cao-hoakey-hierarchical-hokey-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-26 Handover Key Hierarchy based on Extended Master Session Key (EMSK) Derivation Zhen Cao draft-cao-hokeyp-sa-derivation-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-17 Security Association Derivation between Access Nodes Zhen Cao draft-cao-homenet-mif-srvdis-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Service Discovery in the Homenet Environment with Multiple Connections Zehn Cao , Aaron Ding draft-cao-l2vpn-bgp-vpls-etree-01 -1 Expired 2011-04-15 Extension to BGP-VPLS for E-Tree Yuqun Cao draft-cao-l2vpn-vpls-etree-02 -1 Expired 2012-01-29 Extension to VPLS for E-Tree Yuqun Cao draft-cao-lightweight-ip-01 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Light-weight IP Stack for Lossy and Low-power Networks Zehn Cao , Dapeng Liu , Hui Deng draft-cao-lwig-dns-serv-simp-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 Lightweight Service Simplification via DNS Zehn Cao , Feng Cao , Yuanchen Ma , Hui Tian draft-cao-lwig-gateway-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Considerations for Lightweight IP Gateways Zehn Cao draft-cao-lwig-syn-layer-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 Synchronization Layer: an Implementation Method for Energy Efficient Sensor Stack Zehn Cao , Yuanchen Ma , Hui Tian draft-cao-lwip-tcp-hc-00 -1 Expired 2010-09-14 TCP Header Compression in Low Power and Lossy Networks Zehn Cao , Dapeng Liu , Hui Deng draft-cao-mcast-for-ipv6-ppvpn-00 -1 Expired 2006-03-02 Multicast in MPLS/BGP IPv6 VPNs Wei Cao draft-cao-mif-analysis-01 -1 Expired 2010-07-12 MIF Current Practice Analysis Julien Laganier , Gabriel Montenegro , Jouni Korhonen , Teemu Savolainen , Zhen Cao draft-cao-mif-ifs-01 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 IP Family Selection for MIF Host Dapeng Liu , Zehn Cao draft-cao-mif-ongoing-session-01 -1 Expired 2011-01-03 Holding the Ongoing Sessions on MIF Hosts Zehn Cao , Dapeng Liu draft-cao-mif-srv-dis-ps-03 -1 Expired 2013-08-27 Service Discovery in a Multiple Connection Environment: Problem Statement Zehn Cao , Aaron Ding draft-cao-mipshop-ibc-cga-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-17 Integrating Identity Based Cryptosystem with Cryptographically Generated Address in Mobile IPv6 Zhen Cao draft-cao-mpls-te-p2mp-head-protection-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-17 Head Node Protection Extensions to RSVP-TE for LSP Tunnels Wei Cao , Mach Chen draft-cao-nsc-rtg-update-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Routing Update Mechanism for Network Service Chaining Zehn Cao draft-cao-open-sec-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 The Architecture of Open Security Capability Zehn Cao , Hui Deng , Judy Zhu draft-cao-pcp-mobapp-online-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Requirements for Always Online Applications Zehn Cao , Gang Chen , Hui Deng , Tao Sun draft-cao-pwe3-802-1ah-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-19 IEEE 802.1ah Mode for Ethernet Over MPLS Wei Cao draft-cao-pwe3-mpls-tp-pw-over-bidir-lsp-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pwe3-mpls-tp-pw-over-bidir-lsp 2012-10-22 pwe3 rtg LDP extensions for Pseudowire Binding to LSP Tunnels Mach Chen , Wei Cao , Attila Takacs , Ping Pan draft-cao-pwe3-setup-over-bidir-lsp-00 -1 Expired 2008-10-27 Setup of Pseudowires over bi-directional LSP Wei Cao draft-cao-sfc-control-orchestration-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Service Function Controller/Orchestration Requirements and Templates Zehn Cao , Hui Deng draft-cao-sip-response-auth-01 -1 Expired 2006-01-10 Response Authentication in Session Initiation Protocol Feng Cao draft-cao-sip-response-identity-00 -1 Expired 2006-01-10 Response Identity in Session Initiation Protocol Feng Cao draft-cao-sunset4-v4v6-mcast-addr-conversion-02 -1 Expired 2013-07-01 IPv4-IPv6 Multicast Address Dynamic Conversion Yalin Cao , Cui Wang , Wei Meng , Bhumip Khasnabish draft-caowenli-pppoe-multicast-00 -1 Expired 2007-04-04 PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) Extensions for IP multicast and broadcast Wenli Cao , Boshan Zhang draft-capelastegui-mmusic-3dv-sdp-00 -1 Expired 2012-04-30 3D Video in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Pedro Capelastegui draft-caradec-telnet-mpx-option-00 -1 Expired 1993-07-07 TELNET MPX option Marjo Mercado , Jean-Philippe Caradec draft-card-drip-arch-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-drip-arch 2020-04-21 drip int Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) Architecture Stuart Card , Adam Wiethuechter , Robert Moskowitz , Shuai Zhao draft-card-drip-reqs-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-drip-reqs 2020-04-20 drip int Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) Requirements Stuart Card , Adam Wiethuechter , Robert Moskowitz draft-cardenas-dff-14 -1 RFC 6971 2013-05-07 Ted Lemon Experimental Depth-First Forwarding (DFF) in Unreliable Networks Ulrich Herberg , Alvaro Cardenas , Tadashige Iwao , Michael Dow , Sandra Cespedes Ted Lemon draft-cardona-cablelabs-urn-07 -1 RFC 6289 2011-03-14 app Peter Saint-Andre Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for CableLabs Jean-Francois Mule , Sumanth Channabasappa , Eduardo Cardona Peter Saint-Andre draft-cardona-filtering-threats-02 -1 Expired 2013-07-09 Making BGP filtering a habit: Impact on policies Camilo Cardona , Pierre Francois draft-card-tmrid-uas-01 -1 Replaced draft-card-drip-reqs 2020-01-29 UAS Remote ID Stuart Card , Adam Wiethuechter , Robert Moskowitz draft-card-tmrid-uas-arch-01 -1 Replaced draft-card-drip-arch 2020-03-24 Unmanned Aircraft System Remote Identification Architecture Stuart Card , Adam Wiethuechter , Robert Moskowitz draft-card-tmrid-uas-reqs-01 -1 Replaced draft-card-drip-reqs 2020-03-24 Unmanned Aircraft System Remote Identification Requirements Stuart Card , Adam Wiethuechter , Robert Moskowitz draft-cardwell-iccrg-bbr-congestion-control-02 -1 Expired 2022-03-07 BBR Congestion Control Neal Cardwell , Yuchung Cheng , Soheil Yeganeh , Ian Swett , Van Jacobson draft-carey-core-std-msg-vs-trans-adapt-00 -1 Expired 2015-06-17 Standard Primitives versus Transport Specific Adaptation Tim Carey draft-carey-urn-coral-00 -1 Expired 2005-09-09 A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Coral Consortium Corporation Knox Carey draft-carlberg-avtext-classifier-01 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Classifier Header Extension Ken Carlberg , Toerless Eckert draft-carlberg-avt-rtcp-xr-ecn-01 -1 Expired 2009-06-29 RTCP Extended Report for ECN Marked Packets Piers O'Hanlon , Ken Carlberg draft-carlberg-avt-rtp-ecn-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 Explicit Notification Extension (ECN) Support for RTP Sessions Ken Carlberg draft-carlberg-dime-priority-avps-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dime-priority-avps 2009-10-19 Diameter Priority Attribute Value Pairs Hannes Tschofenig draft-carlberg-ets-general-01 -1 Expired 2002-12-06 General Requirements for Emergency Telecommunication Service Ken Carlberg , Randall Atkinson draft-carlberg-ets-mip-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-14 Requirements for MIPv4 Mobility Agents Support of Emergency Telecommunication Service Ken Carlberg , Charles Perkins draft-carlberg-ets-req-stub-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-20 ETS Requirements for Stub Domains Ken Carlberg draft-carlberg-ets-stub-frame-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-25 A Framework for Supporting ETS in Stub Domains Ken Carlberg draft-carlberg-ets-telephony-01 -1 Expired 2002-12-06 IP Telephony Requirements for Emergency Telecommunication Service Ken Carlberg , Randall Atkinson draft-carlberg-ieprep-elastic-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-20 Requirements for Authorized Emergency Communications Using Elastic Service Ken Carlberg , Ian Brown draft-carlberg-ieprep-framework-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 ieprep rai Framework for Supporting IEPS in IP Telephony Ken Carlberg , Ian Brown draft-carlberg-ieps-framework-02 -1 Expired 2001-10-18 Framework for Supporting IEPS in IP Telephony Ken Carlberg , Ian Brown draft-carlberg-rtp-classifier-extension-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-04 The Classifier Extension Header for RTP Ken Carlberg draft-carlberg-trip-attribute-rp-04 -1 RFC 5115 2007-11-09 rai Cullen Jennings Proposed Standard Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP) Attribute for Resource Priority Piers O'Hanlon , Ken Carlberg Cullen Jennings draft-carlberg-tsvwg-ecn-reactions-04 -1 Expired 2013-03-08 Reactions to Signaling from ECN Support for RTP/RTCP Ken Carlberg , Piers O'Hanlon draft-carlson-nhrp-03 -1 RFC 2583 1999-03-02 ion int Informational Guidelines for Next Hop Client (NHC) Developers Linda Winkler , Richard Carlson draft-carlyle-sem-delta-encoding-00 -1 Expired 2012-06-30 Semantic Delta Encoding with HTTP Benjamin Carlyle draft-carney-regext-domainconnect-03 -1 Expired 2018-01-18 Domain Connect API - Communications between DNS Provider and Services Arnold Blinn , Roger Carney draft-carney-regext-domain-fees-00 -1 Replaced draft-sattler-registry-domain-fee-report 2016-06-09 Non-standard Domain Fees File Format Specification Roger Carney , James Galvin draft-carney-regext-unavailable-domains-00 -1 Replaced draft-sattler-registry-unavailable-domain-report 2016-06-09 Unavailable Domain Name File Format Specification Roger Carney , James Galvin draft-carney-regext-validate-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-regext-validate 2016-10-18 Validate Extension for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Roger Carney , Joe Snitker draft-caron-aaa-cost-advertisement-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 AAA cost advertisement extensions Jacques Caron draft-caron-dns-based-roaming-00 -1 Expired 2002-04-17 DNS-based roaming Jacques Caron draft-caronni-esp-stream-01 -1 Expired 1998-07-17 The ESP Stream Transform Germano Caronni , Marcel Waldvogel draft-caron-public-wlan-roaming-issues-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-11 Public Wireless LAN roaming issues Jacques Caron draft-carpay-extra-ede-codes-dnssec-bogus-00 -1 Expired 2022-02-25 Extra Extended DNS Error codes for DNSSEC status bogus Tom Carpay , Willem Toorop draft-carpenter-5378-old-text-02 -1 Expired 2009-05-11 Including text under former copyright conditions Harald Alvestrand , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-6man-ext-transmit-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit 2013-02-22 Transmission of IPv6 Extension Headers Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang draft-carpenter-6man-flow-update-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-flow-update 2010-09-16 Update to the IPv6 flow label specification Shane Amante , Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang draft-carpenter-6man-lap-01 -1 Expired 2018-06-20 The Longest Acceptable Prefix for IPv6 Links Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-6man-rfc6874bis-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-rfc6874bis 2022-02-08 6man int Proposed Standard Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers Brian Carpenter , Stuart Cheshire , Bob Hinden draft-carpenter-6man-ug-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-ug 2013-02-21 The U and G bits in IPv6 Interface Identifiers Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang draft-carpenter-6man-uri-zoneid-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-uri-zoneid 2012-02-08 Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Uniform Resource Identifiers Bob Hinden , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-6man-whats-global-00 -1 Expired 2016-06-08 What does 'global' mean in IPv6? Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-6man-why64-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-why64 2014-02-06 6man int Analysis of the 64-bit Boundary in IPv6 Addressing Brian Carpenter , Tim Chown , Fernando Gont , Sheng Jiang , Alexandre Petrescu , Andrew Yourtchenko draft-carpenter-6renum-next-steps-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-09 Next Steps for Renumbering IPv6 Sites Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang draft-carpenter-6renum-static-problem-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6renum-static-problem 2012-02-27 Problem Statement for Renumbering IPv6 Hosts with Static Addresses Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang draft-carpenter-aeiou-00 -1 Expired 1994-03-21 Address Extension by IP Option Usage (AEIOU) Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-anima-ani-objectives-03 -1 Expired 2017-07-17 Technical Objective Formats for the Autonomic Network Infrastructure Brian Carpenter , Bing Liu draft-carpenter-anima-asa-guidelines-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-anima-asa-guidelines 2020-07-26 Guidelines for Autonomic Service Agents Brian Carpenter , Laurent Ciavaglia , Sheng Jiang , Peloso Pierre draft-carpenter-anima-gdn-protocol-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-anima-grasp 2015-06-21 A Generic Discovery and Negotiation Protocol for Autonomic Networking Brian Carpenter , Bing Liu draft-carpenter-anima-grasp-bulk-05 -1 Expired 2020-01-09 Transferring Bulk Data over the GeneRic Autonomic Signaling Protocol (GRASP) Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang , Bing Liu draft-carpenter-anima-grasp-config-00 -1 Expired 2021-09-21 GRASP Configuration Management Objective Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-anima-l2acp-scenarios-02 -1 Expired 2020-04-08 Scenarios and Requirements for Layer 2 Autonomic Control Planes Brian Carpenter , Bing Liu draft-carpenter-anima-quads-grasp-03 -1 Expired 2020-06-28 Quick and Dirty Secure Autonomic Control Plane for GRASP Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-bcp101-update-03 -1 RFC 4371 2005-09-29 gen Bert Wijnen Best Current Practice BCP 101 Update for IPR Trust Brian Carpenter , Lucy Lynch Bert Wijnen draft-carpenter-behave-referral-object-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 A Generic Referral Object for Internet Entities Mohamed Boucadair , Brian Carpenter , Joel Halpern , Sheng Jiang , Keith Moore draft-carpenter-community-leaders-01 -1 Expired 2019-06-20 Some Thoughts on IETF Community Leadership Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-eligibility-expand-10 -1 RFC 8989 2021-01-08 Alissa Cooper Experimental Additional Criteria for Nominating Committee Eligibility Brian Carpenter , Stephen Farrell Bron Gondwana Alissa Cooper draft-carpenter-extension-recs-04 -1 Expired 2008-10-27 Design Considerations for Protocol Extensions Bernard Aboba , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-flow-ecmp-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-flow-ecmp 2010-10-07 Using the IPv6 flow label for equal cost multipath routing and link aggregation in tunnels Shane Amante , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-flow-label-balancing-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-intarea-flow-label-balancing 2012-12-05 Using the IPv6 Flow Label for Server Load Balancing Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang , Willy Tarreau draft-carpenter-gendispatch-draft-adoption-00 -1 Replaced draft-carpenter-gendispatch-rfc7221bis 2020-05-31 Process for Working Group Adoption of Drafts Brian Carpenter , Fernando Gont , Michael Richardson draft-carpenter-gendispatch-rfc7221bis-01 -1 Expired 2020-10-30 Handling and Adoption of Internet-Drafts by IETF Working Groups Adrian Farrel , Dave Crocker , Brian Carpenter , Fernando Gont , Michael Richardson draft-carpenter-grobj-reqts-00 -1 Expired 2010-01-19 Problem Statement and Requirements for Generic Referrals Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-icar-sirs-01 -1 Expired 2004-03-15 Careful Additional Review of Documents (CARD) by Senior IETF Reviewers (SIRS) Brian Carpenter , Dave Crocker draft-carpenter-idloc-map-cons-01 -1 Expired 2007-06-04 General Identifier-Locator Mapping Considerations Brian Carpenter , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-ietf-chair-tasks-00 -1 Expired 2006-04-25 Tasks of the IETF Chair, IESG Chair, and General Area Director Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-ietf-disputes-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-19 Dispute Resolution in the IETF Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-ip6-nsap-map-00 -1 Expired 1994-08-30 Recommendations for OSI NSAP usage in IP6 Brian Carpenter , Jim Bound draft-carpenter-ipng-nosi-00 -1 Expired 1994-10-24 Discussion paper for nosi BOF Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-ipng-whitepaper-00 -1 RFC 1671 1994-03-21 IPng White Paper on Transition and Other Considerations Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-ipr-patent-frswds-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-05 Considering availability of free software when evaluating Draft Standards Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-ipv6-osi-01 -1 Expired 1995-06-26 Mechanisms for OSI CLNP and TP over IPv6 Brian Carpenter , Dave Katz , Keith Sklower , Stephen Thomas draft-carpenter-limited-domains-13 -1 RFC 8799 2020-02-03 Informational Limited Domains and Internet Protocols Brian Carpenter , Bing Liu Eliot Lear draft-carpenter-metrics-00 -1 Expired 1996-05-22 Metrics for Internet settlements Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-midtax-03 -1 RFC 3234 2001-11-02 Informational Middleboxes: Taxonomy and Issues Scott Brim , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-newtrk-questions-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-09 Questions about the standards track Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-newtrk-twostep-00 -1 Expired 2005-05-31 A two stage standards process Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-nmrg-homenet-an-use-case-01 -1 Expired 2014-05-19 Autonomic Networking Use Case for Home Networks Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-nomcom2020-letter-00 -1 Expired 2020-09-11 Open Letter to the 2020-21 IETF Nominating Committee Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-nsap-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 1995-05-30 OSI NSAPs and IPv6 Brian Carpenter , Jim Bound , Jack Houldsworth , Alan Lloyd , Dan Harrington draft-carpenter-nvo3-addressing-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-05 Layer 3 Addressing Considerations for Network Virtualization Overlays Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang draft-carpenter-obsolete-1888-01 -1 RFC 4048 2004-09-16 gen Margaret Cullen Informational RFC 1888 Is Obsolete Brian Carpenter Margaret Cullen draft-carpenter-percep-00 -1 Expired 1994-10-11 Internet Perceptions Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-prismatic-reflections-00 -1 Expired 2013-09-20 Prismatic Reflections Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-procdoc-roadmap-05 -1 Expired 2006-08-02 The IETF Process: an Informal Guide Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-protocol-extensions-04 -1 RFC 4775 2006-10-06 gen Ross Callon Best Current Practice Procedures for Protocol Extensions and Variations Thomas Narten , Scott Bradner , Brian Carpenter Ross Callon draft-carpenter-referral-ps-02 -1 Expired 2011-02-23 Problem Statement for Referral Sheng Jiang , Brian Carpenter , Zhen Cao draft-carpenter-renum-needs-work-05 -1 RFC 5887 2010-01-18 ops Dan Romascanu Informational Renumbering Still Needs Work Randall Atkinson , Brian Carpenter , Hannu Flinck Dan Romascanu draft-carpenter-request-for-comments-01 -1 Expired 2019-06-20 Request for Comments Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-rescind-3683-03 -1 Expired 2006-10-18 gen Sam Hartman Best Current Practice Progressive Posting Rights Suspensions Brian Carpenter Sam Hartman draft-carpenter-rfc2026-changes-02 -1 Expired 2008-01-17 gen Russ Housley Best Current Practice Changes to the Internet Standards Process defined by RFC 2026 Brian Carpenter Russ Housley draft-carpenter-rfc2026-critique-03 -1 Expired 2007-04-20 RFC 2026 in practice Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-rfc2026-practice-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-02 RFC 2026 in practice Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-rfc-citation-recs-01 -1 Expired 2011-02-22 Recommendations of a committee on RFC citation issues Brian Carpenter , Craig Partridge draft-carpenter-rfced-iab-charter-09 -1 RFC 9283 2022-04-01 Lars Eggert Best Current Practice IAB Charter Update for RFC Editor Model Brian Carpenter Eliot Lear Lars Eggert draft-carpenter-rfced-model-00 -1 Expired 2020-08-21 Alternative Proposed Model for RFC Editing and Publication Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-rfc-principles-01 -1 Expired 2020-05-18 Principles of the Request for Comments Series Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-rswg-rfc7996-issues-00 -1 Expired 2022-09-06 Known issues with the IETF SVG profile Brian Carpenter , Nevil Brownlee draft-carpenter-shanti-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-07 Shimmed IPv4/IPv6 Address Network Translation Interface (SHANTI) Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-softwire-sample-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-07 Legacy NAT Traversal for IPv6: Simple Address Mapping for Premises Legacy Equipment (SAMPLE) Sheng Jiang , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-solution-sirs-01 -1 Expired 2003-06-13 Careful Additional Review of Documents (CARD)by Senior IETF Reviewers (SIRS) Brian Carpenter , Dave Crocker draft-carpenter-transparency-05 -1 RFC 2775 1999-12-10 Informational Internet Transparency Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-v4v6tran-framework-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-v4v6tran-framework 2010-08-19 Framework for IP Version Transition Scenarios Sheng Jiang , Brian Carpenter , Victor Kuarsingh draft-carpenter-v6ops-6to4-teredo-advisory-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-advisory 2011-03-11 Advisory Guidelines for 6to4 Deployment Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-v6ops-icp-guidance-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-icp-guidance 2012-02-22 IPv6 Guidance for Internet Content and Application Service Providers Sheng Jiang , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-v6ops-isp-scenarios-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-isp-scenarios 2010-04-13 Emerging Service Provider Scenarios for IPv6 Deployment Sheng Jiang , Brian Carpenter draft-carpenter-v6ops-label-balance-02 -1 Replaced draft-carpenter-flow-label-balancing 2012-03-06 Using the IPv6 Flow Label for Server Load Balancing Brian Carpenter , Sheng Jiang , Willy Tarreau draft-carpenter-whats-an-author-02 -1 Expired 2015-06-14 What is an Author of an IETF Stream Draft? Brian Carpenter draft-carrara-mm-kmgt-sol-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-12 Key Management for Multimedia Sessions Elisabetta Carrara draft-carrara-newtype-keyid-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-msec-newtype-keyid 2004-10-21 The Key ID Information Type for the General Extension Payload in MIKEY Elisabetta Carrara draft-carrasco-language-code-00 -1 Expired 1998-04-06 Codes for language transformation Manuel Benitez draft-carrasco-xdossier-04 -1 Expired 2004-07-19 Xdossier Manuel Benitez draft-carrel-info-pppoe-02 -1 RFC 2516 1998-11-17 Informational A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) David Carrel , Jeff Evarts , Kurt Lidl , Louis Mamakos , Dan Simone , Ross Wheeler draft-carrel-info-pppoe-ext-00 -1 Expired 2000-05-31 Extensions to a Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) Thomas Stoner , Che-Lin Ho , Dan Simone draft-carrel-ipsecme-controller-ike-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-10 IPsec Key Exchange using a Controller David Carrel , Brian Weis draft-carrier-rddp-rnic-interop-00 -1 Expired 2004-11-22 RNIC Interoperability John Carrier , Jim Pinkerton draft-carroll-dynmobileip-cdma-05 -1 RFC 4784 2005-03-28 int Jari Arkko Informational Verizon Wireless Dynamic Mobile IP Key Update for cdma2000(R) Networks Frank Quick , Christopher Carroll Jari Arkko draft-carrozzo-aaa-cops-maid-00 -1 Expired 2005-05-18 COPS-MAID: COPS Usage for Multi-Access Inter-Domain Service Provider Networks based on MPLS-Diffserv Gino Carrozzo draft-carrozzo-pce-pcep-route-price-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-04 PCEP extensions for the computation of route offers with price Gino Carrozzo , Giacomo Bernini , Giada Landi draft-carter-bounded-delay-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-18 A Bounded-delay service for the internet Alan O'Neill , Simon Carter , Terry Hodgkinson , David Mortimore draft-carthic-mpbundle-mib-00 -1 Expired 2002-07-22 Definitions of Managed Objects for PPP Multilink Bundles s Carthic draft-cartwright-drinks-sppp-over-soap-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-drinks-sppp-over-soap 2010-03-08 SPPP Over SOAP and HTTP Kenneth Cartwright draft-carugi-ppvpn-l2solution-doc-guidelines-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-04 Guidelines on the structure of a PPVPN Layer 2 solution document Marco Carugi draft-casagranda-vignaroli-btftp-01 -1 Expired 2000-12-19 Broadcast Trivial File Transfer Protocol Paolo Casagranda , Luca Vignaroli draft-casati-gtp-03 -1 Expired 2000-03-17 Generic Tunneling Protocol (GTP) Charles Perkins , Alessio Casati draft-case-sming-smiv3-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-21 Structure of Management Information NG based on SMIv2 Jeff Case draft-case-ups-mib-01 -1 Expired 1992-07-06 upsmib ops UPS Management Information Base Jeff Case , Michael Davison , Roger Draper draft-casey-url-ftp-00 -1 Expired 1997-01-09 A FTP URL Format James Casey draft-casey-vpn-extns-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-18 An extended IP VPN Architecture Liam Casey draft-casey-vpn-mpls-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-18 IP VPN Realization using MPLS Tunnels Robert Eros , Liam Casey , Ian Cunningham draft-cassen-access-right-distribution-protocol-06 -1 Expired 2009-06-02 Access Right Distribution Protocol (ARDP) Alexandre Cassen draft-castellani-core-advanced-http-mapping-06 -1 Expired 2015-07-02 Advanced Guidelines for HTTP-CoAP Mapping Implementations Angelo Castellani , Salvatore Loreto , Akbar Rahman , Thomas Fossati , Esko Dijk draft-castellani-core-alive-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-29 CoAP Alive Message Angelo Castellani , Salvatore Loreto draft-castellani-core-coap-overhead-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 CoAP overhead: protocol analysis and reduction proposals Angelo Castellani , Mattia Gheda draft-castellani-core-http-coap-mapping-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 Best Practice to map HTTP to COAP and viceversa Angelo Castellani , Salvatore Loreto draft-castellani-core-http-mapping-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-core-http-mapping 2013-02-25 Best Practices for HTTP-CoAP Mapping Implementation Angelo Castellani , Salvatore Loreto , Akbar Rahman , Thomas Fossati , Esko Dijk draft-castellani-core-transport-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Constrained Messaging Protocol: an UDP protocol extension useful for CoAP and other protocols. Angelo Castellani draft-castellani-lwig-coap-separate-responses-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-26 Learning CoAP separate responses by examples Angelo Castellani draft-castelluccia-mobileip-hmipv6-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-12 Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Claude Castelluccia , Ludovic Bellier draft-castelluccia-mobileip-privacy-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-26 A Simple Privacy Extension for Mobile IPv6 Claude Castelluccia , Francis Dupont draft-castelluccia-uhmm-framework-00 -1 Expired 1999-07-02 Toward a Unified Hierarchical Mobility Management Framework Ludovic Bellier draft-caszpe-nfvrg-orchestration-challenges-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-17 Network Function Virtualization: Resource Orchestration Challenges Gino Carrozzo , Robert Szabo , Kostas Pentikousis draft-catalano-oauth-umaclaim-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-21 User-Managed Access (UMA) Claim Profiles Framework Domenico Catalano , Maciej Machulak draft-catalone-rockell-hadns-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-30 Implementation of a High Availability DNS System Robert Rockell , Gregory Catalone draft-cauchie-opsawg-monitoring-mpls-label-mapping-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 A method to monitor MPLS label mappings Gregory Cauchie draft-cauchie-vcarddav-oma-cab-extensions-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-vcarddav-oma-cab-extensions 2011-02-17 vCard Format extension : represent vCard extensions defined by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Converged Address Book (CAB) group Dany Cauchie , Barry Leiba , Kepeng Li draft-caufield-paws-protocol-for-tvws-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Protocol to query a White Space Database Jesse Caufield draft-caulfield-cdni-metadata-core-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-24 Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) Core Metadata Kent Leung , Matt Caulfield draft-caulfield-cdni-rate-pacing-02 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 CDNI Rate Pacing Matt Caulfield draft-cavage-http-signatures-12 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures 2019-10-21 Signing HTTP Messages Mark Cavage , Manu Sporny draft-cavanna-iscsi-crc-vs-cksum-01 -1 Expired 2001-03-07 iSCSI Digests - CRC or Checksum? Vincente Cavanna , Matt Wakeley draft-caviglia-ccamp-gmpls-msspring-req-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-04 GMPLS Requirements for MS-SPRing support Diego Caviglia draft-caviglia-ccamp-pc-and-sc-reqs-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-pc-and-sc-reqs 2006-10-27 Requirements for the Conversion Between Permanent Connections and Switched Connections in a Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Network Diego Caviglia draft-caviglia-ccamp-pc-spc-grsvpte-ext-02 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 draft-caviglia-ccamp-pc-spc-grsvpte-ext-02.txt Diego Caviglia , Dan Li draft-caviglia-mp2cp-00 -1 Expired 2003-11-20 GRSVP-TE signaling extension to move Management created LSP to Control Plane Diego Caviglia draft-caviglia-mp2cpcp2mp-03 -1 Expired 2005-10-03 GMPLS Signaling Extensions for the Transfer of Ownership of Label Switched Paths Between the Management and Control Planes Diego Caviglia draft-cavuto-dtcp-03 -1 Replaced draft-kala-dtcp 2009-11-11 DTCP: Dynamic Tasking Control Protocol David Cavuto draft-cazeaux-clue-sip-signaling-01 -1 Expired 2012-03-27 Requirements for ControLling mUltiple streams for tElepresence (CLUE) signaling. Stephane Cazeaux , Emmanuel Bertin , Bruno Chatras draft-cazeaux-rtcweb-oauth-identity-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Additional Use-cases and Requirements for WebRTC Identity Architecture Victoria Beltran , Emmanuel Bertin , Stephane Cazeaux draft-cbcs-ccamp-sson-guard-bands-reqs-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 Guard Bands requirements for GMPLS controlled optical networks Daniele Ceccarelli , Giulio Bottari , Nicola Sambo , Fatai Zhang , Ramon Casellas draft-cbran-rtcweb-codec-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtcweb-video 2012-03-12 WebRTC Codec and Media Processing Requirements Cary Bran , Cullen Jennings , Jean-Marc Valin draft-cbran-rtcweb-data-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 RTC-Web Non-Media Data Transport Requirements Cary Bran , Cullen Jennings draft-cbran-rtcweb-media-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-01 RTC-Web Media Transport Requirements Cary Bran , Cullen Jennings draft-cbran-rtcweb-nat-02 -1 Expired 2011-10-29 WebRTC Network Address Translation Cary Bran , Matthew Kaufman , Cullen Jennings , Jonathan Rosenberg draft-cbran-rtcweb-negotiation-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 RTC-Web Negotiation and Signaling Cary Bran , Cullen Jennings draft-cbran-rtcweb-protocols-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-05 RTC-Web Communications Protocols Cary Bran , Cullen Jennings draft-cbrt-pce-stateful-local-protection-01 -1 Expired 2018-06-29 PCEP Extensions for RSVP-TE Local-Protection with PCE-Stateful Colby Barth , Raveendra Torvi draft-cc-bw-rac-00 -1 Expired 1999-04-23 Dynamic Bandwidth Management Using Resource Adjuster Cells Robert Ching , John Chiong draft-cchen-te-overbooking-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-14 tewg sub The Notion of overbooking and Its Application to IP/MPLS Traffic Engineering Rauf Izmailov , Cheng Chen draft-ccirn-cocl-doc1-02 -1 Expired 1991-05-06 An Approach to CO/CL Interworking -- Part I: Introduction draft-ccirn-cocl-doc2-01 -1 Expired 1991-04-23 An Approach to CO/CL Interworking-- Part II: The Short-Term -- Conventions for Transport-Service Bridges in the Absence of Internetworking draft-ccirn-cocl-doc3-00 -1 Expired 1991-01-31 An Approach to CO/CL Interworking -- Part III: The Intermediate -Term--Provision of the CONS over TCP and X.25 subnetworks. draft-ccirn-cocl-doc4-01 -1 Expired 1991-04-25 An Approach to CO/CL Interworking -- Part III: The Long-Term -- Conventions for Network-Layer Relays and Transport-Service Bridges in the presence of Internetworking draft-ccirn-cocl-report-00 -1 Expired 1990-12-12 WORKSHOP ON CO/CL INTERWORKING draft-ccirn-cocl-tsspecification-00 -1 Expired 1991-07-08 An Approach to CO/CL Interworking -- Part II: Specification -- Conventions for Transport-Service Bridges draft-cc-isis-flooding-reduction-01 -1 Expired 2018-04-29 ISIS Flooding Reduction Huaimo Chen , Dean Cheng , Mehmet Toy , Yi Yang draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-09 -1 Expired 2020-06-06 Flooding Topology Computation Algorithm Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Yi Yang , Aijun Wang , Xufeng Liu , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu draft-ccm-ideas-identity-use-cases-02 -1 Expired 2017-10-11 Identity Use Cases in IDEAS Uma Chunduri , Alexander Clemm , Michael Menth draft-ccn-packet-header-00 -1 Expired 2015-01-26 Content-Centric Networking Packet Header Format Massimo Gallo , Diego Perino , luca.muscarielloorange.com draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-04 -1 Expired 2018-09-20 LS Flooding Reduction Huaimo Chen , Dean Cheng , Mehmet Toy , Yi Yang draft-cc-v6ops-wlcg-flow-label-marking-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Use of the IPv6 Flow Label for WLCG Packet Marking Dale Carder , Tim Chown , Shawn McKee , Marian Babik draft-cdh-mpls-tp-psc-non-revertive-01 -1 Replaced draft-ryoogray-mpls-tp-psc-itu 2013-09-10 mpls rtg PSC protocol updates for non-revertive operation Taesik Cheung , Alessandro D'Alessandro , Huub van Helvoort Loa Andersson draft-cdmi-mediatypes-07 -1 RFC 6208 2011-01-07 app Peter Saint-Andre Informational Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) Media Types Krishna Sankar , Arnold Jones Peter Saint-Andre draft-cdn-control-header-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-httpbis-targeted-cache-control 2021-03-18 httpbis art Proposed Standard Targeted HTTP Response Header Fields for Cache Control Stephen Ludin , Mark Nottingham , Yuchen Wu draft-cdni-capacity-insights-extensions-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cdni-capacity-insights-extensions 2022-09-19 CDNI Capacity Capability Advertisement Extensions Andrew Ryan , Ben Rosenblum , Nir Baruch Sopher draft-cdni-fieau-lurk-https-delegation-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 Limited Use of Remote Keys for Interconnected CDNs Frédéric Fieau , Stephan Emile draft-cdni-https-delegation-subcerts-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-cdni-https-delegation-subcerts 2022-07-08 CDNI Metadata for Delegated Credentials Frédéric Fieau , Stephan Emile , Guillaume Bichot , Christoph Neumann draft-cdn-loop-prevention-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-httpbis-cdn-loop 2018-06-27 CDN Loop Prevention Stephen Ludin , Mark Nottingham , Nick Sullivan draft-cds-functional-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2017-12-18 Cloud-based data provision service requirements and functional architecture Eui-Nam Huh , Gawon Lee , Yunkon Kim , Jintaek Kim draft-cds-overviews-00 -1 Expired 2017-12-18 Cloud-based data providing service definition, concept, and use-cases Eui-Nam Huh , Gawon Lee , Yunkon Kim , Jintaek Kim draft-cds-rats-intel-corim-profile-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-23 .html,.txt,.xml Intel Profile for CoRIM Shanwei Cen , Andrew Draper , Ned Smith draft-ceccadedios-ccamp-overlay-use-cases-05 -1 Expired 2014-03-05 Use cases for operating networks in the overlay model context Daniele Ceccarelli , Oscar de Dios , Fatai Zhang , Xian Zhang , Zafar Ali , Rajan Rao , Sergio Belotti draft-ceccarelli-actn-framework-07 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Framework for Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks Daniele Ceccarelli , Young Lee draft-ceccarelli-ccamp-gmpls-g709-am3-00 -1 Expired 2009-06-29 Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Extensions for G.709 amendment 3 Optical Transport Networks Control Daniele Ceccarelli , Diego Caviglia , Francesco Fondelli , Marco Corsi draft-ceccarelli-ccamp-gmpls-g709-lmp-test-04 -1 Expired 2012-07-13 Link Management Protocol (LMP) Test Messages Extensions for Evolutive Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Daniele Ceccarelli , Diego Caviglia , Francesco Fondelli , Fatai Zhang , Dan Li , Dieter Beller draft-ceccarelli-ccamp-gmpls-ospf-g709-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ospf-g709v3 2011-09-06 ccamp rtg Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Control of Evolving G.709 OTN Networks Khuzema Pithewan , Rajan Rao , Fatai Zhang , Dan Li , Pietro Grandi , Diego Caviglia , Sergio Belotti , Daniele Ceccarelli , John Drake draft-ceccarellifuxh-ccamp-gmpls-ext-for-evol-otn-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Extensions for evolutive OTNs control Xihua Fu , Daniele Ceccarelli , Marco Corsi draft-ceccarelli-mpls-tp-p2mp-ring-01 -1 Expired 2009-08-18 P2MP traffic protection in MPLS-TP ring topology Daniele Ceccarelli , Diego Caviglia , Francesco Fondelli , Marco Corsi , Alessandro D'Alessandro draft-ceccarelli-teas-actn-framework-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-actn-framework 2016-04-14 Framework for Abstraction and Control of Traffic Engineered Networks Daniele Ceccarelli , Young Lee draft-ceccarelli-teas-gneralized-scsi-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-gmpls-scsi 2016-10-27 Generalized Routing Interface Switching Capability Descriptor Switching Capability Specific Information Daniele Ceccarelli , Lou Berger draft-cecczhang-ccamp-gmpls-g709v3-lmp-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-12 Link Management Protocol (LMP) extensions for G.709 Optical Transport Networks Fatai Zhang , Xian Zhang , Daniele Ceccarelli , Diego Caviglia , Guoying Zhang , Dieter Beller , Sergio Belotti draft-cedik-http-warning-02 -1 Expired 2020-09-24 Communicating Warning Information in HTTP APIs André Cedik , Erik Wilde draft-cejkat-mile-iodef-and-idea-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-02 MILE Differences between IODEF and IDEA Tomas Cejka , Pavel Kacha draft-celer-vpn-mcast-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-17 Interworking between IP VPN and shared backbone multicast domains Alicja Celer draft-celer-vrrp-ext-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-21 VRRP Extention to Support Dynamic Topology Changes of Virtual Router topology Alicja Celer draft-cel-fedfs-security-addendum-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 Federated Filesystem Security Addendum Chuck Lever draft-celi-block-ciph-00 -1 Expired 2019-02-21 ACVP Symmetric Block Cipher Algorithm JSON Specification Chris Celi draft-celi-irtf-hrpc-ipvc-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-02 .html,.txt,.xml Intimate Partner Violence Digital Considerations Sofia Celi , Juliana Guerra , Mallory Knodel draft-celi-wiggers-tls-authkem-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-18 .html,.txt,.xml KEM-based Authentication for TLS 1.3 Thom Wiggers , Sofia Celi , Peter Schwabe , Douglas Stebila , Nick Sullivan draft-cel-nfsv4-comp-stor-reqs-02 -1 Expired 2020-02-03 Network File System Version 4 Requirements for Computational Storage Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-end2end-data-protection-01 -1 Expired 2013-10-18 End-to-end Data Integrity For NFSv4 Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-federated-fs-nce-06 -1 Expired 2016-10-25 A Simpler Mechanism For Organizing FedFS NSDBs Chuck Lever , Simo Sorce draft-cel-nfsv4-federated-fs-security-addendum-06 -1 Expired 2016-10-25 Federated Filesystem Security Addendum Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-fedfs-security-addendum-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 Federated Filesystem Security Addendum Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-hash-tree-interchange-format-03 -1 Expired 2022-05-04 Attestation of File Content using an X.509 Certificate Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-linux-seclabel-xtensions-00 -1 Expired 2018-04-10 Linux-related Extensions to NFS version 4.2 Security Labels Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-mv0-trunking-update-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-13 NFS version 4.0 Trunking Update Chuck Lever , David Noveck draft-cel-nfsv4-reminv-design-09 -1 Expired 2018-11-19 Using Remote Invalidation With RPC-Over-RDMA Transports Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rfc5666-implementation-experience-02 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 RPC-over-RDMA Version One Implementation Experience Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rpc-over-quicv1-01 -1 Expired 2022-07-05 Remote Procedure Call over QUIC Version 1 Benjamin Coddington , Scott Mayhew , Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rpcrdma-bidirection-01 -1 Expired 2015-05-20 Size-Limited Bi-directional Remote Procedure Call On Remote Direct Memory Access Transports Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rpcrdma-cm-pvt-msg-03 -1 Expired 2018-03-19 RDMA Connection Manager Private Data For RPC-Over-RDMA Version 1 Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rpcrdma-reliable-reply-05 -1 Expired 2019-05-20 Improving the Performance and Reliability of RPC Replies on RPC-over-RDMA Transports Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rpcrdma-version-two-09 -1 Expired 2019-05-06 RPC-over-RDMA Version 2 Protocol Chuck Lever , David Noveck draft-cel-nfsv4-rpc-tls-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpc-tls 2019-02-11 Remote Procedure Call Encryption By Default Trond Myklebust , Chuck Lever draft-cel-nfsv4-rpc-tls-pseudoflavors-02 -1 Expired 2021-12-27 Pseudo-flavors for Remote Procedure Calls with Transport Layer Security Chuck Lever draft-ce-lsr-ppr-graph-04 -1 Expired 2020-09-28 Preferred Path Route Graph Structure Uma Chunduri , Toerless Eckert draft-cem-compressed-curves-01 -1 Expired 2021-10-25 TLS Compressed Elliptic Curve Code Points Carl Mehner draft-cem-dane-assertion-00 -1 Expired 2014-11-20 HTTP DANE Validation Assertion Carl Mehner draft-cerpa-necp-02 -1 Expired 2000-02-23 NECP the Network Element Control Protocol Hooman Beheshti , Chuck Neerdaels , Alberto Cerpa , Peter Danzig , Raj Jalan , Anawat Chankhunthod , Jeremy Elson , Ted Schroeder , Gary Tomlinson draft-cerpa-wrec-necp-01 -1 Expired 1999-12-13 NECP the Network Element Control Protocol Hooman Beheshti , Chuck Neerdaels , Alberto Cerpa , Peter Danzig , Raj Jalan , Anawat Chankhunthod , Jeremy Elson , Ted Schroeder , Gary Tomlinson draft-cerveny-bmwg-ipv6-nd-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-ipv6-nd 2015-01-05 Benchmarking Neighbor Discovery William Cerveny , Ron Bonica draft-cetin-mpls-diffserv-te-mib-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-25 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering Management Information Base for DiffServ Riza Cetin draft-cetin-mpls-fastreroute-mib-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-fastreroute-mib 2002-02-22 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering Management Information Base for Fast Reroute Riza Cetin draft-ceuppens-mpls-optical-04 -1 Expired 2000-03-10 Performance Monitoring in Photonic Networks in support of MPL(ambda)S Luc Ceuppens , John Drake , Dan Blumenthal , W. Edwards draft-cfb-ippm-spinbit-measurements-02 -1 Replaced draft-mdt-ippm-explicit-flow-measurements 2020-07-03 Client-Server Explicit Performance Measurements Mauro Cociglio , Giuseppe Fioccola , Massimo Nilo , Fabio Bulgarella , Riccardo Sisto draft-cfb-ippm-spinbit-new-measurements-01 -1 Replaced draft-cfb-tsvwg-spinbit-new-measurements 2019-07-01 New Spin bit enabled measurements with one or two more bits Mauro Cociglio , Giuseppe Fioccola , Fabio Bulgarella , Riccardo Sisto draft-cfb-tsvwg-spinbit-new-measurements-00 -1 Replaced draft-cfb-ippm-spinbit-measurements 2019-11-04 New Spin bit enabled measurements with one or two more bits Mauro Cociglio , Giuseppe Fioccola , Fabio Bulgarella , Riccardo Sisto draft-cfrg-khera-lpr-ring-lwe-kex-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-24 Post-Quantum Key Exchange From Learning With Errors Over Rings Rohit Khera draft-cfrg-re-keying-00 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-re-keying 2017-02-20 Re-keying Mechanisms for Symmetric Keys Stanislav Smyshlyaev , Russ Housley , Mihir Bellare , Evgeny Alekseev , Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva , Daniel Franke , Lilia Ahmetzyanova , Ruth Ng draft-cfrg-schwabe-kyber-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-03-31 .html,.txt,.xml Kyber Post-Quantum KEM Peter Schwabe , Bas Westerbaan draft-cgkim-sipping-info-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-09 A SIP application using INFO message for IP premise control Choon Kim draft-cgray-ietf-bgpexceptions-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-26 An Exceptions Capability for Distributed Null-Routing in BGP Cameron Gray , Sa'ad Mansoor draft-chadalapaka-command-ordering-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-24 SCSI Command Ordering Considerations with iSCSI Mallikarjun Chadalapaka draft-chadalapaka-iwarp-da-02 -1 Expired 2004-07-20 Datamover Architecture for iSCSI (DA) Mallikarjun Chadalapaka draft-chadha-policy-mpls-te-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-29 Policy Framework MPLS Information Model for QoS and TE Ritu Chadha draft-chadli-sipping-overload-sub-not-02 -1 Expired 2009-02-25 An overload control package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Youssef Chadli , Xavier Marjou draft-chadwick-families-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-14 Compound (Families of) Entries David Chadwick draft-chadwick-oauth-jwk-uri-00 -1 Expired 2022-02-09 JWT URI David Chadwick draft-chadwick-pkix-dnstrings-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pkix-dnstrings 2002-05-16 LDAPv3 DN strings for use with PKIs David Chadwick draft-chadwick-pkix-pidn-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-12 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure The use of Permanent Identifiers in LDAP Distinguished Names David Chadwick draft-chadwick-webdav-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-07 Use of WebDAV for Certificate Publishing and Revocation David Chadwick draft-cha-gsmp-management-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-07 Network Management for GSMP Interface Younguk Cha draft-cha-gsmp-service-mib-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-05 Definitions of Managed Objects for Network Management Services in General Switch Management Protocol (GSMP) Interface Younguk Cha draft-cha-ipv6-ra-mo-00 -1 Expired 2008-06-08 Clarifying Handling of M & O Flags of IPv6 Router Advertisement Hyunwook Cha , Bernie Volz draft-chairs-6lo-dispatch-iana-registry-01 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 IANA Registry for 6lowpan ESC Dispatch Code points Samita Chakrabarti , Gabriel Montenegro , Ralph Droms , james woodyatt draft-chairs-bmwg-2544-as-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-2544-as 2011-02-05 RFC 2544 Applicability Statement: Use on Real-World Networks Considered Harmful Scott Bradner , Kevin Dubray , Jim McQuaid , Al Morton draft-chairs-netmod-opstate-reqs-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-opstate-reqs 2015-09-11 NETMOD Operational State Requirements Kent Watsen , Thomas Nadeau draft-chaitou-pce-p2mp-ext-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 Path Computation Element communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Point to Multipoint Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Jean-Louis Le Roux , Mohamad Chaitou , Zafar Ali draft-chakeres-manet-arch-01 -1 Expired 2006-10-05 Mobile Ad hoc Network Architecture Ian Chakeres draft-chakeres-manet-dymo-default-01 -1 Expired 2008-04-10 A Default Route for DYMO Ian 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draft-chakrabarti-ipv6-addrselect-api-07 -1 RFC 5014 2007-06-18 int Jari Arkko Informational IPv6 Socket API for Source Address Selection Samita Chakrabarti , Erik Nordmark , Julien Laganier Jari Arkko draft-chakrabarti-lowpan-ipv6-nd-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-13 LowPan Neighbor Discovery Extensions Samita Chakrabarti , Erik Nordmark draft-chakrabarti-mip4-mcbc-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mip4-mcbc 2009-07-08 IPv4 Mobility Extension for Multicast and Broadcast Packets Ahmad Muhanna , Samita Chakrabarti , Gabriel Montenegro , Yingzhe Wu , Basavaraj Patil draft-chakrabarti-mip6-bmip-01 -1 Expired 2005-02-22 Bootstrapping Mobile IPv6 James Kempf draft-chakrabarti-mobileip-mipext-advapi-02 -1 Expired 2003-10-27 Extension to Sockets API for Mobile IPv6 Samita Chakrabarti , Erik Nordmark draft-chakrabarti-mobileip-privaddr-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-04 Limited Private Address Support for Mobile IPv4 Samita Chakrabarti draft-chakrabarti-mobopts-lowpan-req-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-07 LowPan Mobility Requirements and Goals Soohong Park , Samita Chakrabarti draft-chakrabarti-nordmark-6man-efficient-nd-07 -1 Expired 2015-02-27 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Optimizations for Wired and Wireless Networks Samita Chakrabarti , Erik Nordmark , Pascal Thubert , Margaret Cullen draft-chakrabarti-nordmark-energy-aware-nd-02 -1 Replaced draft-chakrabarti-nordmark-6man-efficient-nd 2012-03-12 Energy Aware IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Optimizations Samita Chakrabarti , Erik Nordmark , Margaret Cullen draft-chakravorty-6lsa-03 -1 Expired 2008-07-09 IPv6 Label Switching Architecture Sham Chakravorty , Jeff Bush , Jim Bound draft-chakravorty-bcc-fec-00 -1 Expired 2005-04-18 Binding Packets to FECs in 6LSA Sham Chakravorty draft-chakravorty-bcc-flowlabel-00 -1 Expired 2005-04-18 Proposal for a New Flow Label Definition Sham Chakravorty draft-cha-manet-aodv-internet-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-11 Support of Internet Connectivity for AODV Hyun-Wook Cha draft-cha-manet-extended-support-globalv6-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-23 Extended Support for Global Connectivity for IPv6 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Hyun-Wook Cha , Park Jung-Soo , Hyoung-Jun Kim draft-chambless-mobileip-harp-00 -1 Expired 1997-10-30 HARP - ''Home Agent Redundancy Protocol'' Jim Binkley , Bjorn Chambless draft-chandhok-listid-04 -1 RFC 2919 1999-03-23 app Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard List-Id: A Structured Field and Namespace for the Identification of Mailing Lists Ravinder Chandhok , Geoffrey Wenger Alexey Melnikov draft-chan-distributed-mobility-ps-05 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Problem statement for distributed and dynamic mobility management Anthony Chan draft-chan-dmm-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-03 A architecture of distributed mobility management using mip and pmip Anthony Chan draft-chan-dmm-distributed-mobility-anchoring-08 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dmm-distributed-mobility-anchoring 2016-07-08 dmm int Distributed Mobility Anchoring Anthony Chan , Xinpeng Wei , Jong-Hyouk Lee , Seil Jeon , Fred Templin draft-chan-dmm-enhanced-mobility-anchoring-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Enhanced mobility anchoring Anthony Chan , Kostas Pentikousis draft-chan-dmm-framework-03 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Distributed Mobility Management Framework Anthony Chan , Pierrick Seite , Kostas Pentikousis , Ashutosh Dutta draft-chan-dmm-framework-gap-analysis-06 -1 Expired 2012-11-08 Framework for Mobility Management Protocol Analysis Anthony Chan , Pierrick Seite , Kostas Pentikousis , Jong-Hyouk Lee draft-chan-dmm-requirements-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dmm-requirements 2012-06-15 Requirements of distributed mobility management Anthony Chan draft-chandra-bgp4-cap-neg-00 -1 Expired 1997-07-17 Capabilities Negotiation with BGP-4 John Scudder , Ravi Chandra draft-chandra-hegde-mpoint-bfd-for-mpls-00 -1 Expired 2012-03-05 Multipoint BFD for MPLS Vikas Hegde , Chandrasekar R draft-chandramouli-eman-rfc4133bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-eman-rfc4133bis 2012-07-10 Entity MIB (Version 4) Andy Bierman , Dan Romascanu , Juergen Quittek, Mouli Chandramouli draft-chandra-mpls-enhanced-frr-bypass-01 -1 Replaced draft-chandra-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr 2015-03-07 Refresh Interval Independent FRR Facility Protection Chandrasekar R , Yakov Rekhter , Ina Minei , Ebben Aries , Dante Pacella draft-chandra-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr 2016-05-07 mpls rtg Refresh Interval Independent FRR Facility Protection Chandrasekar R , Ina Minei , Dante Pacella , Tarek Saad draft-chandra-mpls-rsvp-shared-labels-np-05 -1 Expired 2021-01-03 Node Protection for RSVP-TE tunnels on a shared MPLS forwarding plane Chandrasekar R , Vishnu Beeram , Harish Sitaraman draft-chandra-ospf-manet-ext-05 -1 Expired 2007-08-06 Extensions to OSPF to Support Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Abhay Roy , M Chandra draft-chang-6tisch-msf-02 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 6tisch int Proposed Standard 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF) Tengfei Chang , Mališa Vučinić , Xavier Vilajosana , Simon Duquennoy , Diego Dujovne Thomas Watteyne draft-chang-iimc-proxy-04 -1 Expired 1994-02-22 ISO/CCITT and Internet Management Coexistence (IIMC): ISO/CCITT to Internet Management Proxy (IIMCPROXY) April Chang draft-chang-mobile-sctp-address-mgt-01 -1 Expired 2004-10-12 Address Management for Mobile SCTP Handover Moon Chang , Meejeong Lee , Seok Koh draft-chang-mobile-sctp-cc-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-12 Error and Congestion Control Algorithm for mSCTP handover Moon Chang draft-chang-mpls-path-protection-03 -1 Expired 2001-08-17 A Path Protection/Restoration Mechanism for MPLS Networks Srinivas Makam , Ken Owens , Changcheng Huang , Ben Mack-Crane , Vishal Sharma draft-chang-mpls-rsvpte-path-protection-ext-02 -1 Expired 2001-08-17 Extensions to RSVP-TE for MPLS Path Protection Bora Akyol draft-chang-sipping-bicc-network-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-30 BICC extension of SIP in Inter-Network Configuration Young Chang draft-chan-http2-stream-dependencies-00 -1 Expired 2014-01-06 HTTP/2 Stream Dependencies Michael Piatek , William Chan draft-chan-idn-scdns-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-21 Supreme Chinese Domain Name System Ben Chan draft-chan-idr-bgp-lu2-04 -1 Expired 2021-08-27 Color Operation with BGP Label Unicast Louis Chan draft-chan-lisp-pmip-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 Integrating PMIP into LISP Network Anthony Chan draft-chan-lsr-igp-adv-offset-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .txt IGP extensions for Advertising Offset for Flex-Algorithm Louis Chan , Krzysztof Szarkowicz , Gyan Mishra draft-channabasappa-drinks-usecases-requirements-02 -1 Expired 2009-02-03 DRINKS Use cases and Protocol Requirements Sumanth Channabasappa draft-channabasappa-pktc-ipcdn-mib-framework-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 Packetcable/IPCablecom MIB Framework Sumanth Channabasappa , Wim De Ketelaere draft-channabasappa-sipping-app-profile-type-03 -1 Expired 2008-11-02 Extension to the ua-profile Event Package to Support the Application Profile Type Martin Dolly , Sumanth Channabasappa , Joshua Littlefield , Salvatore Loreto draft-channabasappa-sipua-config-mgmt-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-28 Use Cases and Considerations for SIP Client Configuration and Management Sumanth Channabasappa , Jean-Francois Mule draft-chan-netext-distributed-lma-03 -1 Expired 2010-03-08 Distributed Local Mobility Anchors H Chan , Frank Xia , Justin Xiang , Hanan Ahmed draft-chan-pcn-encoding-comparison-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcn-encoding-comparison 2009-03-08 Pre-Congestion Notification Encoding Comparison Kwok Chan , Georgios Karagiannis , T Moncaster , Michael Menth , Philip Eardley , Bob Briscoe draft-chan-pcn-problem-statement-01 -1 Expired 2006-10-25 tsv Lars Eggert Pre-Congestion Notification Problem Statement Kwok Chan Lars Eggert draft-chan-quic-owl-01 -1 Expired 2017-03-13 One Way Latency Considerations for Multipath in QUIC Anthony Chan , Anni Wei , Fei Song , Hong-Ke Zhang draft-chan-spring-srv6-sub-slice-00 -1 Expired 2022-07-04 Sub-slicing for SRv6 Louis Chan draft-chan-srv6-sub-slice-00 -1 Replaced draft-chan-spring-srv6-sub-slice 2021-08-09 Sub-slicing for SRv6 Louis Chan draft-chan-torvi-jacquenet-mpls-rd-p2mp-te-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 Receiver Driven Point-To-Multi-Point Traffic Engineered Label Switched Paths Raveendra Torvi , Kwok Chan , Christian Jacquenet draft-chan-tsvwg-diffserv-class-aggr-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-diffserv-class-aggr 2006-01-19 Aggregation of DiffServ Service Classes Fred Baker , Jozef Babiarz , Kwok Chan draft-chan-tsvwg-eipf-cgnat-02 -1 Expired 2023-03-07 Enhanced Port Forwarding functions with CGNAT Louis Chan draft-chaparadza-6man-igcp-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 ICMPv6 based Generic Control Protocol (IGCP) Shiduan Cheng , Li Xin , Ranganai Chaparadza , Li Xin , Razvan Petre draft-chaparadza-intarea-igcp-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-25 IP based Generic Control Protocol (IGCP) Michael Behringer , Ranganai Chaparadza , Li Xin , Heikki Mahkonen, Razvan Petre draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-02 -1 Expired 2015-03-02 Additional Reserved Top Level Domains Lyman Chapin , Mark McFadden draft-chapin-clnp-ISO8473-00 -1 Expired 1994-03-28 ISO/IEC 8473-1 Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service A. Chapin draft-chapin-rfc2606bis-00 -1 Expired 2011-05-31 Reserved Top Level Domain Names Mark McFadden , Lyman Chapin draft-charbon-nemo-multihoming-evaluation-00 -1 Expired 2003-07-25 Evaluating Multi-homing Support in NEMO Basic Solution Julien Charbon draft-chariton-ipcaa-00 -1 Expired 2022-12-02 DNS CAA Resource Record Property for IP Address Certificates Antonios Chariton draft-charlton-deaf-req-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-11 User Requirements for SIP in support of deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired individuals Nathan Charlton , Mick Gasson , Guido Gybels , Arnoud Van Wijk draft-charny-ef-definition-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-29 EF PHB Redefined Anna Charny draft-charny-pcn-comparison-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-09 Comparison of Proposed PCN Approaches Anna Charny draft-charny-pcn-single-marking-03 -1 Expired 2007-11-19 tsv Lars Eggert Pre-Congestion Notification Using Single Marking for Admission and Termination Anna Charny , Xinyang Zhang , François Le Faucheur , Vassilis Liatsos Lars Eggert draft-chaskar-mobileip-qos-01 -1 Expired 2001-03-07 A Framework for QoS Support in Mobile IPv6 Hemant Chaskar , Rajeev Koodli draft-chaskar-mobileip-qos-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2001-05-31 int Allison Mankin Requirements of a QoS Solution for Mobile IP Hemant Chaskar Allison Mankin draft-chattopadhyay-sdnrg-multi-party-sdn-trust-03 -1 Expired 2016-09-21 Multi-party Multi-Domain Trust Architecture Recommendations for SDN Deployment in Carrier Network saurabhchattopadhyahcl.com , Kaushik Datta draft-chaudhuri-ip-olxc-control-00 -1 Expired 2000-02-14 Control of Lightpaths in an Optical Network Sid Chaudhuri , Jennifer Yates draft-chau-fcip-ifcp-encap-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-28 FCIP and iFCP Merged Frame Encapsulation Proposal Gabriel Hecht , Lani Brewer , Vi Chau draft-chau-sfc-dynamic-forwarding-by-constraints-00 -1 Expired 2015-06-30 Dynamic Forwarding by Constraint Options in SFC chaungoctussu.ac.kr , ddukki86ssu.ac.kr , Souhwan Jung draft-chavali-bgp-prefixlimit-02 -1 Expired 2004-04-29 Peer Prefix Limits Exchange in BGP Vasile Radoaca , Mo Miri , Luyuan Fang , Susan Hares , Srikanth Chavali draft-chelius-adhoc-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-05 IPv6 Addressing Architecture Support for mobile ad hoc networks Guillaume Chelius draft-chelius-nemo-router-autoconf-00 -1 Expired 2005-01-25 Distributed Prefix-Delegation Scheme for NEMO Guillaume Chelius draft-chelius-router-autoconf-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-13 Using OSPFv3 for IPv6 router autoconfiguration Guillaume Chelius , Laurent Toutain draft-chen-afec-01 -1 Expired 2007-03-22 An Adaptive FEC to Protect RoHC and UDP-Lite Vital Video Data Zhikui Chen draft-chen-alto-ethernet-optical-converged-network-00 -1 Expired 2016-07-08 ALTO in Ethernet and Optical Converged Networks Mingming Chen , xinwang2014hotmail.com draft-chen-alto-in-mobile-wireless-network-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 ALTO in Mobile and Wireless Network Wei Chen , Jin Peng , Yunfei Zhang draft-chen-alto-security-overview-00 -1 Expired 2010-02-28 Overview for ALTO security issues Shuyi Chen , Feng Gao , Xituchen Beijing , Miao Xiong draft-chen-alto-survey-00 -1 Expired 2018-07-02 ALTO Implementations and Use Cases: A Brief Survey Shiwei Chen , Xiao Lin , Danny Perez , Y. Richard Yang , Christian Rothenberg draft-chen-as4bytes-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-15 BGP support for four-octet AS number space Yakov Rekhter draft-chen-ati-adaptive-ipv4-address-space-13 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-13 .txt Adaptive IPv4 Address Space Abraham Chen , Ramamurthy Ati , Abhay Karandikar , David Crowe draft-chen-ati-ezipb-00 -1 Expired 2016-11-26 IPv4 with Adaptive Address Space Abraham Chen , Ramamurthy Ati draft-chen-ati-ezipc-00 -1 Expired 2016-11-26 IPv4 with Adaptive Address Space Abraham Chen , Ramamurthy Ati draft-chen-ati-ezipd-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-14 IPv4 with Adaptive Address Space Abraham Chen , Ramamurthy Ati draft-chen-ati-ipv4-with-adaptive-address-space-00 -1 Replaced draft-chen-ati-adaptive-ipv4-address-space 2016-11-13 IPv4 with Adaptive Address Space Abraham Chen , Ramamurthy Ati draft-chen-ati-with-adaptive-address-space-00 -1 Replaced draft-chen-ati-adaptive-ipv4-address-space 2016-12-13 IPv4 with Adaptive Address Space Abraham Chen , Ramamurthy Ati draft-chen-atomized-security-functions-00 -1 Expired 2022-10-08 the Description and Definition for Atomic Security Functions Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-behave-nat64-radius-extension-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-08 Radius Attributes for Stateful NAT64 Gang Chen , David Binet draft-chen-behave-olnat-01 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 A Optimal Load-balance mechanism for NAT64 (OL-NAT) Gang Chen , Hui Deng draft-chen-behave-rsnat-02 -1 Expired 2009-10-26 Reliable and Scalable NAT mechanism (RS-NAT) based on BGP for IPv4/IPv6 Transition Gang Chen , Hui Deng , Bo Zhou , Mingwei Xu , Linjian Song , Yong Cui draft-chen-bess-evpn-df-algorithm-selection-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-28 EVPN DF Election Algorithm Selection Jian Chen draft-chen-bess-evpn-wtr-on-fast-df-recovery-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml WTR signaling on Fast DF Recovery of Single-Active ESIs Ran Chen , Yubao Wang draft-chen-bess-srv6-service-bypass-sid-00 -1 Expired 2020-07-13 SRv6 SID Bypass Functions Huanan Chen , Yunan Gu , Haibo Wang draft-chen-bfd-interface-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Interface Liang Guo , Marc Binderberger , Zuliang Wang draft-chen-bfd-unsolicited-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bfd-unsolicited 2018-08-04 bfd rtg Unsolicited BFD for Sessionless Applications Enke Chen , Naiming Shen , Robert Raszuk draft-chen-bgp-avoid-collision-00 -1 Expired 2003-09-16 BGP Connection Collision Avoidance Enke Chen , Jenny Yuan draft-chen-bgp-avoid-ebgp-transition-survey-00 -1 Expired 2005-12-27 Avoid EBGP Best Path Transitions - Implementation Report Enke Chen draft-chen-bgp-avoid-transition-01 -1 Expired 2004-01-19 Avoid BGP Best Path Transition from One External to Another Enke Chen , Srihari Sangli draft-chen-bgp-cease-subcode-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idr-cease-subcode 2001-09-20 Subcodes for BGP Cease Notification Message Enke Chen draft-chen-bgp-cease-subcode-survey-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-14 BGP Cease Subcode - Implementation Report Enke Chen draft-chen-bgp-dynamic-cap-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-09 Dynamic Capability for BGP-4 Enke Chen , Srihari Sangli , Srihari Sangli draft-chen-bgp-ext-community-orf-02 -1 Expired 2011-12-05 Extended Community Based Outbound Route Filter for BGP-4 Enke Chen , Alton Lo , Keyur Patel draft-chen-bgp-ext-opt-param-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idr-ext-opt-param 2010-02-10 Extended Optional Parameters Length for BGP OPEN Message Enke Chen , John Scudder draft-chen-bgp-group-path-update-02 -1 Expired 2004-09-29 Advertisement of the Group Best Paths in BGP Enke Chen draft-chen-bgp-identifier-01 -1 Expired 2002-01-11 AS-wide Unique BGP Identifier for BGP-4 Jenny Yuan draft-chen-bgp-ls-security-capability-00 -1 Replaced draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-security-capability 2022-11-07 the extensions of BGP-LS to carry security capabilities Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-bgp-orf-survey-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-07 Implementation Survey for BGP ORF and Prefix-ORF Enke Chen draft-chen-bgp-path-reduction-00 -1 Expired 2012-09-17 Reduction of BGP Alternate Paths from Inter-Exchange Points Enke Chen , Prodosh Mohapatra draft-chen-bgp-prefix-orf-07 -1 Expired 2004-05-10 Address Prefix Based Outbound Route Filter for BGP-4 Enke Chen , Srihari Sangli draft-chen-bgp-redist-03 -1 Expired 2021-08-13 idr rtg Deterministic Route Redistribution into BGP Enke Chen , Jenny Yuan Susan Hares draft-chen-bgp-reference-03 -1 Expired 2002-04-05 List of the Current BGP Documents Yakov Rekhter draft-chen-bgp-rfc2796bis-survey-00 -1 Expired 2004-05-10 BGP Route Reflection - Implementation Report Enke Chen draft-chen-bgp-route-filter-01 -1 Expired 2000-08-15 Cooperative Route Filtering Capability for BGP-4 Yakov Rekhter draft-chen-bgp-route-refresh-02 -1 Expired 1999-09-01 Route Refresh Capability for BGP-4 Enke Chen draft-chen-bier-egress-protect-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-25 .html,.txt,.xml BIER Egress Protection Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Michael Menth , Boris Khasanov , Xuesong Geng , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-frr-05 -1 Expired 2022-04-03 BIER Fast ReRoute Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Steffen Lindner , Michael Menth , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-idr-bier-te-bgp-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-12 .txt BGP extensions for BIER-TE Ran Chen , BenChong Xu , Zheng Zhang draft-chen-bier-pce-bier-04 -1 Expired 2018-02-07 PCEP Extensions for BIER Ran Chen , Zheng Zhang draft-chen-bier-rpcs-yang-01 -1 Expired 2018-08-28 YANG Data Model for BIER RPCs Ran Chen , Min Gu draft-chen-bier-te-egress-protect-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-23 .html,.txt,.xml BIER-TE Egress Protection Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-enc-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-27 .html,.txt,.xml BIER-TE Encapsulation with Multiple BitStrings Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Ran Chen , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-frr-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-31 .html,.txt,.xml BIER-TE Fast ReRoute Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Yisong Liu , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-isis-01 -1 Expired 2021-07-27 IS-IS Extensions for BIER-TE Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-lan-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-11 .html,.txt,.xml BIER-TE for Broadcast Link Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-ospf-04 -1 Expired 2022-12-22 OSPF Extensions for BIER-TE Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-ospfv3-02 -1 Expired 2021-07-28 OSPFv3 Extensions for BIER-TE Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-bier-te-ping-04 -1 Expired 2019-02-27 BIER-TE Ping and Trace Ran Chen , Greg Mirsky , Shaofu Peng draft-chenbo-enum-mgcp-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 Telephone Number Mapping (ENUM) Service Registration for MGCP Chen Bo draft-chen-bv-codec-00 -1 Expired 2010-04-29 BroadVoice Speech Codecs Juin-Hwey Chen , Jes Thyssen draft-chen-ccamp-isis-interas-te-extension-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-isis-interas-te-extension 2007-09-06 ISIS Traffic Engineering (ISIS-TE) Extensions in Support of Inter-AS Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Traffic Engineering Mach Chen draft-chen-ccamp-mpls-tp-oio-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Multi-Protocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Operator Identifier Object Lianshu Zheng draft-chen-ccamp-ospf-interas-te-extension-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ccamp-ospf-interas-te-extension 2007-04-03 OSPF Traffic Engineering (OSPF-TE) Extensions in Support of Inter-AS Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Traffic Engineering Mach Chen , Renhai Zhang draft-chen-cdni-intra-cdn-provider-cdni-experiment-04 -1 Expired 2016-02-01 Intra-CDN Provider CDNi Experiment Ge Chen , Mian Li , Hongfei Xia , Bhumip Khasnabish , Jie Liang draft-chen-cdni-rr-content-acquisition-02 -1 Expired 2013-06-27 Request Routing and Content Acquisition Ge Chen , Mian Li , Hongfei Xia , Changle Zou , Jie Liang draft-chen-coloring-based-ipfpm-framework-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 Coloring based IP Flow Performance Measurement Framework Mach Chen , Hongming Liu , Yuanbin Yin draft-chen-confed-oscillation-reduce-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-13 BGP Route Oscillation Reduction with Confederation Enke Chen draft-chen-decade-integration-example-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-31 Integration Examples of DECADE System Hongqiang Liu , Zhigang Huang , Xiaohui Chen , Lijiang Chen draft-chen-decade-intgr-livestr-exmp-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 Integration Examples of DECADE System Zhigang Huang , Lijiang Chen , Hongqiang Liu , Xiaohui Chen draft-chen-decade-resource-control-survey-00 -1 Expired 2010-03-01 A Survey of Resource Control in P2P Systems Lijiang Chen , Song Yongchao draft-chen-detnet-det-vpn-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-09 Deterministic VPN Zhe Chen , Li Qiang draft-chen-detnet-loss-delay-01 -1 Expired 2018-10-23 DetNet Packet Loss and Delay Performance Measurement Mach Chen , Andy Malis draft-chen-detnet-sr-based-bounded-latency-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml Segment Routing (SR) Based Bounded Latency Mach Chen , Xuesong Geng , Zhenqiang Li , Jinoo Joung , Jeong-dong Ryoo draft-chen-dlt-gateway-identification-01 -1 Expired 2022-08-16 Gateway Identification and Discovery Shiping , Thomas Hardjono , Qin Wang draft-chen-dnav6-apid-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 IPv6 Detecting Network Attachment Based on Access Point ID Zhigao Chen draft-chen-dots-attack-bandwidth-expansion-01 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Using attack bandwidth in signal channel Meiling Chen , Li Su , Jin Peng draft-chen-dots-attack-informations-03 -1 Expired 2019-08-22 DOTS client carry ddos attack informations in signal channel Meiling Chen , Li Su , Jin Peng draft-chen-dots-attack-type-unification-00 -1 Expired 2019-10-18 attack type unification Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-dots-server-hierarchical-deployment-03 -1 Expired 2020-06-24 A method for dots server deployment Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-ds-description-00 -1 Expired 2017-11-29 Status of this Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Chen Yp , H Xia , Wang Zm , P Yang , Tang Cw <1316904833@qq.com> draft-cheneau-cga-pk-agility-01 -1 Expired 2009-06-05 Support for Multiple Signature Algorithms in Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) Tony Cheneau , Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius , Sean Shen , Michaela Vanderveen draft-cheneau-csi-cga-pk-agility-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-12 Support for Multiple Signature Algorithms in Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) Tony Cheneau , Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius , Sean Shen , Michaela Vanderveen draft-cheneau-csi-ecc-sig-agility-02 -1 Expired 2010-06-16 ECC public key and signature support in Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) and in the Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Tony Cheneau , Maryline Laurent , Sean Shen , Michaela Vanderveen draft-cheneau-csi-send-sig-agility-02 -1 Expired 2010-06-16 Signature Algorithm Agility in the Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Protocol Tony Cheneau , Maryline Laurent , Sean Shen , Michaela Vanderveen draft-cheneau-send-sig-agility-01 -1 Expired 2009-06-05 Signature Algorithm Agility in the Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Protocol Tony Cheneau , Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius , Sean Shen , Michaela Vanderveen draft-chen-ebgp-error-handling-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idr-error-handling 2011-09-30 Revised Error Handling for BGP Updates from External Neighbors Enke Chen , Prodosh Mohapatra , Keyur Patel draft-chen-emu-eap-tls-ibs-05 -1 Expired 2023-03-01 Use Identity as Raw Public Key in EAP-TLS Meiling Chen , Li Su , Haiguang Wang draft-chen-epp-identifier-mapping-03 -1 Expired 2020-08-18 Experimental Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Industrial Internet Identifier Mapping Yuying Chen , Jiagui Xie , Zhiping Li , Zhipeng Fan draft-cheney-safe-04 -1 Expired 2009-08-04 SAFE (Server-side Asynchronous Framework Execution) Scripting Method Austin Cheney draft-cheney-security-00 -1 Expired 2010-04-25 Proposal for Application Layer Security Solution Austin Cheney draft-cheney-simplediff-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-04 Simple Diff Algorithm Austin Cheney draft-cheng-6man-source-address-programmability-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-05 .txt Source IPv6 Address Programmability Weiqiang Cheng , Liyan Gong , Changwang Lin , Hao Li draft-cheng-actn-ptn-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-21 ACTN Use-cases for Packet Transport Networks in Mobile Backhaul Networks Weiqiang Cheng , Yunbin Xu , Guoying Zhang draft-cheng-aponf-ddc-use-cases-00 -1 Replaced draft-cheng-supa-ddc-use-cases 2014-07-04 Use Cases for Distributed Data Center Applicatinos in APONF Ying Cheng , Cathy Zhou , Georgios Karagiannis , Tremblay Jf draft-cheng-avtcore-srtp-cloud-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for Cloud Services Yi Cheng , John Preuß Mattsson , Mats Naslund draft-cheng-behave-cgn-cfg-radius-ext-07 -1 Replaced draft-cheng-radext-ip-port-radius-ext 2013-12-16 RADIUS Extensions for Port Set Configuration and Reporting Dean Cheng , Jouni Korhonen , Mohamed Boucadair , Senthil Sivakumar draft-cheng-behave-nat44-pre-allocated-ports-02 -1 Expired 2011-03-11 NAT44 with Pre-allocated Ports Dean Cheng draft-cheng-behave-nat-fwd-port-radius-ext-00 -1 Expired 2011-02-28 RADIUS Extensions for NAT Forwarding Port Dean Cheng draft-cheng-capwap-classifications-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-22 Functionality Classifications for Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) Hong Cheng draft-cheng-ccamp-ospf-multiarea-te-extensions-01 -1 Expired 2003-02-21 gen Alex Zinin OSPF Extensions to Support Multi-Area Traffic Engineering Dean Cheng Alex Zinin draft-cheng-dhc-distribute-srv6-locator-by-dhcp-04 -1 Replaced draft-cheng-spring-distribute-srv6-locator-by-dhcp 2023-01-09 Distribute SRv6 Locator by DHCP Weiqiang Cheng , Ruibo Han , Changwang Lin , Yuanxiang Qiu draft-cheng-gmpls-dynamic-trunking-00 -1 Expired 2001-06-19 GMPLS Extensions for Dynamic Trunking Dean Cheng draft-cheng-grow-bgp-xml-00 -1 Expired 2009-02-17 BGP routing information in XML format Peichun Cheng , He Yan , Kevin Burnett , Dan Massey , Lixia Zhang draft-cheng-grow-va-auto-extensions-00 -1 Expired 2011-09-06 Auto-Configuration Extention in Virtual Aggregation Li Cheng , Jun Wang draft-cheng-hlim-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-28 Hierarchical Level-based IP Multicast (HLIM) Matthew Cheng draft-cheng-hmac-test-cases-00 -1 RFC 2202 1997-03-25 Informational Test Cases for HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA-1 K. Glenn , Pau-Chen Cheng draft-cheng-iccrg-delivery-rate-estimation-02 -1 Expired 2022-03-07 Delivery Rate Estimation Yuchung Cheng , Neal Cardwell , Soheil Yeganeh , Van Jacobson draft-cheng-idmr-hlim-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-20 Hierarchical Level-based IP Multicast (HLIM) Matthew Cheng draft-cheng-idr-redirection-risks-ps-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Problem statement of Inter-domain Traffic Redirection Risks Weiqiang Cheng , Dan Li , Ce Zheng , Mingqing Huang , Fang Gao , Mingxing Liu draft-cheng-intarea-ugccnet-00 -1 Expired 2014-05-07 The Architecture for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Mike Cheng , Frankey Feng draft-cheng-intarea-ugccnet-security-00 -1 Expired 2014-05-07 Security for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Mike Cheng , Frankey Feng draft-cheng-ipfix-packet-selector-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-20 A Composite IP Packet Selector Hua Wu , Jian Gong , Guang Cheng draft-cheng-ippm-packet-pair-gap-00 -1 Expired 2011-06-18 Packet Pair Gap Metric Jian Gong , Hua Wu , Haiting Zhu , Guang Cheng draft-cheng-lisp-nat-traversal-extension-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Extension to LISP NAT Traversal Proposal Li Cheng , Jun Wang draft-cheng-lisp-shdht-04 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 LISP Single-Hop DHT Mapping Overlay Li Cheng , Jun Wang draft-cheng-lsr-advertise-nrp-group-extensions-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt Advertise NRP Group extensions for IGP Weiqiang Cheng , Changwang Lin , Liyan Gong draft-cheng-lsr-igp-shortcut-enhancement-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-03 .txt IGP Shortcut Enhancement Weiqiang Cheng , Liyan Gong , Changwang Lin , Mengxiao Chen draft-cheng-lsr-isis-srv6-sid-block-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt IS-IS Extension to Advertise SRv6 SIDs using SID Block Weiqiang Cheng , Jiang Wenying , Changwang Lin , Mengxiao Chen , Liyan Gong , Yao Liu draft-cheng-lsr-ospf-adjacency-suppress-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-19 .txt OSPF Adjacency Suppression Weiqiang Cheng , Liyan Gong , Changwang Lin , Mengxiao Chen draft-cheng-manet-dlep-da-credit-extension-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-28 DLEP DiffServ Aware Credit Windowing Extension Bow-Nan Cheng , David Wiggins , Lou Berger draft-cheng-manet-dlep-latency-extension-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-dlep-latency-extension 2016-10-28 DLEP Lantency Range Extension Bow-Nan Cheng , Lou Berger draft-cheng-manet-dlep-multi-hop-extension-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-dlep-multi-hop-extension 2016-10-28 DLEP Multi-Hop Forwarding Extension Bow-Nan Cheng , Lou Berger draft-cheng-manet-dlep-pause-extension-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-dlep-pause-extension 2016-10-28 DLEP Control Plane Based Pause Extension Bow-Nan Cheng , David Wiggins , Lou Berger draft-cheng-mobility-issues-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-11 Mobility related issues for the QoS NSLP Hong Cheng draft-cheng-modular-ikmp-00 -1 Expired 1994-11-28 Modular Key Management Protocol (MKMP) Amir Herzberg , Hugo Krawczyk , Pau-Chen Cheng , Juan Garay draft-cheng-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation 2020-09-08 mpls rtg Encapsulation For MPLS Performance Measurement with Alternate Marking Method Weiqiang Cheng , Xiao Min , Tianran Zhou , Ximing Dong , Yoav Peleg draft-cheng-mpls-rsvp-multicast-er-00 -1 Expired 2001-10-29 RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for Multicast LSP Tunnels Dean Cheng draft-cheng-mpls-tp-pwe3-dual-homed-protection-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 MPLS-TP PWE3 dual-homed protection (MPDP) Weiqiang Cheng , Lei Wang , Han Li , Kai Liu , Shahram Davari draft-cheng-mpls-tp-shared-ring-protection-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-tp-shared-ring-protection 2015-08-14 mpls rtg MPLS-TP Shared-Ring protection (MSRP) mechanism for ring topology Weiqiang Cheng , Lei Wang , Han Li , Huub van Helvoort , Kai Liu , Jie Dong , He Jia , Fang Li , Yang Jian , Junfang Wang Ross Callon draft-cheng-msr6-design-consideration-00 -1 Expired 2022-07-11 Design Consideration of IPv6 Multicast Source Routing (MSR6) Weiqiang Cheng , Gyan Mishra , Zhenbin Li , Aijun Wang , Zhuangzhuang Qin , Chi Fan draft-cheng-network-engineering-framework-01 -1 Expired 2001-07-25 tewg sub A Framework for Internet Network Engineering Lily Cheng draft-cheng-nsis-flowid-issues-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-26 NSIS Flow ID and packet classification issues Hong Cheng draft-cheng-nsis-multihoming-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-27 NSIS Multihoming Support Issues Hong Cheng draft-cheng-oftest-cont-rate-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-23 Flow Setup Rate Test for OpenFlow Controller Mike Cheng , Yaming Bao draft-cheng-ospf-adjacency-suppress-00 -1 Replaced draft-cheng-lsr-ospf-adjacency-suppress 2023-03-06 OSPF Adjacency Suppression Weiqiang Cheng , Liyan Gong , Changwang Lin , Mengxiao Chen draft-cheng-ospf-ipv4-embedded-ipv6-routing-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-ipv4-embedded-ipv6-routing 2011-02-07 Routing for IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Packets Dean Cheng draft-cheng-pals-p2p-pw-multicast-01 -1 Expired 2019-11-19 Efficient Layer 2 Multicast with Point-to-Point Pseudowires Weiqiang Cheng , Jie Dong draft-cheng-pwe3-mpls-tp-dual-homing-coordination-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pals-mpls-tp-dual-homing-coordination 2014-11-10 Dual-Homing Coordination for MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Pseudowires Protection Weiqiang Cheng , Lei Wang , Han Li , Kai Liu , Shahram Davari , Jie Dong , Alessandro D'Alessandro draft-cheng-pwe3-mpls-tp-dual-homing-protection-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pals-mpls-tp-dual-homing-protection 2014-10-27 Dual-Homing Protection for MPLS and MPLS-TP Pseudowires Weiqiang Cheng , Lei Wang , Han Li , Kai Liu , Shahram Davari , Jie Dong , Alessandro D'Alessandro draft-cheng-radext-ip-port-radius-ext-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-radext-ip-port-radius-ext 2014-04-18 RADIUS Extensions for IP Port Configuration and Reporting Dean Cheng , Jouni Korhonen , Mohamed Boucadair , Senthil Sivakumar draft-cheng-rift-srv6-extensions-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .txt RIFT extensions for SRv6 Weiqiang Cheng , Changwang Lin , Ruixue Wang draft-chen-grow-enhanced-as-loop-detection-06 -1 Expired 2021-07-09 Enhanced AS-Loop Detection for BGP Huanan Chen , Di Ma , Yunan Gu , Shunwan Zhuang , Haibo Wang draft-cheng-rtcweb-teleauth-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-18 Security Authentication of WebRTC Communication Service for Telephony Terminal Minpeng Qi , Judy Zhu , Ziyao Cheng draft-cheng-rtgwg-srv6-multihome-egress-protection-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-18 .txt SRv6 Egress Protection in Multi-homed scenario Weiqiang Cheng , Jiang Wenying , Changwang Lin , Zhibo Hu , Yuanxiang Qiu draft-cheng-savnet-proactive-defense-network-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-07 Network Proactive Defense based on Source Address Validation Weiqiang Cheng , Nan Geng , Dan Li , Ce Zheng draft-cheng-sdn-switchtest-00 -1 Expired 2016-12-22 SDN Switch Benchmark Test Cases Summary Mike Cheng , Yaming Bao draft-cheng-shorter-srv6-sid-requirement-00 -1 Expired 2020-02-20 Shorter SRv6 SID Requirements Weiqiang Cheng , Ran Chen , Aihua Liu , Greg Mirsky draft-cheng-smime-ibccms-05 -1 Expired 2008-10-19 Use of the Identity-Based Cryptographic Algorithms in CMS Zhaohui Cheng , Bo Dan draft-cheng-spring-distribute-srv6-locator-by-dhcp-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-10 .txt Distribute SRv6 Locator by DHCP Weiqiang Cheng , Ruibo Han , Changwang Lin , Yuanxiang Qiu , Geng Zhang draft-cheng-spring-ipv6-msr-design-consideration-01 -1 Replaced draft-cheng-msr6-design-consideration 2021-10-26 Design Consideration of IPv6 Multicast Source Routing (MSR6) Weiqiang Cheng , Gyan Mishra , Zhenbin Li , Aijun Wang , Zhuangzhuang Qin , Chi Fan draft-cheng-spring-mpls-path-segment-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-spring-mpls-path-segment 2018-10-19 spring rtg Path Segment in MPLS Based Segment Routing Network Weiqiang Cheng , Lei Wang , Han Li , Mach Chen , Rakesh Gandhi , Royi Zigler , Shuangping Zhan draft-cheng-spring-service-interworking-srv6-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-14 .txt Service Interworking between SRv6 Weiqiang Cheng , Changwang Lin draft-cheng-spring-shorter-srv6-sid-requirement-02 -1 Expired 2020-07-13 Shorter SRv6 SID Requirements Weiqiang Cheng , Chongfeng Xie , Ran Pang , Zhenbin Li , Ran Chen , Lijun Zu , Xiaodong Duan , Greg Mirsky , Darren Dukes , Shay Zadok draft-cheng-spring-sr-policy-group-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-14 .txt SR Policy Group Weiqiang Cheng , Jiang Wenying , Changwang Lin , Yuanxiang Qiu , Yawei Zhang , Ran Chen , Yanrong Liang draft-cheng-spring-srv6-encoding-network-sliceid-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt Encoding Network Slice Identification for SRv6 Weiqiang Cheng , Peiyong Ma , Fenghua Ren , Changwang Lin , Liyan Gong , Shay Zadok , Mingyu Wu , xuewei wang draft-cheng-spring-srv6-resource-programming-01 -1 Expired 2023-03-09 Network Resource Programming with SRv6 Weiqiang Cheng , Jiang Wenying , Ran Chen , Detao Zhao , Changwang Lin draft-cheng-srtp-cloud-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for Cloud Services Yi Cheng , John Preuß Mattsson , Mats Naslund draft-cheng-supa-applicability-01 -1 Expired 2017-03-13 Applicability of SUPA Ying Cheng , Dapeng Liu , Borui Fu , Dacheng Zhang , Narasimha Vadrevu draft-cheng-supa-ddc-use-cases-08 -1 Expired 2015-06-30 Use Case for Distributed Data Center in SUPA Ying Cheng , Dacheng Zhang , Tremblay Jf , Alibaba Group , Jun Bi , Luis Contreras draft-cheng-tcpm-fastopen-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-fastopen 2011-12-08 TCP Fast Open Yuchung Cheng , Sivasankar Radhakrishnan , Arvind Jain , Jerry Chu draft-cheng-tcpm-rack-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tcpm-rack 2016-07-06 RACK: a time-based fast loss detection algorithm for TCP Yuchung Cheng , Neal Cardwell draft-cheng-teas-ipv6-network-slice-selector-00 -1 Expired 2021-09-29 Encapsulation and Processing of Network Slice Selector in IPv6 Data Plane Weiqiang Cheng , Jiang Wenying , Changwang Lin draft-cheng-teas-network-slice-usecase-01 -1 Expired 2021-08-25 IETF Network Slice use cases Weiqiang Cheng , Jiang Wenying , Ran Chen , Liyan Gong , Shaofu Peng draft-chenh-enum-app-auth-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-09 Authentication Scheme for Public ENUM Applications Chen Hui draft-chen-host-ipv6-ps-00 -1 Expired 2009-07-06 Host-based Translation Problem Statement Gang Chen , Bo Zhou draft-chen-httpbis-window-size-03 -1 Expired 2022-07-08 http2 window size setting Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-httpbis-window-size-use-case-01 -1 Expired 2021-06-15 http2 window size use case Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-i2rs-identifier-management-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-23 i2rs rtg Identifier Management for I2RS Protocol Ran Chen , Frank Feng draft-chen-i2rs-mpls-ldp-info-model-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 I2RS Information Model for MPLS LDP Xia Chen , Zhenbin Li , Susan Hares , Russ White , Jeff Tantsura draft-chen-i2rs-mpls-ldp-usecases-00 -1 Expired 2013-10-20 Use Cases for an Interface to LDP Protocol Xia Chen , Zhenbin Li draft-chen-i2rs-mpls-te-info-model-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 I2RS Information Model for MPLS TE Xia Chen , Zhenbin Li , Susan Hares , Russ White , Jeff Tantsura draft-chen-i2rs-ts-use-case-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 I2RS Traffic Steering Use Case Mach Chen , Susan Hares draft-chen-iccrg-rocev3-cm-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-23 Requirements for RoCEv3 Congestion Management Fei Chen , Wenhao Sun , Yolanda Yu draft-chen-icmp-ifindex-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-11 Carry the ifIndex Number In Certain ICMP and ICMPv6 Messages Enke Chen , Naiming Shen draft-chen-id-locator-split-5g-solution-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 ID Locator Split Based Solution for 5G Network Cheng Chen , Xinpeng Wei draft-chen-idn-ace-eval-tw-00 -1 Expired 2001-08-21 Evaluation of various ACEs with existing Chinese (BIG5) Domain Names Abel Yang draft-chen-idr-asloop-aggr-00 -1 Expired 2021-10-18 Relax the AS Loop Detection for Aggregates in BGP Enke Chen , Stefan Olofsson draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-algo-related-adjacency-sid-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-22 .txt Algorithm Related Adjacency SID Advertisement Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Peter Psenak , Yao Liu draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-algorithm-related-adj-sid-00 -1 Expired 2021-09-10 Updates to Algorithm Related Adjacency SID Advertisement in RF9085 Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Peter Psenak draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-bier-ext-00 -1 Expired 2015-11-02 BGP Link-State extensions for BIER Ran Chen , Zheng Zhang draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-security-capability-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-11 .html,.txt,.xml the extensions of BGP-LS to carry security capabilities Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-cp-validity-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt Advertisement of Candidate Path Validity Control Parameters using BGP-LS Ran Chen , Detao Zhao draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-16 .txt SR Policies Extensions for NRP in BGP-LS Ran Chen , Detao Zhao , Liyan Gong , Yongqing Zhu draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-srv6-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-20 BGP Link-State Extensions for IPv6 Segment Routing Mach Chen , Shunwan Zhuang draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-transport-slice-05 -1 Expired 2022-07-11 BGP-LS Extensions for SR Network Resource Partition SIDs Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Tarek Saad , Vishnu Beeram draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-transport-slice-srv6-01 -1 Expired 2020-10-13 BGP-LS Extensions for Transport Slice over IPv6 Dataplane Shaofu Peng draft-chen-idr-bgp-nexthop-orf-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-12 Nexthop Based Outbound Route Filter for BGP-4 Renhai Zhang , Mach Chen draft-chen-idr-bgp-over-quic-00 -1 Replaced draft-retana-idr-bgp-quic 2021-06-03 BGP Over QUIC Shuanglong Chen , Yongkang Zhang , Haibo Wang , Zhenbin Li draft-chen-idr-bgp-sr-policy-cp-validity-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .txt Validity of SR Policy Candidate Path Ran Chen , Detao Zhao draft-chen-idr-bgp-srv6-sid-allocation-01 -1 Expired 2019-07-07 BGP Extensions for SRv6 SIDs Allocation Huaimo Chen , Zhenbin Li , Shunwan Zhuang draft-chen-idr-bier-te-path-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idr-bier-te-path 2022-07-06 idr rtg BGP for BIER-TE Path Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Ran Chen , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Yisong Liu , Yanhe Fan , Boris Khasanov , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu Susan Hares draft-chen-idr-com-cntlrs-02 -1 Expired 2017-07-21 BGP for Communications among Controllers Huaimo Chen , Susan Hares , Yi Yang , Yanhe Fan , Mehmet Toy , Zhenqiang Li , Lei Liu draft-chen-idr-ctr-availability-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml BGP for Network High Availability Huaimo Chen , Yanhe Fan , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-idr-flowspec-nrp-00 -1 Expired 2022-04-15 BGP Flow Specification for Network Resource Partition Ran Chen , Haisheng Wu draft-chen-idr-geo-coordinates-02 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 Carrying Geo Coordinates in BGP Enke Chen , Naiming Shen , Robert Raszuk draft-chen-idr-mbinding-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-10 idr rtg .html,.txt,.xml BGP for Mirror Binding Huaimo Chen , Bruno Decraene , Gyan Mishra , Yanhe Fan , Aijun Wang , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-idr-rfc4724bis-00 -1 Expired 2011-08-29 Graceful Restart Mechanism for BGP Srihari Sangli , Enke Chen , Rex Fernando , John Scudder , Yakov Rekhter draft-chen-idr-rr-based-traffic-steering-usecase-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-11 Use Cases of Route Reflection based Traffic Steering Mach Chen , Shunwan Zhuang , Yongqing Zhu , Subin Wang draft-chen-idr-sr-ingress-protection-08 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-16 .html,.txt,.xml SR Path Ingress Protection Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Aijun Wang , Zhenqiang Li , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-idr-tcp-user-timeout-01 -1 Expired 2023-03-08 idr rtg Applying TCP User Timeout Parameter to BGP Sessions Enke Chen , Robert Raszuk draft-chen-intarea-v4-uid-header-option-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 IPv4 Header Option For User Identification In CGN Scenario Youming Wu , Hui Ji , Qi Chen , Tina Tsou draft-chen-iot-energy-electricity-00 -1 Expired 2017-12-23 Overview of Internet of Things with Energy and Electricity Industries Lihao Chen , Bing (Remy) Liu draft-chen-ippm-coloring-based-ipfpm-framework-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-alt-mark 2016-03-17 IP Flow Performance Measurement Framework Mach Chen , Lianshu Zheng , Greg Mirsky , Giuseppe Fioccola , Tal Mizrahi draft-chen-ippm-ipfpm-report-01 -1 Expired 2016-04-19 IP Flow Performance Measurement Report Mach Chen , Lianshu Zheng , Greg Mirsky draft-chen-isdn-ibm-00 -1 Expired 1995-04-11 IBM ISDN MIB Extensions David Chen , Ravi Subramaniam draft-chen-isis-black-hole-avoid-03 -1 Expired 2018-09-06 Avoiding Traffic Black-Holes for Route Aggregation in IS-IS Zhe Chen , Xiaohu Xu , Dean Cheng draft-chen-isis-ias-lk-11 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml ISIS Extensions for Broadcast Inter-AS TE Link Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu , Zhenqiang Li , Yi Yang draft-chen-isis-rfc5316bis-02 -1 Replaced draft-chen-lsr-isis-rfc5316bis 2017-01-04 ISIS Extensions in Support of Inter-Autonomous System (AS) MPLS and GMPLS Traffic Engineering Mach Chen , Les Ginsberg , Stefano Previdi , Xiaodong Duan draft-chen-isis-sl-overheads-reduction-03 -1 Expired 2018-03-05 Overheads Reduction for IS-IS Enabled Spine-Leaf Networks Zhe Chen , Xiaohu Xu , Dean Cheng draft-chen-isis-source-identifier-distribution-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-13 Extensions to ISIS for Source Identifier Distribution Mach Chen , Greg Mirsky draft-chen-isis-source-label-distribution-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Extensions to ISIS for Source Label Distribution Mach Chen , Greg Mirsky draft-chen-isis-ttz-12 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-isis-ttz 2020-08-19 IS-IS Topology-Transparent Zone Huaimo Chen , Richard Li , Yi Yang , Yanhe Fan , Ning So , Vic Liu , Mehmet Toy , Lei Liu , Kiran Makhijani draft-chen-l2vpn-vpls-etree-vlan-01 -1 Expired 2012-03-27 Automatic VLAN allocation in E-tree Ran Chen draft-chen-l2vpn-vpls-mac-opt-qualified-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 LDP Extensions for Optimized MAC Address Withdrawal in VPLS model 3 supporting Qualified learning Ran Chen , Yubao Wang , Liang Guo draft-chen-l3vpn-mt-extensions-to-mpls-l3vpn-mib-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-09 Multi Topology Extensions To MPLS/BGP Layer 3 Virtual Private Network Management Information Base Emily Chen , Chen Li draft-chen-ldp-ttl-02 -1 Expired 2009-03-09 TTL-Based Security Option for the LDP Hello Message Enke Chen , Albert Tian draft-chen-lisp-er-mo-01 -1 Expired 2009-07-12 An Incremental Deployable Mapping Service for Scalable Routing Architecture Gang Chen , Hui Deng , Bo Zhou , Mingwei Xu , Dong Huo , Yu Cao draft-chen-long-lived-connection-ps-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Problem Statement of Long-lived TCP Connection Gang Chen , Hui Deng draft-chen-lsr-adv-lkno-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml IGP Extensions for Advertising Link Numbers Huaimo Chen , Donald Eastlake , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-lsr-adv-ni-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml IGP Extensions for Advertising Node Index Huaimo Chen , Donald Eastlake , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-lsr-anycast-flag-04 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-23 .txt Updates to Anycast Property advertisement for OSPFv2 Ran Chen , Detao Zhao , Peter Psenak , Ketan Talaulikar draft-chen-lsr-ctr-availability-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml IGP for Network High Availability Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-lsr-dynamic-flooding-algorithm-00 -1 Expired 2020-03-03 An Algorithm for Computing Dynamic Flooding Topologies Sarah Chen , Tony Li draft-chen-lsr-igp-shorter-srv6-extensions-02 -1 Expired 2020-05-11 IGP Extensions for Shorter SRv6 SID Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng draft-chen-lsr-isis-big-tlv-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-14 .html,.txt,.xml IS-IS Extension for Big TLV Huaimo Chen , Bruno Decraene , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Zhenqiang Li , Yanhe Fan , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu , Donald Eastlake draft-chen-lsr-isis-rfc5316bis-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lsr-isis-rfc5316bis 2020-06-03 lsr rtg ISIS Extensions in Support of Inter-Autonomous System (AS) MPLS and GMPLS Traffic Engineering Mach Chen , Les Ginsberg , Stefano Previdi , Xiaodong Duan draft-chen-lsr-mpls-mna-capability-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-24 .txt Signaling MNA Capability Using IGP and BGP-LS Ran Chen , Detao Zhao draft-chen-lsr-prefix-extended-flags-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-30 .txt Prefix Flag Extension for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 Ran Chen , Detao Zhao , Peter Psenak , Ketan Talaulikar draft-chen-lsr-tl-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml IGP for Temporal Links Huaimo Chen , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Zhenqiang Li , Yanhe Fan , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-lsvr-flood-reduction-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-23 .html,.txt,.xml BGP-SPF Flooding Reduction Huaimo Chen , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Yisong Liu , Haibo Wang , Yanhe Fan draft-chen-lwip-implementataion-01 -1 Expired 2010-11-07 Implementation Techniques of the Lightweight TCP/IP Stack Wenlong Chen draft-chen-lwip-rd-mg-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 Rapid Deployment of Lightweight IP Technologies on Mobile Gateways Gang Chen , Tao Sun draft-chen-mif-happy-eyeballs-extension-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mif-happy-eyeballs-extension 2012-03-12 Happy Eyeballs Extension for Multiple Interfaces Gang Chen , Carl Williams , Dan Wing , Andrew Yourtchenko draft-chen-mip6-gprs-07 -1 Expired 2007-02-01 Problem Statement for MIPv6 Interactions with GPRS/UMTS Packet Filtering Xiaobao Chen draft-chen-mipshop-fast-handovers-prep-binding-02 -1 Expired 2006-04-17 Prep-Binding of Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 HongFei Chen , Jian Zhang draft-chen-mobileip-packet-fitlering-xc-01 -1 Expired 2003-06-17 MIPv6 Inter-working with Packet Filtering Xiaobao Chen draft-chen-mpls-6pe-mib-02 -1 Expired 2011-07-05 IPv6 Provider Edge Routers (6PE) Information Base (MIB) Gang Chen , Lianyuan Li draft-chen-mpls-bfd-enhancement-03 -1 Expired 2014-12-30 BFD for MPLS LSPs Enhancement Mach Chen , Ning So , Ville Hallivuori draft-chen-mpls-cqf-lsp-dp-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-09 MPLS-LSP Data Plane for Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding Zhe Chen , Li Qiang draft-chen-mpls-ipv6-pw-lsp-ping-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-ipv6-pw-lsp-ping 2011-12-06 Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping for IPv6 Pseudowire FECs Ping Pan , Rajiv Asati , Carlos Pignataro draft-chen-mpls-ldpigp-syn-accurate-00 -1 Expired 2007-06-18 Explicit Notification for LDP-IGP Synchronization Emily Chen draft-chen-mpls-ldp-yang-cfg-00 -1 Expired 2014-08-15 Yang Model for MPLS LDP Xia Chen , Zhenbin Li draft-chen-mpls-mldp-deployment-via-p2p-tunnels-01 -1 Expired 2012-07-13 Deploying mLDP Through P2P LSP Tunnels Emily Chen , Quintin Zhao draft-chen-mpls-p2mp-egress-protection-11 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-egress-protection 2014-02-10 mpls rtg Extensions to RSVP-TE for LSP Egress Local Protection Huaimo Chen , Ning So , Autumn Liu , Fengman Xu , Mehmet Toy , Lu Huang , Lei Liu Ross Callon draft-chen-mpls-p2mp-ingress-protection-11 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-ingress-protection 2014-02-14 mpls rtg Extensions to RSVP-TE for LSP Ingress Local Protection Huaimo Chen , Raveendra Torvi Ross Callon draft-chen-mpls-return-path-specified-lsp-ping-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mpls-return-path-specified-lsp-ping 2010-03-08 Return Path Specified LSP Ping Mach Chen , Ning So , Frederic JOUNAY , Simon DeLord , Xinchun Guo , Wei Cao draft-chen-mpls-source-label-06 -1 Expired 2014-10-14 mpls rtg MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) Source Label Mach Chen , Xiaohu Xu , Zhenbin Li , Luyuan Fang , Greg Mirsky Ross Callon draft-chen-mpls-te-yang-cfg-00 -1 Expired 2014-08-15 Yang Model for MPLS Traffic Engineering(TE) Xia Chen , Zhenbin Li , Xinzong Zeng draft-chen-mpls-tp-bidir-lsp-association-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 GACH Based Bidirectional LSP Association Mach Chen , Jie Dong , Xinchun Guo draft-chen-mpls-tp-nm-discovery-req-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-19 Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport NM Auto discovery requirement Qiaogang chen , Jian Yang draft-chen-netmod-enterprise-yang-namespace-03 -1 Expired 2016-10-13 Grammar for Enterprise YANG Module Namespace I. Chen draft-chen-netmod-yang-ext-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-18 Extending YANG with Revised Types Qiaogang chen , Ming Du draft-chen-nfsv4-rocev2-cm-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2018-08-10 Problem Statement of RoCEv2 Congestion Management Fei Chen , Wenhao Sun draft-chen-nmrg-dtn-interface-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Requirements adn Design for Interfaces of Network Digital Twin Danyang Chen , Hongwei Yang , Cheng Zhou draft-chen-nmrg-ibn-management-00 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 Network Management Intent -One of IBN Use Cases Danyang Chen , Kehan Yao , Chungang Yang , Xinru Mi , Ying Ouyang draft-chen-npm-use-cases-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Network-wide Protocol Monitoring (NPM): Use Cases Huanan Chen , Zhenqiang Li , Feng Xu , Yunan Gu , Zhenbin Li draft-chen-ntps-ra-opt-00 -1 Expired 2010-02-26 The IPv6 Router Advertisement Option for NTP Configuration Xu Chen , Dacheng Zhang draft-chen-nvo3-flow-split-00 -1 Expired 2016-08-03 Flow split in Metro Area Network Zhonghua Chen <18918588897@189.cn> draft-chen-nvo3-gap-analysis-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-18 NVO3 Requirements Versus Available Protocol Capabilities Xiaoming Chen , Tina Tsou , Evelyne Roch draft-chen-nvo3-ipid-pm-01 -1 Expired 2016-09-19 Using IPID for Performance Monitoring in VxLAN Network Hao Chen draft-chen-nvo3-load-banlancing-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 Load balancing without packet reordering in NVO3 Hao Chen draft-chen-nvo3-vxlan-yang-07 -1 Expired 2018-08-29 YANG Data Model for VxLAN Protocol fangwei hu , Ran Chen , Mallik Mahalingam , Zu Qiang , Shahram Davari , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-nvo3-yang-02 -1 Expired 2019-03-24 YANG Data Model for NVO3 Protocol Ran Chen , fangwei hu , Yubao Wang , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-opsawg-capwap-extension-00 -1 Expired 2013-02-19 CAPWAP Extension for 802.11n and Power/channel Reconfiguration Yifan Chen , Dapeng Liu , Hui Deng , Lei Zhu draft-chen-opsawg-composite-vpn-dm-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-27 YANG Data Model for Composite VPN Service Delivery Rui Chen , Liya Zhang , Hui Deng , Liang Geng , Chongfeng Xie draft-chen-opsawg-dcn-vn2pn-mapping-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Virtual Network to Physical Network Mapping in DataCenter Network Hao Chen , Yizhou Li , Xingjun Chu , Yapeng Wu draft-chen-opsawg-nettunnel-model-considerations-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Considerations on Layered Network Tunnel Service Model Xia Chen , Shunwan Zhuang draft-chen-opswg-nettunnel-model-considerations-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-19 Considerations on Layered Network Tunnel Service Model Xia Chen , Shunwan Zhuang draft-chen-ospf-abnormal-state-info-10 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-01 .html,.txt,.xml OSPF Abnormal State Information Huaimo Chen draft-chen-ospf-ias-lk-11 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml OSPF Extensions for Broadcast Inter-AS TE Link Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu , Zhenqiang Li , Yi Yang draft-chen-ospf-intelligent-db-exch-03 -1 Expired 2019-10-02 Intelligent OSPF Link State Database Exchange Huaimo Chen draft-chen-ospf-source-identifier-distribution-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-13 Extensions to OSPF for Source Identifier Distribution Mach Chen , Greg Mirsky draft-chen-ospf-source-label-distribution-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Extensions to OSPF for Source Label Distribution Mach Chen , Greg Mirsky draft-chen-ospf-te-ttz-02 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 OSPF TE Topology-Transparent Zone Huaimo Chen , Richard Li , Gregory Cauchie , Alvaro Retana , Ning So , Fengman Xu , Vic Liu , Mehmet Toy , Lei Liu draft-chen-ospf-transition-to-ospfv3-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-transition-to-ospfv3 2014-07-02 OSPFv3 over IPv4 for IPv6 Transition Ing-Wher Chen , Acee Lindem , Ran Atkinson draft-chen-ospf-tts-03 -1 Expired 2019-10-02 Extensions to OSPF for Temporal LSP Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Vic Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-ospf-ttz-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ospf-ttz 2014-10-27 OSPF Topology-Transparent Zone Huaimo Chen , Richard Li , Gregory Cauchie , Alvaro Retana , Ning So , Vic Liu , Mehmet Toy , Lei Liu draft-chen-ospf-ttz-app-05 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Applicability of OSPF Topology-Transparent Zone Huaimo Chen , Richard Li , Gregory Cauchie , Ning So , Vic Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-ospf-ttz-req-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Requirements for OSPF Topology-Transparent Zone Huaimo Chen , Richard Li , Gregory Cauchie , Ning So , Vic Liu , Mehmet Toy , Lei Liu draft-chen-p2psip-psc-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-15 Public Security Channel(PSC): An Alternative Key Management Mode in RELOAD Shuyi Chen , Feng Gao , Chongwei Sun , Xituchen Beijing , Chunhong Zhang draft-chen-pals-pw-yang-03 -1 Expired 2017-12-12 YANG Data Model for PW Protocol Ran Chen , fangwei hu draft-chen-pce-association-ecmp-01 -1 Expired 2017-10-20 Path Computation Element communication Protocol extension for Associated ECMP Ran Chen , fangwei hu draft-chen-pce-bier-11 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-01 .txt PCEP Extensions for BIER-TE Ran Chen , Zheng Zhang , Huaimo Chen , Senthil Dhanaraj , Fengwei Qin , Aijun Wang draft-chen-pce-bier-te-ingress-protect-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-20 .html,.txt,.xml PCE for BIER-TE Ingress Protection Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pce-bier-te-path-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-21 .html,.txt,.xml PCE for BIER-TE Path Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Aijun Wang , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Yanhe Fan , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pce-compute-backup-egress-22 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Extensions to the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) for Backup Egress of a Traffic Engineering Label Switched Path Huaimo Chen draft-chen-pce-compute-backup-ingress-22 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Extensions to Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) for Backup Ingress of a Traffic Engineering Label Switched Path Huaimo Chen draft-chen-pce-controller-bier-te-04 -1 Expired 2023-02-21 PCEP Procedures and Protocol Extensions for Using PCE as a Central Controller (PCECC) of BIER-TE Ran Chen , BenChong Xu , Huaimo Chen , Aijun Wang draft-chen-pce-ctr-availability-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-06 .html,.txt,.xml PCE for Network High Availability Huaimo Chen , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pce-forward-search-p2mp-path-24 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml A Forward-Search P2MP TE LSP Inter-Domain Path Computation Huaimo Chen draft-chen-pce-forward-search-p2p-path-computation-25 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml A Forward-Search P2P TE LSP Inter-Domain Path Computation Huaimo Chen draft-chen-pce-h-connect-access-13 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml PCEP Link State Abstraction Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu , Zhenqiang Li draft-chen-pce-h-discovery-13 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Hierarchical PCE Determination Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu , Zhenqiang Li draft-chen-pce-h-sdns-03 -1 Expired 2017-10-30 PCE Hierarchical SDNs Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Lei Liu , Vic Liu draft-chen-pce-interas-pce-sequence-autoexplore-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-12 Inter-AS PCE Path Sequence Autoexplore Mach Chen draft-chen-pce-label-x-domains-17 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Extensions to PCEP for Distributing Label Cross Domains Huaimo Chen , Autumn Liu , Mehmet Toy , Vic Liu draft-chen-pce-mbinding-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-16 .html,.txt,.xml PCE for Mirror Binding Huaimo Chen , Bruno Decraene , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-pce-pcc-ted-13 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Static PCEP Link State Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu , Zhenqiang Li draft-chen-pce-pce-initiated-ip-tunnel-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml PCE-initiated IP Tunnel Xia Chen , Hang Shi , Zhenbin Li draft-chen-pce-pcep-extension-pce-controller-bier-04 -1 Expired 2023-02-21 PCEP Procedures and Protocol Extensions for Using PCE as a Central Controller (PCECC) of BIER Ran Chen , BenChong Xu , Huaimo Chen , Aijun Wang draft-chen-pce-pcep-ifit-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-pcep-ifit 2022-02-04 pce rtg Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions to Enable IFIT Hang Yuan , Tianran Zhou , Weidong Li , Giuseppe Fioccola , Yali Wang draft-chen-pce-protection-applicability-20 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-16 .html,.txt,.xml The Applicability of the PCE to Computing Protection and Recovery Paths for Single Domain and Multi-Domain Networks. Huaimo Chen draft-chen-pce-sr-ingress-protection-11 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-10 .html,.txt,.xml Path Ingress Protections Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Mehmet Toy , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Zhenqiang Li , Yisong Liu , Boris Khasanov , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pce-sr-mpls-sid-verification-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-24 .txt PCEP Extensions for sid verification for SR-MPLS Ran Chen , Samuel Sidor , Chun Zhu , Alexej Tokar , Mike Koldychev draft-chen-pce-sr-policy-cp-validity-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt PCEP extension to support CPs validity Ran Chen , Detao Zhao draft-chen-pce-sr-policy-ifit-02 -1 Replaced draft-chen-pce-pcep-ifit 2020-07-10 PCEP SR Policy Extensions to Enable IFIT Huanan Chen , Hang Yuan , Tianran Zhou , Weidong Li , Giuseppe Fioccola , Yali Wang draft-chen-pce-tts-05 -1 Expired 2016-12-30 Extensions to PCEP for Temporal LSP Huaimo Chen , Xufeng Liu , Mehmet Toy , Vic Liu , Lei Liu , Khuzema Pithewan draft-chen-pcp-authentication-sim-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 (U)SIM based PCP Authentication Gang Chen , Dacheng Zhang , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K draft-chen-pcp-bidirection-mapping-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Didirectional Port Control for PCP Gang Chen , Hui Deng draft-chen-pcp-discovery-llmnr-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-31 Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) Deployment Consideration for PCP Server Discovery Gang Chen , Hui Deng , Junbin Zhang draft-chen-pcp-mobile-deployment-04 -1 Expired 2013-07-14 Analysis of Port Control Protocol in Mobile Network Gang Chen , Zhen Cao , Mohamed Boucadair , Vizdal Ales , Laurent Thiebaut draft-chen-pcp-sipto-serv-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2013-09-18 PCP Server Discovery in Mobile Networks with SIPTO Gang Chen , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Prashanth Patil , Mohamed Boucadair draft-chenpeng-mpls-ldp-ext-01 -1 Expired 2017-05-10 LDP Extensions for FEC elements sharing label Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng draft-chen-pim-adaptive-te-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Adaptive Stateless TE Multicast Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Yanhe Fan , Zhenbin Li , Xuesong Geng , Mehmet Toy , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pim-be-mrh-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-24 .html,.txt,.xml Stateless Best Effort Multicast Using MRH Huaimo Chen , Donald Eastlake , Mike McBride , Yanhe Fan , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Aijun Wang , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-pim-be-mrh-simu-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-24 .html,.txt,.xml Stateless Best Effort Multicast Simulations Huaimo Chen , Donald Eastlake , Mike McBride , Yanhe Fan , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Aijun Wang , Xufeng Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-pim-mrh6-05 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Stateless Traffic Engineering Multicast using MRH Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Yanhe Fan , Zhenbin Li , Xuesong Geng , Mehmet Toy , Gyan Mishra , Yisong Liu , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pim-srv6-p2mp-path-08 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-24 .html,.txt,.xml Stateless SRv6 Point-to-Multipoint Path Huaimo Chen , Mike McBride , Yanhe Fan , Zhenbin Li , Xuesong Geng , Mehmet Toy , Gyan Mishra , Aijun Wang , Lei Liu , Xufeng Liu draft-chen-pkix-securityinfo-00 -1 Expired 2010-10-15 X.509 Extension with Security Information Shuyi Chen , Yuting Liu , Xituchen Beijing , Cheng Cheng , Chunhong Zhang draft-chen-ppsp-dht-chunk-discovery-evaluation-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-18 Evaluation of DHT-based Chunk Discovery for P2P Streaming Yichuai Chen , Yunfei Zhang draft-chen-ppsp-sip-based-tracker-protocol-01 -1 Expired 2010-10-25 SIP-based Tracker Protocol Wei Chen , Jin Peng , Yunfei Zhang draft-chen-ppvpn-dvpls-compare-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-08 VPLS solutions: Commonalities and Differences Michael Chen , Vasile Radoaca draft-chen-pwe3-ipv6-lsp-ping-vccv-01 -1 Expired 2011-07-08 IPv6 Pseudowire Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping Ping Pan draft-chen-pwe3-mpls-tp-aii-icc-02 -1 Expired 2012-08-13 ICC_Operator_ID Attachment Individual Identifier (AII) Mach Chen , Lianshu Zheng draft-chen-quic-quicu-01 -1 Expired 2022-09-19 An Unreliable Extension to QUIC Jianping Chen , Tianyi Liu , Junxian Jing , Yongyi Yu draft-chen-radext-extended-header-02 -1 Replaced draft-chen-radext-identifier-attr 2017-03-27 RADIUS Identifier Attribute Enke Chen , Naiming Shen draft-chen-radext-identifier-attr-02 -1 Expired 2017-10-20 RADIUS Extended Identifier Attribute Enke Chen , Naiming Shen draft-chen-rats-tee-identification-03 -1 Expired 2021-10-22 Use TEE Identification in EAP-TLS Penglin Yang , Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-rats-usecase-03 -1 Expired 2021-01-27 Use Cases for RATS Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-rdns-urn-07 -1 Expired 2016-09-19 A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for Enterprise YANG Modules I. Chen draft-chen-rfc4893bis-03 -1 Expired 2009-04-17 BGP Support for Four-octet AS Number Space Quaizar Vohra , Enke Chen draft-chen-route-oscillation-avoid-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-18 BGP Route Oscillation Avoidance for Route Reflection and Confederation Enke Chen draft-chen-rr-oscillation-reduce-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-12 BGP Route Oscillation Reduction with Route Reflection Enke Chen draft-chen-rtg-key-table-yang-00 -1 Expired 2015-03-09 YANG Data Model for RFC 7210 Key Table Ing-Wher Chen draft-chen-rtgwg-key-table-yang-02 -1 Expired 2015-11-02 YANG Data Model for RFC 7210 Key Table Ing-Wher Chen draft-chen-rtgwg-qos-yang-04 -1 Expired 2016-10-20 YANG Data Model for QoS I. Chen draft-chen-rtgwg-resource-management-yang-01 -1 Expired 2015-12-16 Yang Data Model for Resource Management Xia Chen , Zhenbin Li draft-chen-rtgwg-srv6-midpoint-protection-12 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-12 .html,.txt,.xml SRv6 Midpoint Protection Huanan Chen , Zhibo Hu , Huaimo Chen , Xuesong Geng , Yisong Liu , Gyan Mishra draft-chen-rtp-bv-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtp-bv 2003-11-21 RTP Payload Format for BroadVoice Speech Codecs Juin-Hwey Chen draft-chen-secure-routing-requirements-01 -1 Expired 2023-03-09 The Requirements for Secure Routing Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-secure-routing-use-cases-02 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 The Use Cases for Secure Routing Meiling Chen , Li Su , YANG Bo draft-chen-sfc-traffic-offloading-00 -1 Expired 2014-02-14 Utilizing traffic offloading to relieve burden of service node Hao Chen , Jishang Yang draft-chen-shorter-srv6-yang-00 -1 Expired 2020-04-03 YANG data model for shorter srv6 Ran Chen draft-chen-sigtran-m2pa-revision-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-16 The proposal of revision to procedure description in RFC4165 Xu Chen draft-chen-sigtran-m3ua-ext-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-16 The proposal of extenting RFC4666 for the M3UA deployment Xu Chen draft-chen-sigtran-m3ua-extension-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 The requirement and proposal of extenting M3UA signalling network route management Xu Chen , Hao Zhang , Xiaodong Duan , Zhao Yuyi , Li Xinyan draft-chen-sm2-sm3-algorithms-04 -1 Expired 2022-11-07 Use of the SM2 and SM3 Algorithms in Handle System Yuying Chen , Jiahui Wang , Bo Zhang , Zhipeng Fan , Xufeng Ma , Zhiping Li , Jiagui Xie draft-chen-softwire-4rd-u-comment-00 -1 Expired 2012-04-10 A Commentary on 4rd-U Architecture and Semantics Maoke Chen draft-chen-softwire-4v6-add-format-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-12 Design Principles of a Unified Address Format for 4v6 Gang Chen , Zhen Cao draft-chen-softwire-4v6-motivation-00 -1 Expired 2011-05-12 Motivation Analysis for 4via6 Stateless Solutions Gang Chen , Hui Deng draft-chen-softwire-4v6-pd-00 -1 Expired 2011-08-26 Prefix Delegation in 4V6 Gang Chen , Tao Sun , Hui Deng draft-chen-softwire-ce-non-pd-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-09 Parameter Provisioning with non-DHCP-PD in Carrier-side Stateless Solution Gang Chen draft-chen-softwire-gw-init-4over6-02 -1 Expired 2013-08-28 Gateway-Initiated 4over6 Deployment Yuchi Chen , Jianping Wu , Xiongyan Tang , Guangtao Zhou draft-chen-softwire-lw4over6-interop-report-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-07 Lightweight 4over6 Interop Report Yuchi Chen , Qi Sun , Tina Tsou , Qiong Sun , zhaojingjing695gmail.com draft-chen-spring-anycast-sid-frr-02 -1 Expired 2020-02-22 Anycast-SID FRR in SR Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng , Jie Han draft-chen-spring-segemt-routing-anycast-frr-00 -1 Expired 2017-12-08 Anycast-SID FRR for Segment Routing Network Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng draft-chen-spring-segment-list-id-01 -1 Expired 2015-10-13 Spring Segment List ID Ran Chen , Ting Liao draft-chen-spring-shorter-srv6-yang-01 -1 Expired 2020-10-15 YANG data model for shorter srv6 Ran Chen draft-chen-spring-srmpls-frr-ex-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-09-13 .html,.txt,.xml SR-MPLS FRR Extension Huaimo Chen , Zhibo Hu , Aijun Wang , Yisong Liu , Gyan Mishra draft-chen-spring-sr-policy-cp-validity-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .txt Validity of SR Policy Candidate Path Ran Chen , Detao Zhao , Changwang Lin draft-chen-spring-sr-policy-for-ubfd-06 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-18 .html,.txt,.xml Segment Routing for Unaffiliated BFD Echo Function Mach Chen , Xuanxuan Wang , Jiang Wenying , Yisong Liu , Xinjun Chen draft-chen-spring-srv6-srh-security-03 -1 Expired 2022-10-15 SRH and IP header protection Dongjie Lu , Meiling Chen , Li Su , Wei Pan , Cheng Li draft-chen-sunset4-cgn-port-allocation-05 -1 Expired 2014-09-29 Analysis of NAT64 Port Allocation Methods for Shared IPv4 Addresses Gang Chen , Weibo Li , Tina Tsou , Jing Huang , Tom Taylor draft-chen-sunset4-nat64-port-allocation-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sunset4-nat64-port-allocation 2015-04-15 Analysis of NAT64 Port Allocation Methods for Shared IPv4 Addresses Gang Chen , Weibo Li , Tina Tsou , Jing Huang , Tom Taylor draft-chen-sunset4-traffic-migration-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-15 Graceful IPv4 Sunset with Traffic Migration Gang Chen draft-chen-supa-eca-data-model-05 -1 Expired 2015-10-26 ECA Policy YANG Data Model Maoke Chen , Luis Contreras , Michiaki Hayashi , Tina Tsou draft-chen-svdc-00 -1 Expired 2015-08-10 SVDC: Software Defined Data Center Network Virtualization Architecture Jun Li , Congjie Chen , Dan Li draft-chen-syslog-syscinfo-credibility-00 -1 Expired 2022-03-07 Improve logging credibility by adding synchronization time information Fengsheng Wang , Meiling Chen , Li Su draft-chen-teas-frmwk-tts-01 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 Framework for Temporal Tunnel Services Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Lei Liu , Khuzema Pithewan draft-chen-teas-rfc5316bis-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-15 ISIS Extensions in Support of Inter-Autonomous System (AS) MPLS and GMPLS Traffic Engineering Mach Chen , Les Ginsberg , Stefano Previdi draft-chen-teas-rsvp-tts-02 -1 Expired 2017-07-21 Extensions to MPLS for Temporal LSP Huaimo Chen , Mehmet Toy , Vic Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-teas-rsvp-ttz-02 -1 Expired 2019-10-02 TE LSP Crossing Topology-Transparent Zones Huaimo Chen , Richard Li , Gregory Cauchie , Alvaro Retana , Ning So , Fengman Xu , Mehmet Toy , Vic Liu , Lei Liu draft-chen-top-level-interface-protocol-03 -1 Expired 2021-04-25 Abstract Yuying Chen , Jiagui Xie , Zhiping Li , Hongyan Liu draft-chen-trill-isis-purge-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Extension to Purge Initiator Identification TLV for ISIS in TRILL Gang Chen draft-chen-trill-te-applicability-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 The Applicability Analysis of Traffic Engineering over Trill Gang Chen , Chen Li draft-chen-trusted-resolution-04 -1 Expired 2022-11-07 Trusted Resolution System and Protocol Extension Yuying Chen , Jiahui Wang , Bo Zhang , Zhipeng Fan , Xufeng Ma , Zhiping Li , Jiagui Xie draft-chen-tsvwg-crosslayer-cooperation-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 Cross-layer Cooperation for Encrypted Traffic Hao Chen , Yue Yin , Ge Chen draft-chen-unified-control-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2017-06-16 Unified Control Architecture for Optical Transport Networks Haoran Chen draft-chen-v6ops-ipv6-bearer-network-trials-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 IPv6 Practices on China Mobile IP Bearer Network Gang Chen , Lianyuan Li , Hui Deng , Tianle Yang draft-chen-v6ops-ipv6-roaming-analysis-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-roaming-analysis 2013-11-04 IPv6 Roaming Behavior Analysis Gang Chen , Hui Deng , Dave Michaud , Jouni Korhonen , Mohamed Boucadair , Vizdal Ales , Cameron Byrne draft-chen-v6ops-nat64-cpe-03 -1 Replaced draft-chen-v6ops-nat64-experience 2011-10-31 NAT64 Operational Considerations Gang Chen draft-chen-v6ops-nat64-experience-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-nat64-experience 2012-07-30 NAT64 Operational Experiences Gang Chen , Zhen Cao , Cameron Byrne , Chongfeng Xie , David Binet draft-chen-v6ops-nfv-ipv6-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 IPv6 Considerations for Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Gang Chen , Hui Deng draft-chenvgovindan-bier-bgp-ls-bier-ext-01 -1 Expired 2016-07-25 BGP Link-State extensions for BIER Ran Chen , Zheng Zhang , Vengada Prasad Govindan , IJsbrand Wijnands draft-chenwm-magma-igmp-router-info-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-13 Extend IGMPv3 To Support Router Annoucing Information For Host Chen Wumao draft-chenxin-behave-turn-websocket-01 -1 Expired 2013-09-13 WebSocket Protocol as a Transport for Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Chen Xin , Sergio Garcia Murillo , Oleg Moskalenko , Victor Pascual , Lorenzo Miniero draft-chen-xmpp-pubsub-extension-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-04 XMPP Pubsub Extenstion for Long-lived TCP Services Gang Chen draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-11 -1 RFC 6763 2011-12-10 int Ralph Droms Proposed Standard DNS-Based Service Discovery Stuart Cheshire , Marc Krochmal Ralph Droms draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns-15 -1 RFC 6762 2011-12-10 int Ralph Droms Proposed Standard Multicast DNS Stuart Cheshire , Marc Krochmal Ralph Droms draft-cheshire-dnsext-nbp-10 -1 RFC 6760 2011-01-12 int Ralph Droms Informational Requirements for a Protocol to Replace the AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol (NBP) Stuart Cheshire , Marc Krochmal Ralph Droms draft-cheshire-dnsext-nias-00 -1 Replaced draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd 2001-07-17 Discovering Named Instances of Abstract Services using DNS Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-dnsext-special-names-03 -1 RFC 6761 2012-09-20 int Ralph Droms Proposed Standard Special-Use Domain Names Stuart Cheshire , Marc Krochmal Ralph Droms draft-cheshire-dnssd-hybrid-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dnssd-hybrid 2014-01-23 Hybrid Unicast/Multicast DNS-Based Service Discovery Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-dnssd-privacy-considerations-01 -1 Expired 2017-11-13 Private Discovery Threat Considerations Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-dnssd-roadmap-03 -1 Expired 2018-10-23 dnssd int Service Discovery Road Map Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-edns0-owner-option-01 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 EDNS0 OWNER Option Stuart Cheshire , Marc Krochmal draft-cheshire-homenet-dot-home-04 -1 Expired 2017-03-13 Special Use Top Level Domain 'home' Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-ipv4-acd-06 -1 RFC 5227 2008-02-20 int Mark Townsley Proposed Standard IPv4 Address Conflict Detection Stuart Cheshire Mark Townsley draft-cheshire-ipv4-linklocal-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-zeroconf-ipv4-linklocal 2000-03-16 Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 link-local addresses Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-mdnsext-hybrid-02 -1 Replaced draft-cheshire-dnssd-hybrid 2013-07-11 Hybrid Unicast/Multicast DNS-Based Service Discovery Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-nat-pmp-07 -1 RFC 6886 2013-01-27 Informational NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) Stuart Cheshire , Marc Krochmal draft-cheshire-pcp-anycast-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pcp-anycast 2013-07-14 PCP Anycast Address Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-pcp-expire-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-24 PCP Address Expiration Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-pcp-invalidate-00 -1 Expired 2012-08-29 PCP Address Invalidation Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-pcp-recovery-02 -1 Expired 2011-10-27 PCP Rapid Recovery Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-pcp-unsupp-family-06 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Updates to the PCP Specification Stuart Cheshire , Simon Perreault draft-cheshire-recursive-pcp-02 -1 Expired 2013-03-11 Recursive PCP Stuart Cheshire draft-cheshire-sudn-ipv4only-dot-arpa-17 -1 RFC 8880 2020-03-20 Warren Kumari Proposed Standard Special Use Domain Name 'ipv4only.arpa' Stuart Cheshire , David Schinazi Warren Kumari Warren Kumari draft-cheshire-tcp-over-udp-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-01 Encapsulation of TCP and other Transport Protocols over UDP Stuart Cheshire , Josh Graessley , Rory McGuire draft-chesterfield-avt-rtcpssm-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtcpssm 2001-11-30 RTCP Extension for Source Specific Multicast Sessions with Unicast RTCP feedback Julian Chesterfield , Joerg Ott draft-chetan-lspid-ospf-00 -1 Expired 2002-03-21 Signalling LSPID's in OSPF TE Kumar Chetan , Kumar Sunil draft-cheung-mpls-tp-mesh-protection-05 -1 Expired 2012-03-12 MPLS-TP Shared Mesh Protection Taesik Cheung , Jeong-dong Ryoo , Yaacov Weingarten , Nurit Sprecher , Daniel King draft-chh-bier-bier-yang-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bier-bier-yang 2016-05-20 bier rtg YANG Data Model for BIER Protocol Ran Chen , fangwei hu , Zheng Zhang , dai.xianxianzte.com.cn , Mahesh Sivakumar draft-chiappa-ipaddressing-00 -1 Expired 1991-03-27 The IP Addressing Issue draft-chiappa-ipng-nimrod-arch-00 -1 RFC 1753 1994-07-21 IPng Technical Requirements Of the Nimrod Routing and Addressing Architecture J. Chiappa draft-chiappa-lisp-architecture-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lisp-architecture 2012-07-16 lisp rtg An Architectural Perspective on the LISP Location-Identity Separation System J. Chiappa Joel Halpern draft-chiappa-lisp-introduction-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lisp-introduction 2012-07-16 lisp rtg An Introduction to the LISP Location-Identity Separation System J. Chiappa draft-chiappa-routing-01 -1 Expired 2002-06-25 A New IP Routing and Addressing Architecture J. Chiappa draft-chiba-radext-rfc3576bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-radext-rfc3576bis 2007-01-03 Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Murtaza Chiba draft-chiba-radius-dynamic-authorization-20 -1 RFC 3576 2003-05-16 ops Randy Bush Informational Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Murtaza Chiba , Gopal Dommety , Mark Eklund , David Mitton , Bernard Aboba Randy Bush draft-chiba-radius-dynamic-disconnect-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-20 ops Randy Bush Dynamic Disconnect Murtaza Chiba Randy Bush draft-chiba-radius-dynauthor-ext-01 -1 Expired 2005-04-22 Command Additions for Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial-In User Services (RADIUS) Murtaza Chiba draft-chimiak-enhanced-ipv4-03 -1 Expired 2016-06-07 IPv4 with 64 bit Address Space William Chimiak , Samuel Patton , James Brown , Jeronimo Bezerra , Humberto de Freitas , Jonathan Smith draft-chin-dnftp-01 -1 Expired 2006-05-02 Distributed New File Transfer Protocol Guillermo Chin , Fernando Cantero draft-chin-netmod-iana-af-numbers-00 -1 Expired 2017-05-22 IANA Address Family Numbers Yang Model Chin Chen draft-chin-nfvrg-cloud-5g-core-structure-yang-00 -1 Expired 2017-12-28 Yang Data Model for Cloud Native 5G Core structure Chin Chen , Ziquan Pan draft-chin-nfvrg-model-dynamic-service-chain-01 -1 Expired 2016-02-03 A Model Based Approach to Dynamic Service Chaining Jonathan Chin draft-chiotis-isdn-netmode-00 -1 Expired 1995-04-11 SNMP MIB Extension for Narrow-Band ISDN Interfaces Tryphon Chiotis draft-chisholm-disman-active-alarm-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib 2000-10-23 Alarm MIB Sharon Chisholm , Dan Romascanu draft-chisholm-entmib-state-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-29 Entity State MIB Sharon Chisholm , David Perkins draft-chisholm-netconf-event-01 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 Netconf Event Messages Sharon Chisholm draft-chisholm-netconf-model-08 -1 Expired 2008-02-25 Using XML Schema to define NETCONF Content Sharon Chisholm , Alexander Clemm draft-chisholm-netconf-monitoring-00 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 NETCONF Monitoring Schema Sharon Chisholm , Hector Trevino draft-chisholm-netconf-not-content-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 NETCONF Notification Content Sharon Chisholm , Alexander Clemm , Malcolm Betts draft-chisholm-snmp-infomode-01 -1 Expired 2003-12-23 The SNMP Information Model Sharon Chisholm draft-chitra-rether-00 -1 Expired 1997-04-14 RETHER : A Protocol for Real-Time Traffic Support on Ethernet Chitra Venkatramani , Tzi-cker Chiueh draft-chiu-network-wnfs-sec-nego-01 -1 RFC 2755 1999-10-14 Informational Security Negotiation for WebNFS Alex Chiu , Brent Callaghan , Mike Eisler draft-chiu-rmt-bb-track-03 -1 Expired 2004-01-07 tsv Allison Mankin Informational Reliable Multicast Transport Building Block:Tree based ACK (TRACK) Mechanisms Dah Chiu Allison Mankin draft-chiussi-ppvpn-qos-framework-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 sub Alex Zinin Framework for QoS in Provider-Provisioned VPNs Fabio Chiussi Alex Zinin draft-chiussi-subscription-less-webpush-00 -1 Expired 2015-10-20 Subscription-Less Web Push Fabio Chiussi draft-chiussi-webpush-subscription-less-framework-01 -1 Expired 2015-10-20 Subscription-Less Web Push Framework Fabio Chiussi draft-chiu-strand-unique-olcp-02 -1 Expired 2001-03-02 Unique Features and Requirements for The Optical Layer Control Plane Alex Chiu , John Strand , Roman Tkachuk , James Luciani draft-chkim-vlc-iot-00 -1 Expired 2018-10-18 Framework of Visible Light Communications in IoT Networks Cheol-Min Kim , Seok Koh draft-chkpvc-enterprise-incremental-ipv6-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-enterprise-incremental-ipv6 2012-07-16 Enterprise Incremental IPv6 Chittimaneni Kk , Tim Chown , Lee Howard , Victor Kuarsingh , Yanick Pouffary , Éric Vyncke draft-chodorek-6man-multigroup-multicast-addr-04 -1 Expired 2017-02-07 Multiple multicast addressing architecture Robert Chodorek draft-chodorek-multigroup-multicast-addr-00 -1 Expired 2014-03-28 Multiple multicast addressing architecture Robert Chodorek draft-chodorek-traffic-flow-option-10 -1 Expired 2022-08-14 An IP option for describing the traffic flow Robert Chodorek draft-chodorek-tsvwg-rsvp-dynamic-resv-06 -1 Expired 2018-05-13 RSVP Extensions for Dynamic Reservation Robert Chodorek , Agnieszka Chodorek draft-choi-6lo-owc-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Short-Range Optical Wireless Communications Younghwan Choi , Cheol-min Kim , Carles Gomez draft-choi-anima-trust-networking-01 -1 Expired 2018-10-14 Trust networking and procedures for Autonomic Networking Taesang Choi , Taesoo Chung , Junkyun Choi , Jaeseob Han draft-choi-burst-control-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-24 Requirements of Burst-Level Control in Optical Networks Jun Choi draft-choi-ccamp-e2e-restoration-srlg-01 -1 Expired 2004-02-17 Signaling Extension for the End-to-End Restoration with SRLG Jun Choi draft-choi-cdni-control-init-bootstrapping-02 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 CDNi Control - Initialization and Bootstrapping Taesang Choi , John Shinn , Jonggyu Sung , Jongmin Lee , Ja-Ryeong Koo , Yong Bang draft-choi-cdni-req-intf-01 -1 Expired 2013-10-20 Request Interface for Iterative Request Routing Redirection Taesang Choi , John Shinn , Jonggyu Sung , Jongmin Lee , Ja-Ryeong Koo , Yong Bang draft-choi-cdni-req-routing-redir-loop-prevention-01 -1 Expired 2012-10-22 CDNi Request Routing Redirection with Loop Prevention Laboratory Kt draft-choi-dice-finegrained-dtls-security-01 -1 Expired 2015-03-24 Fine-grained Support of Security Services for Constrained Devices using DTLS Jaeduck Choi , Gunhee Lee , Namhi Kang , Seung Jung , Souhwan Jung draft-choi-gmpls-label-framework-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-06 Framework for GMPLS Label Encoding Jin Choi draft-choi-gmpls-resource-mapping-02 -1 Expired 2004-02-17 Resource Mapping for GMPLS with Heterogeneous Interfaces Jun Choi draft-choi-gsmp-optical-extension-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-25 Extension of GSMP for optical burst switching Jin Choi draft-choi-httpbis-multi-location-return-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 HTTP 2.0 Extension for Multi-location Return for Redirection Taesang Choi , John Shinn , Jongmin Lee , Ja-Ryeong Koo , Yeong-il Seo draft-choi-icnrg-aiot-10 -1 Expired 2022-12-27 Requirements and Challenges for User-level Service Managements of IoT Network by utilizing Artificial Intelligence Junkyun Choi , Jaeseob Han , Gyeong Lee , Hyunseo Park draft-choi-ipv6-signaling-02 -1 Expired 2002-07-01 The Features of IPv6 Signaling Jin Choi draft-choi-ipv6-signaling-interworking-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-29 Signaling Interworking for IPv6 Network Jin Choi draft-choi-ipv6-signaling-req-ntlp-00 -1 Expired 2003-06-26 Requirements for IPv6 Signaling as NTLP Jun Choi draft-choi-metro-signaling-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 Consideration of RSVP-TE Extension for Metro Network Jin Choi , Younghun Yoo draft-choi-mipshop-handover-authentication-aaa-00 -1 Expired 2008-07-07 A Handover Authentication based on AAA server in FMIPv6 Jaeduck Choi , Doohwan Kim , Souhwan Jung draft-choi-mobileip-ipv6-mpls-02 -1 Expired 2001-11-27 Mobile IPv6 support in MPLS Jun Choi draft-choi-mobileip-ldpext-03 -1 Expired 2001-11-29 Extension of LDP for Mobile IP Service through the MPLS Network Jun Choi draft-choi-mpls-grouplabel-00 -1 Expired 2003-02-28 Group label allocation mechanism in MPLS networks Jin Choi draft-choi-mpls-grouplabel-requirement-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-23 Requirements for multicast service using a group label over MPLS Jun Choi draft-choi-pce-e2e-centralized-restoration-srlg-06 -1 Expired 2006-08-02 Fast End-to-End Restoration Mechanism with SRLG using Centralized Control Dipnarayan Guha , Jun Choi draft-choi-pce-l1vpn-framework-05 -1 Expired 2006-08-02 Framework of PCEMP based Layer 1 Virtual Private Network Dipnarayan Guha , Jun Choi draft-choi-pce-metric-protocol-05 -1 Expired 2006-08-02 Path Computation Element Metric Protocol (PCEMP) Jun Choi , Dipnarayan Guha draft-choi-pcemp-ipv6-05 -1 Expired 2006-08-02 Fast IPv6 PCE peer Advertisement using PCEMP Dipnarayan Guha , Jun Choi draft-choi-pce-p2mp-framework-04 -1 Expired 2006-08-02 Considerations of point-to-multipoint route optimization using PCEMP Dipnarayan Guha , Jun Choi draft-choi-pkix-ui-03 -1 Expired 2005-06-08 sec Russ Housley Informational Required functions of User Interface for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Baehyo Park Russ Housley draft-choi-sipping-experiments-spit-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-16 Experiments on SPIT in the Commercial VoIP Services Jaeduck Choi draft-choi-tunman-stats-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-16 Tunnel Management: Traffic Measurements and Status Monitoring Taesang Choi draft-choi-v6ops-natpt-ipsec-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-21 IPsec support for NAT-PT in IPv6 Inseok Choi draft-chokhani-cps-00 -1 Expired 1997-01-27 Certificate Policy and Certification Practice Statement Framework Warwick Ford , Santosh Chokhani draft-cho-nemo-hmra-00 -1 Expired 2004-01-15 Hierarchical Mobile Router Advertisement for nested mobile networks Hosik Cho draft-cho-nemo-mr-registration-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-26 Neighbor MR Authentication and Registration Mechanism in Multihomed Mobile Networks Seungho Choi draft-cho-nemo-ro-expected-properties-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-21 Route Optimization Expected Properties and Performance Metrics for Nested Mobile Networks Hosik Cho draft-cho-nemo-threat-multihoming-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-05 Threat for Multi-homed Mobile Networks Seungho Choi draft-cho-netvc-applypvq-03 -1 Expired 2016-11-13 Applying PVQ Outside Daala yushin draft-chong-t2trg-llwnc-00 -1 Expired 2020-10-18 Low End-to-End Latency Content Caching in Wireless Network Clouds Song Chong , Hyeonjoon Jang draft-chon-korean-encoding-01 -1 RFC 1557 1993-07-20 Korean Character Encoding for Internet Messages Uhhyung Choi , Kilnam Chon , Hyun Park draft-cho-pce-initiated-auto-path-00 -1 Expired 2016-10-31 PCEP Extensions for PCE-initiated Automatic Path Setup in a Stateful PCE Model Eunyoung Cho , Taehyun Kwon draft-chopps-isis-bfd-tlv-01 -1 Expired 2007-11-19 IS-IS BFD Enabled TLV Les Ginsberg draft-chopps-netmod-geo-location-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-geo-location 2019-03-03 YANG Geo Location Christian Hopps draft-cho-pwe3-mpls-tp-mixed-ms-pw-setup-01 -1 Expired 2011-10-28 Stitching Dynamically and Statically Provisioned Segments To Construct End-To-End Multi-Segment Pseudowires Hyunwoo Cho , Jeong-dong Ryoo , Daniel King draft-cho-rohc-tcp-interflow-behaviour-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-12 Statistical Inter-flow Field Behaviour for Context Replication in ROHC-TCP Chia Cho draft-chouasne-babel-tos-specific-00 -1 Expired 2017-07-03 TOS-Specific Routing in Babel Gwendoline Chouasne , Juliusz Chroboczek draft-choudharykumar-ntp-ntpv4-extended-extensions-01 -1 Expired 2015-06-04 The Network Time Protocol Version 4 Extension Format Vikram Choudhary , Ulrich Windl draft-choudhuri-sip-info-digit-01 -1 Expired 2000-04-10 SIP INFO method for DTMF digit transport and collection Tahsin Choudhuri , Chris Haun , Pat Sollee , Scott Orton , Steve Whynot draft-choudhury-manral-flooding-simulation-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-05 LSA Flooding Optimization Algorithms and Their Simulation Study G Choudhury , Vishwas Manral draft-choukir-tsvwg-flow-metadata-encoding-01 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Protocol Independent Encoding for Signaling Flow Characteristics Toerless Eckert , Anca Zamfir , Amine Choukir , Charles Eckel draft-chowbat-irl-00 -1 Expired 2017-02-15 Internet Research Labs हरीश चौधरी , Mohit Batra , Nalini Elkins draft-chowdhury-dhc-bcmcv4-option-01 -1 Expired 2004-08-19 DHCPv4 Options for Broadcast and Multicast Control Servers Kuntal Chowdhury draft-chowdhury-dhc-bcmcv6-option-01 -1 Expired 2004-08-19 DHCPv6 Options for Broadcast and Multicast Control Servers Kuntal Chowdhury draft-chowdhury-dhc-mip6-agentop-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-18 DHCP Relay Agent Option to Support Mobile IPv6 bootstrapping Kuntal Chowdhury , Jayshree Bharatia draft-chowdhury-hoakey-amsk-ps-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-06 Problem Statement for the AMSK Kuntal Chowdhury draft-chowdhury-ikev2-additional-auth-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-27 Additional Authentication Exchanges in the Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol Kuntal Chowdhury , Tim Mortsolf draft-chowdhury-mip6-bootstrap-radius-01 -1 Expired 2004-11-12 RADIUS Attributes for Mobile IPv6 bootstrapping Kuntal Chowdhury , Avi Lior draft-chowdhury-mip6-homeinfo-ra-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-28 Home Info Discovery for Mobile IPv6 via ICMPv6 Router Advertisement Kuntal Chowdhury , Alpesh Patel draft-chowdhury-mip6-radius-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-mip6-radius 2006-06-28 RADIUS Mobile IPv6 Support Kuntal Chowdhury draft-chowdhury-mipv6-home-prefix-00 -1 Expired 2004-04-22 Home Subnet Prefix or the Home Agent discovery for Mobile IPv6 Kuntal Chowdhury , Mohamed Khalil , Haseeb Akhtar draft-chowdhury-netmip4-00 -1 Expired 2006-02-27 Network Based L3 Connectivity and Mobility Management for IPv4 Kuntal Chowdhury draft-chowdhury-netmip6-01 -1 Expired 2006-09-26 Network Based Layer 3 Connectivity and Mobility Management for IPv6 Kuntal Chowdhury , Ajoy Singh draft-chowdhury-rohc-radius-attributes-00 -1 Expired 2005-10-10 RADIUS Support for New Header Compression Schemes Kuntal Chowdhury , Arun Seshadri draft-chow-diffserv-fbctrl-00 -1 Expired 1999-02-23 A Feedback Control Extension to Differentiated Services Alberto Leon-Garcia , Hungkei Chow draft-chow-httpbis-proxy-discovery-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 Web Proxy Description (WPD) Proxy Discovery William Chow , Sanjay Mishra , James McEachern draft-chown-6man-tokenised-ipv6-identifiers-02 -1 Expired 2012-10-22 Tokenised IPv6 Identifiers Tim Chown draft-chown-addr-select-considerations-03 -1 Expired 2009-07-13 Considerations for IPv6 Address Selection Policy Changes Tim Chown draft-chown-cost-of-nat-00 -1 Expired 2006-06-22 The Cost of Application Development with NATs Tim Chown draft-chown-dhc-dual-stack-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-Stack Issues for DHCPv6 Tim Chown , Stig Venaas , Christian Strauf draft-chown-dhc-stateless-dhcpv6-renumbering-00 -1 Expired 2003-11-20 Renumbering Requirements for Stateless DHCPv6 Tim Chown , Stig Venaas , a Vijayabhaskar draft-chown-homenet-arch-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-homenet-arch 2011-10-31 Home Networking Architecture for IPv6 Jari Arkko , Tim Chown , Jason Weil , Ole Trøan draft-chown-mboned-multicast-filtering-02 -1 Expired 2012-03-12 Multicast Filtering Practices Tim Chown , Lenny Giuliano draft-chown-v6ops-address-accountability-01 -1 Expired 2011-07-11 IPv6 Address Accountability Considerations Tim Chown draft-chown-v6ops-call-to-arms-03 -1 Expired 2011-06-07 World IPv6 Day Call to Arms Mat Ford , Tim Chown , Stig Venaas draft-chown-v6ops-campus-transition-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-campus-transition 2006-06-29 IPv6 Campus Transition Scenario Description and Analysis Tim Chown draft-chown-v6ops-port-scanning-implications-02 -1 Expired 2005-10-27 IPv6 Implications for TCP/UDP Port Scanning Tim Chown draft-chown-v6ops-renumber-thinkabout-05 -1 Expired 2006-09-20 Things to think about when Renumbering an IPv6 network Tim Chown draft-chown-v6ops-rogue-ra-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-rogue-ra 2009-03-09 Rogue IPv6 Router Advertisement Problem Statement Tim Chown , Stig Venaas draft-chown-v6ops-unmanaged-connectivity-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-22 Considerations for IPv6 Tunneling Solutions in Small End Sites Tim Chown draft-chown-v6ops-vlan-usage-02 -1 Expired 2004-10-27 Use of VLANs for IPv4-IPv6 Coexistence in Enterprise Networks Tim Chown draft-christey-imps-00 -1 RFC 2795 2000-03-01 Informational The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (IMPS) SteQven Christey draft-christey-wysopal-vuln-disclosure-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-15 Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Process SteQven Christey , Chris Wysopal draft-christian-bgpsecrec-01 -1 Expired 2004-10-25 BGP Security Requirements Blaine Christian draft-christian-global-info-lsp-00 -1 Expired 1995-02-17 Global Information Locator Service Profile Eliot Christian draft-christian-gre-over-clnp-02 -1 RFC 3147 2001-05-14 Informational Generic Routing Encapsulation over CLNS Networks Philip Christian draft-christian-prop-semantics-01 -1 Expired 2000-04-24 Use of a Semantics Register with WebDAV Properties Eliot Christian draft-christian-tewg-measurement-00 -1 Expired 2000-08-10 Operational measurements for Traffic Engineering Blaine Christian , Brian Davies , Heidi Tse draft-christou-sip-xmpp-interop-00 -1 Expired 2013-03-11 Interoperability between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) Chris Christou , Michael Lundberg , Christopher Ross , Peter Saint-Andre draft-christ-rtsp-mpeg4-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-16 RTSP-based Stream Control in MPEG-4 Paul Christ , Christine Guillemot , Stefan Wesner draft-chroboczek-ahcp-00 -1 Expired 2010-08-09 The Ad Hoc Configuration Protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-babel-applicability-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-babel-applicability 2016-02-29 Applicability of the Babel routing protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-babel-diversity-routing-01 -1 Expired 2016-02-15 Diversity Routing for the Babel Routing Protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-babel-doesnt-care-00 -1 Expired 2015-04-04 Babel doesn't care Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-babel-extension-mechanism-04 -1 RFC 7557 2015-03-27 Experimental Extension Mechanism for the Babel Routing Protocol Juliusz Chroboczek Eliot Lear draft-chroboczek-babel-mac-relaxed-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-babel-mac-relaxed 2022-05-12 Relaxed Packet Counter Verification for Babel MAC Authentication Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-babel-rfc6126bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-babel-rfc6126bis 2016-07-08 The Babel Routing Protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-babel-routing-protocol-05 -1 RFC 6126 2010-10-25 gen Stewart Bryant Experimental The Babel Routing Protocol Juliusz Chroboczek Stewart Bryant draft-chroboczek-babel-security-considerations-00 -1 Expired 2015-04-08 Security considerations for the Babel routing protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-configuration-separate-00 -1 Replaced draft-chroboczek-homenet-configuration-separate 2013-07-03 Configuration must not be carried by the routing protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-homenet-babel-profile-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile 2016-03-21 homenet int Homenet profile of the Babel routing protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-homenet-configuration-separate-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-03 Configuration must not be carried by the routing protocol Juliusz Chroboczek draft-chroboczek-int-v4-via-v6-01 -1 Expired 2022-03-07 IPv4 routes with an IPv6 next hop Juliusz Chroboczek , Warren Kumari , Toke Høiland-Jørgensen draft-chuafoo-mobileip-rafa-00 -1 Expired 1998-11-16 Regional Aware Foreign Agent (RAFA) for Fast Local Handoffs K. Chua , S. Foo draft-chuah-avt-lipe-02 -1 Expired 2000-11-28 A LightWeight IP Encapsulation (LIPE) Scheme M. Chuah , Enrique Valencia draft-chuahli-mobileip-dremip-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-23 Distributed Registration Extension to Mobile IP M. Chuah , Y. Li draft-chuang-bimi-certificate-00 -1 Expired 2018-05-08 Brand Indicator for Message Identification in X.509 certificates Wei Chuang , Thede Loder draft-chuang-dkim-replay-problem-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dkim-replay-problem 2023-04-02 dkim art DKIM Replay Problem Statement Wei Chuang , Dave Crocker , Allen Robin , Bron Gondwana draft-chuang-ietf-bimi-security-perspectives-00 -1 Expired 2019-03-11 Verified Mark Certificates Proposal: A Security Perspective Wei Chuang , Thede Loder draft-chuang-mailing-list-modifications-03 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-13 .html,.txt,.xml Tolerating Mailing-List Modifications Wei Chuang draft-chuang-relay-flow-identifier-03 -1 Expired 2023-01-20 Relay Flow Identifier Wei Chuang draft-chuang-replay-resistant-arc-09 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-08-13 .html,.txt,.xml Replay Resistant Authenticated Receiver Chain Wei Chuang , Bron Gondwana draft-chudov-cryptopro-cptls-04 -1 Expired 2008-12-08 GOST 28147-89 Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Alexandr Afanasiev , Nikolaj Nikishin , Boleslav Izotov , Elena Minaeva , Serguei Murugov , Igor Ustinov , Anatolij Erkin , Grigorij Chudov , Serguei Leontiev draft-chudov-cryptopro-cpxmldsig-09 -1 Replaced draft-smirnov-xmldsig 2013-12-06 Using GOST 28147-89, GOST R 34.10, and GOST R 34.11 Algorithms for XML Security Serguei Leontiev , Pavel Smirnov , Aleksandr Chelpanov draft-chudov-cryptopro-tlsprfneg-00 -1 Expired 2005-05-25 Hash/PRF negotiation in TLS using TLS extensions. Grigorij Chudov draft-chu-fibre-channel-mib-03 -1 Expired 1995-02-27 Definitions of Managed Objects for the Node in Fibre Channel Standard using SMIv2 John Chu draft-chu-ip-cluster-00 -1 Expired 1996-08-16 IP Cluster Chi Chu draft-chu-ldap-kdc-schema-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-15 An LDAP Schema for Kerberos KDC Information Howard Chu draft-chu-ldap-ldapi-00 -1 Expired 2007-03-01 Using LDAP Over IPC Mechanisms Howard Chu draft-chu-ldap-logschema-00 -1 Expired 2006-05-05 A Schema for Logging the LDAP Protocol Howard Chu draft-chu-ldap-xordered-00 -1 Expired 2006-05-05 Ordered Entries and Values in LDAP Howard Chu draft-chunduri-dmm-5g-mobility-with-ppr-00 -1 Expired 2020-11-02 Transport aware 5G mobility with PPR Uma Chunduri , Luis Contreras , Sridhar Bhaskaran , Jeff Tantsura , Praveen Muley draft-chunduri-idr-bgp-ls-nspfid-00 -1 Expired 2018-04-02 BGP Link-State extensions for NSPF ID Uma Chunduri draft-chunduri-idr-bgp-ls-ppr-ext-00 -1 Expired 2019-05-17 BGP-LS extensions for Preferred Path Routing Uma Chunduri , Padma Pillay-Esnault , Mohan Nanduri draft-chunduri-isis-extended-sequence-no-tlv-04 -1 Expired 2013-01-18 IS-IS Extended Sequence number TLV Uma Chunduri , Wenhu Lu , Albert Tian , Naiming Shen draft-chunduri-isis-preferred-path-routing-00 -1 Expired 2018-06-18 Preferred Path Routing (PPR) in IS-IS Uma Chunduri , Richard Li , Russ White , Jeff Tantsura , Luis Contreras , Yingzhen Qu draft-chunduri-karp-is-is-gap-analysis-04 -1 Expired 2013-01-17 KARP IS-IS security gap analysis Uma Chunduri , Albert Tian , Wenhu Lu draft-chunduri-karp-kmp-router-fingerprints-05 -1 Expired 2014-05-27 KARP KMP: Simplified Peer Authentication Uma Chunduri , Albert Tian , Ari Keränen , Tero Kivinen draft-chunduri-karp-using-ikev2-with-tcp-ao-06 -1 Expired 2014-02-04 A framework for RPs to use IKEv2 KMP Uma Chunduri , Albert Tian , Joseph Touch draft-chunduri-lsr-isis-mt-deployment-cons-04 -1 Expired 2020-11-24 IS-IS Multi Topology Deployment Considerations Uma Chunduri , Jeff Tantsura , Shraddha Hegde draft-chunduri-lsr-isis-preferred-path-routing-08 -1 Expired 2022-07-11 Preferred Path Routing (PPR) in IS-IS Uma Chunduri , Richard Li , Russ White , Luis Contreras , Jeff Tantsura , Yingzhen Qu draft-chunduri-lsr-isis-prefix-multi-algo-01 -1 Expired 2018-10-22 Multiple Algorithm support for IS-IS Prefixes Uma Chunduri , Yingzhen Qu draft-chunduri-lsr-ospf-preferred-path-routing-04 -1 Expired 2020-03-09 Preferred Path Routing (PPR) in OSPF Uma Chunduri , Yingzhen Qu , Russ White , Jeff Tantsura , Luis Contreras draft-chunduri-ospf-lsr-preferred-path-routing-00 -1 Expired 2018-06-19 Preferred Path Routing (PPR) in OSPF Uma Chunduri , Yingzhen Qu , Russ White , Jeff Tantsura , Luis Contreras draft-chunduri-ospf-operator-defined-tlvs-02 -1 Expired 2016-01-06 Using Operator-defined TLVs for Agile Service Deployment Uma Chunduri , Xiaohu Xu , Luis Contreras , Mohamed Boucadair , Luay Jalil draft-chunduri-ospf-self-defined-sub-tlvs-03 -1 Replaced draft-chunduri-ospf-operator-defined-tlvs 2015-03-09 Using Self-defined Sub-TLVs for Agile Service Deployment Uma Chunduri , Xiaohu Xu , Luis Contreras , Mohamed Boucadair draft-chunduri-rtgwg-lfa-extended-procedures-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-rtgwg-multihomed-prefix-lfa 2015-09-09 Extended procedures and considerations for evaluating Loop-Free Alternates Uma Chunduri , Jeff Tantsura , Chris Bowers draft-chunduri-rtgwg-preferred-path-routing-03 -1 Expired 2022-11-07 Preferred Path Routing Framework Stewart Bryant , Uma Chunduri , Alexander Clemm draft-chunduri-tcp-ao-extensions-for-karp-kmp-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-24 TCP-AO extensions for KARP-KMP Uma Chunduri , Albert Tian draft-chung-dtn-extension-prophet-icn-06 -1 Expired 2020-10-28 Extension of Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity for Information Centric Network Yun Chung , Min Kang , Younghan Kim draft-chung-idn-ace37-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-05 ACE Utilizing All 37 Alphanumeric Characters (ACE37) Edmon Chung , David Leung draft-chung-idn-idnx-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-27 Internationalized Domain Name Transition (IDNX) Edmon Chung , David Leung draft-chung-idnop-charprep-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-01 CHARPREP - Character Equivalency Preparations for IDN Edmon Chung draft-chung-idnop-epp-idn-02 -1 Expired 2004-10-27 EPP Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Object Mapping Edmon Chung , Henry Tong draft-chung-idnop-zoneprep-00 -1 Expired 2003-04-01 ZONEPREP - Zone Preparations for IDN Edmon Chung draft-chung-imax-01 -1 Expired 2003-02-28 Internationalized Mail Address eXtensions (IMAX) Edmon Chung , Jim Lam draft-chung-mpls-ldp-multicasting-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 LDP Extensions for MPLS Multicasting Services Jong-Moon Chung draft-chung-mpls-rsvp-multicasting-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 RSVP-TE Extensions for MPLS Multicasting Services Jong-Moon Chung draft-chung-mpls-wmpls-00 -1 Expired 2002-03-25 Wireless Multiprotocol Label Switching (WMPLS) Jong-Moon Chung draft-chunzhe-idr-protection-md5-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-27 BGP Sessions Protection via MD5 Authentication Hu Chunzhe draft-church-dnsbl-harmful-01 -1 Expired 2005-08-30 DNS Blacklists Considered Harmful Andrew Church draft-church-dns-mail-sender-02 -1 Expired 2002-08-02 Authoritative Mail Sender DNS Resource Record Andrew Church draft-chz-simple-cu-separation-bng-protocol-06 -1 RFC 8772 2019-10-19 Informational The China Mobile, Huawei, and ZTE Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) Simple Control and User Plane Separation Protocol (S-CUSP) Shujun Hu , Donald Eastlake , Fengwei Qin , Tee Chua , Daniel Huang Eliot Lear draft-ciavaglia-anima-coordination-01 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 Autonomic Functions Coordination Laurent Ciavaglia , Pierre Peloso draft-ciavaglia-anima-knowledge-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 Knowledge Exchange in Autonomic Networks Laurent Ciavaglia , Peloso Pierre draft-ciphersuites-in-sec-syslog-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-uta-ciphersuites-in-sec-syslog 2022-01-29 uta art Updates to the Cipher Suites in Secure Syslog Chris Lonvick , Sean Turner , Joseph Salowey draft-cirani-p2psip-dsip-dhtkademlia-00 -1 Expired 2007-10-25 A Kademlia-based DHT for Resource Lookup in P2PSIP Simone Cirani , Luca Veltri draft-cira-regext-idn-01 -1 Expired 2016-04-04 CIRA IDN EPP Extension Jacques Latour , Tongfeng Zhang , Julien Bernard draft-cisco-sla-protocol-04 -1 RFC 6812 2012-10-19 tsv Wesley Eddy Informational Cisco Service-Level Assurance Protocol Murtaza Chiba , Alexander Clemm , Steven Medley , Joseph Salowey , Sudhir Thombare , Eshwar Yedavalli Wesley Eddy draft-civanlar-bmpeg-02 -1 RFC 2343 1998-03-17 avt rai Experimental RTP Payload Format for Bundled MPEG Reha Civanlar , Glenn Cash , Barry Haskell draft-civanlar-hplp-00 -1 RFC 2448 1998-08-14 AT&T's Error Resilient Video Transmission Technique Reha Civanlar , Glenn Cash , Barry Haskell draft-civanlar-rtp-pointer-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-29 RTP Payload Format for Real-Time Pointers Glenn Cash draft-cjlmw-cdni-metadata-00 -1 Expired 2012-07-09 CDN Interconnect Metadata Ben Niven-Jenkins , Rob Murray , Grant Watson , Matt Caulfield , Kent Leung draft-ck-bgp-atm-nlri-01 -1 Expired 2004-11-29 Carrying ATM reachability information in BGP Chaitanya Kodeboyina draft-clacla-netmod-model-catalog-03 -1 Expired 2018-04-03 YANG module for yangcatalog.org Joe Clarke , Benoît Claise draft-clacla-netmod-yang-model-update-06 -1 Replaced draft-verdt-netmod-yang-semver 2018-07-02 New YANG Module Update Procedure Benoît Claise , Joe Clarke , Balázs Lengyel , Kevin D'Souza draft-clad-spring-segment-routing-service-chaining-00 -1 Replaced draft-xu-clad-spring-sr-service-chaining 2017-10-06 Segment Routing for Service Chaining Francois Clad , Clarence Filsfils , Pablo Camarillo , Daniel Bernier , Bruno Decraene , Bart Peirens , Chaitanya Yadlapalli , Xiaohu Xu , Stefano Salsano , Ahmed Abdelsalam , Gaurav Dawra draft-clad-spring-srv6-srh-compression-illus-02 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 Illustrations for Compressed SRv6 Segment List Encoding in SRH Francois Clad , Darren Dukes draft-claise-energy-monitoring-mib-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-eman-energy-monitoring-mib 2011-07-11 Power and Energy Monitoring MIB Little Silver , Juergen Quittek , Mouli Chandramouli , Thomas Dietz , Benoît Claise draft-claise-export-application-info-in-ipfix-10 -1 RFC 6759 2012-08-08 ops Ron Bonica Informational Cisco Systems Export of Application Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Benoît Claise , Paul Aitken , Nir Ben-Dvora Ron Bonica draft-claise-ipfix-eval-netflow-04 -1 Expired 2003-03-03 Evaluation Of NetFlow Version 9 Against IPFIX Requirements Benoît Claise draft-claise-ipfix-export-per-sctp-stream-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-export-per-sctp-stream 2008-02-25 IPFIX Export per SCTP Stream Benoît Claise draft-claise-ipfix-information-model-rfc5102bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-information-model-rfc5102bis 2011-10-29 Information Model for IP Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) Paul Aitken , Jeff Meyer , Benoît Claise , Stewart Bryant , Juergen Quittek draft-claise-ipfix-mediation-protocol-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-mediation-protocol 2011-07-06 Specification of the Protocol for IPFIX Mediations Benoît Claise , Atsushi Kobayashi , Brian Trammell draft-claise-ipfix-protocol-rfc5101bis-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ipfix-protocol-rfc5101bis 2011-10-26 Specification of the IP Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) Protocol for the Exchange of IP Traffic Flow Information Benoît Claise draft-claise-ippm-perf-metric-registry-01 -1 Expired 2013-10-04 Performance Metrics Registry Benoît Claise , Aamer Akhter draft-claise-netconf-metadata-for-collection-03 -1 Expired 2022-01-25 Per-Node Capabilities for Optimum Operational Data Collection Benoît Claise , Munish Nayyar , Adithya Sesani draft-claise-netflow-9-08 -1 RFC 3954 2004-04-26 ops Bert Wijnen Informational Cisco Systems NetFlow Services Export Version 9 Benoît Claise Bert Wijnen draft-claise-opsawg-collected-data-manifest-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-collected-data-manifest 2023-03-10 A Data Manifest for Contextualized Telemetry Data Benoît Claise , Jean Quilbeuf , Diego Lopez , Ignacio Martinez-Casanueva , Thomas Graf draft-claise-opsawg-service-assurance-architecture-05 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-service-assurance-architecture 2021-04-23 Service Assurance for Intent-based Networking Architecture Benoît Claise , Jean Quilbeuf , Diego Lopez , Dan Voyer , Thangam Arumugam draft-claise-opsawg-service-assurance-yang-07 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-opsawg-service-assurance-yang 2021-04-23 YANG Modules for Service Assurance Benoît Claise , Jean Quilbeuf , Paolo Lucente , Paolo Fasano , Thangam Arumugam draft-claise-power-management-arch-02 -1 Expired 2010-10-22 Power Management Architecture Benoît Claise , John Parello , Brad Schoening draft-claise-semver-02 -1 Expired 2018-01-17 Semantic Versioning and Structure for IETF Specifications Benoît Claise , Richard Barnes , Joe Clarke draft-claise-structured-data-in-ipfix-02 -1 Expired 2009-07-30 Export of Structured Data in IPFIX Stan Yates draft-clancy-eap-pax-11 -1 RFC 4746 2006-09-07 sec Russ Housley Informational Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Password Authenticated Exchange Charles Clancy , William Arbaugh Russ Housley draft-clancy-eap-rekeying-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-10 Technique for Method-Specific Fast EAP Rekeying Charles Clancy draft-clancy-emu-aaapay-04 -1 Expired 2010-05-10 EAP Method Support for Transporting AAA Payloads Charles Clancy , Avi Lior , Glen Zorn , Katrin Hoeper draft-clancy-emu-chbind-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-emu-chbind 2008-11-03 Channel Binding Support for EAP Methods Charles Clancy , Katrin Hoeper draft-clancy-emu-eap-shared-secret-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-emu-eap-gpsk 2006-06-29 EAP Generalized Pre-Shared Key (EAP-GPSK) Charles Clancy , Hannes Tschofenig draft-clancy-hokey-plan-00 -1 Expired 2007-05-02 HOKEY Re-authentication Protocol Plan Charles Clancy draft-clancy-hokey-reauth-ps-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-hokey-reauth-ps 2007-01-03 Handover Key Management and Re-authentication Problem Statement Charles Clancy draft-clark-avt-rtcphr-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtcphr 2006-06-28 RTCP HR - High Resolution VoIP Metrics Report Blocks Alan Clark draft-clark-avt-rtcpvoip-01 -1 Expired 2002-07-01 RTCP Extensions for Voice over IP Metric Reporting Alan Clark draft-clark-avt-rtcpxr-bis-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-12 tsv Allison Mankin RTCP XR - New Parameter Extensions Alan Clark Allison Mankin draft-clark-avt-rtcpxrmib-00 -1 Expired 2004-09-14 Proposed RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR) VoIP Metrics Management Information Base Alan Clark draft-clark-avt-rtcpxr-video-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-avt-rtcpxr-video 2006-06-29 RTCP XR - IP Video Metrics Report Blocks Alan Clark , Amy Pendleton draft-clark-avt-rtpmibv2-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-20 Proposed Real-Time Transport Protocol Management Information Base Version 2 Alan Clark draft-clark-diff-svc-alloc-00 -1 Expired 1997-08-04 An Approach to Service Allocation in the Internet David Clark , John Wroclawski draft-clark-dns-support-00 -1 Expired 1994-05-24 Using DNS to Support Multiprotocol Interoperability Mostafa Ammar , Russ Clark , Ken Calvert draft-clark-dtnrg-netman-req-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 Initial Requirements for Remote Network Management in Delay-Tolerant Networks Gilbert Clark draft-clarke-cbor-crs-02 -1 Expired 2020-03-17 Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tag for Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Specification Trevor Clarke draft-clarke-i2rs-traceability-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-i2rs-traceability 2014-08-28 Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) Traceability: Framework and Information Model Joe Clarke , Gonzalo Salgueiro , Carlos Pignataro draft-clark-ipng-multipro-interop-00 -1 RFC 1683 1994-03-22 Multiprotocol Interoperability In IPng Mostafa Ammar , Ken Calvert , Russ Clark draft-clark-telnet-control-04 -1 RFC 2217 1997-07-15 Experimental Telnet Com Port Control Option Glen Clark draft-clark-xrblock-rtcp-xr-qoe-00 -1 Expired 2011-11-14 RTCP XR Report Block for QoE Metrics Reporting Alan Clark , Martin Kastner , Geoff Hunt draft-clausen-autoconf-criteria-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-14 Evaluation Criteria for MANET Autoconf Mechanisms Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-ipdvb-enc-01 -1 Expired 2003-05-20 Simple Encapsulation for transmission of IP datagrams over MPEG-2/DVB networks Horst Clausen draft-clausen-lln-loadng-15 -1 Expired 2016-07-04 The Lightweight On-demand Ad hoc Distance-vector Routing Protocol - Next Generation (LOADng) Thomas Clausen , Axel Verdiere , Jiazi Yi , Afshin Niktash , Yuichi Igarashi , Hiroki Satoh , Ulrich Herberg , Cedric Lavenu , Thierry Lys , Justin Dean draft-clausen-lln-rpl-experiences-11 -1 Expired 2018-03-27 Informational Observations on RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks Thomas Clausen , Axel Verdiere , Jiazi Yi , Ulrich Herberg , Yuichi Igarashi Nevil Brownlee draft-clausen-manet-address-autoconf-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-01 Simple MANET Address Autoconfiguration Thomas Clausen , Emmanuel Baccelli draft-clausen-manet-autoconf-recommendations-00 -1 Expired 2009-02-25 MANET Router Configuration Recommendations Thomas Clausen , Ulrich Herberg draft-clausen-manet-jitter-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-jitter 2007-03-01 Jitter considerations in MANETs Thomas Clausen , Christopher Dearlove , Brian Adamson draft-clausen-manet-linkbuffer-00 -1 Expired 2004-10-19 Link Buffering for MANETs Thomas Clausen , Kenichi Mase draft-clausen-manet-linktype-00 -1 Expired 2008-10-27 The MANET Link Type Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2 2005-09-16 The Optimized Link-State Routing Protocol version 2 Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2-fmt-00 -1 Expired 2005-12-09 Generalized OLSRv2 Packet/Message Format Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2-management-snapshot-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2-management-snapshot 2014-02-12 Snapshot of OLSRv2-Routed MANET Management Thomas Clausen , Ulrich Herberg draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2-mgmt-snapshot-00 -1 Expired 2018-01-14 Informational Snapshot of OLSRv2-Routed MANET Management Thomas Clausen , Ulrich Herberg draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2nd-00 -1 Expired 2006-04-11 Neighborhood Discovery for OLSRv2 Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2-sec-threats-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2-sec-threats 2014-08-12 manet rtg Security Threats for the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2) Thomas Clausen , Ulrich Herberg , Jiazi Yi draft-clausen-manet-ospf-dbx-00 -1 Expired 2004-02-11 DB Exchange for OSPFv2 Wireless Interface Type Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-manet-rfc5444-usage-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-rfc5444-usage 2015-05-28 manet rtg Rules For Designing Protocols Using the RFC5444 Generalized Packet/ Message Format Thomas Clausen , Christopher Dearlove , Ulrich Herberg , Henning Rogge draft-clausen-manet-rfc6779bis-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-rfc6779bis 2014-07-25 Definition of Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol Ulrich Herberg , Robert Cole , Ian Chakeres , Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-manet-solsr-ps-00 -1 Expired 2005-02-23 Securing OLSR Problem Statement Thomas Clausen , Emmanuel Baccelli draft-clausen-manet-timetlv-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-timetlv 2007-02-08 Representing multi-value time in MANETs Thomas Clausen , Christopher Dearlove draft-clausen-nemo-ro-problem-statement-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-nemo-ro-problem-statement 2007-03-08 NEMO Route Optimisation Problem Statement Thomas Clausen draft-clausen-olsr-passive-dad-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-12 OLSR Passive Duplicate Address Detection Emmanuel Baccelli draft-clausen-olsrv2-link-hysteresis-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-14 OLSRv2 Link Hysteresis Thomas Clausen , Emmanuel Baccelli draft-clearcast-edu-clearcasturn-00 -1 Expired 2020-04-15 Clearcast Identifier URN Namespace definition Martin Roberts draft-clemm-i2rs-yang-l3-topo-00 -1 Expired 2014-10-27 i2rs rtg A YANG Data Model for Layer 3 Topologies Alexander Clemm , Jan Medved , Robert Varga , Tony Tkacik , Xufeng Liu , Igor Bryskin , Aihua Guo , Hariharan Ananthakrishnan , Nitin Bahadur , Vishnu Beeram draft-clemm-i2rs-yang-network-topo-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo 2015-03-09 i2rs rtg Proposed Standard A Data Model for Network Topologies Alexander Clemm , Jan Medved , Robert Varga , Tony Tkacik , Nitin Bahadur , Hariharan Ananthakrishnan draft-clemm-ideas-ipfix-00 -1 Expired 2017-07-04 Information Elements for Identity-Enabled Networks Alexander Clemm , Padma Pillay-Esnault draft-clemm-netconf-nmda-diff-03 -1 Replaced draft-clemm-netmod-nmda-diff 2018-03-19 Comparison of NMDA datastores Alexander Clemm , Yingzhen Qu , Jeff Tantsura draft-clemm-netconf-push-smart-filters-ps-00 -1 Expired 2017-10-19 Smart filters for Push Updates - Problem Statement Alexander Clemm , Eric Voit , Xufeng Liu , Igor Bryskin , Tianran Zhou , Guangying Zheng , Henk Birkholz draft-clemm-netconf-yang-push-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push 2015-10-14 Subscribing to YANG datastore push updates Alexander Clemm , Alberto Prieto , Eric Voit draft-clemm-netmod-mount-06 -1 Expired 2017-03-30 Mounting YANG-Defined Information from Remote Datastores Alexander Clemm , Eric Voit , Jan Medved draft-clemm-netmod-nmda-diff-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-netmod-nmda-diff 2018-06-12 Comparison of NMDA datastores Alexander Clemm , Yingzhen Qu , Jeff Tantsura , Andy Bierman draft-clemm-netmod-push-smart-filters-01 -1 Expired 2018-10-22 Smart Filters for Push Updates Alexander Clemm , Eric Voit , Xufeng Liu , Igor Bryskin , Tianran Zhou , Guangying Zheng , Henk Birkholz draft-clemm-netmod-yang-network-topo-01 -1 Replaced draft-clemm-i2rs-yang-network-topo 2013-10-21 A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies Alexander Clemm , Hariharan Ananthakrishnan , Jan Medved , Tony Tkacik , Robert Varga , Nitin Bahadur draft-clemm-nmrg-dist-intent-03 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-nmrg-ibn-concepts-definitions 2019-11-04 nmrg Intent-Based Networking - Concepts and Overview Alexander Clemm , Laurent Ciavaglia , Lisandro Granville , Jeff Tantsura draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml Export of Flow Precision Availability Metrics Using IPFIX Alexander Clemm , Mohamed Boucadair , Greg Mirsky draft-clemm-webdav-versioning-01 -1 Expired 1999-03-22 Versioning Extensions to WebDAV Geoffrey Clemm draft-clemm-wvcm-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-01 WVCM: The Workspace Versioning and Configuration Management API Geoffrey Clemm draft-cl-idr-bgp-ext-com-registry-update-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ext-com-registry 2020-04-20 idr rtg BGP Extended Community Registries Update Christoph Loibl draft-cloud-log-01 -1 Expired 2011-03-14 Syslog Extension for Cloud Using Syslog Structured Data Gene Golovinsky , Sam Johnston , Dominik Birk draft-clouds-wang-vdi-problem-statement-00 -1 Expired 2011-01-20 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Problem Statement Jun Wang , SuAn Ma , Liang Liang draft-cl-sipping-fi-problem-00 -1 Expired 2008-10-14 Feature Interactions Problem Statement Rui Crespo , Luigi Logrippo draft-cl-sipping-fi-resolution-00 -1 Expired 2008-10-15 Distributed Resolution of Feature Interactions for Internet Applications Rui Crespo , Luigi Logrippo draft-cls-ppr-te-attributes-01 -1 Expired 2019-05-17 Resources for Preferred Path Routes in IGPs Uma Chunduri , Richard Li , Kevin Smith draft-cl-spring-generalized-srv6-for-cmpr-07 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-05-04 .html,.txt,.xml Generalized SRv6 Network Programming for SRv6 Compression Weiqiang Cheng , Zhenbin Li , Cheng Li , Francois Clad , Aihua Liu , Chongfeng Xie , Yisong Liu , Shay Zadok draft-cl-spring-generalized-srv6-np-03 -1 Expired 2021-03-15 Generalized SRv6 Network Programming Weiqiang Cheng , Zhenbin Li , Cheng Li , Chongfeng Xie , Cong Li , Hui Tian , Feng Zhao draft-clt-dmm-tn-aware-mobility-09 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-dmm-tn-aware-mobility 2021-02-13 Transport Network aware Mobility for 5G Uma Chunduri , Richard Li , Sridhar Bhaskaran , John Kaippallimalil , Jeff Tantsura , Luis Contreras , Praveen Muley draft-clw-rfc6434-bis-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-rfc6434-bis 2017-03-13 6man int IPv6 Node Requirements Tim Chown , John Loughney , Timothy Winters draft-clynn-bgp-x509-auth-01 -1 Expired 1999-10-28 X.509 Extensions for Authorization of IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and Routers within an AS Charles Lynn draft-clynn-s-bgp-protocol-01 -1 Expired 2003-07-02 Secure BGP (S-BGP) Charles Lynn draft-cmd-prevent-malware-dns-distribute-00 -1 Expired 2011-07-05 Preventing use Nameservers as malware distribution platform Carlos Diaz , Francisco Gomez draft-cmetz-v6ops-v4mapped-api-harmful-01 -1 Expired 2003-10-23 IPv4-Mapped Address API Considered Harmful Christopher Metz , Jun-ichiro Itoh draft-cmfg-pce-pcep-grammar-02 -1 Expired 2014-01-10 Current issues with existing RBNF notation for PCEP messages and extensions Ramon Casellas , Cyril Margaria , Adrian Farrel , Oscar de Dios , Dhruv Dhody , Xian Zhang draft-cms-masque-connect-ip-02 -1 Replaced draft-age-masque-connect-ip 2021-08-27 The CONNECT-IP HTTP Method Alex Chernyakhovsky , Dallas McCall , David Schinazi draft-cms-masque-connect-ip-ext-routes-00 -1 Replaced draft-age-masque-connect-ip 2021-08-27 A Routing Extension to CONNECT-IP Alex Chernyakhovsky , Dallas McCall , David Schinazi draft-cms-masque-ip-proxy-reqs-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-masque-ip-proxy-reqs 2020-08-07 masque tsv Requirements for a MASQUE Protocol to Proxy IP Traffic Alex Chernyakhovsky , Dallas McCall , David Schinazi draft-cmzrjp-ippm-twamp-yang-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-twamp-yang 2015-10-19 ippm tsv Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Data Model Ruth Civil , Al Morton , Lianshu Zheng , Reshad Rahman , Mahesh Jethanandani , Kostas Pentikousis draft-cnbf-ippm-user-devices-explicit-monitoring-04 -1 Expired 2022-10-13 User Devices Explicit Monitoring Mauro Cociglio , Massimo Nilo , Fabio Bulgarella , Giuseppe Fioccola draft-cnyap-iip-05 -1 Expired 2002-06-18 Itinerant Internet Protocol Chern Yap , Srba Cvetkovic draft-cnyap-rbm-00 -1 Expired 2001-11-12 Realm Based Mobility Chern Yap draft-coan-hasm-00 -1 Expired 2001-12-07 HASM: Hierarchical Application-Level Secure Multicast Brian Coan draft-coar-cgi-v11-04 -1 RFC 3875 2003-10-21 app Ted Hardie Informational The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Version 1.1 Ken Coar , David Robinson Ted Hardie draft-coates-urn-namespace-01 -1 Expired 2000-10-18 URN Namespace for Literate Programming: Anthony B. Coates URN-NID-abc Anthony Coates draft-cochrane-frmib-dte-00 -1 Expired 1996-07-02 Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTE Extensions for SVC's and Data Compression over Frame Relay Don Cochrane , Moji Kashef draft-cociglio-mboned-multicast-pm-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-alt-mark 2010-10-25 A method for IP multicast performance monitoring Mauro Cociglio , Alessandro Capello , Alberto Bonda , Luca Castaldelli draft-codec-agnostic-rtp-payload-format-00 -1 Replaced draft-gouaillard-avtcore-codec-agn-rtp-payload 2021-02-19 Codec agnostic RTP payload format for video Sergio Garcia Murillo , Alex Gouaillard draft-codogno-mime-nntp8bit-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-06 The MIME application/nntp8bit Content-type Maurizio Codogno draft-coene-mptcp-conformance-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-15 Conformance tests for Multipath TCP Yvan Coene draft-coene-multi6-sctp-01 -1 Expired 2004-07-19 Multihoming: the SCTP solution Lode Coene draft-coene-multi-route-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-25 Multirouting Lode Coene draft-coene-multi-share-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-25 Multihomed Loadsharing Jay Kumarasamy , Lode Coene draft-coene-rserpool-applic-01 -1 Expired 2003-03-07 Relialeble Serverpool applicability statement Lode Coene draft-coene-rserpool-applic-ipfix-20 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-03-25 .html,.txt,.xml Reliable Server Pooling Applicability for IP Flow Information Exchange Thomas Dreibholz , Lode Coene , Phillip Conrad draft-coene-sctp-applic-state-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-20 SCTP applicability guidelines Ram Dantu , Lode Coene , Greg Sidebottom , HannsJuergen Schwarzbauer draft-coene-sctp-multihome-04 -1 Expired 2003-06-06 tsv Allison Mankin Informational Multihoming issues in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol Lode Coene Allison Mankin draft-coene-ss7-IP-addr-00 -1 Expired 1999-01-18 Internet and SS7 addressing Lode Coene draft-coene-ss7-over-ip-00 -1 Expired 1999-10-20 SS7 over internet applicability statement Lode Coene draft-coene-sua-implementor-guide-00 -1 Expired 2004-11-29 SUA Implementor's guide Lode Coene , John Loughney draft-coffeystrain-dnsext-privatednstld-00 -1 Expired 2001-02-26 DNS Top Level Domain For Private Networks Simon Coffey , Sandy Strain , Levon Esibov draft-coffeystrain-privatednstld-00 -1 Expired 2000-05-26 DNS Top Level Domain For Private Networks Simon Coffey , Sandy Strain draft-coffin-sacm-nea-swid-patnc-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sacm-nea-swid-patnc 2016-10-31 sacm sec Software Inventory Message and Attributes (SWIMA) for PA-TNC Chris Coffin , Daniel Haynes , Charles Schmidt , Jessica Fitzgerald-McKay draft-coffin-sacm-vuln-scenario-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-sacm-vuln-scenario 2016-01-22 sacm sec SACM Vulnerability Assessment Scenario Chris Coffin , Brant Cheikes , Charles Schmidt , Daniel Haynes , Jessica Fitzgerald-McKay , David Waltermire draft-cohen-fp-00 -1 Expired 2002-01-08 FP Fred Cohen draft-cohen-gena-client-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-25 General Event Notification Architecture Base: Client to Arbiter Josh Cohen , Yaron Goland , Sonu Aggarwal draft-cohen-gena-p-base-01 -1 Expired 1998-07-10 General Event Notification Architecture Base Josh Cohen , Sonu Aggarwal draft-cohen-http-305-306-responses-00 -1 Expired 1997-06-16 http app HTTP/1.1 305 and 306 Response Codes Josh Cohen draft-cohen-http-ext-postal-00 -1 Expired 1998-02-16 Don't Go Postal - An argument against improperly overloading the HTTP POST Method Josh Cohen draft-cohen-pwe3-tdmsonetapp-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-21 Applicability statement for edge to edge emulation of Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) services over Packet Switched Networks (PSN) Ron Cohen draft-cohn-mpls-tp-pw-prot-00 -1 Replaced draft-cohn-mpls-tp-pw-protection 2011-05-16 MPLS-TP Linear Protection Applicability to MS-PW Daniel Cohn draft-cohn-mpls-tp-pw-protection-02 -1 Expired 2012-01-04 MPLS-TP Linear Protection Applicability to MS-PW Daniel Cohn , Rafi Ram , Ma Yuxia , Masahiro Daikoku draft-cokus-sacm-oval-common-model-01 -1 Expired 2016-09-07 OVAL(R) Common Model Michael Cokus , Daniel Haynes , David Rothenberg , Juan Gonzalez draft-cokus-sacm-oval-results-model-01 -1 Expired 2016-09-07 OVAL(R) Results Model Michael Cokus , Daniel Haynes , David Rothenberg , Juan Gonzalez draft-cole-appm-01 -1 Expired 2000-04-06 A Framework for Active Probes for Performance Monitoring Dan Romascanu , Carl Kalbfleisch , Robert Cole draft-cole-dymo-mib-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 Definition of Managed Objects for the DYMO Manet Routing Protocol Robert Cole , Ian Chakeres draft-cole-manet-dymo-mib-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-dymo-mib 2008-03-18 Definition of Managed Objects for the DYMO Manet Routing Protocol Robert Cole , Ian Chakeres draft-cole-manet-nhdp-mib-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-nhdp-mib 2009-02-21 Definition of Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol Robert Cole , Ian Chakeres draft-cole-manet-olsrv2-mib-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2-mib 2009-02-21 Definition of Managed Objects for the MANET Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version 2 Robert Cole , Thomas Clausen draft-cole-manet-report-mib-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-report-mib 2010-03-02 Definition of Managed Objects for Performance Reporting Robert Cole , Joseph Macker , Al Morton draft-cole-manet-smf-mib-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-manet-smf-mib 2009-02-28 Definition of Managed Objects for the Manet Simplified Multicast Framework Relay Set Process Robert Cole , Joseph Macker , Brian Adamson , Sean Harnedy draft-cole-netconf-robust-config-02 -1 Expired 2010-03-02 Robust Configuration Management within NETCONF Robert Cole , Dan Romascanu , Andy Bierman draft-cole-netconf-transaction-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 A Transaction Test Module for the NETCONF Verify Operation Robert Cole , Dan Romascanu , Andy Bierman draft-cole-netconf-verify-00 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 A Verification Proceedure for Configuration Management within NETCONF Robert Cole , Dan Romascanu , Andy Bierman draft-cole-sspm-03 -1 Expired 2001-07-12 A Framework for Synthetic Sources for Performance Monitoring Carl Kalbfleisch , Robert Cole , Russell Dietz , Dan Romascanu draft-colitti-ipsecme-esp-ping-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-26 .html,.txt,.xml ESP Echo Protocol Lorenzo Colitti draft-colitti-v6ops-host-addr-availability-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-host-addr-availability 2015-07-23 Host address availability recommendations Lorenzo Colitti , Vinton Cerf , Stuart Cheshire , David Schinazi draft-collier-brown-itld-exper-00 -1 Expired 1996-09-12 On Experimental Top Level Domains Rev 0 David Collier-Brown draft-collini-ipdvb-xule-00 -1 Expired 2004-06-01 Ultra Lightweight Encapsulation (ULE) Extension Header Gorry Fairhurst draft-collink-6man-pio-pflag-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-06 .html,.txt,.xml Signalling DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Availability to Hosts Lorenzo Colitti , Jen Linkova , Xiao Ma , David Lamparter draft-collink-v6ops-ent64pd-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-v6ops-dhcp-pd-per-device 2023-05-10 Using DHCP-PD to Allocate Unique IPv6 Prefix per Device in Broadcast Networks Lorenzo Colitti , Jen Linkova , Xiao Ma draft-collins-pfr-00 -1 RFC 3073 2000-11-15 Informational Portable Font Resource (PFR) - application/font-tdpfr MIME Sub-type Registration John Collins draft-columbia-kermit-service-02 -1 RFC 2839 2000-01-27 Informational Internet Kermit Service Frank Cruz , Jeffrey Altman draft-columbia-kermit-url-00 -1 Expired 2002-04-11 THE KERMIT URL SCHEME Frank Cruz , Jeffrey Altman draft-combes-ipdvb-mib-rcs-08 -1 RFC 5728 2009-10-22 int Jari Arkko Informational The SatLabs Group DVB-RCS MIB Hans-Peter Lexow , Micheline Lambert , Petter Amundsen , Stephane Combes Jari Arkko draft-combined-sacm-information-model-00 -1 Expired 2014-09-07 SACM Information Model David Waltermire , Kim Watson , Clifford Kahn , Lisa Lorenzin draft-combs-http-indeterminate-range-02 -1 Expired 2015-09-21 HTTP/1.1: Range Responses of Indeterminate Length Ridley Combs draft-compute-aware-advertise-route-san-database-00 -1 Replaced draft-zhou-intarea-aware-route-san-database 2022-10-10 Computing Status Awareness, Advertisement and Service Routing methods of SAN Based on Databases Fenlin Zhou , Dongyu Yuan draft-computing-segment-for-service-routing-00 -1 Replaced draft-zhou-intarea-computing-segment-san 2022-10-10 Computing Segment for Service Routing in SAN Fenlin Zhou , Dongyu Yuan draft-conboy-mime-ocf-00 -1 Expired 2007-09-10 Media Type Registrations for OEBPS Containger Format (OCF) Garth Conboy draft-conboy-mime-opf-00 -1 RFC 4839 2006-10-06 app Ted Hardie Informational Media Type Registrations for the Open eBook Publication Structure (OEBPS) Package File (OPF) Garth Conboy , Jon Ferraiolo , John Rivlin Ted Hardie draft-conet-aeon-gap-analysis-01 -1 Expired 2014-10-25 Application Enabled COllaborative NETworking Gap Analysis Sheng Jiang , Hui Deng , Farooq Bari , Rong Zhang , Suresh Krishnan , Yu Fu draft-conet-aeon-problem-statement-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Application Enabled Collaborative Networking: Problem Statement Peng Fan , Hui Deng , Mohamed Boucadair , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Charles Eckel , Brandon Williams draft-conet-aeon-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2014-07-03 Application Enabled Collaborative Networking Requirements Peng Fan , Mohamed Boucadair , Brandon Williams , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Charles Eckel draft-conet-aeon-use-cases-01 -1 Expired 2014-07-04 Application Enabled Collaborative Networking Use Cases Wesley George , Peng Fan , Satoru Matsushima , Tirumaleswar Reddy.K , Charles Eckel draft-conex-mechanism-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-21 Congestion Exposure Mechanism Description Bob Briscoe , Richard Woundy , Toby Moncaster , John Leslie draft-congdon-lsvr-lldp-tlvs-00 -1 Expired 2019-10-22 LSVR IETF Organizationally Specific TLVs for IEEE Std 802.1AB (LLDP) Paul Congdon , Paul Bottorff draft-congdon-radext-ieee802-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-radext-ieee802 2005-02-18 RADIUS Extensions for IEEE 802 Paul Congdon draft-congdon-radius-8021x-29 -1 RFC 3580 2003-04-18 ops Randy Bush Informational IEEE 802.1X Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Usage Guidelines Andrew Smith , Glen Zorn , John Roese , Bernard Aboba , Paul Congdon Randy Bush draft-connolly-text-html-01 -1 RFC 2854 1999-10-13 Informational The 'text/html' Media Type Larry Masinter , Daniel Connolly draft-connolly-w3c-accessible-registries-00 -1 Expired 2002-12-23 A Registry of Assignments using Ubiquitous Technologies and Careful Policies Daniel Connolly , Mark Baker draft-conrad-rserpool-service-03 -1 Expired 2002-11-05 rserpool tsv Jon Peterson Services Provided By Reliable Server Pooling Peter Lei , Phillip Conrad Jon Peterson draft-conrad-rserpool-tcpmapping-01 -1 Expired 2002-11-05 rserpool tsv Jon Peterson TCP Mapping for Reliable Server Pooling Failover Mode Peter Lei , Phillip Conrad Jon Peterson draft-conroy-enum-edns0-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-enum-edns0 2006-06-29 ENUM Requirement for EDNS0 Support Lawrence Conroy , Jim Reid draft-conroy-enum-experiences-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-enum-experiences 2004-02-12 ENUM Implementation Issues and Experiences Lawrence Conroy draft-conroy-enum-modestproposal-00 -1 Expired 2005-07-06 Non-Terminal NAPTR Processing: A Modest Proposal Lawrence Conroy draft-conroy-interfaces-in-net-00 -1 Expired 1997-07-03 Analysis of Services and Interfaces used when Interworking Between the Internet and the Intelligent Network (I.N.) Reinhard Scholl draft-conroy-pint-act-00 -1 Expired 2000-08-11 A list of possible PINT functions Lawrence Conroy , Jeremy Buller draft-conroy-spirits-act-00 -1 Expired 2000-08-11 A list of possible SPIRITS functions Lawrence Conroy , Jeremy Buller draft-constantine-bmwg-traffic-management-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-bmwg-traffic-management 2014-07-01 Traffic Management Benchmarking Barry Constantine, Timothy Copley, Ramki Krishnan draft-constantine-ippm-tcp-throughput-tm-03 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-tcp-throughput-tm 2010-04-12 TCP Throughput Testing Methodology Barry Constantine , Gilles Forget , Loki Jorgenson , Reinhard Schrage draft-conta-diffserv-ipv6-fl-classifier-01 -1 Expired 2001-11-29 Amodel for Diffserv use of the IPv6 Flow Label Specification Alex Conta , Jarno Rajahalme draft-conta-extensions-ipv6-tunnel-01 -1 Expired 2000-11-28 Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 - Bi-directional Tunneling Specification Alex Conta draft-conta-ipv6-flow-label-02 -1 Expired 2001-07-18 A proposal for the IPv6 Flow Label Specification Alex Conta , Brian Carpenter draft-conta-ipv6-icmp-igmp-00 -1 Expired 1994-10-06 ICMP and IGMP for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Alex Conta , Steve Deering draft-conta-ipv6-inv-nd-tun-00 -1 Expired 1997-07-30 IPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 and IPv4 Tunnels Alex Conta draft-conta-ipv6-nd_ext_ind-00 -1 Expired 1997-08-04 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Extensions for Inverse Discovery Specification Alex Conta draft-conta-ipv6-trans-fr-00 -1 Expired 1997-07-30 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Frame Relay Alex Conta , Martin Mueller draft-conta-ipv6-trans-tunnel-00 -1 Expired 1997-08-02 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over IPv6 and IPv4 Tunnels. Alex Conta draft-contreras-alto-bgp-communities-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .txt Extending ALTO by using BGP Communities Luis Contreras draft-contreras-alto-ietf-nef-01 -1 Expired 2022-07-11 Considering ALTO as IETF Network Exposure Function Luis Contreras draft-contreras-alto-service-edge-09 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .html,.txt,.xml Use of ALTO for Determining Service Edge Luis Contreras , Sabine Randriamasy , Jordi Ros-Giralt , Danny Perez , Christian Rothenberg draft-contreras-bmwg-5g-02 -1 Expired 2020-11-02 5G transport network benchmarking Luis Contreras , Juan Rodriguez , Lourdes Luque draft-contreras-coinrg-clas-evolution-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt An Evolution of Cooperating Layered Architecture for SDN (CLAS) for Compute and Data Awareness Luis Contreras , Mohamed Boucadair , Diego Lopez , Carlos Bernardos draft-contreras-cso-functional-architecture-00 -1 Expired 2011-10-20 Architecture for Service Provisioning with Cross Stratum Optimization Luis Contreras , Alejandro Tovar , Giada Landi , Nicola Ciulli draft-contreras-layered-sdn-03 -1 RFC 8597 2018-11-22 Informational Cooperating Layered Architecture for Software-Defined Networking (CLAS) Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos , Diego Lopez , Mohamed Boucadair , Paola Iovanna Eliot Lear draft-contreras-multimob-msd-00 -1 Expired 2009-10-16 Multicast service delivery in PMIPv6 domains Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos , Ignacio Soto draft-contreras-multimob-multiple-upstreams-01 -1 Expired 2013-02-25 Extension of the MLD proxy functionality to support multiple upstream interfaces Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga draft-contreras-multimob-rams-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-multimob-fast-handover 2012-03-12 PMIPv6 multicast handover optimization by the Request of Active Multicast Subscription (RAMS) Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos , Ignacio Soto draft-contreras-nmrg-clas-evolution-00 -1 Expired 2021-10-24 Evolution of Cooperating Layered SDN Architecture including Compute and Data Awareness Luis Contreras draft-contreras-nmrg-interconnection-intents-03 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 Interconnection Intents Luis Contreras , Paolo Lucente draft-contreras-nmrg-transport-slice-intent-06 -1 Expired 2022-10-24 IETF Network Slice Intent Luis Contreras , Panagiotis Demestichas , Jeff Tantsura draft-contreras-opsawg-collaborative-interface-00 -1 Expired 2015-07-06 Collaborative Interface between Network Operators and CDNs Luis Contreras draft-contreras-opsawg-scheduling-oam-tests-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt A YANG Data Model for Network Diagnosis by scheduling sequences of OAM tests Luis Contreras , Victor Lopez draft-contreras-pim-multiif-config-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt Signaling-based configuration for supporting multiple upstream interfaces in IGMP/MLD proxies Luis Contreras , Hitoshi Asaeda draft-contreras-pim-multiple-upstreams-00 -1 Expired 2013-07-03 Extension of the MLD proxy functionality to support multiple upstream interfaces Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos , Juan-Carlos Zúñiga draft-contreras-pim-multiple-upstreams-reqs-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pim-multiple-upstreams-reqs 2015-03-07 Requiremnets for the extension of the MLD proxy functionality to support multiple upstream interfaces Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos draft-contreras-rtgwg-rosa-gaar-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-09 .html,.txt,.xml Gap Analysis and Requirements for Routing on Service Addresses Luis Contreras , Dirk Trossen , Jens Finkhäuser , Paulo Mendes draft-contreras-sdnrg-layered-sdn-04 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-sdnrg-layered-sdn 2015-10-19 Cooperating Layered Architecture for SDN Luis Contreras , Carlos Bernardos , Diego Lopez , Mohamed Boucadair , Paola Iovanna draft-contreras-supa-yang-network-topo-03 -1 Expired 2015-02-06 A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies Luis Contreras , Jun Bi , Andrew Qu , Yiyong Zha draft-contreras-teas-3gpp-ietf-slice-mapping-00 -1 Replaced draft-gcdrb-teas-5g-network-slice-application 2022-03-07 Connecting 3GPP slices through IETF Network Slice services Luis Contreras , Ivan Bykov , Jose Ordonez-Lucena draft-contreras-teas-slice-controller-models-05 -1 Expired 2023-03-13 teas rtg IETF Network Slice Controller and its associated data models Luis Contreras , Reza Rokui , Jeff Tantsura , Bo Wu , Xufeng Liu , Dhruv Dhody , Sergio Belotti draft-contreras-teas-slice-nbi-06 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-use-cases 2022-03-07 teas rtg IETF Network Slice Use Cases and Attributes for Northbound Interface of IETF Network Slice Controllers Luis Contreras , Shunsuke Homma , Jose Ordonez-Lucena , Jeff Tantsura , Hidetaka Nishihara draft-contreras-tvr-alto-exposure-01 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-10 .txt Using ALTO for exposing Time-Variant Routing information Luis Contreras draft-convery-bgpattack-01 -1 Expired 2003-09-18 An Attack Tree for the Border Gateway Protocol Sean Convery draft-cook-doh-discovery-trial-00 -1 Expired 2020-07-13 A Proposal for a DoH Discovery Trial Neil Cook , Vittorio Bertola , Andy Fidler , Nicolai Leymann , Ralf Weber draft-cooke-sip-rfc3261bis-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-06-02 .txt Note on Usage of Phone Number in the From Field of SIP Messaging V Raymond Cooke draft-cook-lemonade-streaming-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-lemonade-streaming 2006-06-01 Streaming Multimedia Messaging Attachments Neil Cook draft-cooley-cnsa-dtls-tls-profile-07 -1 RFC 9151 2021-01-20 Informational Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite Profile for TLS and DTLS 1.2 and 1.3 Deb Cooley Eliot Lear draft-coolidge-enhanced-data-protection-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-04-04 .html,.txt,.xml Enhanced Data Protection via Cryptographic Signing and Permission-based Labeling Max Coolidge <366vuev4@duck.com> draft-cooper-6man-ipv6-address-generation-privacy-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-ipv6-address-generation-privacy 2013-07-15 Privacy Considerations for IPv6 Address Generation Mechanisms Alissa Cooper , Fernando Gont , Dave Thaler draft-cooper-iab-secure-origin-00 -1 Expired 2012-11-30 Secure Call Origin Identification Alissa Cooper , Hannes Tschofenig , Jon Peterson , Bernard Aboba draft-cooper-ietf-privacy-requirements-01 -1 Expired 2013-10-21 Privacy Requirements for IETF Protocols Alissa Cooper , Stephen Farrell , Sean Turner draft-cooper-intercache-cooper-00 -1 Expired 1999-08-11 Inter Cache Co-operation, Protocol Extensions Ian Cooper draft-cooper-pkix-aiaac-00 -1 Expired 2006-10-02 Authority Information Access Attribute Certificate Extension David Cooper draft-cooper-pkix-rfc2560bis-00 -1 Expired 2010-06-28 X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP David Cooper draft-cooper-pkix-rfc5280-clarifications-00 -1 Expired 2009-11-20 Clarifications to the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile David Cooper draft-cooper-pkix-rfc5280-impl-report-01 -1 Expired 2010-05-05 Implementation Report for the Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile RFC 5280 David Cooper draft-cooper-policy-interactions-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-07 .html,.txt,.xml IETF Policy Interactions Mark Nottingham , Alissa Cooper draft-cooper-privacy-policy-01 -1 Expired 2010-07-05 IETF Privacy Policy Alissa Cooper draft-cooper-shmo-questions-00 -1 Expired 2020-05-13 Questions Arising Concerning In-Person Meeting Cancellation Alissa Cooper , Russ Housley , Suresh Krishnan draft-cooper-webi-wpad-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-15 Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol Ian Cooper draft-cooper-web-tracking-opt-outs-00 -1 Expired 2011-03-07 Overview of Universal Opt-Out Mechanisms for Web Tracking Alissa Cooper , Hannes Tschofenig draft-cooper-wrec-known-prob-01 -1 RFC 3143 2001-04-13 Known HTTP Proxy/Caching Problems John Dilley , Ian Cooper draft-cooper-wugh-github-wg-configuration-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-git-github-wg-configuration 2018-12-17 GitHub Configuration for IETF Working Groups Alissa Cooper , Paul Hoffman draft-cope-heh-01 -1 Expired 2016-12-21 Hash-Encrypt-Hash, a block cipher mode of operation Alex Cope draft-copeland-rtcweb-p2p-idp-auth-00 -1 Expired 2016-09-26 Requirements for Trust and Privacy in WebRTC Peer-to-peer Authentication Rebecca Copeland , Kevin Corre , Ingo Friese , Saad JAOUHARI draft-coras-lisp-re-08 -1 Expired 2015-11-02 LISP Replication Engineering Florin Coras , Albert Cabellos-Aparicio , Jordi Domingo-Pascual , Fabio Maino , Dino Farinacci draft-corcoran-cnsa-ipsec-profile-06 -1 RFC 9206 2022-01-11 Informational Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite Cryptography for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) Laura Corcoran , Michael Jenkins Eliot Lear draft-cordeiro-experience-mapt-05 -1 RFC 7703 2015-09-04 Informational Experience with Testing of Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation (MAP-T) Edwin Cordeiro , Rodrigo Carnier , Antonio Moreiras Eliot Lear draft-cordeiro-experience-mapt-testing-00 -1 Expired 2012-09-13 Experience from MAP-T Testing Edwin Cordeiro , Rodrigo Carnier , Antonio Moreiras draft-cordeiro-nsis-hypath-05 -1 Expired 2008-02-23 GIST Extension for Hybrid On-path Off-path Signaling (HyPath) Luis Cordeiro , Marilia Curado , Edmundo Monteiro , Vitor Bernardo , David Palma , Florin Racaru , Michel Diaz , Christophe Chassot draft-cordeiro-nsis-mih-nslp-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-18 Media Independent Handover Network Signalling Layer Protocol (MIH NSLP) Giada Landi , Susana Sargento , Xiaoming Fu draft-cordeiro-softwire-experience-mapt-02 -1 Expired 2013-09-26 Experience from MAP-T Testing Edwin Cordeiro , Rodrigo Carnier , Antonio Moreiras draft-cordell-jcr-co-constraints-00 -1 Expired 2016-03-21 Co-Constraints for JSON Content Rules Pete Cordell , Andy Newton draft-cordell-lumas-05 -1 Expired 2007-02-02 Lumas - Language for Universal Message Abstraction and Specification Peter Cordell draft-cordell-messaging-00 -1 Expired 1999-06-24 Structured Message Encoding Using an ASCII Line Format Peter Cordell draft-cordell-midcom-span-a-00 -1 Expired 2002-06-26 SPAN-A - Candidate A for the Pre-Midcom SPAN Protocol Peter Cordell draft-cordell-midcom-span-alt-00 -1 Expired 2002-10-10 Alternative Solutions for a SPAN Deliverable Peter Cordell draft-cordell-midcom-span-discuss-00 -1 Expired 2002-09-04 SPAN Discussion Issues Peter Cordell draft-cordell-mmusic-umf-00 -1 Expired 2001-05-30 UMF - The Universal Message Format Peter Cordell draft-cordell-sg16-conv-url-00 -1 Expired 1997-12-23 Conversational Multimedia URLs Peter Cordell draft-cordell-success-00 -1 Expired 1996-11-23 Simple Universal Call/Conference Establishment Sequence - (SUCCESS) Peter Cordell draft-coretta-x660-ldap-08 -1 Expired 2022-01-23 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Procedures and Schema Definitions for the Storage of X.660 Registration Information Jesse Coretta draft-corlett-statistics-of-packet-delays-00 -1 Expired 2002-02-27 Statistics of One-Way Internet Packet Delays Andrew Corlett draft-cornel-megaco-enhancedd-00 -1 Expired 2000-07-14 Enhanced DTMF Detection Package for Megaco/H.248 Sarah Cornel , Caralyn Brown draft-cornish-qtp-05 -1 Expired 2006-03-01 Quick Transaction Protocol - QTP Allan Cornish draft-correia-scimusecases-00 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-07-31 .html,.txt,.xml SCIM Use Cases Paulo Correia , Pamela Dingle draft-corre-quic-throughput-testing-00 -1 Expired 2021-09-17 Framework for QUIC Throughput Testing Kevin Corre draft-corson-fastrestore-00 -1 Expired 2000-11-20 IP Fast Restoration Scott Corson , Alan O'Neill , George Tsirtsis draft-corson-triggered-00 -1 Expired 2002-05-09 A Triggered Interface Scott Corson draft-corujo-icn-mgmt-05 -1 Expired 2014-07-01 ICN Management Considerations Daniel Corujo , Kostas Pentikousis , Ivan Vidal , Jaime Garcia-Reinoso , Stefan Lederer , Spiros Spirou , Cedric Westphal draft-corujo-ps-common-interfaces-lmm-01 -1 Expired 2007-07-12 Problem Statement for Common Interface Support in Localized Mobility Management Daniel Corujo draft-costa-6man-dad-proxy-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-6man-dad-proxy 2010-09-20 Duplicate Address Detection Proxy Fabio Costa , Jean-Michel Combes , Xavier Pougnard , Li Hongyu draft-costales-subscribe-01 -1 Expired 1997-08-19 E-Mail Headers to Facilitate Mailing List Subscriptions and Unsubscriptions Bryan Costales draft-costanzo-dns-gl-05 -1 Expired 2001-08-21 Definition of the DNS GL Resource Record used to encode Geographic Locations Al Costanzo draft-costanzo-fs-mime-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-28 Creating File System Object Attachments with MIME Al Costanzo draft-costanzo-lzju90-mime-01 -1 Expired 1998-09-04 Definition of the LZJU90 MIME Content Transfer Encoding Type Al Costanzo draft-costello-idn-amc-ace-z-00 -1 Expired 2001-07-11 idn app AMC-ACE-Z version 0.2.1 Adam Costello draft-costello-idn-brace-00 -1 Expired 2000-09-12 Bi-mode Row-based ASCII-Compatible Encoding (BRACE), version 0.1.0 Adam Costello draft-costello-rfc3492bis-02 -1 Expired 2004-04-15 int Scott Hollenbeck Proposed Standard Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) Adam Costello Scott Hollenbeck draft-cotton-rfc4020bis-02 -1 RFC 7120 2013-10-16 Adrian Farrel Best Current Practice Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code Points Michelle Cotton Adrian Farrel Adrian Farrel draft-cotton-tsvwg-iana-ports-00 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-tsvwg-iana-ports 2008-02-18 IANA Allocation Guidelines for TCP and UDP Port Numbers Michelle Cotton , Lars Eggert , Allison Mankin , Magnus Westerlund draft-cotton-v4mcast-guidelines-00 -1 Expired 2008-02-05 IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments Michelle Cotton draft-coulombe-media-tags-size-resolution-00 -1 Expired 2003-10-22 New Media Feature Tags for Indicating User Agent Capabilities: Message Size and Visual Media Resolution Stephane Coulombe , Umesh Chandra , Pekka Pessi draft-coulombe-message-adaptation-framework-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-01 A framework for message adaptation in the context of SIP Instant Messaging and Presence applications Stephane Coulombe , Jose Costa-Requena draft-coulombe-message-adaptation-requirements-00 -1 Expired 2002-11-01 Requirements for message adaptation in the context of SIP Instant Messaging and Presence applications Jose Costa-Requena , Stephane Coulombe draft-coulter-pmap-00 -1 Expired 1998-08-05 Proxy Mail Address Protocol Derek Coulter draft-couturier-nsis-measure-00 -1 Expired 2003-05-28 Signaling for QoS Measurement Alban Couturier draft-cowburn-l2vpn-vpls-ldp-mac-hiding-01 -1 Expired 2006-10-20 MAC Hiding in an H-VPLS Environment Ian Cowburn draft-coya-test-01 -1 Expired 1999-05-27 Best Current Practice How to write a Test ID Stephen Coya , Keith Moore draft-cpaasch-ippm-responsiveness-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-ippm-responsiveness 2021-10-25 Responsiveness under Working Conditions Christoph Paasch , Randall Meyer , Stuart Cheshire , Omer Shapira draft-cpatel-ipv6-automated-policy-table-cfg-00 -1 Expired 2003-08-19 Automated config of address selection policy tables Chirayu Patel draft-cpbs-pseudorandom-ctls-01 -1 Expired 2022-04-11 The Pseudorandom Extension for cTLS Benjamin Schwartz , Christopher Patton draft-cpc-rtgwg-ppr-oam-00 -1 Expired 2019-07-08 Preferred Path Routing (PPR) OAM and Accounting Alexander Clemm , Padma Pillay-Esnault , Uma Chunduri draft-cp-lsr-fa-aware-te-00 -1 Expired 2021-04-20 IGP Extensions to Support Flex-Algorithm Aware Traffic Engineering Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng draft-cppy-grow-bmp-path-info-tlv-00 -1 Expired 2020-07-12 BMP Extension for Path Information TLV Camilo Cardona , Paolo Lucente , Pierre Francois , Yunan Gu , Thomas Graf draft-cppy-grow-bmp-path-marking-tlv-12 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-grow-bmp-path-marking-tlv 2023-03-13 BMP Extension for Path Status TLV Camilo Cardona , Paolo Lucente , Pierre Francois , Yunan Gu , Thomas Graf draft-cpr-rap-cops-maid-00 -1 Expired 2003-11-18 COPS-MAID: COPS Usage for Multi-Access Inter-Domain MPLS-DiffServ Networks Gino Carrozzo draft-cp-spring-srv6-sid-allocation-02 -1 Active I-D Exists 2023-03-29 .txt SRv6 SID Allocation Ran Chen , Shaofu Peng draft-cpsr-one-net-01 -1 Expired 1998-04-07 One Planet, One Net: Principles for the Internet Era Nathaniel Borenstein , Harry Hochheiser , Andy Oram draft-cptb-grow-bmp-yang-04 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-grow-bmp-yang 2022-10-24 BMP YANG Module Camilo Cardona , Paolo Lucente , Thomas Graf , Benoît Claise draft-crabbe-pce-pce-initiated-lsp-03 -1 Expired 2013-10-11 PCEP Extensions for PCE-initiated LSP Setup in a Stateful PCE Model Edward Crabbe , Ina Minei , Siva Sivabalan , Robert Varga draft-crabbe-pce-stateful-pce-02 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce 2012-01-22 PCEP Extensions for Stateful PCE Jan Medved , Ina Minei , Edward Crabbe , Robert Varga draft-crabbe-pce-stateful-pce-mpls-te-01 -1 Replaced draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce 2013-05-10 Stateful PCE extensions for MPLS-TE LSPs Edward Crabbe , Jan Medved , Ina Minei , Robert Varga draft-crabbe-pce-stateful-pce-protection-00 -1 Expired 2012-10-13 PCEP Extensions for MPLS-TE LSP protection with stateful PCE Edward Crabbe , Jan Medved , Ina Minei , Raveendra Torvi draft-cragie-tls-ecjpake-01 -1 Expired 2016-06-22 Elliptic Curve J-PAKE Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Robert Cragie , Feng Hao draft-craig-sigtran-m2pa-ig-00 -1 Expired 2006-05-08 M2PA Implementer's guide Jim Craigie draft-crawley-mcast-rout-over-atm-00 -1 Expired 1996-02-23 Multicast Routing over ATM Eric Crawley draft-crawley-rsvp-over-atm-00 -1 Expired 1996-03-12 Issues for RSVP and Integrated Services over ATM Fred Baker , Marty Borden , John Krawczyk , Steven Berson , Eric Crawley draft-creed-ogc-urn-03 -1 RFC 5165 2007-10-19 gen Lisa Dusseault Informational A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Carl Reed Lisa Dusseault draft-creighton-khandpur-speermint-srv-naptr-use-01 -1 Expired 2006-09-15 Use of DNS SRV and NAPTR Records for SPEERMINT Tom Creighton , Gaurav Khandpur draft-cremers-cfrg-randomness-improvements-00 -1 Replaced draft-irtf-cfrg-randomness-improvements 2018-03-01 Randomness Improvements for Security Protocols Cas Cremers , Luke Garratt , Stanislav Smyshlyaev , Nick Sullivan , Christopher Wood draft-crhertel-smb-url-12 -1 Expired 2007-01-16 SMB File Sharing URI Scheme Christopher Hertel draft-cridland-acap-vendor-registry-02 -1 RFC 6075 2010-10-22 app Alexey Melnikov Proposed Standard The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Application Configuration Access Protocol (ACAP) Vendor Subtrees Registry Dave Cridland Alexey Melnikov draft-cridland-hybi-upgrade-connect-00 -1 Expired 2010-12-07 A WebSocket handshake proposal using Upgrade and CONNECT masking Dave Cridland draft-cridland-imap-context-05 -1 RFC 5267 2008-04-17 app Chris Newman Proposed Standard Contexts for IMAP4 Dave Cridland , Curtis King Chris Newman draft-cridland-imap-quota-00 -1 Expired 2002-08-27 IMAP4rev1 QUOTA Extension Dave Cridland , Alexey Melnikov draft-cridland-kitten-clientkey-00 -1 Expired 2018-01-08 Client Key SASL mechanism Dave Cridland draft-cridland-rfc-labels-00 -1 Expired 2013-09-03 On Popularity versus Quality Dave Cridland draft-cridland-sasl-hexa-00 -1 Expired 2007-02-28 The Hash Exchange Authentication SASL Mechanism Dave Cridland , Alexey Melnikov draft-cridland-sasl-tls-sessions-00 -1 Expired 2007-11-09 On the use of TLS Session resumption and SASL EXTERNAL Dave Cridland draft-cridland-urlfetch-binary-03 -1 RFC 5524 2008-09-04 lemonade app Chris Newman Proposed Standard Extended URLFETCH for Binary and Converted Parts Dave Cridland Chris Newman draft-cridland-xmpp-session-01 -1 Expired 2014-06-10 Here Lies Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) Session Establishment Dave Cridland draft-cridlig-netconf-rbac-00 -1 Expired 2006-11-16 NETCONF access control framework Vincent Cridlig draft-crispin-alt-roots-tlds-00 -1 Expired 2001-05-25 Alt-Roots, Alt-TLDs Kent Crispin draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-07 -1 RFC 5051 2007-08-31 app Lisa Dusseault Proposed Standard i;unicode-casemap - Simple Unicode Collation Algorithm Mark Crispin Lisa Dusseault draft-crispin-comparator-unicode-00 -1 Expired 2006-11-29 Internet Application Protocol Simple Unicode Comparator Mark Crispin draft-crispin-imap-base-06 -1 RFC 2060 1996-10-07 Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4rev1 Mark Crispin